Insert The 'Select All' Feature In The Datagridview?

Nov 18, 2009

I am displaying the data in the datagidview and wanted to select all the data using the checked box. I can only select one by one but not the select all.

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Adding The 'Select All' Feature In The Datagridview?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a form(EmailContacts) which contains a datagridview and a button to add the data to a textbox of another form. Everything is working fine and i can display data from the database on the datagridview properly. The problem is how do i add a 'Select All' feature such that when the user clicked once on the 'Select All' checkbox, all the checkboxes of the columns are selected?

These are my codes for the form:-
Public Class EmailContacts
Dim xs As String


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VS 2005 Adding The 'Select All' Feature In The Datagridview?

Nov 23, 2009

I am a student working on a project for my company. I work using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. Language is I also work using windows application.

I have a form(EmailContacts.vb) which contains a datagridview and a button(btnAdd) to add the data to a textbox of another form. My datagridview consist of 3 columns; CustName, Email and Selection. Selection column being the column with all the checkboxes. Everything is working fine and i can display data from the database on the datagridview properly.

The problem is how do i add a 'Select All' feature such that when the user clicked once on the 'Select All' checkbox, all the checkboxes in the 'Selection' column are selected?

These are my codes for the form:-


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Openfiledialog Multi-select Feature To Listview?

Feb 26, 2011

I made a program (As usual) that plays media files using the ax.interlop.wmp.dll (windows media player). I also made a listview on the form that has gridlines. i have a problem with my mutiselect feature though. it just adds the same filename for every file, but in the amount files (Ex: if there is 8 files, it adds the name of the first one 8 times) i just want it to add every single filename to different rows, here is the current code that i have:

Sub openFile()
With OpenFileDialog1
.DefaultExt = "Mp3"


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Live Search Feature Where As You Type Your Collection Is Narrowed Down In The Datagridview?

Jun 23, 2010

while entering in a textbox the collection is narrowed in datagridview. I have read that sqldatareader is faster than a sqldatadapter.

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SQL .net Insert Using Select AND Values?

Apr 6, 2011

New to using SQL and I am having trouble accomplishing something that I figured would be simple.I am trying to create and INSERT that will insert the MAX() value from the first column in one table to the first column in another table while the rest of the columns will be filled with parameters.

I have tried switching my code around to see if I just had the syntax wrong but I've had no luck and I'm not even sure what I'm trying to do is possible (at least in a single INSERT).Here is what I have at the moment:

INSERT INTO [Table2] VALUES(SELECT(Number FROM [Table1] WHERE Max(Number)), @p1, @p2, @p3, @p4, @p5, @p6, @p7, @p8, @p9, @p10)

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Use Insert To Database After Select?

Sep 27, 2010

I need to insert data in a new column ,first I use select and do some calculations on the data,then I want this data to be inserted to the database in anew column I used Insert query but no data inserted

[ Dim sql, sql2, var As String
Using conn As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\Users\AymAN\Documents\Database13.accdb"


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Linq To SQL Transaction Insert Then Select Really Slow

May 25, 2011

I'm developing a piece of a system that basically migrates data from one set of tables to another set. Everything works fine, but I've decided to employ transactions instead of just failing on things that are partially completed. (That is, if some exception occurs, I want to rollback instead of having partial data migrated.)

I have a service (in the 3-tier architecture way, not web) which begins a transaction on the data access layer. The data context is shared in the data access class which contains many methods. Those methods use various LINQ-to-SQL techniques to update/insert/delete. All the LINQ-to-SQL "selects" are within CompiledQueries. [code]...

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Winforms DataGridView Select New Row On Sorted DataGridView?

Nov 16, 2011

Alright I have a DataGridView, where the user can click on the column headers to sort. When they add a new row while a sort is applied, the record isn't created until the moment they validate the row(which they cannot do till they exit the newRow). How can I make the row be selected once it is sorted?The DataGridView is databound.The selection mode for the grid is full row.I'm using VB.NET with SQLite database backend.I suspect I need to use the RowsAdded event, or DataBindingComplete events. The records in question do have a unique GUID attached but it is NOT visible in the DataGridView.

