How To Use The Control Indexes

Feb 1, 2012

A very basic problem, sorry but I am new to .NET! I have a blank form that I populate say with 8 PictureBoxes (it doesn't matter what the control is, I've just picked one at random)In VB6 if I want to change any property of these controls, its very simple, because I can index the control eg:

For i = 0 To 7
MyPic(i).BorderStyle = 1

How can this this be done simply in VB for any control in general?

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Control Arrays - Working With Indexes?

Dec 4, 2009

How I can make control arrays like vb6? I need for example,
button(2). backcolor=... etc.
And I wanna work with it's indexes.

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Get String Between Indexes?

Jan 13, 2010

I've been searching for hours trying to make a Button event that removes all the text between two indexes in a list box. The two indexes are #FIRSTNAMES# and #LASTNAMES#... I have a code but it's WAAAY too confusing and it does not work. If anyone knows a way to do this, please let me know. I'll post my code just in case you don't know another way. I haven't gotten to the remove part, I'm still just trying to display the text between the indexes into a message box. I took most of it from Google pages... I really want an easier way, because I know there is one, but never the less I just need progress.


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ArrayList Indexes Not Set Properly?

Aug 25, 2010

I have some basic code to fill items in an ArrayList as follows:

Dim intSteps As ArrayList = New ArrayList()
elect Case Session("type")
Case 1


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Getting Textbox Array Or Indexes?

Apr 26, 2011

I have some problem doing my practice in vb .net, what im trying to do is to array or do indexes my textbox, for an example i have 5 textbox,i would like to do like vb classic version, like this:



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Textbox Array Or Indexes?

Dec 24, 2010

I have some problem doing my practice in vb .net, what im trying to do is to array or do indexes my textbox, for an example i have 5 textbox,i would like to do like vb classic version, like this:



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Create Collections With Named Indexes?

Aug 26, 2009

I need to create a collection that should have named indexes. e.g.: IN typical collection such as ArrayList :

Dim al as ArrayList = New ArrayList() al.Add("10") al.Add("20")

to access first element i have to use "0" in al(0)...such I need to create a collection that has Named indexes instead of Numerical zero based indexes. such as: assume the collectio object is col1. to access the value element "RegoNo", i should use the collection object as col1("RegoNo") or similar technique Is this possible to do?

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Find All Indexes Of String In Array?

May 9, 2012

i'm having trouble getting indexes of found matches in array. I have array of 100,000+ entries with numbers, and some of them occur more than once in array. I'd like to get every index of found matching element in array.I'm struggling with:

Dim ID() As String 'then I ReDim Preserve this ID() to needed length, and fill it with values


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Finding Value - How Many Indexes Of Array Filled

Jul 9, 2010

I have an array Newstr(20) When I fill it, I need to know how many of its indexes has been filled ? and find out the values.

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Sort Two Arrays With Corresponded Indexes?

May 17, 2012

I have two arrays (array1 and array2)with double type data. I want to sort array1 to ascending order, and array2 with corresponding to the array1 indexes. Is this possible? Example below,

Array1(0) = 2.30
Array1(1) = 4.20
Array1(2) = 1.90


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VS 2008 Indexes Of The Columns In Datagrid?

Jul 22, 2009

how can I know what are the indexes of the columns in my datagrid?

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When Indexes Rebuild While Creating DataView

Feb 15, 2011

Here is the code
Dim xR() As DataRow = xT.Select("TS='" & TS & "'")
Dim qRow As DataRow
If xR.Length = 1 Then
qRow = xR(0)
[Code] .....

Sometimes(not always) I get that internal index is corrupted. I read somewhere that frequent updates to in memory datatable, can produce error like that and that only real solution is to create dataview from time to time, and by doing that datatable rebuild it's that for real....I have changed my code and now I'm creating dataview and disposing it right far so good. but I was wandering is thatfact....does datatble rebuilds it's indexes when you create dataview...and if not when are they rebuild.

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Getting A List Of Indexes From A Text Search In Vb2005?

Jul 25, 2010

I am running a index search on a string in a rich textbox, i have a list of keywords which need to be a different color in this textbox. how do i run a search on a string in vb2005 and get a list of indexes where the text matched my search?

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Method To Retrieve String Using Two Character Indexes?

