Apr 6, 2009

how to design a JAVA EDITOR using VB.NET please....

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IDE :: XSD Design Editor Work In VS2010 B2?

Nov 30, 2009

If I double click on an existing XSD file in a VB project to display the XSd file in Design mode, I get a menu and some instruction, but none of the menu buttons work and my XSD file is not displayed. Does this XSD design mode work properly in VS2010 B2? How do I display the contents of my XSd file?

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Creating Simple Editor That Allow To Design Plays

Nov 10, 2009

I am just new in visual basic and I was given a task to do a basketball playbook application using visual basic. I am trying to do a simple editor that would allow you to design the plays. How do I implement a picturebox (picturebox1) with an image in it (lets say image1) then when I drag it image1 will appear in another picturebox (picturebox2)with a basketball court background. Then after dragging image1, picturebox1 will now display another image (image2) ready to be dragged also.

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C# :: Collection Editor Within A User Control At Design Time?

Jun 8, 2009

I have a UserControl class in a Windows Application project. One of the properties of it is a collection of another class that I have defined. I can't seem to find a good example of how to get the standard collection editor working for it at design time.I got it working using some example code I found to a degree, but the data in my collection doesn't get saved. When I exit the form and open it back up in design time the data isn't there any more.Here is my class:

Public Class Gauge
Inherits Control
Private WithEvents _Captions As New CaptionCollection


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VS 2010 - Error Opening Design View (No Editor Available)

Feb 10, 2012

There is no editor available for 'file path here'. Make sure the application for file type (.vb) is installed. This is the error that I get when I try to open a project I did a while back in VB. I tried a C# project and I can open the form for viewing fine, but for some reason VB won't work? I really don't want to do a repair on the whole application as it takes a while and I'm not even sure I have the ISO right now.

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Winforms - Report Design Editor When Program Is Running

Jan 25, 2012

I'm trying to do a Report Designer for end user. Like the one that adds when u add to proyect a .rpt file. But i wanted to do it on the run, so the end user can change the desing of the report as they want.

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VS 2008 Adding ToolStrips To A Container During Design-time (via Collection Editor)

Oct 28, 2009

I am trying to extend the functionality of the ToolStripPanel control (which is a panel hosting ToolStrips that can be moved during design-time, as I'm sure you know).One thing I wanted to add was a 'ToolStrips' property, which would be a collection of ToolStrips the user can edit via the collection editor in the designer. So instead of manually placing ToolStrips on the ToolStripPanel via the toolbox, the user can just use the property to add/remove (or even edit) them. This is of course similar to how you add/remove/edit TabPages in a TabControl.So, I came up with this code, which I have used successfully in the past for other controls:

Public Class cToolStripPanel
Inherits ToolStripPanel
Private _ToolStrips As New ToolStripCollection(Me)[CODE]....

The cToolStripPanel control inherits the ToolStripPanel control and adds the ToolStrips property, which is of type ToolStripCollection. That class, in turn, inherits the Collection(Of ToolStrip). In the InsertItem method, I add the 'item' ToolStrip to the cToolStripPanel. Of course I also need to override the RemoveItem / ClearItems methods but that's for another time.I am 100% sure that this code should works, at least for other controls. If you replace ToolStrip with Button (for example), I can add buttons via the property during design-time just fine, exactly the way I want it.But it seems that ToolStrips are special. When I try to Add a toolstrip (via the collection editor Add button), a null reference exception occurs. I've been trying to debug this all day and I've finally come up with a possible candidate for the problem... (I've actually used design-time debugging for the first time ever, which was pretty cool, and which showed me that the InsertItem method is not run!)

I think the problem is that the collection editor cannot create a new instance of the ToolStrip class. I can remember when trying to inherit from the ToolStrip, I was forced to add a constructor, because the ToolStrip "has more than one constructor that can be called with no arguments".Perhaps this is causing my problem? Do I (and if yes, how?) have to somehow control the creation of a new instance of the ToolStrip? Or am I completely off track and that is not what is causing the problem? I'm sure that it's a problem with the ToolStrip class, since I can use the exact same method with other controls just fine. It's only when I change the type to ToolStrip that it starts getting angry at me....

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Css - Design A Webpage In Design View Which Support Multi Resolution?

Nov 26, 2010

I have created my webpage in in 1024*768 resolution, my problem was that when i change my monitor resolution then the controls in my webpage will be displayed in unmanaged manner .

How to arrange items in my webpage which support multiple resolution ...

Whatever the resolution of my monitor the controls in my webpage will display as it is as managed in 1024*768 reolution !

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Form Design - Cannot Expand Vertically In Design View

Jun 27, 2011

I seem to have reached a limit on the size of the form. I cannot make the form longer and I need to add more fields. Is there a limit on how many fields can be included in a form?

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C# - Design Reference And Object Oriented Design Of A CRM

May 25, 2011

I searched codeplex and google. I have found so many such as tustena but unfortunately they are not domain driven based and in these solutions I could not find a good modelling documents or references. i am a newbie in CRM but I am sensetive to design it with solid object-oriented fundamentals. Any reference or open source solution especifically for CRM design and implementaion in .NET? Cheers

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.net - WITH Statement In Java?