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Refering To DataTable Columns And DataRelations With INSERT..SELECT?

Dec 3, 2008

There are plenty of SELECT (...) VALUES (...) statements and Parameters phrases to go with the VALUES. Those appear unhelpful to me as I have no form fields or datagrids and will be working with all the rows in a DataTable in a DataSet. Once started, this application will run to completion, writing as few as 10000 rows or as many as 250000 rows

My Task is to write out the contents of each specified DataColumn in the DataTable, one DataColumn at a time. The insert will also include the key columns and use the datetimestamp of the records as a criterion. Nulls in the specified columns are included.

My source is a DataTable, my target for the Insert is a "tall-skinny" table in an Access database. There is a smaller DataTable that is related to the source DataTable, if I was writing from within the AccDB I would use Joins. I have created a DataRelation, but have no idea how to use it in this context..

I have tried many different SQL statements but they all fail on Select. Here are snippets of the code:

'now, instantiate the specified DataTable from among the DataTables filled above
strDDTableNm = CStr(rsDDTblNms.Fields("Table_Name").Value)
Dim dtSrcTable As DataTable


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Script To Select, Update, Insert And Delete From MySQL With (VB)?

May 11, 2012

I've just switched from classic ASP to .net and I always used the following to SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE from my MySQL databases:

' Create db connection
Function dbConn()
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open "driver=x;Server=x;Port=x;Option=x;Database=x;Uid=x;Pwd=x"


And to insert, update or delete I'd use:

Call SQL(1,"DELETE FROM Users WHERE UserID = 1")

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Insert - Update - Delete - Select Statements - MS Access Not Working

Jun 22, 2010

I am trying to do simple insert, update, delete, select statements within VB .NET to access a MS Access database. I have tried all kinds of solutions offered on the web and while the code seems to work, no rows are inserted. Also, I have tried, unsuccessfully, to use the Try/Catch to see if there's an error with no success. I have attached the versions of VB .Net and MS Access I am using: Here's the code:


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Office Automation :: Select Some Csv Files And Insert Them Into Datagrid View?

Jul 8, 2011

what i'm trying to do is to select some csv files and insert them into datagrid view but the problem now i can't manage to perform a find and replace ,and here's the code

Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
For RowsCount = 0 To DataGridView1.Rows.Count - 2
For Each dgvr As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows


but isn't working it gives me " null reference exception was unhandled "

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Return The Number Of Records Processed From An Sql Procedure Whether It Is A Select Or Update/insert Query?

Nov 25, 2009

how can i return the number of records processed from an sql procedure whether it is a select or update/insert query and how can i receive it in the calling method in vb .net.

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How To Insert A Row In A Datagridview

Apr 25, 2012

Im trying to insert a row into a datagridview which is NOT bound to a database.When the following sub executes, a row is added in the first position of my datagridview instead in front of the current row.

Private Sub InsertStepToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles InsertStepToolStripMenuItem.Click


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How To Insert Value To DataGridView

Feb 20, 2012

Dim lines As String() = Me.TextBox1.Text.Split({Environment.NewLine}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
Dim NumberOfColumns As Integer = 0
For Each line As String In lines
Dim words As String() = line.Split({" "c}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
If words.Count > NumberOfColumns Then
NumberOfColumns = words.Count
End If
[Code] .....

My textbox1 content:
1 2 10 4
2 20 99 1
0 2 9 1

Why I get result in datagridview as below:
1 2 10 4 2 20

Then appear error because out of index. Why the result in datagriview not like below:
1 2 10 4
2 20 99 1
0 2 9 1

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Insert New Row In Datagridview?

Sep 24, 2011

I have a very little problem that when i write in the cell a new row insert automatically, but if I am getting the cell value from the button, i mean when i click on the button, value insert in the cell but new row does not insert.

