How To Create .net E-mail

Feb 23, 2012

give details on how to create an e-mail with

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Get A Mail To Hidden Mail And A Confirmation Is Send To The User Mail?

Apr 8, 2011

I need a feedback form for my site.i need the user to write there.


And then when they press send then i get a mail to my hidden mail and a confirmation is send to the user mail.I have google the web but cant find any good info about this, i know how to make the form but how do i make the codebehind !?

Do any of u pro. have a link to a great tutorial or have a code that can be used !?

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Create A Mailer To Mass Mail?

Jun 23, 2009

im trying to create a mailer to mass mail

the code i wrote is

Private Sub btnSend_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSend.Click
ProgressBar1.Value = 10


the problem is whenever mail.From = New MailAddress("" & txtfromdisplayname.Text & " <" & txtEmail.Text & ">") is entered the mailer wont send out to multiple recipients (when a single recipient is tried it works)

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Create And Send An E-mail Within A Coded Ui Test?

Sep 16, 2011

I need to create code to send an e-mail within a coded ui test and cannot get anything to work. I seem to be having trouble getting the correct Import. We use Outlook.

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E-mail Program - Show The Mail In A Tekstbox And The Subject In An Other Text Box?

Oct 13, 2010

how i can write a realy basic e-mail program. all the program will need to do is recieve mails show the mail in a tekstbox and the subject in an other text box.or if you can tell me how i can let vb read things on my screen...

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Generated MAPI Mail Going To Outlook Instead Of Default Mail Client

May 7, 2009

I have a piece of code which sends email with an attachment from my application. The code uses MAPI to send the email. It opens up a new email message so the user can add to the email message, and then the user clicks send.The code works fine. However there is one small problem. The email that the code opens, is always in Microsoft Outlook. Sometimes the application's user has Outlook Express set up as the default client, but my application always opens the new email message in Microsoft Outlook. (Outlook 2003. In the one user's machine that has Outlook 2007, everything works fine and the email opens up in Outlook Express.)As I searched for a solution, I saw this problem posed many times in various places on the Internet, with no solution (or none that worked). I did try several suggestions which involved creating registry settings and registering some dlls.

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System.Net.Mail Mail.Body Read In From Text File?

Mar 29, 2012

I am teaching myself and wanted to change this code to have an embedded mail.boby from a text file instead of the file attachment. Code spippet below and where I need help is mail.Body = ("tracertALL.txt")
that just puts the name of the file NOT the contents of the file. This code is a CMDWrapper that runs a batch file and I want the contents of a trace route that is pipe to a file >> tracertALL.txt .


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Moving From Web.Mail To Net.Mail, Replacing MailMessage.Fields?

Jan 31, 2011

I'm trying to update some older software which uses the now-declared-obsolete System.Web.Mail classes.Unfortunately, I don't really know a heck of a lot about email, so I'm looking for advice.

Here is the fragment of code I'm looking at revising:


From what I can tell, this should be configuring some kind of sending option. I can kind of work out what's going on, but I don't know how I should go about re-implementing it.It's looking like the place to be putting this stuff is now in the System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Credentials class, but the information in there doesn't seem to bear any resemblance to what I have here.I'm almost certain I'm making some obvious error, here, but I can't see it. Can someone tell me what I should be doing?

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Send E-mail With Gmail SMTP And System.Net.Mail?

Apr 8, 2011

Sending email in .NET through Gmail

I tried sending e-mail with Gmail SMTP and System.Net.Mail as follows[code]....

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SMTP Mail.CC And Mail.Bcc Gets Error Property Cc Is ReadOnly?

Mar 30, 2012

I'm teaching myself and found this VB.NET SMTP codeand I wanted to add a and mail.bcc but get an error Property cc is ReadOnly.and don't know how to fix. then I found this code

Dim CC As MailAddress = New MailAddress(TextBox5.Text) 'For some reason it's required field


View 8 Replies Mvc - Using A Html File For Mail.body In .net.mail?

Nov 29, 2011

MVC3, VB.NET. I have a function in my app that is supposed to use a html file's contents for the email body. However what I have so far is failing at the mail.body = file.readalltext(_body) line..


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Send Mail From Yahoo Mail Id In .NET Or C#.NET Code?

Mar 26, 2009

I want to send mail from my yahoomail Id.How to send mail from yahoo mail Id in VB.NET or C#.NET code.

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Send Mail Using Lotus Notes Mail?

Dec 20, 2009

How can i create an application to send emails using lotus notes mail ?

View 4 Replies Does Not Send Mail?

Mar 13, 2011

i am developing with vb2005, using to send mail using google configuration. a full sample of my code was posted here earlier

With smtp
Host = ""
hort = 465
UseDefaultCredentials = False


i get the operation has timed out. if i change the port to 587, it says that the server does not support secure connection

[EDIT]could firewall be blocking it?

is there anyway to specify sending application name?

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VS 2005 - Create A "post Office" Program That Will Send Html Emails Thru The Framework

Oct 19, 2009

I am a one man dev shop and need some outside opinions on how to approach this project.

I need to create a "post office" program that will send html emails thru the framework.

