Importing Access Data Into SQL Server

Aug 5, 2011

we're importing a lot of data to sql server from an MS Access db. we're doing it via a windows form. We open the Access db as a dataset, loop through it and save it to sql server with a stored procedure.

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Importing Data From Sql To Ms Access

Jun 22, 2010

The following is the complete coding for an application which I wrote to move data from sql 2000 to MS Access 2003. The coding looks fine to me but I am still getting an error.

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data.OleDb

Public Class Form1
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form


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Importing Data From Excel To SQL Server Via Stored Procedure

Apr 21, 2011

I found a few examples online on how to import excel into sql via vb. but can i do it via stored procedure?
Insert into SQLServerTable Select * FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
'Excel 8.0;Database=D: esting.xls;HDR=YES',
'SELECT * FROM [SheetName$]')

So like, can I pass in:
'Excel 8.0;Database=D: esting.xls;HDR=YES',
'SELECT * FROM [SheetName$]')
As a parameter to SQL Server SP?

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Importing Data From Webpage To Access Database?

Jul 8, 2011

i am a ticketing agenit in my city. i do book tickets on web of the company from which i am buying, so i have to fill a form so i want that data to be imported to my database file from that page.

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Importing Csv Data/values To Access Database 2003 Using .net 2008?

Jun 8, 2012

im a newbie in and i am using 2008 express edition,,i am creating a project which is importing csv data in my database,

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Data Transfer From Ms Access Or Sql Server To Sql Server

Jul 6, 2010

I want to know how you can export data from a disconnected database that could be access or ms sql to an sql server database.

Here is the scenario:

I have several software in a remote sites on either sql or ms access databases as back-ends...and I have another sql server database that i want to consolidate data from the remote sites.

One solution I have been thinking about is to use email to send incremental backups of the databases to the main database using a separate piece of software and have another one on the main server to pull that data into the database.

Basically am looking at setting up the remote databases as linked servers at the main database and then having incremental backups sent by email to the main database.

I have thought of replication but the internet link at the sites is terrible.

Is that a good implementation? If yes

How do i get to send the incremental backups and get them imported?(the code)


Visual basic 2008 standard edition..Net 3.5
SQL Server 2005.
32 bit architecture.

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Importing A MDF File Into SQL Server 2008?

Aug 7, 2009

I have inherited a web app that I'm making some changes on. I'm perfectly capable with the programming side (VB and MSSQL) but I'm getting lost with the tools. I was given a zip file of the code and everything. I opened the sln file in Visual Studio 2005 and it worked fairly easily with little modification.

Running the app works perfectly. Problem is, I need to write some new SPs so need the database admin. SQL Server 2008 Express is installed but it doesn't see any database and I have no idea how to import it.I have a folder App_Data in the project with the file ASPNETDB.MDF. Opening this in VS gived the error: This server version is not supported. You must have Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Beta 2 or later.

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Importing An Excel File Into SQL Server

Sep 11, 2009

Im having strange problems when importing data from an excel file into a sql table. Everything seems to imports ok until i look at the data in more detail, this is when I notice its imported the data but in the wrong order. for some reason when I look at the db table all records are in the wrong order, and strangely enough it seems to be a different order every time I import things. Is there a way to force the routine to import the data in the same order as the it is in the excel file?, because at the minute it seems to have a mind of its own.

My code is below:

Public Function ReadExcelFile(ByVal sFileName As String) As Boolean

Dim oSQL As New clsSQLHolder
Dim excelCon As String


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Importing An Excel File Into SQL Server?

Sep 11, 2009

Im having strange problems when importing data from an excel file into a sql tableEverything seems to imports ok until i look at the data in more detail, this is when I notice its imported the data but in the wrong order.

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Import Access Data Into Sql Server Using .net?

Jun 22, 2010

how to import access data into sql server using I want to create a openfiledialog and allow user to choose which access file to be imported into the server.

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VS 2010 Access SQL Server Data?

Mar 30, 2011

VWD 2010 Express SQL Server 2008 R2 I have just jumped in to this and baffled at data access that is available. I have a tabbed page with labels, textboxes and dropdown lists. The user enters data in one box, selects from a dropdown, then enters text in a textbox. On the last textbox change event, I want to do a SQL select and populate the rest of the textboxes. Used to be so simple. Do not want bound gridview, etc. I want to handle the data, and on submit, do the update/ insert.

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Importing A Csv To Access Table?

Feb 10, 2010

I'm trying to write a small application that imports data in a column from a csv file into a table in access. I'm very new to programming, but this is what i've come up with so far. It runs, but it's not actually bringing the data over to my database.

Here is the code:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim dbPath As String
dbPath = "f:db1.mdb"


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Importing A File Into Access?

Jan 27, 2009

I want to create a button that will open up a form that will be used to browse a filesystem and select an excel sheet to import into access. I'm a noob at .Net and I needsome help on how to do this.

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Importing Databases From Access?

Jun 26, 2011

If I import an access database into windows application will the included queries also be imported and will they continue to function correctly ?

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.net - Bulk Importing Text Files / VB2005 / SQL Server 2005?

Aug 12, 2011

I've inherited a .NET app to support / enhance which reads in a couple of files of high hundreds of thousands of rows, and one of millions of row.The original developer left me code like :-

For Each ModelListRow As String In ModelListDataArray
If ModelListRow.Trim.Length = 0 Or ModelListRow.Contains(",") = False Then


and it takes an age (well, nearly half an hour) to import these files.

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Sql Server - Maintainging Default Values When Importing A Sql Database Into A .net Application?

Jun 17, 2010

I am trying to copy a sql database into a application however it is not maintaining the default values when I do this. Is it possible to import the default values and have them automatically assigned when creating a new row or do I have to manually assign the default values again in my code?

