Import Access Data Into Sql Server Using .net?

Jun 22, 2010

how to import access data into sql server using I want to create a openfiledialog and allow user to choose which access file to be imported into the server.

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Import MS Access Database Table In Sql Server 2005 In Program Code?

Jan 9, 2010

I am developing a application in SQL server 2005 ,now i would like to import MS access database tables from a network into sql server 2005 database, using stored procedure or code without using SQL server 2005 Wizard .

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Import Excel Data Into SQL Server - ERROR: "ODBC --Connection To {SQL Server} Servernamesqlservername Failed"

Aug 13, 2010

I am trying to do something fairly simple.. allow my user to import thier data from Excel into SQL Server, where it can be used by the application.To do this, I'm using the fairly simple code that is common everywhere I look:

strFilePath = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + fdlgFileOpen.FileName + ";Extended Properties=Excel 8.0"
connExcel = New OleDbConnection(strFilePath)


Now, on my development computer this code works perfectly. The data imports, and I can go on my merry way.

On the TEST computer, this code throws the error: "ODBC -- Connection to {SQL Server} servernamesqlservername failed." This seems very odd to me, because I'm using exactly the same SQL Server and database to interact with the application, and all the other screens in the application work perfectly. The test computer CAN connect to this SQL Server, but it keeps throwing this error whenever I try import data from Excel.I've tried everything I can think of - using the server's IP address instead of the server name, sending the SQL Server administrator data along with the request, taking out the Trusted_Connection=Yes... nothing works. What is going on here? How can this code work fine on my computer, and hiccup on another?

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Import Excel Data Into SQL Server?

Mar 29, 2010

how can I import excel data into SQL Server with

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Import Data From A Excel File Into Sql Server?

Oct 20, 2010

IS there any way in through which we can browse for an excel file upload its data in data grid view and save into sql server.?

View 9 Replies

Import Data From MS-Excel Into Sql Server Using Program?

Dec 28, 2009

I need to import data from Excel to Sql Server using ASP.NET.

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Import Data From Sql Server 2005 To Excel?

Sep 21, 2011

example or reference how to do import the data in sql to excel?

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Import Excel Data Into SQL Server 2008?

Dec 4, 2009

I've been trying to write code to import Excel files into a SQL Table using the following code (url...) with little success.

This is a VB.Net app using Visual Studios 2008 with SQL Server 2008 on a Vista Ultimate 64 machine.

The runtime error encountered is: "COMException was unhandled...Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done."[code]...

View 7 Replies

Import Data From An Excel File Which Resides On A Server?

Jan 20, 2011

I want to import an excel file in .net. Excel file resides on server. when I try to imort the file using below code , i am getting error.

ExcelConnection() As


If i import excel file from local drive its working fine. But when i try to import excel file from server(URL of file) then i am getting error.

I am getting error(Oledbexception Failure creating file.). how to import excel file that in resides on server(file is not on my local drive, i will access file through URL).

View 3 Replies

Import Data From One Worksheet Into Database SQL Server 2008?

May 22, 2012

I have a project to import data from one worksheet into database SQL Server 2008 on Windows Server 2008 using Interop. The project in debug mode works fine, but accessing the site from a client computer, I am getting permission denied message to the file I'm trying to import and it is located on the server. I wonder what it takes to make additional settings, as well as file folder. IIS? DCOM?

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VS 2010 NET Import Data Excel Into Sql Server And Get Values From Sql?

Nov 25, 2010

I'm trying to import excel file into sql sever and then get some values that I decide.I read several posts but anyway I don't succed to proceding.First:

Excelconnection = New OleDbConnection("provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; data source=" + myPath + "; Extended Properties='Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1'")


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Import Data From Sql To Ms Access In .net Through Coding?

Jun 12, 2009

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
connetionString = ("server=;database=eKalyan;user id=invite;password=invite")
MessageBox.Show("connection established")


View 19 Replies

Import XML Data Into Access Using VB Script?

Jun 26, 2009

I have xml files on my "C:sample" folder, which I need to import data from xml file to Access2003 Database table (record) using VB Script.Access Database table fields

ID Varchar(200)
Name Varchar(200)
And have following xml file.


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Import And Export Data From Access Database?

Aug 17, 2010

I have a project am about to start and I want to used 2008.

I have an access database with some messed up data for example instead of firstname, Lastname field the person who create the database used fullname for the name filed. The good thing about this is the clerk types the names with a space.

I want to create a program that find the first name insert it into a new table.firstname and last name and put it into a table.lname using a loop all at once.

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VS 2005 Import Data From RAM (Random Access Memory)?

Nov 30, 2010

how can we or can we import data from PC RAM, and stored it to data like text or grafik...

View 6 Replies

Download A Pdf File And Import The Tabular Data Into Access 2007 Database

Sep 21, 2009

how could we download a pdf file and import the tabular data into access 2007 database, i have tried and got successful in downloading the pdf file from an URL, but not able to import the table data into access 2007 database/or may be an excel file through a VB6 program.