For each job submitted to the postoffice the app would need to read a user created html email string from the database, read a string of email addresses to send to and send out the emails based on a set processing time.

The first step would be to parse out the email addresses to find out how many emails it needs to send out and determine how many it would need to send per minute to complete the job in 20 minutes tops. I.e. if 1000 email addresses are submitted per job it would determine that it needs to send 50 emails per minute to complete the job.

The part I am stuck on is how I should queue the emails. If the app determines it needs to send 50 a minute should I only load up the first 50 on a timer event then get the next 50 queued up for the next timer tick? Or would it be better to load up all 1000 in a loop and build in some kind of wait time after it sends the first 50?

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Sending E-mail - Getting Error Message "5 Failure sending Mail At System?

Jul 13, 2010

I am tring to send e-mail used VB 2008. Below is my code. The error message I am getting is "5 Failure sending mail at System.Net.mail.client.send(MailMessage message).I have two questions. 1.) What am I doing wrong? & 2.) Is there a way the get a more description error message.

message As
New System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
Dim mySmtpsvr[code].....

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.net - Changing From System.Web.Mail To System.Net.Mail

Jul 13, 2011

I've updated my old style of sending emails from


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Add A Hyperlink To An E-mail?

Feb 24, 2009

I'm trying to add a hyperlink to an e-mail that i send from an app.

Dim dwtasklist As String
dwtasklist = <a href="http:serverpathinit:int=1 ">Click Here</a>
Emailer.SendEmailMessage(mailto, mailfrom, "New Task Notification", "You have a new task in Dataworks," + dwtasklist + " to see your BROWSER task list")

the e-mail fires off fine but the end result is this message "You have a new task in Dataworks,Click Here to see your BROWSER task list" with no actual link. Could somebody point out my syntax error?

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Add An Attachment To Mail In

Apr 8, 2012

Am trying to add an attachment to mail in VB.

I could send mail fine until I added the attachment code,

Dim attch As Attachment = New Attachment("")

I am getting the error URI formats are not supported.

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Automatic Mail Using Vb?

Jul 26, 2010

i completed sending mail automatically. but i have an issue bothering me.i am using gmail as my smtp server and database as access.i am able to send mails but when i give a wrong address it is redirecting to my mail stating failure of delivery but i want that to be displyed on the console once i send the mail and also if net connection is not available i want it to show network connection is not available. here is the code so far

Dim ds As New DataSet Private Sub FDaily_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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E-mail A Picture Box?

Jun 27, 2011

I have a VB.Net program which creates a report on a picture box (and prints it on a printer if wanted) and I was wondering if it is possible to e-mail this report, this image of a report, as an attachment such as a pdf document or a Word document, from Visual Basic. How would I go about doing that? If not, would there be any way it could be e-mailed as the body of an e-mail?

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How To Send A E-mail Via VB

Jan 21, 2010

I want to make a app, that asks for the Username and password of the e-mail you enter it, enter subject, then message then send to. And it will send the message from that app thats logged onto your e-mail to them, OR IF THERES A EASIER way let me know.

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How To Send Mail

Aug 24, 2011

Imports System.Net.Mail
Imports System.Text
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim sendf As New MailAddress("")


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Know The Size Of One E-mail?

Dec 12, 2011

I made one program that can send e-mail using library.

The problem is that almost all the smtp servers they have a limit about how big the e-mail can be. And a lot of time this limit is at 10Mb. How can i check the size of e-mail message with code before i sended.

Unfortuanally i cant use for this the size of the attachments because the size of the e-mail usually is around 2mb larger than the size of the files you attach at the e-mail.

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Mail Message In .net?

Jun 20, 2010

I am making a program that would allow the user to send me feedback directly from the program I have a user's Experience log. I need a way for the user to send me a mail without him knowing my email address and also attaching the user's experience log (a text file) as an attachment in the mail sent to me. Is there a way to send this email to me with the attachment. I am using 2010 on framework 3.5.

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Send A Mail In .net With VB?

Mar 28, 2011

how to send a mail in .net with VB?

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Use Progressbar In .NET With Net.Mail?

Apr 20, 2010

i created an application of mail client , i can send mail via SMTP there isnt any problem while sending, but i want to show sending progress value while sending mail, how can i do that ? for example while send an email via Outlook or Thunderbird you can use the progessbar in statusbar i want to make same tool.

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.dat Files In Attachment In Mail?

Jun 27, 2009

.dat files in attachment in Mail?

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.net - Performance With System.Net.Mail?

Apr 12, 2010

I have this unusual problem with mailing from my app. At first it wasn't working (getting unable to relay error crap) anyways I added the proper authentication and it works. My problem now is, if I try to send around 300 emails (each with a 500k attachment) the app starts hanging around 95% thru the process.

Here is some of my code which is called for each mail to be sent


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.net - Is Too Slow?

Mar 12, 2011

am using to send email as shown below, but its too slow. it takes about a minute to send, whats wrong with my code. Am calling the code below in backgroundworker_dowork. is there a faster alternative, maybe free or open source code

' send the email '
Dim smtp As SmtpClient = New SmtpClient()
Dim mail As New MailMessage()[code]............

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