How To Create A Program Comparing Two Different Drinks

Nov 30, 2009

My last assignment for this class is supposed to deal with arrays but I can't figure out how they coincide with the assignment the teacher has given. The assignment is to create a program comparing two different drinks.

On the first form the user rates the drinks on a scale of 1 to 10( 1 being the worst, 10 being the best). Then a form with a summary of the results of the taste test is displayed. It should display the winner of the competition, the total number of taste testers, and the average rating for each drink.

My question is how do I get the information from the first form onto the second form and how do I calculate the average rating? Do I use an array?

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Store The Amount Of Drinks Bought And Money Stored In A Text File

Sep 9, 2009

I am making a simple vending machine and I need to store the amount of drinks bought and money stored in a text file. When the vending machine opens it needs to load from there.

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How To Control Accurate The Program While Comparing Them

Jul 25, 2009

I'm creating a program (SURPRISE!), one of the features it has is a tutorial helping with learning a language which has a lot to do with the program's topic. So, I want the program to be capable of getting what the user inputs using his microphone (as a respond to a question the program asks), then analyze it and compare it to a prerecorded answer, then tell him how well he did. How to do that?

If this can't be done using VB.Net, which wouldn't be much of a surprise, then what programming language or whatever do you recommend for me to create an external .exe file which takes in the input, analyzes it, and returns the result to my program? (Isn't this the longest sentence in the English language!)Yeah, and, how can I control how accurate the program is while comparing them?

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IDE :: Dual Check Program(check Duplication In Form By Comparing From Access Database Table Fields)?

Apr 9, 2010

Details: I want to compare these above two table1 and 2 . The unmatched records should be save in a new table .


1 Should take input the table and fields we want to match each other.

2 Then after searching or reading the record from table and selected fields save the unmatch records in a new table

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Create A Windows Form Application Program That Can Create Games Something Like Gamemaker Or Klik?

Aug 4, 2010

Hello I want to create a windows form application program that can create games something like Gamemaker or Klik & Play (butt less advanced) with D&D "Drag and Drop" events and actions.

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Create A Program That Asks For Input Then Uses An Else Statement To Create A Handling Fee Balance

Nov 30, 2011

To create a program that asks for input then uses an else statement to create a handling fee balance.

Input: sales record - first name, last name, purchase amount, balance before purchase

Output: report - full name, old balance, purchase amount, handling fee, new balance

Definitions: handling fee is 5% of the old balance if the old balance is less than $1000.00 else it is 2% new balance = old balance + purchase + handling fee

Ask for and receive sales information
Calculate new balance
Print output report
End the program when a purchase amount of 9999.99 is entered

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VS 2010 Create A Program To Allow A Student To Create Their Own Schedule?

Nov 30, 2010

I have a project to do for one of my classes that i need help on. Its and extra credit so im left on my own. Project Create a program to allow a student to create there own schedule. what i am trying to do is create a checkedlistbox for the student to check classes they are taking, and need something else to pop up or to show in another box or listbox the classes they can take for the next quarter. I know it has to do with if then statements but i dont know how to write basically:"if (class is checked in checkedlistbox) then ( these are the classes you can take)".

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VS 2008 Write A Program To Create A Shortcut In The Startup Folder Of A Different Program?

Jun 15, 2009

how i can write a program to create a shortcut in the startup folder of a different program. So i have one program on my computer that should run at startup, i just need another program to create a shortcut to it, and then copy this shortcut into the startup folder.

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Comparing The 2 Images Without Actually Comparing Them Pixel By Pixel?

Mar 20, 2012

I have the code below on a timer( "b" is a bitmap )

Not (Clipboard.GetImage


The problem is that it raises the event even if the picture didn't change.

comparing the 2 images without actually comparing them pixel by pixel (too slow to do the job)?

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Create A .net Program And Allow Visitors To A Website To Download This Program?