Mar 5, 2012

Just like the title says; I want to use something like Mid(stringName, startIndex,[integerLength]), but instead of the third argument taking a string length, I want it to take the end character index. So in an example like this:
alphabet = "ABCDEFG"
partial = *method I want to use*(alphabet, 2, 4) 'partial would equal "BC"

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Retrieve All Indexes Of Strings In A Large File?

Oct 8, 2011

Imagine there is a very large html file with of course lots of html tags. I cannot load the entire file into memory. My intention is to extract all indexes for this <p> and this </p> strings. How should I achieve it?

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Return Indexes Of Two Or More Highest And Lowest Scores?

Sep 4, 2009

Public Scores(19) As Decimal

Now This Array is populated with decimal values and i just want to get the index values of the highest and lowest scores.i.e. if the [[scores(3) = 90]] and [[scores(7) = 90]] are equal and highest scores, i want 3 and 7 as integers in return..and same for the lowest scores..I retrieved data from a text file and stored it in Classes.. now i want to relate the above Array and these Classes..

Dim Student1 As New Student

There are total 20 of these classes.. Student2.vName, Student3,vName.. etc etc

Student1.vName = SplitterArray(0)
Student1.vID = SplitterArray(1)
Student1.Score1 = SplitterArray(2)


For example, After i get the highest score indexes from scores(19) array i would like to get the name of the related person from Student*.vName Class (If i get 3 and 7 index i the related names would be Student4.vName and Student7.vName consequently)?

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DB/Reporting :: Connecting To Dbase IV Database Files That Use Indexes

Jan 5, 2009

I've used visual basic in office before, but when it comes to writing applications in Visual Studio, my knowledge is fairly limited. I'm unsure on how to set up a connection in my application to connect with a dBase IV database that uses indexes (not sure if it matters if it has indexes or not). I will need to both read and write to this database.

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Office Automation :: Bookmarks Only Recognizes Integer Indexes?

Aug 25, 2009

I am developing an application in VB2008. I initially starting using Office 2003. But later found out that I need to develop it using Office 2000 automation instead.

The problem is when I developed it using Office 2003 I was able to reference the bookmarks by name like this:

Dim data As New DataObject
data.SetData(DataFormats.Rtf, pubrtfContent)


Why would just changing the references in the application cause the bookmarks to be referenced by numeric value only, instead of name? And how I can I get the bookmarks to be able to be referenced by name in Office 2000? Obviously I am doing something wrong, but can't figure out what.

Btw, when I try and reference a bookmark with the name in with the Office 2000 references I get this error: Conversion from string "Judgement" to type 'Integer' is not valid.

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Using Loop - Showing Total Cost And Adding Indexes Together

May 5, 2009

I have a class project that I have been working on for a while, and I can't figure out how to add each cost from lstCosts together to show a total cost of the selected workshops in lblTotalCost. Using the current loop that I have, it only adds the last cost in lstCosts. Is there a way to add the indexes together?

Public Class Form1
' The registration fee for each workshop
Const intSTRESS As Integer = 595 ' handling stress
Const intMANAGEMENT As Integer = 695 ' time management
Const intSKILLS As Integer = 995 ' supervision skills
[Code] .....

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VS 2010 Assign Values To The Indexes/items Of The Imagelist?

Apr 24, 2012

I'm building a virtual blackjack game and I'm having difficulty assigning values to the cards. I've set up picture boxes for the dealer's cards and the player's cards, and i've linked those picture boxes to an ImageList that contains all of the cards (+ the picture of the back of the card, since you only see one of the dealer's cards to start out with). When you hit the "Deal" button, I have the following code so far:

Private Sub btnDeal_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDeal.Click
Me.btnHit.Visible = True
Me.btnHit.Enabled = True

I have a section at the top that has labels saying: "Dealer's Showing ______", "You're Showing ________"how to assign values to the indexes/items of the imagelist? For example, items 0-3 have a value of "2", items 4-7 has a value of "3", and so forth...

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Using A Select Case Loop To Fill Different Indexes Of A Multidiminsional Array?

Dec 9, 2009

I am using a select case loop to perform different tasks, one of the tasks the loop is doing is putting 1d arrays together into 3d arrays. But, when i come to print the 3d array only the 3rd "line" in the array is complete. Is there a way to pass variables created in a select case out of the select case?

