Image Mapping In .net?

Jun 8, 2011

is there anyway that i can place an object in a specific coordinates in vb?

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C# - Nhibernate Mapping Of System.Drawing.Image?

Oct 5, 2010

Question: I get an exception serializing this class to a nHibernate xml file ({"Could not determine type for: System.Drawing.Image, System.Drawing, for columns:NHibernate.Mapping.Column(Settings)"}).

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;


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Used To VB6 Key Mapping?

Jul 26, 2011


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.net - Automapper Only Mapping Certain Properties?

Apr 7, 2012

Using automapper i am mapping my ViewModel to my business object, however i want to map to an existing object instance and only map the properties on my view model. e.g.

ProductModel has id,name,code
ProductBusiness has id,name,code,dateadded
Function Add(ByVal model As ProducModel) As ActionResult


i want to somehow pass in the existing business object instance and only map the 3 properties that are on both objects, dateadded should stay the same as it was in the database.

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CSV To Database Field Mapping

Nov 17, 2011

I have a form with a button that says "Open CSV".I want to be able to click that button. Then browse for a .CSV file, and after I select the file, populate a combobox with all of the headers of the .CSV.I would then be mapping these headers to fields in my database, then import the .CSV data into my database.

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GUI To Business Object Mapping .Net?

Jun 17, 2009

The issue I'm currently having is mapping multiple GUI fields to object properties (i.e. Presentation layer to Business Logic Layer mapping). To be more specific, this is in VB.Net 2.0 WinForms. The nature of the solution requires us to have 4 columns which exhibit the same type of behavior on our GUI - each column consisting of 11 textboxes (we'll just use this small sample size, as the problem extends beyond 11 textboxes).

What I am currently doing is setting the tag of each textbox in all four columns to a value like so:

Textbox1.tag = "name"
Textbox2.tag = "type"
Textbox3.tag = "speed"


As you can see this can get very bad, rather quickly. Currently we're setting 43 some odd properties that can be mapped to -- thus that select statement is extremely long -- many of which are embedded in multiple methods to try and attempt DRY (I've watered down the code to essentially a conceptual implementation).

Question is: how can I refactor this? I've attempted using a dictionaries/hashes to a certain extent, but it either became overly complex, or just plain didn't make an implementation sense as it convoluted the problem even more.

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Mapping A Network Drive?

Aug 16, 2011

I've followed the instructions found at the letter (albeit also adding the parameters to pass a username and password), but have had no success connecting to a network drive that requires authentication to access.

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Mapping Many Points On Map Of US Using Addresses In VB

Jul 31, 2009

I have a very long list of points I would like to plot on any state in the US. I would prefer to plot each point with just a dot. All I have is an address that includes the street address, city and state and possibly the zip code. Ideally, I would like to place the resuts in a VB Picture box. I understand there is a Google interface but have found in my research the examples to be lacking exactly what I need.

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Mapping Values Of Two Arrays?

Oct 22, 2009

I have two arrays with equals number of values, is there a way to match the values exactly in same order, as such:



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Offline GPS Mapping Software?

Jun 25, 2009

<!-- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:"Cambria Math"; panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4; mso-font-charset:0; mso-generic-font-family:roman; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-signature:-1610611985 1107304683 0 0 159 0;} @font-face {font-family:Calibri; panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4; mso-font-charset:0; mso-generic-font-family:swiss; mso-font-pitch:variable; mso-font-


what options do I have for creating a VB.Net application with a mapping framework; obviously I am not going to write my own. So is there any OFFLINE components free or otherwise that I can use?

Application Background : Basically I have a mobile device that sends its location back to a socket server (I am writing using .Net sockets) every 10 Seconds (possibly longer 10min, not decided). The client (which I will also write and need the map component for) will login to the server and download the latest number of GPS points and simply plot them onto a map surface (thus the maps need to be of street level quality). Although the map database can be updated over the internet, I have to assume the user does not have an internet connection. So using something like Google earth is no good. Initially I need the UK only, but will need the option for Europe and possible the USA later on.

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VS 2010 Mapping A Dataset?

Aug 11, 2010

I have to change an application I was made, but I have a big trouble.In this application, I use a SqlServerCE file, as database.But now, I need access the database from another PC.

I will made this:

- Create a XML file, with the location of my .SDF file
- The connection string, form making SQL commands is easy adjustable.
- The problem is: And how can I change the dataset automatically created form the VB? use it many times, in many forms, and in the application load, I have to read the XML file, and update this dataset.