Nov 15, 2009

I am very very new to VB.NET and would like to ask a simple question. I want to create a program and allow visitors to a website to download this program. However, I prefer not to have visitors download a zip folder. I would like to have a program that just gives a prompt to save in a selected folder, once the saved file is selected it prompts the person to download, and then when finished prompts the person to run the program. The reason is twofold:

1. I don't like the extra step involved with unzipping the file. and 2. I don't like the visitors having to look for the "main" file program within the new downloaded folder. So is there any way to have just one file for others to download without having it in a zip folder?

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Create A Program That Installs Required .dll's For A Program?

Jun 3, 2010

I'm trying to create a program that installs required .dll's for a program due to a clean install..What I need to do is Get a value in the registry and use it for the program files path.. but I've noticed some pc's don't have the same configuration because of the version the user is using. Anyway This is what I have so far:[code].....

What I'm trying to do is find a registry key called "SoftInstallPath", if found I need the end of the path to goto the new directory(new_dll) not the old one (dll).. and if "SoftInstallPath" cannot be found.. I need it to find "ProgInstallPath" and use it instead and do the same thing.By the way I'm using Visual Studio Professional 2008 on a Vista x86 machine.Also error I keep getting is: Warning 10 Function 'FixPath' doesn't return a value on all code paths. A null reference exception could occur at run time when the result is used.

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Create A Program In Program That Interfaced With An USB Device?

Feb 5, 2009

Anyone ever try and create a program in visual basic that interfaced with an USB device? For example say I want to build a clock but I want to have the software to control this through usb. I want to write the clock setting program that tells the clock what to set for time and date and things like that.

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Create A Program That Will Auto Update Another Program?

Mar 30, 2009

I want to create a program that will auto update another program i have created. I want (this program) to check for updates (from a txt file that i wil have in the first line the previous version and in the second line the present version) and if there will be a new version then start downloading and the progress bar will show the progress. How can i do this?

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Create A New Program From An Existing Program?

Jan 3, 2011

What is the easiest way to use an existing program as a basis for a new, similar program--without messing up the existing program?

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Program That Create A New Program (VB2008)

Apr 14, 2010

I was looking in this [URL]

I want a program a very simple program, a software that will let you enter a name and then you click "Create". This will create a program and when you click it it will show "Hello! *the name*"

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VS 2008 VB Program Create Another VB Program?

Dec 31, 2009

Lets say I have a program that has a textbox and a button. I want the button to create another program that will show a messagebox, inside the messagebox will be the textbox from the 1st program. How would I do this?

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Comparing Set Value - Either 0 Or 1

Sep 17, 2009

In a partial class, I declare a integer. Then, depending upon if a criteria is met, I set it's value to either 1 or 0. Then, I try and compare the set value, but instead of it being equal to 1 or 0, the code behind that I've stepped thru shows it ends up equaling &H0 or &H1. What does that mean? Why does it show a value of &H0 in the code behind when I debug instead of either a 0 or a 1???

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Create A Using Program?

Sep 25, 2009

How do i create a using

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How To Create A Program In .net

Sep 22, 2009

[size=3][size=7][font=Lucida Console]

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Comparing 2 Listboxes?

Nov 15, 2011

First my prog scan a specific path "C:music" which contain Mp3. Then it takes the MD5# of all mp3 and put it in a listbox1. Also on the formload it does open a ".txt" which also contain MD5# that goes into listbox2.Now this is what i am looking to have :When i click my button it compare each line of my listbox1 to listbox2. If , for exemple , the first line of listbox1 is already in the listbox2 then it delete the first line of listbox1 (listbox1.items.removeat(0)). And Do until listbox1.items.count = "0".

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Comparing Two Databases?

Dec 14, 2010

I am trying to carry out a synchronisation of two databases: one on the server and the other on a local machine. So that even when they are not connected on the network, the local database can carry on accepting data but when the network is back on, the local database can update the server and the server can also update the local machine with data it accepted during the time when the network was off. by first comparing two tables in two databases and then if they are any differences the updating begins and i've since been stuck.

