How To Detect Open Ports

Sep 22, 2009

how do i detect for open ports? if the server close the port, the client will have to respond with msg("PORT IS OPEN")

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Open And Close Com Ports In .net?

Jan 5, 2010

i want to open and close com ports in and send data through ports.

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How To Open / Close Ports Of Computer

Jul 7, 2011

I am making a VB .NET application using Visual Studio 2010. I want to know how to open/close ports of the computer. The application will be running in Windows XP only.Actually the thing I want is to close all ports but 80 but also have the ability to open a few more if I need them. Any ideas?

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Open Two Or More Serial Ports In One VB 2008 Program?

Apr 20, 2009

able to open and utilize a single serial port within with my VB 2008 program (i.e., set port parameters, open&close port, send&receive data via port, etc.), but I want to open two or more serial ports concurrently within my VB 2008 program so that I can read data from one port, say COM1, make decisions and calculations based on that data, and send instructions out through another port, say COM2.

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Tcp Listening - Form To Search Open Ports And Put Them In The Right Lisview/Column

Jun 27, 2009

Lets say i got a listview and that listview contains ip and open port, i wan't the form to search open ports and put them in the Right lisview/Column example : messagebox("Ip Found")

Here is what i have a.t.m


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Show Valid Com Ports And Display Error If User Tries To Open Invalid Com Port?

Jul 9, 2009

I was wondering if its possible for VB to display all available COM ports that are open. he reason that I ask this is because this program will be run on various computers where the COM port will not always be the same. I have a text box now that the user can choose which com number he/she wants but if the wrong one is entered, the program crashes rather than displaying an error message. It would also be nice for the system to show which available com numbers there are

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Detect Whether A Program Is Open?

Jan 6, 2011

Objective : Time how long a user has been on the internet. I have never delved this deep into Visual Studio. I am suing Visual Basic 2010 Express. Please move it if you need to.

I want to have a program - that will detect running processes. If Internet Explorere EXE or Chrome or FireFox exe or any other browser is installed - as soon as that process starts the timer will appear.

When those processes are closed by the user the timer stops counting. This is possible but i dont know how. But i only want it to time just one internet process because timing them all when they are openend up at different times could cause bugs. Unless on the time form you have 1 timer for IE, 1 for FFox, 1 for Chrome 1 for Opera..

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Detect If A Text File Is Open?

Jan 16, 2009

Is there any way to determine if a text file is currently open in a text editor? Or better yet, is there a way to trigger an event when a text file is opened (from any program)?

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Detect Open Window Title?

Sep 1, 2009

I am trying to get the active windows title bar text, such as right now it says (Start a New Question or Discussion - Windows Internet Explorer). How would I grab that text?

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Detect Whether A Dialog Is Open In A Mdi Environment?

Oct 3, 2011

I have some code that loops in the background of a form and triggers action if the form is active (this is in a mdi forms application). I use the following to check this:

Dim frmActive As Form
frmActive = Me.MdiParent.ActiveMdiChild
If frmActive.Name = Me.Name Then
'Do work
End if

The problem comes when that form starts another form running in dialog mode i.e. form.showdialog. I need the above code not to run while this is the case, but it still returns true when the dialog form is active and the other form is in the background.

Is there any way to detect whether a dialog is open in an mdi environment?

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Detect If The Menustrip On The Taskbar Icon Is Open Or Not?

Sep 20, 2009

Is there a to know the status of the menustrip? I'd like to disable functions when the menu is open so that is is not closed by the functions running.

So I need to know how to detect if the menustrip on the taskbar icon is open or not.

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.net - FormCollection - Detect If A Window Form Is Open

Mar 9, 2010

I want to detect if a window form is open and if it is then I would like to bring it in front rather than opening it again. I know I need a form collection for this but I want to know if there is a built in form collection that holds all the forms in VB.NET or I need to implement my own.

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Detect Laptop Lid State Close And Open

Dec 28, 2006

I was investigating on Google wether there was any sort of code that would return the current state of a laptop's 'lid'. I need to be able to find the state of the lid and be able to execute code before the defined event in Windows Power Management is executed.I have come across ExCreateCallback and stuff on MSDN however I wouldn't have the faintest on how to implement it into VB.

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VS 2010 Detect All 'file Open's' Happening On A Machine

Oct 16, 2011

Not sure this is a VS specific question - the answer is probably more os related (xp, vista, win7...)But at any rate - how could I go about detecting all the files that are opened while a machine is up and and running??

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VS 2010 Detect All "file Open's" Happening On A Machine?

Feb 23, 2012

I have converted a working C# class that embeds xls files to windows forms application to vb.

I am getting the error:

"Overload resolution Failed because no accessible'Navigate' accepts this number of arguments"


but i get error: Error 13 Delegate 'System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserNavigatedEventHandler' requires an 'AddressOf' expression or lambda expression as the only argument to its constructor.

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Add Available COM Ports To Select From?

Jul 21, 2008

I'm working on a project and would like to know how i can add the list of avabilable serial ports to the combobox[code]...