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C# - Mapping A Filename To Paths On A Server

Jun 28, 2010

I have a problem with my code. My code is using the fileupload control to browse for a filename when you add a filename it processes it and the code runs fine on when it lives on local host, but when I put the code on our prodution server it cannot find the filenames listed by user.

For example if I use the upload control to browse to B:MISCH IntiveRPTTOFL_3.csv and the code lives on my localhost which know what that file path means it works, but if the code is moved to a production server it may or maynot know what B:/ is or B:/ maybe mapped to something else. Even if I am browsing to a file on my C drive it will work on if the code is on the machine that the C drive is on, but it will not work if the code is on another machine because obviously that file wouldnt be on that C drive.


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Finding A BitBLT Equivalent As In XOR Or OR Mapping?

Oct 13, 2009

I use 2005.I want to take one image and place it on top of another image, I want to blend the images using various techniques such as OR or XOR od AND functions.I understand BitBlt does this.1) Is this the technique i should use in .net? Or is there some complicated parameters burried deep in the graphics.drawimage method?2) How do i declare the BitBlt function and what are the values of the ROP parameters?

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Make A Mapping Between each Property And column #

Oct 21, 2009

I have a situation where a class's properties are being exported/imported from an Excel sheet. Each property is in a specific column, so I want to make a mapping between each property and column # (a Dictionary collection would be sufficient). That way I can just loop through each property and/or column in the dictionary when read/writing data (maybe something like Class1.PropertyA = ws.Cells(curRow, Propto ColDictionary(PropertyA???).value). But, you obviously can't treat properties like other value types, so I don't know how I would store a property in a dictionary for this purpose. So could this sort of thing be achieved via reflection, or am I off-track?

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Mapping A Javascript Object To Structure?

Feb 28, 2012

I am passing a pair of serialized objects into a webserviceThe first one maps to a known structure, so I am using the structure type in the parameter list of the webservice. The second object may map to one of 6+ structures.A field in the first object will tell me which structure to use for the second object once both objects are passed to the webservice.

a.template = jQuery('#txtTemplate').val();
a.value1 = jQuery('#txtValue1').val();
b.var1 = jQuery('#txtVar1).val();


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Mapping Network Drive Remotely?

Feb 19, 2009

I'm developing an application that needs to Map a network drive for a domain user logged into a domain PC from a remote location. I have tried numerous different things with different levels of success but none with the required functionality. - First, I used WMI to create a process that would run Net Use with no luck: Net Use would ask for a user name and password to connect to the share instead of using the User's credentials.- Second I generated a script (wshNetwork) that would be copied to the remote PC and used WMI to once again create a process that would run wscript in command prompt to execute the copied script.

The script would run successfully (as evident by code placed to fill in a text file when the script completed) but the network drive was not added.- Third I created a program that would be copied to the user's PC which would map the drive using Windows Network API. Again, I used WMI to execute the program as a proccess with the results the same as the script. The application would run successfully but the drive was not added.- Fourth, I edited the user's registry to add the drive. This worked, however the mapped drive was not usable through Windows Explorer without a reboot.

Unfortunately, one of the requirements of the application is to avoid rebooting the remote PC.I have arguably had the greatest success with the following:- I used WMI to generate a scheduled task on the remote PC that would run a script (wshNetwork), an application (Win API) or the Net Use command to map the drive. All resulted in the drive being properly mapped and visable through windows explorer with the files accessable. However, the new map would be labeled "Disconnected Network Drive" and the drive could not be removed (error: network connection could not be found) and the driver letter could not be used without rebooting the system. Anyone have any suggestions on how I can do this? Unfortunately I can't use wshController to run a remote script because a majority of the PCs on the domain are not configured to use it.

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No Mapping Between Accounts Name And Security Ids Was Found

Jul 6, 2010

On window XP environment i ran a VB application which use MS Excel 11 application and open the workbook but systems give automation error while opening the workbook which is stated below


Automation Error

"No mapping between account names and security ids was found"

I was logged on to window as local account and guest user.

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Sql Server - List Of All The SQL Types And Their .NET Mapping?

Nov 27, 2009

I need a list of all the SQL types and their .NET (vb would be preferred, but C# also works for me)equivalent.

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TreeView Recursive Directory Mapping?

Apr 12, 2011

I have to map a directory with all subdirectories and their subdirectories and so on, all in a treeview.

I have this code but it has a "small" bug, is not done well.


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Unable To Find Table Mapping?

Jun 12, 2011

I have created a form for a user to create a booking of a meeting room, I need this form to do 3 things.have print functionality update the new booking to a dataset view the current bookings screen I seem to be struggling with the second task, when I try and save my new booking I get this error

System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled
Message="Update unable to find TableMapping['mtrbookings'] or DataTable 'mtrbookings'."
Please see the code for my form.
Imports System.Data.SqlClient


I have not declaired any data sources, like a data grid view or the text boxes from which my information is typed by the user (text boxes).

