How To Set Column Style

Mar 28, 2009

I want to start to use the wpf datagrid.I need to create a datagrid programmatically in vb.netDoes someone know how to that?for example if I want to add a column checkbox how can i do that?

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Datagrid Column Style?

Mar 23, 2009

this is my code to format column style at datagrid:

Private Sub frmCustomer_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim sql As String = "select cust_id,cust_name From inv_t_Customers order by cust_id"


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DatagridView Column Style

Jan 17, 2012

I am using oracle connection to my datagridview and my oracle table contain two fields 1)id and 2)allow id of type number field and allow of type char(1) field {for storing if true then 'T' and if false then 'F' in table)

I want to take datagridview with two columns first one is type textbox and second one is of type checkbox if allow column contain 'T' then it comes in checked in checkbox else allow column contain 'F' then it comes in unchecked in checkbox

I use code to connect datagridview with datasource is


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Block A Column From A DGV To Accept Only Hh:mm Style

Jan 3, 2011

How can I block a column from a datagridview to accept only values like hh:mm style and nothing else. And how to handle errors when user is inserting something else than time format?

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VS 2008 - Adding Style Properties To Excel Column

Apr 6, 2011

I am trying to add some style properties to a column but the code I am currently using doesnt seem to work at all?
Dim oApp As New Excel.Application
Dim oWB As Excel.Workbook = oApp.Workbooks.Add()
Dim oWS As Excel.Worksheet = CType(oWB.Worksheets(1), Excel.Worksheet)
Dim style As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Style
style = oWB.Styles.Add("Style1")
[Code] .....
It's still the same as "default" would look when just opening up excel for the first time.

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Definig DataGridView Column Headers Font Style At Design Time

Jul 11, 2010

I am developing a project using VB2010. In the attached example I created a Form.

On tha form I put a GroupBox Containing a DataGridView.

I am trying to set, at Design time, the ColumnHeadersDefaultCellstyle Font of the grid, defining the Font, the size and the style (Bold). After saving the project or running it, The Font properties of the grid headers are changed to the Font properties of the containing


Why is that so? How can I set, at Design Time, a different font for the Grid Column headers and the GroupBox?

To demostrate the problm - Try to modify the Font of the grid headers, in the attached example,

to "Bold" "Size 12", Run the application and see the result.

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Change The Native Scrollbar Style In Application To Custom Style?

Mar 23, 2011

how i can change the native scrollbar style in my application to my custom style. I can adopt a custom scrollbar to attain this purpose but this will not serve my purpose because i want this attribute in entire application. Like it the text in textbox gets longer than its bounds than the scrollbar appers are my custom bar not the formal ones

View 12 Replies (back To Original Style)?

Apr 12, 2010

I set the cell style progromatically on a condition.. but when that condition is no longer met I want to go back to the grids.cell original (default) style property

if x=y then


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C# - A Style That Activates Depending On Another Style?

Dec 24, 2010

I am trying to make a style that only gets applied if the parent element of the element that the style refers to, has another specific style. Kind of like in CSS where you can do ".class1 .class2" to specify that the "class2" theme only applies if it is within an element with the class "class1". I do not wish to use any form of external DLLs or libraries for this task. I want to know if it's possible to implement on my own.

I've tried using MultiTriggers with no luck. I have a style that applies to all TextBlocks. I want the textblock to do the following: If the font-size of the textblock is 11 and the parent element's style is "PinnedSuggestion", set the foreground color to "#FF505050". If the font-size of the textblock is 11 and the parent element's style is "Suggestion", set the foreground color to "#FFCCCCCC". The conditions that I have tried to write to make this work, are as follows (the font-size condition is true, but the other one is not). The conditions are inside a style that applies to all textblocks in general.


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Change The Button Style And Button Text Style On Mouse Rollover?

Mar 7, 2009

I am creating an application and am very new to VB. I have 4 buttons on my form which is like my applications main menu. I would like that each of the buttons behaves in the following way when there is a mouse rollover: The Button back color is changed from the default to Red The Button text is changed to Blue, Bold, and increases in font size I would also like all the buttons to go back to their initial state when the mouse leaves.

Another thing, instead of me writing code for each of the buttons event handlers (Mouse Hovers, and Mouse Leaves) is there a way I can write this code once, maybe as a function and then always call it for any button that I create from here on so that any new buttons take on this behaviour.

