How To Get Values From Dynamic Text Box In Grid View

Oct 23, 2009

i have created one dynamic gridview with template fields. i have a problem with retriving data from the text box. how can i find the text box control.[code]

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Bind Two Dynamic Column's Check Box In One Grid View?

Feb 13, 2009

I want to bind two dynamic column's check box in one grid view like category column have some types and sub category have some types.. I should bind that two fields dynamic check box's with in a one grid to do it.

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Select The Values Of Radio Button In Grid View?

Jun 11, 2011

I am working on a grid view where I have an acitve column which has radio button, user can select either yes or no for the active column. depending on the selection I am able to update the database.

I am using the code below to get the selected value of the row in the grid view
For i = 0 To Request.Form.Count - 1
Name = Request.Form.AllKeys(i)


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Looping Through Data Grid View And Inserting Values Into Database?

Apr 5, 2011

Currently I have a problem with updating my database with values in my Data Grid View.

On my form I have a "Populate" button and "Submit Details" button.

The "Populate" button fills my Data Grid with numerous lines of data.

On the click event for "Submit Details" I want this data to be inserted into a table in my DataBase by looping through each record.

For Each dgi As DataGridView In DataGridView1.Rows

Dim productCode As String = DirectCast(dgi.FindControl("product"), Label).Text
Dim description As String = DirectCast(dgi.FindControl("description"), Label).Text
Dim quantity As String = DirectCast(dgi.FindControl("order_qty"), Label).Text


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Select Multiple Rows In Data Grid View And Loop A Sub With The Values?

May 19, 2010

I am almost there but for some reason I don't find the answer to my issue. Here it goes. In my application I have a form which displays a data grid view with some info I get through XML from a web server. The data grid view have as first column a Check Box colum. The second column have the information I get into a variable (from cells), one by one, to pass it to the sub with the XML command.

What I want to do is to be able to select all the rows and send the cell info of the second row (only for the selected rows) to my sub which will execute once then send the second cell info and execute the sub and so on until all the loop is complete. Currently my code works only if I delete one row at a time (sending the XML code will delete the info in the web server and update the datagridview which in return will remove the item).


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.net - Selecting A Row(s) With Multiple Columns From A Grid View And Add Them To Another Grid View?

May 6, 2009

I have students who will be enrolled into a course. The student grid view has many columns like client_no, student_name, date_of_birth, address, etc. There are over 100000 students so I will need to filter the student grid view to find the correct student to enroll in the course. Once they are found, the user selects them and somehow moves them to the enrolled grid view. If a student drops out then they would be removed from the enrolled grid view.This process needs to be easy to understand and use. Are there any examples available or other suggestions on how to do this?

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How To Text Search In Grid View

Jun 22, 2010

My problem is how to search any text in data grid view ?

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Grid View Edit Mode Text Box Width?

May 19, 2008

How can I increase the size of the edit mode text box in Grid View.I am using VB .net

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Property Of A Grid View Control That Can Set Text Size Of A Column Header?

Sep 21, 2011

Is there a property of a grid view control that can set the text size of a column header?

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Get Column Values From DB As Text Of Dynamic CheckBoxs?

Aug 11, 2010

I have 10 CheckBoxes which are created Dynamically at run time.Now i have to assign their Text is Column Values from DataBase.So, How can i get Column Values as a Text of CheckBoxes?Generally in VB we use Recordset ,by using Recordset we can put their Captions are like,, .Caption = rsDateDiff.Fields(0).Value & "-" & rsDateDiff.Fields(1).Value May i know in VB.NET??I am using Access DB.

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Data Grid View Header Grid Color

Jan 14, 2010

This is a VB .NET application where we are showing the output of a SQL statement in a Datagrid view. using .NET 2005.We need to get the seperators of the headers on the grid control to be the same colors as the GridColor on the form. See the picture below:We've tried looking through all of the properties of the DataGridView control, and found some interesting things that looked promising such as the DataGridViewAdvancedHeaderStyle, and DataGridViewHeaderBorderStyle, but none of it seems to allow you to change the colors on it.Does anyone know how to do this without remaking the entire thing with a GDI+ control?

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Transfer All Records In 1 Data Grid View To Another Data Grid View?

May 9, 2012

I have 1 datagridview and i want to transfer all records to another datagridview, how can i possibly do that. Newbie here. This is my code in transferring 1 record to another datagridview to another one.


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Populate The Grid Values To Text Box While Clicking The Exact Row?

Oct 9, 2009

I am using VS2005 vb. I have two textboxes and one grid with two columns. I want to populate the grid values to text box while clicking the exact row?

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Fill In Data Grid View With Columns And Rows To Form Complete View

Nov 11, 2010

i have datagridview populated with stock code, name and description.And i have docked my datagridview to the bottom. so whenever the form is resized, the bottom section will be occupied completely with the datagridview.But i want to display one extra empty column and multiple empty rows to completely fill in the datagridview.The extra empty column width will be adjusted to the right end side of datagridview.And the no of empty rows will be generated based on how many is required to fill up to the bottomSo that i can create datagridview with full column and row even though some columns or rows are empty.

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Load Data From Text File To Data Grid View?

Jul 20, 2009

I have a datagridview which have 5 columns. The name of the columns are T,C,F,S,H. [cod]e...

So i want to display this data in datagried view. I must display the number beside T to T column, the number beside C to C column and so on. It should only display number in the respective column. It should not display the T,C and so on. [code]...

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Access Values Of Dynamic Controls Added To Dynamic Tabpages?