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USB Device Identification & Comport Mapping?

May 6, 2007

I have a USB gadget that appears to Windows as a USB serial port, there is no special driver.I know the USB Vendor ID, and the USB Product ID, I need 1 or 2 functions:

First: IsThisUsbDevicePresent( Vendor_ID, Product_ID )

Second: Some means of transforming the above into "COM1" or "COM9" or what ever it is so I can call it. And that- should be doable from VB...

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Windows CE 4.2, Mapping A Remote File

Sep 28, 2011

I trying to map a remote file with net use, but when i add the password after username and alwaysa error status appears.only work without the password in the net use command

MY steps:

1.First create a bat file with this command:

net use Server \CopernicoConfiguration /user:Pablo med
comment ( "med = password")

2. transfer the bat file with activesync to my device.

3. run the bat file in the Windows CE framework 4.2 device

How to mapping a remote file using a bat file with the net use command,using the password ?

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Mapping A Network Drive Using Username And Password

Jan 18, 2009

I'd like to write a VB script that maps a network drive, but I don't really know where to start. I'd like to script to ask for a username and password, then map the drive.should I write it VB or as a CMD batch file? NET USE Z: \serverfolder\%user% /USER:%USER%@domain /password:%pass%am not even sure I've got that syntax write.

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Mapping Custom GUID With Fluent NHibernate

Dec 6, 2011

I am using Fluent NHibernate to map an Oracle database. It is a legacy database so I cant really change everything I want.There is a GUID field, but the keys are still composite (I will change this as soon as I can so that the keys are not composite, but I cant do it right now). The GUID is a VARCHAR2 field with this layout: 551608b1-275d-49f6-9561-44d01aacf23f. The GUID is not added by a sequence in Oracle, but inserted from code (C# or[code]Is the problem that I dont use a sequence to generate my GUID? How can I overcome this?

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NHibernate Mapping SQL-VIEW Without Unique Identifier?

Oct 13, 2011

I have a read-only mssql-view, and I want to map it to nhibernate (using hbm.xml files). The view is a select that joins two tables. For give an abstract-insight, the select is something like this:

A.AttributeA, B.AttributeB,
A.Id = B.RootID

It's a one-to-many relationship between A and B (B entries are dependant/leafs of A entries).

I'm using nhibernate's hbm.xml files, and I can't make it to work. I'd gladly appreciate if someone can enlight me of the kind of XML that I have to use, I guess that as my view has no ID, I have to create a composite-nhibernate id (wich will be the ids os A and B together) but I couldn't make it to work. Also the view is READ ONLY so I think that should make the solution easier.

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Visual Basic 10 - Mapping Network Drive

Oct 14, 2010

Currently I am trying to create a small application which will be used to map a common network drive on an offline computer. Currently my form has: Location Username Password Domain I have these all setup so that when I click to map the drive it will automatically grab the entered information and map it to the W drive. I tried the code below but it isn't working, stating a W32 exception.


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What Control Should Be Use In Making A Room Mapping System

Feb 25, 2010

what control should i use in making a room mapping system? i just cant figure out what controls i should use. i plan to use the datagrid but i don't know how to fill the color of cell.

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.net - Encrypt Web.config Error No Mapping Between Account Name And Security IDs Was Done

Mar 14, 2011

I am trying to encryp web.confif using RsaProtectedConfigurationProvider.Everything works fine on my machine which is Windows XP. I know I am supposed to use "ASPNET" in following command for XP. My test server is WIndows server 2007 and following command gives me an error. "No mapping between account name and security IDs was done." I know ASPNET is not the default application pool on the server. What command should I use on the server?

aspnet_regiis -pa "NetFrameworkConfigurationKey" "ASPNET"

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C# - Duplicate Mapping To Column 'CustomerID' In Class 'xCustomers'?

Oct 20, 2011

I get the error Duplicate mapping to column 'CustomerID' in class 'xCustomers' in the following class, but i do not know what am i doing terribly wrong.

Public Class xCustomers
Inherits XPBaseObject
Public Sub New(ByVal session As Session)


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Copying/Mapping Data Between Excel Spread Sheets?

Nov 14, 2011

I need to copy data using if possible from one excel spreadworbook to another and place the data into the correct columns in the existing excel spreadsheet. The column titles of the spreadsheets match up, I have several templates I need to place data into and the order of the columns is different in each template so I need a way of searching for a column header in the template and then copying the data into that column.

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