Private Sub btnCompareTables_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCompareTables.Click
'dont know which arguments to put when calling this function
'How do i tell the computer which databases to compare


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Comparing Two Tables?

Aug 30, 2009

I want to track changes of a document which sits in a DB table like :

document starts
document continues 1
document continues 2
document continues ...
document ends

(Each line is a record but if needed I can combine them all to one record)I have the document before changes in one table and the document after the change in another table.My problem is that if I just compare them by ID then I'll get many more changes than actually occured. Ex: If a line (/record) was added between record 2 and record 3, instead of tracking 1 change I will see that all the records from 3 and on have changed (because they will be pushed off by one record). Can be also something which knows to compare documents and I'll take the information out to document for comparison.

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Sql - Comparing Arrays In .NET?

May 20, 2009

Let me provide a little detail to explain what I'm trying to accomplish before I get into the nuts and bolts of the question. I've got two data sources - one is a SQL Server containing part numbers, descriptions, etc. The other is a CAD system that does not have a database in a traditional sense. What I'm trying to do is read out the bill of materials from the SQL Server and compare it to the CAD assembly drawing to ensure that the CAD system contains the same information as the SQL Server.

Getting the data from the SQL Server is fairly straight forward. I query the database and populate a datagrid. Done. Quick. Easy.Getting the data from the CAD system is a little more involved. I have to load the assembly drawing to get a listing of all the component parts and then load those individual drawings to pull the "Part Number" property from the drawing. This is a somewhat time consuming and slow process (unfortunately) since each of the files must actually be accessed. I load those properties into an array (I guess a list might be more efficient).

So now I have a datagrid and array with part numbers. I need to compare them and colorize the grid accordingly. The grid should remain transparent if the part exists in both, color the row yellow if it only exists in the grid, and add a row colored red if only in the array.

As best I can tell, this means looping through the array on each line of the grid. The thought process is this:Default the grid to yellow rows.Loop through the grid and loop through the array to compare. If a match is found, make the row transparent and delete the element from the array.After step 2 is completed, the array should only contain elements that are not found in the grid. Resize the array to remove the empty elements.Add the elements of the array to the grid and color those new rows red.The problems with this logic is that it seems expensive from a performance standpoint. Surely there is a better method? Also, if I modify the grid in some manner (like a resort) I have to go through the process again.

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VS 2008 Comparing The Best?

Dec 8, 2010

i have 4 listbox and i named it

1. listbox40
2. listbox20
3. listbox5


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Create A Circuit Program?

Dec 27, 2010

Currently, one of our assignment for Physics are to create a program that can calculate series, parallel and combined circuit, with any number of capacitance. We are using Visual Basic.

1. How to make that when we click the 'Enter Capacitance', a pop up show and tell us to enter number of capacitance, or to enter value for a number of capacitance?


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Create A Combsort Program In VB?

Aug 21, 2009

Function Combsort(Values As Range) As Variant()

Dim N As Long
Dim Answer() As Variant
Dim Counter As Long
Dim Swap As Boolean


I am having trouble figuring out how to create a combsort program in visual basic. I want to sort the data with the combsort method but I my program only compares each cell to the gap cell but doesnt compare the rest to each other.

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Create A Dll File In Program?

Dec 28, 2009

How to create a dll file using Visual ? I'm using MS Visual Studio 2008.

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Create A Form Within Program?

Nov 3, 2009

Does anybody know how to create a form within visal basic 8

on the top of the form you have colums and on the left side of the form you have rows with the time

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Create A Listbox In Program?

Nov 15, 2011

How do i create a listbox in vb8?

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Create A MediaPlayer Program?

Nov 5, 2009

I need to know how to create a program like MediaPlayer from scratch .Does Directshow do this ??? And if yes , what the steps I should follow to have full control at this side of programming ( Is there any SDK I should download )?I'm using VisualBasic 2008 Pro.

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