Get Column Values From DB As Text Of Dynamic CheckBoxs?

Aug 11, 2010

I have 10 CheckBoxes which are created Dynamically at run time.Now i have to assign their Text is Column Values from DataBase.So, How can i get Column Values as a Text of CheckBoxes?Generally in VB we use Recordset ,by using Recordset we can put their Captions are like,, .Caption = rsDateDiff.Fields(0).Value & "-" & rsDateDiff.Fields(1).Value May i know in VB.NET??I am using Access DB.

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How To Get Values From Dynamic Text Box In Grid View

Oct 23, 2009

i have created one dynamic gridview with template fields. i have a problem with retriving data from the text box. how can i find the text box control.[code]

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Access Values Of Dynamic Controls Added To Dynamic Tabpages?

May 8, 2011

i have created a dynamic tabpage and a dynamic tablelayoutpanel inside it then added dynamic textboxes and labels inside the tablelayoutpanel...the thing is , i am having a problem on how to access the value of those textboxes and labels and add them as new columns in the new table(tagpage) in mysql database, i can already create the table in the database but i cant add the new columns in it. heres the code for accessing the values of the labels and textboxes

error: NullReferenceException was unhandled....Object variable or With block variable not set.

sql = "alter table " & tbl_selected(counter) & " add " & frmMain.Controls("TLP_" & SecArrList_sp(counter2)).controls.item(SecArrList_sp(counter2) & "label" & counter).Text & " varchar(100) NULL;"

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Computed Column Values In Text File?

Jan 16, 2012

i need the max ,min, avarage, for the 24 lines that lines counted from the line that contain the max date so i get the code for the max date for in the txt file this code used for both if txt file sorted by Ascending or by Descending

Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Drawing


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Calculate A Column Values Based On Other Column Values In Datagridview?

Jun 3, 2011

am trying to calculate the values in rows in column 6 based on values of column 5. Bellow is the the code I am using I get a run time error about the string not formatted properly


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VS 2010 : Search For Column 1 In Text File 1 And Display The Matching Column 2 Field In Column 2 Text File 2?

May 23, 2012

I have two text files, the first text file has two columns separated by a space (" ") and the second text file only has one column.

The column 1 in text file 1 and text file 2 match albeit in different order, what I'm trying to achieve is for every field in column 1 text file 2 I want to search for column 1 in text file 1 and display the matching column 2 field in column 2 text file 2.

Dim*OpenTextFile*As*String*= IO.Path.Combine("C:Test1.txt")
Dim*OpenTextFile2*As*String*= IO.Path.Combine("C:Test2.txt")
Dim*SaveTextFile*As*String*= IO.Path.Combine("C:Test2.txt")


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Adding A Column And Values To It On The Basis Of Some Existing Colum Values?

Jan 4, 2011

i have retrived this datatable from datasource and i want to add a more colum 'category'basedon the each value of each Role, like if role column has the value '90 daya client' then in the same row it should have a value 'DC' in the category column.n make a temporatry dt1 table but to add related values.

S.No First Name Last Name Role Date
1 Us er1Name User1Name 90 Day Client 11/01/2011
2 User1NameAtt1 User1NameAtt1 90 Day Client 11/01/2011


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Dynamic ToolTip For Dynamic Text Box?

Jan 11, 2012

OK, I'm trying to display tooltip text for a dynamic edit box. Well, at least I'm trying to.

On my form, I've got a tool tip control which I've conveniently named ToolTip. My edit box displays OK. But, what I want to do is when the user hovers their mouse over the text box, I want the tool tip to display some text.

I think there are two problems that I'm having. I'm not convinced that I'm properly addressing a dynamic text box name. Ideally, I would want to be able to refer to the text box (but using a dynamic variable that will contain the prefix of the name). To hardcode, I would want to be able to achieve (not in this example but in theory): ABCDEFGt_0300.Text = "hello"

Dim controllerName as string = "ABCDEFG"
Dim t_0300 As New TextBox()


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Dynamic Column In Linq?

Jan 5, 2010

Dim query=Form f in BBSDb.Forms order by f.FormID Descending Select f where I want the f.FormID to be able to replace with a variable..What I mean is.. it doesn't have to f.FormID .. I may want to set f.FormName to be in descending for example using the code dynamically.. Is there anyway to achive?

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Sum Values Of Dynamic Textboxes?

Mar 1, 2011

I started editing an existing code (basicaly to learn vb) without any real previou experience. Well let's get to the point; I have a form that gathers data from db ordering by user ID (on click count). I have one DataGridView with a list of user, some have data in db, some have not. I came so far that if I CLICK on a user that have data, all data is dissplayed in 6 dinamyc textboxes. If user has no data inly first (emty) row with 6 dinamyc textboxes is created.

