Increasing The Number Of Keywords Unnecessarily?

Jun 22, 2010

Why did they choose to add a new keyword AndAlso, instead of just changing the functionality of the existing And keyword?

Why would one want to use And, instead of AndAlso anyway?

Is it not just increasing the number of keywords unnecessarily?

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Increasing A Number By A %

Apr 27, 2010

Another question for you... I have a program which lists the population from 1998 to 2002. The pop in 1998 was 300,000 but I need it to increase by three percent every year. My code works but for each year it has 300,000 as the pop. lic Class Population


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Code For Increasing Number?

Nov 19, 2009

I would like to know how to write the code for increasing number.For example. When I type a number in a textbox, after I pressed a button, it will increase from the number I've typed in the textbox with 1.For example : if i type 100 in the textbox,the number will go on.

103... to infinity

I am using sendkey..

Private Sub Timer2_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer2.Tick
Dim n As Integer
For n = 1 To loop


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Increasing Number After Next Combobox Item Selected?

Feb 13, 2012

What I want to do here is to increase the number on a label for next combobox item selected


Items Label
Tom 1
Jane 2
Mary 3
John 4
etc.. etc..
etc.. etc..
etc.. etc..

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VS 2010 Increasing A Number In MS Access Database?

Apr 24, 2011

How do i make the number in a particular column of an MS Access database to add up by 1(one) each time a button is clicked? I have tried the following code but everytime its clicked, it just seems to "replace" the 1 which is already in the database.

If CheckedListBox1.GetItemChecked(i) = True Then
ds.Tables(0).Rows(i).Item(10) = +1
da.Update(ds, "Students")
End If

View 1 Replies

VS 2005 Increasing The Number Of Cells Dynamically While Printing?

Jul 19, 2009

Here is a code to print a dataview grid:

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.OleDb
Imports Excel = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel


How to increase the number of cells dynamically according to the need?

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Searching Keywords Like Name Or ID Number

Feb 24, 2012

Any code snippet vb for searching key words like name or id no. On my database connected with my vb form application?

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Client That Appears Same Number Of Times As There Are Keywords

Dec 13, 2011

I know it sounds strange but let me it explain. It has a purpose, but really all I'm looking for is the item with the most duplicates.I know it's possible and I've had a few ideas already, though none were successful or practical.What I'm doing here that requires this is creating an intuitive search for clients in a database. You type in a single field and click search. Behind scenes each keyword broken down from the single input field is searched through the table of clients, hitting each column and returning matches. the results are large in numbers, but truly it's the client that appears the same number of times as there are keywords.

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Add Title, Subject, Category, Keywords, Comments, Source, Author And Revision Number To My <appname>.exe File?

Sep 20, 2009

when I generate my <appname>.exe file, the summary properties fields are all empty. There must be a way I can add this, but I haven't found it yet. I am running VisualBasic .Net 2003 standard edition.b

View 10 Replies

Increasing The Size Of An Array?

Jun 8, 2011

increasing the size of my array. i have this code but i don't know which of these code does not increase the size of my array even though i increment it.

This is the declarations:
Dim movieArray(0) As String
Dim ratingArray(0) As String


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Auto Increasing A Field In A Table

Feb 24, 2012

I have a small page, with a button on it. When I click the button I'd like the code to look at a a field (call the field "InvoiceNumber") in a table (call it "InvoiceTable"), take the last number stored, increment it by "1" then store it back in the "InvoiceTable" and display the new invoice number on the page.Currently the button is called "New Invoice", so clicking this button is going to create a new invoice, with a number one newer than the latest one in the table.

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Numbers Arranged In Increasing Order?

Oct 18, 2010

I'm using Visual Studio 2005. I want the output of these ten numbers arranged in increasing order... 22, 15, 10, 12, 12, 13, 21, 21, 20 and 9.

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VS 2008 CPU Usage Increasing Over Time?

Jun 19, 2009

I am currently running through a loop with 20 threads. These loops contain a series of 3 HTTPWebRequests (relatively CPU intensive). At the beginning, CPU usage never spiked above 10%. After about 7 hours of run time, CPU is spiking up to over 40%. I believe that this will eventually lead to the program crashing (it has before in less time, I modified some things and it seems to be running longer). What kind of intense CPU spikes are associated with threading? More importantly, how can the duration of runtime affect CPU usage by so much?

