How To Jquery Post In Asmx

Jan 10, 2012

Im trying to get a response from a function in a webservice but i dont think i am creating the service correctly.[code]

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.net - Display Post Data To Web Service Asmx

Jan 14, 2010

I am trying to post data from application to web service asmx that is located on server! For posting data from application I am using this code:


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Getting File From .ashx With A JQuery Post?

Jan 11, 2012

This question is a following from another question I asked - Passing client data to server to create Excel or CSV File. I have a client page which builds a JSON object to send to the server, and I have server code which can parse that JSON object into an SQL command and end up with a dataset of required data.

I had originally been passing the JSON object to an .asmx web service which would return a JSON object containing my data. Now I want to go in a different direction and have the data returned as a .csv file.

I understand I can try to put my JSON object into a query string and call my .ashx page, but the JSON object could get large, so I'm trying to use the Request.Form of a POST.

My question, and lack of understanding, is in how to use jQuery to post to the .ashx page and have it return the .csv file to the client. If I navigate to the .ashx page directly (and modify the page to hard code the passed data), I get the .csv file returned to me no problem (i.e I get the prompt to open/save the file). If I make a POST to the .ashx file from jQuery and send my JSON object through, I get a response which contains the data in a string, rather than getting a .csv.

So, is there something I am missing, or am I just trying to achieve something that I can't or shouldn't be doing? I'd thought about passing my JSON object to a .asmx web service which would store the JSON object into a database and return an ID, and then use window.location to browse to the .ashx with the ID as a query string parameter to then generate the .csv file, but I thought there might be a way to avoid that middle step and do it with the POST.

View 1 Replies Mvc - Post Code Being Triggered On JQuery Load?

Jan 13, 2010

I have the following functions in my ProceduresControlller:

Function Add(ByVal bpid As Integer) As ActionResult
Return View(GetAvailableProcedures(bpid))
End Function[code].....

I'm loading the Add dialog via jQuery like so:

{ bpid: 123 }[code]....

This is failing because it's calling the Post method (where "covered" can't be empty) instead of the Get. I tried decorating the Get with <AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Get)>, but it doesn't change the do I get it to use the Get? I realize I could change the names to not be ambiguous, but I want to know why it won't pick the Get if I'm only passing "bpid".

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Jquery - Ajax Post Method Not Working?

Dec 20, 2010

I am using jquery so using ajax to post data, but for some reason when i click on submit, the page doesnt go from aspx to aspx.vb on the back's my code -

$(document).ready(function() {
$("#btnsave").click(function() {
var firstname = $("#" + '<%=firstname.ClientID%>').val();


new_class is my webmethod in the side. Now if i put an alert in the btnsave onclick function, i see the firstname value in the alert. But the page does not call the new_class function after that.

View 1 Replies Mvc - Sending Multiline Text Over POST Method With JQuery?

Nov 10, 2011

I have this function in JQuery:

And it is supposed to read multiple lines from LimFile and send it to a string in VB.NET.Problem is that when I debug it, I see the string is there in full length. And when I split it with vbNewLine, it shows that theres only 1 line, aka nothing is split, like the newlines have been lost.

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Jquery - Post Table Rows, Added Via Javascript To The Server In ASP.NET?

Oct 3, 2011

Access <asp:table> table rows added by javascript in webform . Apologies for the duplicate question but I'd really like an explanation why this is the case. It is probably due to my lack of understanding on how browsers process HTML tables on submission to the server.If I have a <HTML> table or an <asp:table> control on an aspx page and I add rows to it client-side using JQuery / Javascript, why can I not include these added rows in a post-back to the server?

I've been trying to get this to work and it looks like I can't do it based on the answer to the previous question. But can someone explain why this is the case? The table itself can be returned in the post-back but the only rows present are the rows that were part of the table when it was sent to the browser originally - it does not include the rows added by the browser.there was a way to include these new rows in the post-back, the same as any client-side user input?

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JQuery Ajax With ASP.NET MVC Action: Passing Arguments From JavaScript In POST

Mar 4, 2011

I have an ASP.NET MVC controller action with the following VB.NET signature:


If I'm trying to send an Ajax POST in jQuery to the ClosestCities action, what should my request look like? When I use the following code to POST to this action, in the debugger window of VS, position.longitiude and position.latitude are equal to 0.0 (0D):


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Linq To Jquery With Jquery Ver Jquery-1.7.2?

May 11, 2012

this is my class:

Public Class Employeeclass
Public Property Fname As String
Public Property Lname As String
Public Property Bdate As Date
End Class


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How To Post A File Via HTTP Post

Jun 11, 2009

Having a problem with sending a file via HTTP post in I am trying to mimic the following HTML so the does the same thing.[code]

View 4 Replies - ASMX Web Service Debugging

Mar 16, 2012

How can i turn on debugging when trying to add a service to my app? How can i change the settings to view it remotely? I tried loading up the .asmx page in IE on that server where the file is being hosted and it just asked me to save the file-would never open it to view as a page. That is the error i get when i try to load the .asmx file from my server.