Then I have a button that simultaneously adds a row of dinamyc textboxes bellow and multiplyies textbox04 (name is clickcount & 4) and textbox05 and displays the result in textbox06. I want to add a messagebox that shows if textbox04 & 05 are empty and in that case exits sub. Of course if they are not empty, their sum should be multiplyed in textbox06 (on 2 decimal places exact) Here is my code so far:

Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'Reset warnings


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.net - Prevent SQL Injection In Dynamic Column Names?

Jun 8, 2012

My question is how best to avoid SQL Injection with the method I am currently using.EDIT (Reasoning): There are many of columns in a number of tables (a number which grows (only) and is maintained elsewhere). I need a method of allowing the user to decide which (predefined) column they want to query (and if necessary apply string functions to). The query itself is far too complex for the user to write themselves, nor do they have access to the db. There are 1000's of users with varying requirements and I need to remain as flexible as possible - I shouldn't have to revisit the code unless the main query needs to change - Also, there is no way of knowing what conditions the user will need to use

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Datagrid With One Column And Dynamic Number Of Rows?

Feb 2, 2009

I am trying a small application here. It is a windows mobile application. I have to create a form with one drop down and a datagrid.Once a value is selected in the dropdown. The focus goes to the data grid.I know before hand that there is only one column. But I dont know how many rows the user will enter.When the foucs comes to datagrid then one row is created where the use will enter a number. When he hits tab or enter a new row is created and the cursor goes there and the user can enter second number. When he tabs or etnerts a new row is created. This should go on until he presses Save button when all these values will go in the database table.

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GridView And Adding Dynamic Spacing To Column?

Apr 10, 2012

I have been trying to modify the data going into a column by adding spacing to the start of the column before the Row ID, using the level to multiply the amount of spaces.Ie. ID is SVG00098 and is a Level 3 Asset, so it requires 6 spaces before the ID.

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Sql - Use Dynamic Column Name (with Visual Studio 2005)?

Apr 16, 2012

I am creating an attendance system where i want that for a particular id given by user, attendance of that id get saved in the MS access sheet. What i am wanting is that column name should be i date format pre created by me nad as user enters the id the program retrieves date from system and based on that date (taking it to be dynamic column name) writes an p on them. I am using SQL query to update i.e using update statement now i am unable to find correct syntax for using dynamic column name.

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How Can To Make Same Button Uncheck Checkboxs

Dec 9, 2009

I'm trying to make a button that if you click on it it will check check box 1 and check box2 but when the user clicks on it again i want it to uncheck check box 1 and 2? Will the check part is kind of simple Checkbox1.checked = true and Checkbox2.checked = true but how can i make the same button uncheck the checkboxs. [code]

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Use Checkboxs In Datagridview Cells To Change Value?

Jan 14, 2011

I am trying to create a form that will update a database of school tests with checkboxs.Basically, i have a textbox for a student id, a combobox with the subjects in it, and a datagridview with the tests of the selected subject.(There are about ten subects with about ten tests each).What i want to happen is when you put in an id number, it should bring up all the tests the student passed in each subject in the datagridview. So when you select a subject it will load the datagridview with the tests (in a checkbox format) (with the tests he already passed checked) so you can click and add tests and then save it to the db.

View 7 Replies - Fetching The Values Of Dynamic Textboxes

Aug 22, 2011

If i have multiple textboxes with the same Id and name in a form, how to fetch there values separately in in javascript iv used fetched them like this


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Extract Dynamic Textbox Values?

Oct 6, 2009

I have been trying to comb through information to code in VB.NET, but I can't seemed to find anything helpful to do what I need to do for my in-house project.

What I need to do is:

1. load dynamic textbox and buttons

2. when I click the dynamic buttons, it will extract the right dynamic textbox.[code]...

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How To Get Values In Dynamic Added Textbox

Nov 19, 2010

I need to get values of each textbox in loop with different names, I have three row (name,telephone,email) and off course three textbox, how to get in loop, I need to insert them in database. The main problem is that values are getting one by one in loop where I get textbox in for each loop. I need to insert multiple columns in database with just single insert query

Here is the code
Dim arr() As String
Dim record As Int32
record = 0
For Each div As System.Web.UI.Control In plholder.Controls
If div.[GetType]().Name = "HtmlGenericControl" Then
[Code] .....

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Bind Two Dynamic Column's Check Box In One Grid View?

Feb 13, 2009

I want to bind two dynamic column's check box in one grid view like category column have some types and sub category have some types.. I should bind that two fields dynamic check box's with in a one grid to do it.

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LINQ: Checking All Mainforms Checkboxs Are Checked?