Sep 29, 2009

In VB.NET there is the WITH command that lets you omit an object name and only access the methods and properties needed. For example:

With foo
myVar = .getName()
End With

Is there any such syntax within Java?

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.NET To Java Converter?

Dec 27, 2008

existing tool which converts VB.NET Code to Java.

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C# - .Net's With Keyword In Java?

Jun 6, 2011

Possible Duplicate: WITH statement in Java? does anyone know if there is the With Keyword in Java?

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C++ - Referencing A Dll In Java?

Sep 28, 2010

I need to reference a C++ dll from my Java project. The method that I need to expose is actually written in Visual Basic. Is there any way to access the Visual Basic code in C++, so that it can eventually be accessed in the Java project?

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Convert Java To VB?

Feb 15, 2010

I want to convert java file into files

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Different MD5 Hashes For .net And Java?

Sep 26, 2011

`I want to encode my string using .net and pass it to a java program. I am using the same program for encryption and decryption on both the sides. But the java program and .net programs are returning different MD5 hash codes.Here are the codes for both my programs :

md5Provider = New MD5CryptoServiceProvider()
input = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sSecurityKey)
oHash = oMd5CryptoServiceProvider.ComputeHash(input)[code]....

The problem is that m.digest() from java and oHash from are different. So i cant go further with DES encryption.

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Java - How To Get ID Of Computer

Feb 6, 2011

Is there any code in or java to get ID of computer >>?? I want to write a program which could get id of computer in order to make a license of software like microsoft did ?

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Java - Using AesCryptoServiceProvider In .NET?

Apr 6, 2009

My problem is actually a bit more complicated than just how to use AES in VB.NET, since what I'm really trying to do is use AES in VB.NET from within a Java application across JACOB. But for now, what I need to focus on is the AES implementation itself.


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Java Compile From Within .net App?

Mar 19, 2009

I'm trying to compile java files in a folder that contains a batch compiler. The application starts the compiler and redirects the output to a textbox in the form.

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim mypro As New Process()
Dim myproinfo As New ProcessStartInfo(FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath + "/compiler.bat")
myproinfo.UseShellExecute = False


My compiler is like this.

@echo off
Title Compiler
"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_01\bin\javac.exe" *.java

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Run 32 Bit Java Dll On 64 Bit Machine?

Mar 11, 2010

I have a 32-bit java dll which i need to call from a application on a 64-bit machine.

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VS 2010 .net And Java?

Jul 19, 2011

I have a bit of an issue.I have a ton of functionality written in java and have been asked to investigate how to consume it from a .net application.Can anyone point me in the right direction as I havent a clue.For some reason wcf came to mind but I am pretty certain that wont fit. AAAArrrrgggghhhhh

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(if Staements) Java - Written In VB ?

Aug 2, 2011

In java I would Write:

if (something != bla || something != bla){}

How is this written in visual basic?

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Add An Statement In Java So It Displays?

Apr 10, 2012

This program consist of addition, subtracting,multiplyin and divide,..all my calculations here are workin right but i need help setting up the a statement which display diff instead of sum...this is saying that im gettin for example 5 -4 equals 1..but instead sayin this diff 5 4 1 says sum 5 4 1 u can see i does get the result but i want to replace the sum for diff.[code]...

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Call Java Function To VB?

Jun 3, 2011

How can I call Java function to window application?

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Call Java Web Service Through .net?

May 2, 2010

I had deploy a program to call Java Web services from . Below is my code:


after run the code, I had get soap error code 500 after soap.send(), is that anything wrong with my program ??

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Call VB Program From Java?

May 2, 2009

I was wondering if someone could tell me the best way to call a Visual Basic program from Java. I have a few VB applications that I want to run from a Java application that I'm building.

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Calling Java Base API's?

Aug 9, 2011

know about below queries,

1) How to Call Java base API's Through VB.Net 3.5

2) Is it a feasible approach to call Java API's through VB.Net as these 2 are different platform?

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Calling Java Class In Vb?

May 18, 2009

In order to call a java class in vb, I found the following procedure and I tried.

(1) create a java class (eg: MyTest .java)

public class MyTest
{ public int myfunction(int value1, int value2) { return value1+value2; }

(2) compile to get a MyTest.class

(3)register Mytest.class using javareg.exe file from Microsoft SDK for Java using javareg /register /class:MyTest /progid:MyTest and see a MessageBox displayed with Succesfull register Class message

(4) copy MyTest.class to C:WinntJavaTrustlib

(5) open a New Project on Visual Basic. And paste this brief code on the Form Load event for example and run it. Set x = CreateObject("MyTest") MsgBox x.myfunction(1, 1)

I did all the above steps but when I run the vb program (Step 5), I get the error message "Cannot create ActiveX component". Unhandled Exception message.

I am using Java 1.5 and Visual Studio 2008.

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Calling Web Service With Java

Aug 25, 2010

What is the best solution (if any) for calling a web service with Java / JSP? If anyone could point me to any examples / references.

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Can Use A Library Created In C# In Java

Nov 4, 2010

I have written some classes in C# and compiled it. Now I have the library file for these classes. Can I use the same dll with Java?I do not want to write it in Java once again because I am writing the same program in different languages (trying to do so)

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