View 11 Replies

Controls Increasing In Size When Form Is MDIChild

Jan 27, 2012

I placed a button on my form that measured 59mm in width (approx 2.25 inches for any Americans).When you run the project as you'd expect it still measures 59mm.However when I set the form as a child to my MDIParent and run the project the button now measures 67mm (well over 2.5 inches) an increase of 13.5%.Is this a bug or do I need to just change some setting somewhere?

View 6 Replies

Decrypt By Increasing/decreasing ASCII Values?

Sep 4, 2009

My Encrypted code is :Asdos!Obqlds,Knodt+404620Y+20-05+24 Now, how can i manipulate the characters by decreasing each odd character's ASCII value by one and increasing each even character's ASCII value by one?

i.e. in the above code..
A becomes B
S becomes R


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How To Make Class / Increasing Object Scope

Jul 9, 2011

I am struggling to do what i want with classes at the moment as they are killed off at the end of a method, can somebody let me know how to make the classes live until i tell them to die? so that i can create one and refer to it from another method at another time? For example On form load i create a class Dog.Then later on i want to get info from the Class Dog. But it is no longer instantiated

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Increasing CPU Usage To Simulate Heavy Computer Use

May 19, 2011

I'm building a VB.NET 2010 app that tracks battery usage. Run the app, start logging, then let the battery go flat. At the end, you get a nice graph that shows you how long the battery took to run down. Compare it to previous results and you can see how battery life is doing.

But this is supposed to be an unattended app, so it's not feasible for me to sit down and use word, browse the Internet, listen to music, play games etc. for four hours (especially at work!), so I'm looking for a way to artificially increase CPU usage to chew through the battery faster, and simulate how a battery would probably be used throughout a work day.

I've managed to inflate the memory usage using:

Dim a as long
Dim ptr(0 To 20000) As IntPtr
For a = 1 To 20000


I increase CPU usage in VB.NET? I've tried creating new threads with constant loops, but I get the funny feeling that VB.NET optimizes these kind of things to prevent memory and CPU hogging apps from taking over

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Macro In Excel - Increasing Values By 10 Percent

Apr 25, 2010

I'm guessing the reason this macro isn't doing what I want it to is because of an error on my part in the code. Basically, I want the values in the cells pointed out in the code to be increased by 10% each time the button is pushed.

Here is the code:
Sub Add10percent()
IncreaseColumnValuesBy10Percent 2, 0.1
IncreaseColumnValuesBy10Percent 4, 0.1
IncreaseColumnValuesBy10Percent 6, 0.1
IncreaseColumnValuesBy10Percent 8, 0.1
[Code] .....

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Notify Icon Increasing In System Tray?

Apr 20, 2011

I have a application which is written in background worker. Inside the background worker i am creating the multiple threads . The application has one notify icon. When i creating threads the notify icon gets duplicated for each thread. Suppose if i am running three threads means , there are 4 icons in the system tray.

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Raising Events Between Forms And Memory Increasing?

Feb 8, 2012

My application has 1 main form and three other forms which raise events to my main form. I noticed that the memory starts at 77,000 K and increases substationally over a few hours maby be to 250,000k and ever increases.The main form has a dataset and a bound datagridview which gets refreshed with data. Basically it's a taxi booking application. The booking form raises an event to the main form and the main form refreshes the jobs and displays them on the dgv.

View 8 Replies

ScrollToTop And AJAX - Increasing The Length Of The Timeout?

Sep 10, 2010

I'm attempting to have my page automatically scroll to the top when there is an error message to present to the user. Following a tip I found searching, I've enclosed the Javascript scrollTo function in a setTimeout function to avoid a conflict with AJAX remembering the scroll position. Here is the relevant [code]....

This is working fine for me locally, but when I move the code up to our test server, it does not seem to take effect.I have tried increasing the length of the timeout, but no dice.

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VS 2008 Increasing Stack Size On Ui Thread?

Jul 30, 2010

how can i increase the stack size on my ui thread from within my app?my app recursively draws onto a bitmap which is then displayed in a picturebox + only causes an error when i increase the size of the bitmap. i.e. the same drawing operation on a smaller bitmap works ok.