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VS 2008 : Windows Is Running In XP Style Or In Windows Classic Style?

Feb 5, 2010

how to get the current Style of the Windows Xp programmatically. At the program startup I need to get if Windows is running in XP Style or in Windows Classic Style, so I will set my buttons Flatstyle property to flat or standard.

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Add A Checkbox Column At First Column Of Datagridview Including Column Header?

Apr 9, 2010

How to add a checkbox column at first column of datagridview including column header?After adding, how to code to "check all" or "uncheck all"?

View 27 Replies

VS 2010 : Search For Column 1 In Text File 1 And Display The Matching Column 2 Field In Column 2 Text File 2?

May 23, 2012

I have two text files, the first text file has two columns separated by a space (" ") and the second text file only has one column.

The column 1 in text file 1 and text file 2 match albeit in different order, what I'm trying to achieve is for every field in column 1 text file 2 I want to search for column 1 in text file 1 and display the matching column 2 field in column 2 text file 2.

Dim*OpenTextFile*As*String*= IO.Path.Combine("C:Test1.txt")
Dim*OpenTextFile2*As*String*= IO.Path.Combine("C:Test2.txt")
Dim*SaveTextFile*As*String*= IO.Path.Combine("C:Test2.txt")


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.net Xp Style On Vista?

Feb 22, 2010

today i started up my project and got like a error something with a line was something and i could press like fix or do not fix.I pressed fix and i got a xp style on my program. every thing looks weird..oh i forgot say that i run vista... and i dont want xp style on this program. ITs just the program that is changed, i got every thing else in vista style.i worked nights for this program and don't wanna do it again!

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Alt-Tab Style Window Under .NET?

Aug 13, 2010

First post here. New to GDI+, but not so new to programming. I am trying to create an Alt-Tab style dialog. For some reason, the snippet below (copied from somewhere, I forget) just creates a purple rounded rectangle. Anybody know of Aero-compatible code snippets to create rounded corners?

View 3 Replies - Change The Style Of Div?

Sep 7, 2009

I have 2 buttons and 2 divs div1 and div2.On click button1 div1 is made visible and div2 invisible,On clicking button2 div2 is made visible and div1 is invisible.For that i used javascript.

function showdiv2()

In div2 i have a gridview in which i have a linkbutton named lnkDelete.In its click control is going to div1.In click of lnkDelete,i want to make div1 invisible,but on clicking button1 div1 should be visible.make div1 invisible in clickevent of lnkDelete in codebehind?

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C Style Casting In VB?

Aug 19, 2011

I have a object type variable (control .Tag) that I need to cast to a structured type, and change a member in. This is a contrived but representative example


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Get Name Of Font Style?

Feb 4, 2011

I am using an FontDialog to allow the user to select a font, How should it get the font Style form the selected Font.[code]....

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Uncle Bob Style OOP In .NET?

Nov 17, 2009

I've been professionally writing VB.NET software for seven years. However, I don't have a strong computer science background - four courses while studying education at university in the 90s that gave me some CS basics and exposure to Pascal, C and Lisp. Anyway, there are a whole bunch of practices that I'm missing - testing, patterns, "real" object-oriented design, etc and I'm trying to pick them up. If you look at most of my applications, you find blocks of fairly old-school procedural code being triggered by form events. Where I write my own classes, I'm mostly using them as data-structures with overloaded New() methods and maybe a custom output method. I consider myself quite proficient at this kind of work and none of my employers has had any problems with it. But it's not really right and I'd like to learn more of the craft of my trade.

Since the early 90s, I've looked at several different intro to objects kind of documents -- books, tutorials, etc. They seem to all use dogs and cars as analogies and examples with tons of responsibilities per object. And they've never stuck with me even as I wanted to learn from them.Lately, I've been reading "Uncle" Bob Martin's notions of OOD and I like what I see. But it's hard for me to follow the C/Java syntax and I get hung up on that difficulty rather than just ingesting it smoothly. So I'm looking for good sources with VB examples because that is (by far!) the syntax with which I am most comfortable. There's not much around. The stuff that I find doesn't seem to advocate or exemplify e.g. the Single Responsibility Principle.