May 8, 2011

i have created a dynamic tabpage and a dynamic tablelayoutpanel inside it then added dynamic textboxes and labels inside the tablelayoutpanel...the thing is , i am having a problem on how to access the value of those textboxes and labels and add them as new columns in the new table(tagpage) in mysql database, i can already create the table in the database but i cant add the new columns in it. heres the code for accessing the values of the labels and textboxes

error: NullReferenceException was unhandled....Object variable or With block variable not set.

sql = "alter table " & tbl_selected(counter) & " add " & frmMain.Controls("TLP_" & SecArrList_sp(counter2)).controls.item(SecArrList_sp(counter2) & "label" & counter).Text & " varchar(100) NULL;"

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Combine 2 Data Grid View Into 1 Data Grid View?

Jul 15, 2009

how to cambine 2 data grid view into 1 data grid view

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Showmodaldialog - Display The Text Entered In The Grid - Access The Grid In Child Window

Mar 11, 2010

i have a prob that i have a gridview on the parent window. when i open a child window using showmodaldialog, i enter some data in the textboxes. now when i close my child window i want to display the text entered by me in the grid. i want to know how can i access the grid in child window

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Can't Load Grid View?

Jun 9, 2010

I have an vb 2008 express application that connects to an Access db via oledb (configured by the VB wizard), then from the db it feeds two datagrid views. It works perfectly in my PC however when installing it to other pcs get an exception...

Message: No value given fro on or more required parameters
Source: Microsoft Office Access Database Engine

System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: No value given for one or more required parameters.
at System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand.ExecuteCommandTextErrorHandling(OleDbHResult hr)[code]......

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Data Grid View For WPF?

Mar 6, 2012

my data dosen't display in data grid view in WPF project this is my code is there any mistakes ?

Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Imports System.Data
Class MainWindow
Dim con As MySqlConnection
Dim com As New MySqlCommand


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Getting A Value From A Grid View Into Database?

Mar 13, 2012

I have a grid view which uses SQL to calculate information that I need! I want to put this calculated total into another table in database.

SELECT StaffDetails.StaffID, SUM(HolidayRequests.RequestTotalDays) AS Expr1 FROM HolidayRequests INNER JOIN StaffDetails ON HolidayRequests.Username = StaffDetails.UserName WHERE (StaffDetails.StaffID = @staffID) GROUP BY StaffDetails.StaffID, HolidayRequests.ApprovalStatus HAVING (HolidayRequests.ApprovalStatus = N'approved')

It basically calculates the total number of approved holiday requests for a staff member which is correct. I want this number to then update the HolidayTaken field in another table each time a holiday is approved.

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Grid View In Program?

Dec 12, 2009

How can I retrieve data from a gridview to text box in VB.NET? I want to select the first row of values (suppose that it contains:rollno and name) and to display it in textbox1 and textbox2. That is, I want to display the values of selected rows.

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Update Grid View Using Ddl In VB?

Jan 30, 2010

I wanna ask something regarding the updating of database.

basically i am doing in 3 tier.

and i have a database table called 'SchoolTalkAppt'.

in the table itself, i have 1 empty column which i will be filling in using update statement.

the other columns are already created and filled into the table earlier.

i just have to update the 1 empty column (FirstName) and ALSO update the Status from 'pending' to 'Assigned'.

i decided to use drop down for both the name and the status.

the names available in the drop down i would be retrieving it from another table and populate it inside..while the status i manually added 2 options, 'Pending' and 'Assigned'.. not retrieving from database.

Since i am only required to update the FirstName and Status, in the update statement i put in the update for FirstName and Status only.[code]...

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Using Data Grid View?

Oct 23, 2011

Use of DataGridView in visual basic 2010 for view,insert, update, delete from access database by using code

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View XML In Grid Control?

May 8, 2009

I'm getting a blank grid when I execute the cod e below, [code]...

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Add Check Boxes In The Grid View?

Apr 4, 2011

I have a desktop application by which i have to send mail to multiple recipients. There is a grid view in a form. There are some customer list in the grid view and for each row there will be a check box. User can check or uncheck the check boxes. Also there is a send button. when user click on the send button then a mail will be sent to those customer whose check boxes are checked.

View 4 Replies - Binding Arraylist To Grid View?

Jun 18, 2009

I'me getting real dumb with this one....I have this class:

Public Class whatever
Public id as string
Public name as string
public date as string
end class

Wich I use with this code:

dim personlist as new arraylist
dim person as new whatever"1"[code].....

and then i repeat so that i can fill my arraylist with all the information that I want to show in my gridview.The problem is this:

gridview1.datasource = personlist

When executing, I get an error saying :

The data source for GridView with id 'gdpersonlist' did not have any properties or attributes from which to generate columns. Ensure that your data source has content.

View 1 Replies - Updating Grid View From List Box?

Jun 18, 2012

I have a list box like this,

<asp:ListBox ID="ListBox1" runat="server" Height="175px" Width="213px">
<asp:ListItem Value="all">All</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="programmer">Computer Programmer</asp:ListItem>


and a Grid View like this,

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"


Grid View is getting values from a XML & XSLT file. What I want to do is, when user selects suppose Computer Programmer from list box, the grid view should get updated with the results of only those have this program. How can I do this? Do I have to bind the xml with List Box?

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Check Boxes In Grid View

Jan 20, 2011

I have gridview with checkboxes. I need user to click row in the gridview, then popup the 2nd window which contains the values of clicked row. I can propagate string values, but not the status of check boxes. code is like this UpdateForm.chkboxincomplete.CheckState = dgridview1.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(3).xxxxxxxxxx i need to know what to put for xxxxxxx or any other method to do this task.

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Checking For Specify Words In A Grid View?

Feb 3, 2012

I want to check if a set of specific words contained in a gridview.For example i want to check if any rows in the gridview contains the words "apple".If it contains "apple" i want to know which are the rows that contains the word "apple".

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