Here is some code to try and explain better:
Select Case Int()
Case Is = 13


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Converting VB 6 To 2008 Errors: End Of Statement Expected, Number Of Indexes Exceeds

Mar 29, 2010

i have to convert a visual basic 6 program to the visual basic 2008. i used the wizard that is provided to upgrade but that just doesn't work. It comes up with many errors. most of them are End of statement expected and Number of indexes exceeds the number of dimensions of the indexed array. I really don't know what to do with them and i have to fix them in order for it to run.

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GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDb.OleDbSchemaGuid.Indexes - How To Access Included Columns On Index

Oct 7, 2011

dt = GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDb.OleDbSchemaGuid.Indexes...
dt.Rows(i).Item("Index_Name") ==> gives the index name
dt.Rows(i).Item("Column_Name") ==> gives the column name on which we created the index


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VS 2008 Get An Array Of Rows Or Rows Indexes In Which Boolean Column "Aktywny" Is Set To True?

Apr 26, 2010

I have a datagridview, and I want to get an array of rows, or rows indexes in which boolean column "Aktywny" is set to True.Obviously I can Do it using loop, but LINQ will be much faster for sure...

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Read Line By Line With Its Indexes?

Nov 26, 2009

i want to read files line by line with its indixes tell me how i can read and write them in another file


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'True' Control Transparency - Control With Motion Graphics (simplicity, A 'video Player' Control)

Dec 29, 2010

Here's my situation: I have a control with motion graphics (for the sake of simplicity, a 'video player' control) in my project. Think of a PictureBox with constantly-changing images. In front of this will sit a second control (such as a second PictureBox of the same dimensions). The topmost PictureBox will be drawn to in its Paint event.

I need to draw very few elements, and the bottom control is updated much more frequently than I need for this drawing. So these elements are drawn to the topmost control. Think of a news broadcast, where they have live video in the background, with a news channel logo, news ticker, and sometimes gradient visible in front.

I'm trying to create that 'foreground' control, and the closest I believe I have gotten so far is the following:

Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.Imaging
Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D


The 'Opacity' property in the code above is a sort of "scaling factor." The image drawn to the top control may, in different parts of the image, have any alpha value from full transparent to a full 255. This 'Opacity' property is applied to the entire image being drawn, scaling the alpha values of each pixel.

See the following pictures for description:


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Set Control (windows Control) Position To Some Other Control Relative Postion?

Mar 25, 2011

I want to set control position relative to other control so when i make one control hide then other control move up like this.

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How To Display An Image In Picture Box Control When A Cell Clicked In Datagrid View Control

Jul 16, 2011

Im doing a mini project and i need to display an image in picture box control when a cell clicked in datagrid view control .the image is linked through the database ms access and im using frame work.

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Treeview Control That Works Similar To Apples Finder Control In Column View?

Feb 1, 2012

I have a requirement for a new application development where I must present some information to the user for selection via drag and drop. VB offers the TreeView control which would work nice, however the user does not like the Treeview control's presentation. The user wants a control that work similar to the Mac's Finder control while in column view.

Apple's Mac Finder Control works similar to window's treeview. Finder has a nifty view capability that my users would like in some new development that is being done. The finder supports a "column" view. Similar to the treeview, it starts out in a root list. The difference being, when a user makes a selection and clicks on a node, the node doesn't expand, the sub nodes appear on the pane to the right of the list. Clicking on a sub node, will cause the pane to split again and the items within that sub node appear
to the right again.

This will happen again and again with the left pane getting narrower as the user drives deeper into the sub nodes. That is what I am trying to replicate. Obviously, once the user reaches the base list of items, we have to support drag and drop capability. Does anyone know of a control for VB.NET that work similar to the Mac's Finder control?

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Vb6 Migration - .net Taking Too Much Time To Load User Control Containing Label Control Array?

Dec 22, 2011

I am upgrading user control from vb6 to the vb6 application I am loading 3000 labels using a label control array.In I am doing same but it's taking too much time to load.In vb6 it's taking 1-2 seconds, but in it's taking 30-40 seconds for same work. Why does it take too much time in for same work?Code is given below, here Led is the label control array.

For l = 1 To 3000


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