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Can Get Ports Name Listed In PC?

Feb 21, 2012

Anyone here has an idea where I can get the ports name listed in my PC? [code]I could get COM26 and etc. if any, but that's not what I want. Instead of retrieving COM26, I want USB-SERIAL CH340 or USB-SERIAL CH340 (COM26). How could I do that?

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VB 2010 And Com Ports

Apr 10, 2012

I will explain first what kind of program we are talking about: The program that I made works togehter with my PIC Microcontroller to control 2 stepper motors. One for the rotating motion and the second for a tilting motion. With this system I want to make a airplaine pointing and tracking system.


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Communication With Serial And TCP / IP Ports

Feb 19, 2009

What is the best way of communicating with Serial ports and TCP/IP communcation using visual studio .net can we make it easier?? Can anyone send me sample application of communications?If I write a program communicating with my hardware using Searial port or TCP/IP, will the program be slow?? Are there any programming techniques working with communication ports?

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DCOM With Limited Ports

Dec 1, 2011

We need to put a firewall in between our servers and a couple of clients. To do this we need to limit the number DCOM ports available so that we know what ports to open on the firewall.The question I have is do we need to limit the number of ports on all the machines inside the firewall as well as outside. This would cause an issue as we have lots of machines which would need to be modified.If DCOM has the intelligence to negotiate on port 135 which port is available on both machines which need to communicate, we will only need to modify the 2 machines on the outside of the firewall.

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Disabling/Enabling USB Ports?

Jun 6, 2011

I am creating a USB "cookie dispenser" (long story) and I plan on programming it by, when cookie.exe starts, it disables the port, you plug the USB in and press a button and it enables the port (thus powering the device). What I need to know is, is this at all possible? And if so, can you help me get it to work? I know I should put in an effort but it's late for me (UK) and I want to post this overnight so that you guys (in the USA may

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Load Ip's And Ports In Listbox

Apr 6, 2009

I am trying load a text file that contains ips and ports in the format of Ip:Port
this is the code i have so far...its gives me an error of.... Is operator does not accept operands of type 'Boolean'. Operands must be reference or nullable types.


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Using A DataReceviedHandler With Multiple Com Ports?

Apr 19, 2011

I Need to be able to read an unknown number of serial ports (I plan to limit the number to 10). I'd like to use a datareceived handeler for all of them. This is what I came up with, that seems to work with my test ports. However I'm wondering if thiscould cause any problems if more data is received than I'm currently testing with. It is possible that one or two ports will be transmitting 16 records per second each. Here is the code I'm testing with:


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VS 2005 - Experiment With COM Ports?

Mar 4, 2010

I want to experiment with COM ports but I'm stuck trying to figure out the COM port on my laptop. When I run the following program:


PCI expansion card with my wireless internet card in there the hp manuals also say that my laptop should have a PS/2 mouse or keyboard slot but i dont see it anywhere. what ports could "COM3" be refering to?

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VS 2008 - How To Get Details Of COM Ports

Nov 13, 2009

I want to get the details of a com port on my machine. To be more precise the com port presents itself in the device manager as:
I know how to get the name of the port i.e. COM3. Is there a way to get the rest of its description i.e. "MyPort".

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VS 2008 How To Check USB Ports

Jul 29, 2009

i saw Anti virus auto run when usb enable but i don't how to check port usb? my idea.i want to run my program when have port usb open

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Access A Serial And Parallel Ports?

Dec 20, 2010

is there any other way to access a serial port using visual 2010? i followed the steps in this site, How to access serial and parallel ports by using Visual Basic .NET but i just got this output Open the serial port. Send the attention command to the modem. Wait for data to come back to the serial port...


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Gathering Data From Several Different COM Ports And Reformat?

Apr 28, 2010

I have written a program that will gather data from several different COM ports and reformat the data before sending it to a web site. This program is intended to run 24/7, but only send the information at user specified intervals. I have the routines to gahter data, but I only need it to perform this task at the specified time (5 minutes to each hour). At startup the dialog minimizes to the system tray. I would like a balloon message notifiy anyone watching that the data is about to be sent, and allow them to add additional comments if they choose (by clicking on the balloon). The system tray icon has several context menu items that the user may need. Is this the proper use of a background thread? I would also like opinions on the best method for pausing execution until the specified time.

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Know Which Ip And Ports Are Supported By Webproxy Class?

Feb 15, 2009

I want to know which ip and ports are supported by webproxy class.. i used format.. only few ips are working out of 1000.. is there any way to get working one?

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Make An Array Of Serial Ports In Vb?

Jun 6, 2011

I'm fairly new to Visual Basic (VB), but I've already got running code to access all my serial port. The problem is I want to load multiple serial ports into an array and loop through them in my functions. The program allows me to create ports(), but fails when I try to populate it.

Dim ports As IO.Ports.SerialPorts()
ports(0) = SerialPort1

Where SerialPort1 is an object I draged from the Visual Studio toolbox.

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