Insert Statement Error.. "Update Requires A Valid UpdateCommand When Passed DataRow "?
Feb 17, 2009
when the program is already save the data and when the process is on updating the dataset it give me error say's"Update requires a valid UpdateCommand when passed DataRow collection with modified rows."The error occur at the line in bold letter in the codes below..
Dim classgroup As String
classgroup = ""
If Me.ClassComboBox.Text = "Key Project" Then
I'm trying to save the edits I'm doing to a dataset by using the tableadapter.update command and get this error when I attempt to do so:
Update requires a valid UpdateCommand when passed DataRow collection with modified rows.Whats the correct syntax for doing this? I have this as the update command in my
Private Sub SaveExceptionButton(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles saveexceptionsButton.Click Try Me.Validate() Me.Scratchpad3BindingSource.EndEdit()
I have looked at multiple posts regarding this issue, but can't seem to find a solution. To keep it simple I have an Access database with a single table. It does have a field as a primary key. When I click the save icon on the Binding Navigator I get this error having to do with the following code:
I cannot set the Refresh the Data Table check box in Advanced Options of the TableAdapter Configuration Wizard as it is grayed out. Once again, I have a primary key.
The posts I have reviewed indicate that an UpdateCommand needs to be created, but I can't understand how it should be done. W
I have an issue with a data base updating it won't update for me in debgging mode it is stopping here on this bit of code which is highlighted in red. the error which comes up is .(update requires a valid update command when passed datarow collection with modified rows.)
Public Sub UpdateDataSource(ByVal ChangedRows As database.dataset1) Try 'The data source only needs to be updated if there are changes pending. If (Not (ChangedRows) Is Nothing) Then
I am completly flummoxed!!! I have writen code for updating my table from a form but when I use the same code only changing the table names it wont work I get the following message: "Update requires a valid Update Command when passed DataRow collection with modified rows" My codes are as follows:
When ever I try to update a record from data grid using a dataAdapter record it always showing ' update requires a valid insert command when passed data row collection with new rows' From specific sql server Table only. Resulting me holding up a project.
I'm still pretty new at .Net and database coding, and am working on a small program that is generating an error and I'm not sure how to resolve it.[code]The following statement is giving me the error below: m_DA.Update(m_DataTable)"Update requires a valid InsertCommand when passed DataRow collection with new Rows".I know the answer is going to be very simple, but I'm at a loss. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could point out the flaw in my code and how to correct it. And yes, I have done fairly extensive searching on this error, but none of them give any idea how to fix it, they just hint around at what's wrong.
This was working on the last test, now it's throwing an InvalidOperationException saying Update requires a valid InsertCommand when passed DataRow collection with new rows. No change in this
Dim NewRowB as DataRow=dsBatch.Tables("Batch").NewRow dsBatch.Tables("Batch").Rows.Add(NewRowB daBatch.Update(dsBatch,"Batch")
What *has* changed is that I'm trying to fix the same error that's occurring on a different dataset in a different form. This should add a blank record to the dataset, then update the database. The blank fields allow nulls. The reason for this (and there may be another way to do this-I'm helping a novice fix up his code and, since this has been working, I haven't yet really looked at it) is to obtain the correct value for an identity field. We've found that when the row is added to the dataset, if it doesn't currently contain any rows, the identity value is set to zero-but when the database is updated, it gets a different value (because previously inserted rows have been deleted). So we update the database then retrieve the correct identity value before continuing.As I said, this was working fine-until I started working on the same problem occurring in a different dataset. So why would that affect this dataset?
I created VB.Net Win Form application in Visual Studio 2008 SP1 that connected to Microsoft SQL Server 2008.The DataGridView was used to connect the SQL Server 2008 and WinForms.When I delete or add records, run into error: Update requires a valid DeleteCommand when passed DataRow collection with deleted rows.
Update requires valid UpdateCommand passed DataRow collection modified rows. When I run the following code. But the strange thing is that I have similar code on another form and it works great. The only difference is the database table is different. I verified both tables and they look identical, as far as settings. I have verified that _Non_MS_Office_Licenses has a primary key that is unique. Looking in dataset manager I see the query for fillBy() is fine and it has all the insert and update stuff. At the end when it verifies it says all is verified when I configure the dataset
Dim row = FrmApp.Non_MS_Office_LicensesBindingSource.Current row("Primary User") = Replace(CStr(TxtUserid.Text), "'", "`") row("Staff Last Name") = Replace(CStr(TxtLastName.Text), "'", "`") row("Staff First Name") = Replace(CStr(TxtFirstName.Text), "'", "`")
I'm going through a book which is teaching me some basic coding principles of the language. The current section is detailing how to set up a master child form using two tables linked with a foreign key. The master table is displayed as a number of text boxes, and below is a grid with the child table which shows related records to whatever master record you happen to be checking out. At the top of the screen are the default navigation controls that are added with the grid. The master table is named Person and the child table Book. They are linked using a foreign key and have cascade set up on them.