I've been looking for books, but they mostly seem like they're either OOP and not in VB or VB and not (really) OOP. I've checked out the following topics here: 1, 2 and 3 -- among others. I've scrutinized the Amazon reviews of most of the books listed in those threads and keep coming up with reasons to suspect that they aren't really what I'm looking for.

So, any ideas? If you're going to suggest a book, I'd like to hear how well it fits the needs that I've outlined. If you think I'm on the wrong track, I guess I'd be interested to hear why. If you have other suggestions on how to pursue this avenue of improvement, that too would be great.

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Add Persistence To Multiple DataGridView In Terms Of Hide/Show Column And Column Width

Feb 24, 2010

Add persistence to multible DataGridView in terms of Hide/Show column and column width

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VB GridView Control Does Not Allow Code To Access Column When Column Has Visible Property Set To False

Apr 1, 2010

VB GridView control will not allow code in the vb code file to access a data column that has its visible property set to false. When it is set to true, the data column can be accessed with no problem. Any suggestions as to how to correct this? I have looked through the documentation, text books, and I have not found anything that gave me any clue as to what the problem could be. I thought that the property was just applied to the column, not that it would remove the column from being accessible.


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Check Box Error Message : Cannot Set Column,The Value Violates The MaxLength Limit Of This Column

Jan 30, 2010

I am trying to placed several check boxes (15) in a group box or on a form. I receive the following error message in Visual Studio:
Cannot set column, "The value violates the MaxLength limit of this column".

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Resize Listview Column To Largest Width (column Header Or Item) C#

Jul 4, 2011

I have been trying to find out how to resize listview column width to the largest widthor either column header or item in c#


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Winforms - Change The ListView Column Header's Font For Each Column In 2005?

Sep 12, 2011

I have a listview and i want to make one column's font smaller than the other column to fit form design. How will i do that?

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Datagridview - Sort Datagrid View Column With Numbers And Texts On Column Header Click?

Feb 13, 2012

It seems that on clicking datagridview column header, the column will be automatically sorted based on the column type. I have a column showing some numbers. If column type is string, it sorts "1","20","3" into "1","20","3". If column type is double, it sorts into "1","3","20" which is the result that I want. However, there might be some erros in the numbers and error messages(text) will show in the cell instead of numbers. So I cannot set the column type as double. I want to ignore these error messages and sort all the numbers. How can I do this?

Also, I need to add some background colors to different rows in datagridview. So in the column header click event, I call the bkgColor Sub to achieve this. My question is that how can I override the sorting method in this event?

Private Sub DataGridView1_ColumnHeaderMouseClick(sender As Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.ColumnHeaderMouseClick


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Datagrid Bound Column Properties Column Property Will Not Change

Aug 4, 2009

I have a datagrid that I am unable to change the width setting, it always reverts back to the original setting.

To change this setting:

1. select the datagrid view tasks

2. Edit columns bound column properties

3. Select Width property

4. Width property will always revert back to the original setting.

I have check the properties settings without any luck.

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Datagridview Tab Key - Ignore Column(2) So That The User Only Tabs Through The Rows In Column(1)?

Feb 27, 2009

i have a datagridview with three columns. i set the first column to visible=false, so the user can only see two columns.when the user presses the tab key in the first visible column -- column(1), i want to ignore column(2) so that the user only tabs through the rows in column(1)i can't get it to work. it will always tabs through the rows in column(2) even if i use the column name.


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Disable Datagridview's Column In Term Of The Column Will Not Receive Focus

Mar 25, 2011

I want to disable column in datagridview so the column will not receive focus,

when user press tab to move from cell to cell this column will be skipped and the focus move to the next cell or column.

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Iterate Through A ListBox Column And Sum The Total Of Numbers In A Specific Column?

Mar 23, 2011

I have a program and I get time data from a sqldb and display it in a column in a listbox. What are the proper steps for adding the time as I iterate through the data in the column? I figure I will need to do some conversions on the time to be able to add it and display it as a total.

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VB - Excel: Finding If A String From One Column Correspond To Strings In Another Column?

May 20, 2009

i need to do a macro. this is what my excel looks like

1 2 3 4
seq1 name name seq2
abcde vv1 abcdddd
abcxy vv2 abcdlmn


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