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Select A Row In Datagridview?

Aug 23, 2010

I have form that has a datagridview (datagridview1), one textbox and one button. This datagridview shows data from an excel database. My table looks something like this.


Basically I will insert the order number into the Textbox and Click the Button. And I want the row of that order number to be highlighted in datagridview. For Example, I type in AC205 in the textbox and click button and the 3rd row in the above table gets highlighted.

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Select Value In DataGridView?

Mar 11, 2010

I use following codes to select data in ListView1, given value in textbox1.text. That codes work fine.

Textbox1 data is integer and DataGridView1 first Column Value is Integer. I want to locate this value in Grid. how to select data in DataGridVeiw, given data in textbox1.

Dim itmX As ListViewItem = ListView1.FindItemWithText(TextBox1.Text, False, 0)
If Not itmX Is Nothing Then
itmX.Selected = True


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Add / Insert Update In DataGridView?

Apr 22, 2011

I have search online but find no tutorial/sample code in DataGridView which show how to insert, update delete.

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Datagridview Updates 1st Row Instead Of Insert Into A New Row?

Mar 1, 2012

I have a Form with textboxes and a datagridview, the textboxes are to fill a new row in the datagridview but in stead it is updating the first row, the following is my code


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How To Insert All Value Of DataGridView To Database

Jan 10, 2012

How to Insert all value of datagridview to database
For x As Integer = 0 To (Val(admncal.DataGridView2.Rows.Count) - 2)
Dim item As String = admncal.DataGridView2.Item(0, x).Value
Dim price As String = admncal.DataGridView2.Item(1, x).Value
Dim qty As String = admncal.DataGridView2.Item(2, x).Value
[Code] .....
How can I insert the values inside the datagridview to database.

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IDE :: Insert From Textbox Into Datagridview?

Aug 26, 2009

You have a form, the form has a datagridview, he then passed the data to GridView: second data field: mssv, tensv. Now they form the second textbox and you draw a button. Used in two textbox and mssv tensv want to add. After they entered the click button will promote more new data added to the datagridview?

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IDE :: Insert Statement In A Datagridview?

Jul 16, 2009

Im Trying to insert the values of the datagridview into my table but im having some problems i keep getting the error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"... need this urgently.. heres my code:

For i As Integer = 0 To DataGridView1.RowCount - 1
DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(4).Value = CInt(DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(2).Value) * CInt(DataGridView1.Rows(i).Cells(3).Value)


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Insert DataGridview Into Database?

Sep 4, 2009

[url]...I have made a search function that uses my DataGridView1 to choose what to show in DataGridView2. If I click on a parameter in the INPUT_LIMITS column in DataGridView1 and then click button2 DataGridView2 is filled with data from the INPUT_LIMITS table that have GroupID with the same value as the parameter I clicked on.Then I want to be able to change values and right now I have a button that updates the values into the table. Now I want a button that inserts them as new values.[code]...

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Insert Image To Datagridview?

Jul 14, 2009

how can i insert image to datagridview like this :

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Insert Rows In A Datagridview?

May 26, 2010

I have a dgv and I want to insert rows in this dgv, the position is depending on the selected row. The cells in the new rows are populated from a database.

I have this code:

ind As


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Insert Textbox To Datagridview?

Aug 24, 2009

You have a form, the form has a datagridview, he then passed the data to GridView: second data field: mssv, tensv. Now they form the second textbox and you draw a button. Used in two textbox and mssv tensv want to add. After they entered the click button will promote more new data added to the datagridview

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.net - DataGridView Row Select Without RowHeaders?

Sep 25, 2010

How do you select the whole DataGridView row on cell select and disabling the selection of a single cell

NOTE: just like the behavior of a listview

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Datagridview Select Row And Column?

Jan 8, 2009

I has a datagridview and now I would like to determine that whether column1 in row 1 is selected by the user.What should I write to do so?

Private Sub DataGridView1_CellContentClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellContentClick


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