The book informed me of the code required under the save icon on the navigation control so that when it is clicked both tables will be updated as required. It is as follows: If Validate() Then 'Make sure editing has completed on both master and child tables Me.BookBindingSource.EndEdit() Me.PersonBindingSource.EndEdit() [Code] .....
I have double checked that the code matches that shown, so this should in theory work fine. But if I manually delete a record from the Book (child table) grid and then click the Save icon on the navigation bar it comes up with the error "Update Requires A Valid DeleteCommand when passed DataRow collection with deleted rows".
Why changes made are not permanently saved to the database? I gather that it's using a "copy" of the data in the database but how do I get the code/form to make changes to the actual underlying database records as well as just the copy? I find this system very unusual, if someone deletes a record in the application why would anyone want this to be just done temporarily?
I have finally been dragged kicking and screaming into the 21st Century and I'm learning VB.NET
I get a "Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement" on the da.update line. The bulk of the code is copied from a working section of the program, I have just added the "newrow" stuff. I am pretty confident I have the names of all the fields correct.
the row gets delete in the dataset when i put RemoveAt(0). But when i want to refelect in the database, it gives me the error: "Update requires a valid DeleteCommand when passed DataRow collection with deleted rows."
Primary Key Issue!!!! Hell such a litttle mistake mannn... toooook so much time and so irritating...
I'm trying to get a database to add a new row on this form. The user types a word into a text box, clicks save, and it should update the database. The table is called "text" for now, it's an Access DB, and it has two rows: ID, and userText. [Code]
I get the error at the da.Update line when I click Save. The full error is "Update requires a valid InsertCommand when passed DataRow collection with new rows." I'm not sure if I have to add an INSERT command somehow or if something in the code needs changing. If I add this line to the Save routine, I get an "Syntax error in INSERT INTO command": Dim cb As New OleDb.OleDbCommandBuilder(da)
I don't know if I should leave that out or keep it in since both give me errors.
I have a program that calls on an Access Database to get it's data. I wrote a public sub to speed up the data access commands when I needed them instead of typing everything out. When I use the DA.Update(DS,"tblmain") command it works fine EVERYWHERE ELSE but for some reason it keeps locking up in one spot and gives me this (non-verbatim) error:"update requires a valied insertcommand"Here's my Public Sub that accesses the database.
Module Database_Funtions Public PROVIDER As String = _ "Provider = Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;Data Source = "'Provider for DB access
I am trying to check for concurrency when updating a record in the database. Here is my current VB.NET code and Stored Procedure code to do the update.
When a user changes a Status column value the DataGridView CellValidating event is fired and in that event it try's to update the record in the database using the stored procedure. The update works, but my SqlDataAdapter doesn't update dtmUpdateDatetime in dtResults. My UpdateDatabase function uses dtmUpdateDatetime to check for concurrency.
Public Class frmCalculatedResults Private dtCriteria As New DataTable Private bs As New BindingSource
Im getting an error with my insert statment "Syntax Error in INSERT INTO statement". I do not understand why. Im using global variables from form 1 and using them in form2 and trying to insert them from form2 into the database.
I have been looking at the ADO tutorial on this site and am trying to apply it to my own DB. When I run the code above I get this error Concurrency violation: the UpdateCommand affected 0 of the expected 1 records.
I have errors saying "statement not valid in a namespace" What is a namespace? They are variables that i want to set up so that each can only take a certain typr of data. Here are a few examples:
I am getting multiple "statement is not valid in a namespace" errors in my code and im not sure why. Heres the code with the errors:
Option Explicit On 'Time at ' Retrieves the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the system was started, up to 49.7 days ((2^32)/1000/60/60/24)
I Have a bit of a problem..For some reason visual studio says there's an error--it reads:Statement is not valid in a namespace..I can't figure out how to fix it. This is what my coded looks like and there's a blue squiggly line on the first two lines that start with Private Sub:Private Sub btnPlay_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPlay.Click.[code]
In every date field I have, I cannot update it if it is null. For instance, I have the following query and it will throw an error if the date fields are Null or zero lengths. Any ideas? I try and parse and get the following error: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. if i don't, it throws a null error.[code]
I am using a Command Builder for OLEDB, I populate the Data table from the database, and then I use data adapter's Update method to add or update the database successfully.