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Use Enum In An Asmx Web Service

Jul 7, 2011

I'm writing an asmx web service in visual basic, and I would like to put in my web service an enum that should be available to the web service's callers through the wsdl. But how could that be done? I'm writing my enum in the web service class, but it's not being published in the wsdl. I've already done this kind of thing successfully using C#, but I cannot understand how this is done in VB.

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C# - Can't Access Class From ASMX Service

Oct 21, 2011

I have a class

Public Class NotifierAuthHeader
Inherits SoapHeader
Public HandlerId As Integer
Public Guid As Byte()
End Class

which I use in webservice in following methods:

<OperationContract()><WebMethod()> _
public Function GetTestNotifierAuthHeader()
Dim testNotifierAuthHeader as NotifierAuthHeader=new NotifierAuthHeader()


I can use GetTestNotifierAuthHeader method at client, but type of return object is..object, not NotifierAuthHeader.asmx service is 3.5 and wpf app is 4.0 c#.

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C# - Create A Asmx Client For Wcf Service?

Jun 13, 2012

I have some clients calling my asmx service and I figure out to change my asmx to a Wcf service.How can my asmx clients call to my Wcf service without modify the client application?Maybe just a few changes in the config file...I can't expect than they compile their applications.

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C# - Map A Virtual Directory For *.asmx Methods In ASP.Net 2.0?

Jun 7, 2012

A little while ago, I managed to get WebServices to return JSON as well as XML from the code-behind of an ASPX.

Today, I needed to migrate an existing ASMX WebService to return JSON instead of XML (which was accomplished with little fuss). My problem became evident in testing the new method.

In the code-behind for the ASMX, I created a new method to return JSON instead of XML. The method works, in that it returns the expected JSON however the new routine breaks every XML-returning method in the code-behind (they all throw "System.NotSupportedException: The type System.Collections.Hashtable is not supported because it implements IDictionary." which is unexpected because the return types are all defined as XmlDocument).

If I simply comment out the JSON-returning method, the XML-returning methods function normally. Uncommenting out the JSON-returning method breaks the XML-returning methods again.

While I cannot find any supporting documentation anywhere, this behavior leads me to believe that in ASP.Net 2.0, JSON-returning methods cannot co-exist in the same module as XML-returning methods.

This led me to try separating the methods in sub-classes like so:

<WebService(Namespace:="")> _
<WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo:=WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)> _
<ScriptService()> _


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Javascript - Return JSON From ASP.NET .asmx?

Nov 5, 2009

I have the following test method:Imports System.Web

Imports System.Web.Services
Imports System.Web.Services.Protocols
<WebService(Namespace:="")> _
<WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo:=WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)> _
<System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptService()> _


Even with the ResponseFormat attribute added the response is still being returned as XML rather than JSON.

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Request.ServerVariables From A Webservice (asmx)?

Aug 4, 2011

On my serverside pages (intranet environment), I use the following code to find out which user is using the page:Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER")How do I use that command in a webservice (asmx file)? I can't use the line above as I get a message saying that Request is not declared.

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Consume A Regular Asmx Web Service In A Dll Project?

Jan 22, 2009

I created a dll project in visual studio 2008, and i dont see the add web reference option, only the Service Reference option whish looks like it takes a WCF not a regular asmx web service, is that correct?

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Read SOAP XML By ASMX Web Servcie Function?

Feb 14, 2012

I wrote a simple web service (ASMX) function in VB:

Public Function processMessage(ByVal Messages as XMLElement) As String
Dim strS as string
strS = Messages.outerXML
Return strS
End Function

And test by sending the following request (attempt to read two messages):


The problem is that it stops after reading first message and second one never shows up. How can I get it?

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Send WebBrowser Control URL .asmx Service

Nov 2, 2011

OK I am brand new to .asmx creation and I am having a hell of a time figuring out to send a URL to .asmx file. The .asmx file is expecting to receive a parameter named givenURL.The paremeter givenURL needs to be sent from Windows Forms.I need to know how I go about doing this? Do I use SOAP or can I just send it using VB? [code]

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Insert A PICTURE Into A Forum Post - Inserting Code Into A Forum Post?

Nov 25, 2008

<edit on 10th March 2010.>

Changed thread type to QUESTION. I was then able to mark AS ANSWER the relevent post which now also immediately follows this post and so it is easier to find as suggested by forum user j2associates .

<edit> It is also my 3rd post in this thread, the 8th one up, of my posts, from the bottom ( for now ), as the forum format has changed yet again.I will leave the rest of this post( as is ) purely for historical reasons. I have been on these forums long enough to see 3 forum changes. <edit> 19th May, 2010> Link added to a video on the next line of text.


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.NET Web Service (ASMX) Shape The Request And Response Messages?

Dec 18, 2009

I'm building a web service to accept notifications from a company. The company informed me that the service is incorrectly structured and provided me the .asmx of a working web service. It looks like this:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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Asmx Webservice Return Multiple Classes Wsdl?