View 23 Replies

VS 2010 Increasing Stack Size - StackOverflowException

Jan 30, 2011

I'm writing a program that solves sudoku puzzles, but it keeps giving me StackOverflowException. I've tried to make it as efficient as possible, and cleaned up my code, but it still does this once it reaches a certain depth of recursion. how I can increase the stack size so that it can handle this recursion?

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Why Isn't The Counter In For Loop Increasing Once For Each Found Subset

Nov 26, 2011

The program is to take an entered string then search for a subset of letters entered through and input box.In my subprocedure Sub btnSearch_Click I am using a loop to move through the entire length of an entered string to search for a set of letters entered through an input box. I can find the set of letters to search for but instead of increasing my counter "Found" for every instance of a match it returns the length of the string instead. I just don't know why the IF doesn't prevent the counter from increasing for every element in the string. I want the counter to increase only when the match is found. I just put 2 message boxes in there to make sure it found the right letter and then display the counter.

Here's the entire

' Name: Count Project
' Purpose: Displays the number of times a sequence of characters
' appears in a string.


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Socket.Receive Method - Increasing The Length Of Variable

Nov 28, 2009

While using the Socket.Receive method to receive messages through network, you should define a variable as the buffer and you have to specify the length like this: Code: Dim _ReadBuffer As Byte() = New Byte(LENGTH) {} My question is: What is the bad thing about increasing the length of this variable even if the received messages are sometimes shorter? (i.e. if some body let it 10000).

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VS 2010 HTTPWebRequests - Memory Usage Indefinitely Increasing?

Jun 23, 2011

I'm having an unusual problem that I've never had with WR's before. I have a very user-driven program that interacts with a server of mine through webrequests. Depending on what the user's doing, it could end up sending a dozen requests/minute. This has never been a problem before, but for some reason system memory usage increases and doesn't stop increasing, as if something is cluttering it up for every webrequest that is sent out.

Is there a known problem with WR's like this? Or is it just a random screw up? I can get my system back up and running smoothly.

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Working Set Memory Keeps Increasing Everytime When Receiving Data From?

Jan 12, 2010

I have the following code that connects to a server and expects data from it.Is it normal that working memory of my program increases every time I receive something from the server I connect to?The larger I make the network buffer, the more increase that is added to my working memory (in task manager)The data I receive is about 50 bytes. So I minimized that size of the buffer to 128.

View 1 Replies - Increasing Max Concurrent Connections For Web Service In IIS7 (load Testing)?

Mar 29, 2012

I'm trying to write a simple load tester for one of our web services, which is served through IIS7. I'm launching a load of threads (as Tasks) that call the web service as a Web Reference.Despite the threads all starting, only 2 concurrent connections from the app can be handled by the web service. I'm aware that by specification simultaneous connections are limited to 2 per user. For the sake of this load tester, which I guess is one user, I would like to open many simultaneous connections.I have tried to add the following to the web.config of the web service.

<add address="*" maxconnection="40"/>

My setup is as follows:

The web service is located at [URL], where MyWebServiceApp is configured as an application.The webmethod can be viewed as something trivial that simply waits for, say, 20 seconds before returning a response (making it easy to see that only 2 connections are open at any one time).The simplest form of the load tester code is ass follows:

Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Module SuperBasicLoadTester
Sub Main()


I've tried pointing other load testing software (e.g. soapUI) at the web service and have observed the same issue.

Edits: I should add that the web service box is running Windows 2008 R2.Also I have run SoapUI and my loadtester simultaneously and each is only able to request 2 connections each (i.e. 4 in total).

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Enhanced Time: Increasing Minute, Second And Hour On Button Click?

Nov 20, 2011

i need to add a increment hour and increment min button, here is the code :my ? is this how do i make the two new buttons work like code wise ?? this is attempt like 5 everytime ive played with the code and added buttons ive crashed the program?

Public Class TimeTest
Dim time As New Time() ' construct Time with zero arguments
' invoked when user clicks the Add 1 to Second button
Private Sub addSecondButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,


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.net - C# Keywords As A Variable?

May 13, 2009

In VB.NET, you can surround a variable name with brackets and use keywords as variable names, like this:

Dim [goto] As String = ""

Is there a C# equivlent to doing this?

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