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Import Excel Worksheet To Ms Access With User Defined Data Types?

May 5, 2010

i am using vb .net and importing excel sheet to ms access. i am doing this work very well. but i want that when a user select the excel file to import, than user must asked for the data types that he want for the different fields, by default when user imports the excel file it assign the text data type to text filed such as name and number data type to numeric field such as roll_no. but i want that user select the data type according to his need.

code that i use is to import file is given below:

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Public Class Form2


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VS 2010 - Import Data From An Access Database To Other Access Database

Jun 22, 2010

I am trying to import data from an access database to a access database that my project uses I am having problems with combo box fields in the database with the data. I want to import what is displayed instead of the numerical key value. Example: The combo box displays employee names but the value stored is the key value from the employee table so instead of importing John Doe it imports 2 is there a way to make the actual name instead of the number?

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Data Transfer From Ms Access Or Sql Server To Sql Server

Jul 6, 2010

I want to know how you can export data from a disconnected database that could be access or ms sql to an sql server database.

Here is the scenario:

I have several software in a remote sites on either sql or ms access databases as back-ends...and I have another sql server database that i want to consolidate data from the remote sites.

One solution I have been thinking about is to use email to send incremental backups of the databases to the main database using a separate piece of software and have another one on the main server to pull that data into the database.

Basically am looking at setting up the remote databases as linked servers at the main database and then having incremental backups sent by email to the main database.

I have thought of replication but the internet link at the sites is terrible.

Is that a good implementation? If yes

How do i get to send the incremental backups and get them imported?(the code)


Visual basic 2008 standard edition..Net 3.5
SQL Server 2005.
32 bit architecture.

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Import Into Access Using Import Specification?

May 10, 2010

I want to write a program in vb2008 that can import a text file into a Access 2000 database, but using import specifications already in the access database.

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Importing Access Data Into SQL Server

Aug 5, 2011

we're importing a lot of data to sql server from an MS Access db. we're doing it via a windows form. We open the Access db as a dataset, loop through it and save it to sql server with a stored procedure.

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VS 2010 Access SQL Server Data?

Mar 30, 2011

VWD 2010 Express SQL Server 2008 R2 I have just jumped in to this and baffled at data access that is available. I have a tabbed page with labels, textboxes and dropdown lists. The user enters data in one box, selects from a dropdown, then enters text in a textbox. On the last textbox change event, I want to do a SQL select and populate the rest of the textboxes. Used to be so simple. Do not want bound gridview, etc. I want to handle the data, and on submit, do the update/ insert.

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VS 2010 Export Data From SQL Server 2005 To Ms Access 2003?

Apr 26, 2012

I have some code that retrieves some data from multiple tables.This works fine.Now I want the data I retrieved to ADD to an excisting table in an Access 2003 DB.

How can I achieve this.I searched this forum and google...without succes :-(

The code I use to retrieve the data from sql server 2005: Dim connection As New SqlConnection(strConnectionStringSQL)


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Import .csv Into SQL Server 2008?

Jul 31, 2010

I need to import a .csv file into a table in SQL Server.I need for the user to be able to select the file and then click to import that file.

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Import Csv File In Sql Server

Jun 30, 2009

i m trying yo import a csv file tabed csv file with following code it works well just prob is that it just enters first row from the table later i get message connection was not closed connection is in open state yet , n nothing else..[code]

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Import CSV Files Into SQL Server?

Oct 28, 2010

I am new to using VB.NET, I've come from developing using MS Access.

I have started a project that will load csv/txt files into SQL Server, I have a form that has a browse for file and this will then display the csv/txt file name in a text box once chosen. How is it posible to use an ADO connection send the csv/txt file into a table within my database.

Can anyone give me little help to get the basics of creating code to import the csv/txt files.

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Data Management - Changing Current Database System, MS Access 2007 Front End And MS SQL Server 2005 Backend

May 8, 2012

We are thinking about changing our current database system, MS Access 2007 front end and MS SQL Server 2005 backend to using a higher level language such as Visual Basic .Net. I wonder if this is the BEST solution for data management? Currently, among others, we have two big database programs that handle more than two hundred users and it's crashed often. That's the reason we think about changing to something that can handle these database programs effectively preferably using MS technology such as .Net.

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Import .NET 4 Fw To Windows Server 2003

Jun 18, 2010

which file i should install in our windows server 2003 for it to support the windows 2003 server should i download the all framework (200+ mb i think) ?

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Import An Excel File Into SQL Server?

Sep 11, 2009

Everything seems to imports ok until i look at the data in more detail, this is when I notice its imported the data but in the wrong order.

for some reason when I look at the db table all records are in the wrong order, and strangely enough it seems to be a different order every time I import things.

Is there a way to force the routine to import the data in the same order as the it is in the excel file?, because at the minute it seems to have a mind of its own[code]...

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Import Excel File To Sql Server?

Oct 15, 2011

Does anyone know how to import exel data into sql server using I want to create a openfiledialog and allow user to choose which exel file to be imported into the server.

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