Aug 18, 2011

We are developing a webservice for a client. We are not supose to throw SoapExceptions, so instead, we catch every exception server side, and return a custom Exception class.

Public Class Order
End Class


The problem now is, that since my webmethod is returning the type [Object]. The wdsl that is generated does not contain the order, or the exception.

I can change the [Object] to [Order] Or [MyException], but only one of them is generated in the wsdl.

I want both the MyException type and the Order type in my wsdl, but i just cant get it working.

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ASMX Call - Returning Response Header As XML Instead Of JSON

Dec 29, 2011

My ASMX call is returning Content-Type = text/xml; charset=utf-8
I am using ASP.NET 3.5 and jQuery.Ajax. Have added these things are per numerous suggestions from Stack Overflow. I have done these things

Done this at web.config
<remove verb="*" path="*.asmx"/>
<add verb="*" path="*.asmx" validate="false"
type="System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptHandlerFactory, System.Web.Extensions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"/>
[Code] .....

But whatever I do, the response header is still of type xml. What part am I missing here?

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Pagemethod Doesn't Work From Asmx File Rather Aspx?

Jan 25, 2012

I am using simple json method for calling webmethod but it works with aspx file ie url:


but it doesnt work if I put same function in an asmx file and change url to asmx.

Is there anything else have to be done to enable asmx service ?

asmx with vb code: // this works
<%@ WebService Language="VB" Class="WebService" %>
Imports System.Web
Imports System.Web.Services


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Pass Generic Type Definition To Asmx Webservice?

Feb 8, 2012

I use jQuery ajax calls to ASP.Net web services (ASMX files) to update the web page data.

I have the database storing code seperate from the domain object class code (in the example code below, there is an Animal class and an AnimalRepository class). I'm implememting a convention that all similar domain object repository classes will have a Store method .

I would like to create a web service that can cater for calling the Store method for any one of these repository classes. To get this to work, in the below code sample, the List(Of Animal) parameter would need to be a generic type.[code]...

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Add Access-Control-Allow-Origin To An ASMX Webservice Have Created In Program?

Nov 5, 2010

I have a very simple ASMX page.[code]...

How do I add Access-Control-Allow-Origin to the response headers so that the webservice can be consumed by multiple websites using AJAX?

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Are There Any Tools To Build ASMX Proxies From Server Side Assemblies

Aug 21, 2009

We have a set of assemblies which implement web services operations.To build the client proxies, we first build and deploy the web services (assemblies and ASMX files) on the server.Then we use wsdl.exe to point to the ASMX endpoints and generate the classes for the client proxies.I've seen that it is possible to create the proxies from wsdl files (instead of asmx endpoints) using wsdl.exe or disco.exe.Is there a tool to generate wsdl files or event better proxy classes directly from the server assemblies without the need to use a web server?

1) This is a somewhat large project that has been in development for over a couple of years now. The decision to use ASMX web services was made before the existence of WCF.

2) I already thought about writing our own proxy generator and that may be an option if we don't find a tool that does it.

3) We still want to bind to the WSDL contract. What I'm trying to avoid is having a dependency on a web server during the build process.

4) We already auto-generate the proxies in our automated build which runs in TFS Build and that has not been an issue per se. The issue, as I was told, is having to split the build in two parts: server & client. There may be alternatives to avoid the split using some fancy MSBUILD task, but my knowledge on that matter is limited.

5) I do expect the build to brake on TFS Build if the client side code and server side code don't match during compilation. That should have been addressed on the developer's machine before check-in.

6) We have strict control over the server and the client parts. This set of web services serve as a back-end to a Click Once Windows Forms application. Everything runs on an intranet. Every time the contract changes, it is done in tandem with a new version of the client application.

7) WCF is not an option in the short term for this set of web services. When I joined the project over a year ago I was given the task of creating a new set of web services for interoperability with other internal systems. Those web services were designed upfront to be easily upgradable to WCF once upper management allowed us to use WCF. I'll have to take a look into svcutil.exe, but if it does what we need, I'll have another point in trying to convince upper management to adopt WCF.

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System.Data.SqlTypes Datatypes Be Used In Asmx-style .NET Web Services?

May 26, 2010

It looks like they are converted to regular date types in the generated proxy object.I'd like to optionally pass null values for these dates.Other than switching to WCF (no time to learn it right now), what is the best way to handle this situation. It looks like I also cannot pass NULLABLE date types.

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Unable To Use IntPtr (WindowsIdentity Token) As Input Param On WebMethod (ASMX Web Service)?

Jun 26, 2009

We're in a strange situation with a legacy winforms VB.NET 1.1 application using ASMX web services. Trying to send a user Token from a WindowsIdentity object as a parameter to a WebMethod. I will be adding a 'HACK: comment. System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Token

The token is of type IntPtr, the first problem is the WSDL being generated doesn't support IntPtr with the error of 'unsupported type'I'm aware this is a big WTF question and sounds insecure, so any simple helpful alternatives are welcome but there are a lot of constraints on how we can change this system, including complications with the hosting environment. So I would just like to get our piece of data over to the web service to save a lot of other headaches.


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