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How To Omit Last Comma While Importing To Access DB

Nov 13, 2011

I have successfully coded my unformatted text data. I used comma as a delimiter.
Using Reader As New TextFieldParser(Application.StartupPath & "data.txt")
Reader.TextFieldType = FieldType.FixedWidth
Reader.SetFieldWidths(20, 20, 1, 2)
Dim currentRow As String()
[Code] .....
How can I omit the last comma from the output while importing to access database?

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Importing XML File Into Access Database?

Dec 31, 2009

I use the following code to import a XML file into an Access database:
dbname = "c:PC Auditer.accdb"
xmlFile = strFileName
Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim streamRead As New System.IO.FileStream(strFileName, System.IO.FileMode.Open)
[Code] .....
The import works fine, but when a next XML file is imported with less records, the database don't get updated and the 'old' records remain in the database.

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Importing A Text File Into Access Database?

Nov 12, 2010

I am using the following code to try and import a txt file into an Access database however it is not working, at all. The txt file has approximately 10 columns in it but when this has finished I get 1 column with no Data.


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Importing Crosstab Queries From Access To VB 2005?

Jan 14, 2010

Is there anyway to import a crosstab query from Access 2007 to VB 2005?If not, can I create a crosstab query within VB 2005 from the raw database tables

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Importing Text Delimited File To Access Db?

Jul 29, 2009

I've got a problem in Importing Text delimited File to access Db , I always get an error "No value given for one or more required parameters'while execution [Select Into] Statement

[LEFT] Dim svdialog As New SaveFileDialog svdialog.Filter = "Access Database Files (*.mdb)/*.mdb" If svdialog.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel Then Exit Function


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VS 2010 Export Data From SQL Server 2005 To Ms Access 2003?

Apr 26, 2012

I have some code that retrieves some data from multiple tables.This works fine.Now I want the data I retrieved to ADD to an excisting table in an Access 2003 DB.

How can I achieve this.I searched this forum and google...without succes :-(

The code I use to retrieve the data from sql server 2005: Dim connection As New SqlConnection(strConnectionStringSQL)


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Importing Data From Excel To Data Table Using Oledb .net?

Aug 23, 2009

I'm having problem when importing data from excel file to data table. the problem is when i debugged and see the items in each row in the data table some data in the column are trimmed, copied from the excel file when uploaded in the data table .

I'm using
Extended Properties=Excel 8.0


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Database - Importing Mp3 Files Metadata In Microsoft Access?

Apr 18, 2012

I want to make a database of my media collection for my application. I want to create a library for that. Now what i want is that user should be able to add his own song to the database. How can i access mp3 files metadata in my database? How to update that database using my application.

PS: My application is a media player made in Visual Basic using Visual Studio?

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VS 2008 - Importing Text File Into Database Using Access?

Apr 19, 2011

I have a large text file that I want to use in my project, that data in the text file has about six items for each location. Now I had thought of importing the text file into a database using Access, but not had a lot of luck making it work. The question is is it better to load the data in the project as a text file then search for the string required or to convert it into a database. (The text file is a list of airports and related data.) Can a text file be converted to a Microsoft compact SQL database?

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Importing CSV Data From Webpage?

Sep 30, 2009

I'm looking to pull data off of a webpage that gives the data in comma delimited values.

I want to pull that data off, and I'm sure I'll have to store it in an array.

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Importing Data From Excel

Apr 19, 2011

I am trying to import some data from an excel spreadsheet, using steps are:first the user uploads the file to the server then i want to read the file from the server to then populate a gridview.[code]how can i set the OleDb connection to get the source file from the server instead?[code]i added: Server.MapPath("~/") & filepath and now it works. however, now i'm getting the error:The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object 'NSTS'. Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly.

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Importing Data From Excel?

Aug 2, 2011

I am importing data from Excel to a datagrid in VB, I can get the data on there no problems and also save this back to a SQL database without any problems.

However I have a new spreadsheet which has the same product listed again and again with the same description but different totals, what I want to do is to upload this to the datagrid just once for each description, with a grand total of all the seperate totals


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Importing Data To Excel?

Feb 19, 2010

I am trying to import data from a server and put it into an excel sheet. I have included (imported) the Microsfot.Office.Interop package into my program. I have been looking through the Object Browser to find the correct commands to add this imported data. Should the ListColumns.Add and Listrows.Add functions be used in this spot? I have started a code however, it was initially going to be used with human interaction. The new direction is to make it automated. The section of code I have written follows:

#Region " (Import Data) This function will import the PI Tag Names and desired Attributes into an Excel worksheet "
Private Sub Import()


After the nvs.Add("changer", 1) there are many more attributes that are going to be added to the excel file but I did not feel they needed to be shown here.

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Importing Data Using SQLBulkCopy?

May 25, 2012

We have a legacy application that is dumping large volumes of data to tab delimited files.Each file contains a single record type and all fields are fixed length.These files can readily be imported into corresponding tables in our SQL server database using the BCP utility from the command line.We have a VB.Net program written in VS 2003 that imports these files using the SQLDMO.BulkCopy routine. We are updating the system to use VS 2010 with SQL Server 2008 and according to the Microsoft documentation SQLDMO is no longer available.I have searched on the internet and have rewritten the import routine to import the tab delimited files into a DataTable using the Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 provider. The SqlClient.BulkCopy object is then used to import this DataTable. This issue I am having is that fields in the tab delimited file that are set to spaces are being treating as NULLs when imported into the DataTable. When the DataTable is processed by the SqlClient.BulkCopy the copy fails because the null values are rejected by the SQL table fields that are defined as NOT NULL.Code being tested is shown below

Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim data As DataTable = RetrieveSourceData()


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