Dec 29, 2010

Dim MainForm = Me.Controls.OfType(Of CheckBox)()
If Not MainForm.All(Function(cb) cb.Checked) Then


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VS 2010 - Uncheck Multiple CheckBoxs In Loop?

Jan 31, 2012

Does anyone know of a easy way to uncheck multiple checkboxes at once.I have around 27 checkboxes in a tab control page and would like to uncheck them all or check them all in a for each or any statement if possible.I was thinking something like, but this obviously doesn't work

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Adding Column Values Of A Certain Column

May 28, 2010

I want to add all the values of a certain column. I already get the value of an exact cell value but when i add the loop code for it to continue,it doesn't performs well.


I,m using vb6 po with datagrid component.

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Forms :: Changing State Of Label Depending Upon Two Checkboxs?

Aug 7, 2010

I have added two checkbox controls chkBox1 and chkBox2. What I want to do is that when both the chkbox are same meaning checked or unchecked the label should be On and if both are not same label should be Off.


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User Record. Delete, Update And Email Are Checkboxs's?

Sep 21, 2009

On my website I have user records. For the user records page I have three options you can do with each user record. Delete, Update and Email are my checkboxs's that I am trying to use.

<Input Type=CheckBox Name=Delete OnClick="False" Value=<=rs("num")%>><br>
<Input Type=CheckBox Name=Update OnClick="False" Value=<%=rs("num")%>><br>
<Input Type=CheckBox Name=Email OnClick="False" Value=<%=rs("num")%>>

What I want to be able to do with these check box's is when one of these slections are made, I want to be able to pass the value of the selected checkbox by pressing a button over to another page where I have a IF statement. Then value of the selected checkbox runs though the IF statement and matchs with the option in the IF statement.


So I guess what I am looking for is how do I get the value of the checkbox to pass over to another page and run through my IF to match with an option in my IF statement.

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Create A Dynamic Control And AddHandle WITH Values/Brackets?

Mar 7, 2010

it seems that adding for example a button Dim myButton as New Button and then addHandler to mySub("lol", 255) is not possible. Where mySub is Shared Sub MySub(byRef myString as string, myInteger as Integer)

So: addHandler, addressOf mySub("lol", 255) - returns an error saying it does not work with parentheses or whatever. I somehow see why this might not be possible, so I'm looking for a work-around on this problem.

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Enter Values / Elements Into Dynamic Array During Runtime

Sep 4, 2010

I am new in programming. And I am coding with VB.Net (VB2008). On my form I have 9 checkboxes. And each of this checkbox when checked is meant to submit a value to a dynamic array. Initially the array was a constant that was declared like these:
Dim Notes() AS integer = {1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000}

But I want the array to be dynamic. That is the user of the program is to enter the element of the array. So I decided to use checkboxes. So that if the user of the program checks any of the checkboxes, a particular value or element should be submitted into the array. And the user should be able to check as many checkboxes and have values representing those checkboxes submitted in to the array.

For example: if the user check checkbox1, checkbox2 and checkbox50.
The array should look like these. { 1, 2, 50 }
or if the user check checkbox1000, checkbox200, checkbox10 and checkbox500
Then the array should hold or contain the following integers in this order; {20, 200, 500, 1000}.

That is the array is dynamic and the content/elements of the array and the bound of the array should depend on the checkboxes that is checked. What other means can I used to enter values/elements into a dynamic array during run time.

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Loop Through Dynamic Textboxes To Assign And Read Values?

Dec 22, 2009

I have 12 textboxes named TextBox1 to TextBox12. How can I loop through these textboxes to assign and read the values? I.e.:
Dim strTextboxName As String
For i As Integer = 1 To 12
strTextboxName = "TextBox" & i
TextBox{i}.Text = ...... ?????

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Retain Field Values On Error In A Dynamic Gridview?

Jun 7, 2011

I have a page which has a GridView on it, which is populated from a database. Some of the columns in the GridView have text boxes, as well as Checkboxes.When the user saves the page, the page may error if they have not entered their data correctly. At this point, I need to re-display what they have entered already so they can simply make the correction instead of having to change everything from scratch again.

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Dynamic SQL Generation For The UpdateCommand Is Not Supported Against A SelectCommand That Does Not Return Any Key Column Information

May 13, 2008

i am using data grid and i want to update it when user change i but the fallowing command in button to save update but it did not work and it give error massage

Dim builder As OleDbCommandBuilder = New OleDbCommandBuilder(DataAdapter1)
Dim CmdB As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(DataAdapter1)
DataAdapter1.Update(DataSet1, "Section")

the error messge (Dynamic SQL generation for the UpdateCommand is not supported against a SelectCommand that does not return any key column information.)

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