Live Search Feature Where As You Type Your Collection Is Narrowed Down In The Datagridview?

Jun 23, 2010

while entering in a textbox the collection is narrowed in datagridview. I have read that sqldatareader is faster than a sqldatadapter.

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Search For An Item In Collection Type?

Nov 10, 2011

I am using VB .NET 1.1 and wanted to make sure if inside a key value pair class "Dates" (collection type) a key by name "TerminationDate" exists.

If Not Dates.Item("TerminationDate") Is Nothing Then
'Do x y z'
End if

But this is throwing an exception: Argument Index is not a valid value.

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Search Feature

Oct 17, 2010

Hey guys,

I am trying to make a search feature in my program. My program has a .csv file that the program will need to search for a equal value that was entered in thr text box. I am just not to sure how to go about this. Just need some insight on how to grt started. Insight please.

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.net - Search The Collection Of A Collection In LINQ Where Clause?

Apr 15, 2009

I've got the following ADO.NET Entity Framework Entity Data Model:I want to find all the Policyholders with both a Service of a given Id and also a Keyword of a given Status.

This LINQ Does Not Work:

Dim ServicesId As Integer = ...
Dim KeywordStatus As Integer = ...
Dim FoundPolicyholders = From p As Policyholder In db.PolicyholderSet.Include("Keywords").Include("Services") _
Where p.Services.Id = ServicesId _
And p.Keywords.Status = KeywordStatus _
Select p

The Where clause cannot search the p.Services and p.Keywords EntityCollections in that way.


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Search The Collection Of A Collection In LINQ Where Clause?

Apr 15, 2011

search the collection of a collection in my LINQ Where clause?

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Combo Box Live Search Auto-complete?

Jul 15, 2009

example when i try to search a name then a press a then there should be a drop-down with a list of suggestions of name.

here is my code
Private Sub ComboBox4_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox4.SelectedIndexChanged


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Record Search Feature In Datagrid?

Mar 11, 2010

I am trying to do a record search feature in my datagrid, but I can't find any reference for this. What I want to do is I can search any of the row that contain the text that type in TextBox1 by clink on Button1. I am using VB2008 and the datagrid is connect to access.

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Namespace To Call Computers Search Feature?

May 23, 2011

I am in and wondering if there is a way to call a search from a console application.For example when the user clicks cancel on the Input Box it brings up the file browser for their computer allowing them to choose a place to save the file.[code]

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Forms :: RichTextBox - Search Feature And Match Case

Mar 28, 2011

Here's the situation: I've got a form that has
- RichTextBox
- OpenButton (to load RTF file)
- SaveButton (to save RTF file after editing)
- Textbox (for search phrase)
- SearchButton
- ExitButton
- 2 RadioButtons (WholeWord and MatchCase search)

All of them are working just the way I want them to except search features; I don't know how to write them properly. At the moment, they search and highlight only the first word they encounter. E.g. say I search for word "the" in the document, only the first "the" it encounters is highlighted. The rest is just untouched.

I understand this is because I've only got few lines of simple code as follows
If rtfText.Find(txtSearch.Text, RichTextBoxFinds.WholeWord) = -1 Then
MessageBox.Show("No results returned. Please try again.", "No matching results.", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information)
End If

I did try a few other snippets I found on the Internet including While loop but they didn't work as I wanted them to, and I couldn't understand them either. What I want is, which ever search option is used, when the matching result is found; it will highlight that word and when I click it again it will move onto another word. If I keep clicking, it will highlight the same words (but located in different areas) throughout the whole document and at the end, it will send back to the first matching word. Just like Adobe Reader search.

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Creating A 'smartform' - Click On A Search Feature In The Top Cell And Input An Employee ID #

May 17, 2010

I created 2 forms in Access 2003 (Form1 & Form2) for the purpose of creating a 'smartform' of sorts for my company. In essence they can click on a search feature in the top cell and input an employee ID # which automatically fills in about 10 to 15 fields.

- There is only 1 table attached to the forms.

- The group I created this for is uncomfortable using Access.

What I would like to do with

- I thought I would create an internal webpage using so they wouldn't need to log into Access [the DB would be stored on a separate server.]

- I would need a clean & simple interface that has 2 buttons, one for each form.

-When the form is called up I would need a search feature "EMPLID _________" which would connect to the Access DB table and retrieve the correct information.

-Id also need to have the form printable & have the ability to search again or return to the front page.

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Type Of Rating Feature In Gridview

Jan 10, 2011

can any body create a this type opf rating control using ajaxcontrol toolkit with mssql2005 and with retriction of one vote per person .if 10 people voted for the service using rating star then the average would be displayed in rating control..

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Have Same Type Message Structures From Live / Test Web Services?

Mar 17, 2009

I have two separate web services, the first configured to extract data from a live database, the second from a test database.

When consuming these web services from an application the object returned is a MyMessageData class which is defined in the web service.

In the application I would like to instantiate a empty the MyMessageData (from the live web service) and then use a configuration setting to decide which web service to retrieve the actually data from.

This does not work for test because the application does not see the instantiated MyMessageData class from live as the same type as the MyMessageData that is returned from the test webservice. [code]....

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Custom Type Cannot Be Cast To Custom Type And Losing Will To Live

Jun 10, 2010

I have been trying to solve a problem related to using RolesProviders in MVC.Basically I would like to an additional set of criteria to the roles table so that a user can switch roles based on what they are doing on the site.However as simple as it may sound its proving to be a nightmare. I cannot for love nor money come up with a solution. I have tried overloading the provider, creating extension methods (which never work with the Roles class) but finally I decided to simply create a reference to my own custom provider and just completely bypass the whole User, Roles class.Now I am getting a ridiculous error which states that I cannot cast MyProvider class to an instance of MyProvider class? All I am doing is calling the Roles.Provider method and casting its return value to my custom provider class (which inherits from RolesProvider). The forums are a waste of time since no one ever answers the questions and there are simply no examples of extending the Roles/Membership model without using SQL server.

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VS 2005 Make Live Search Form Like When User Enter 1 Char Then It Ll Find All Data Start With Or Contain Letter?

Jun 19, 2009

I want to make live search form like when user enter 1 char then it ll find all data start with or contain letter.i have use the sql like query with textbox textchanged event but it is too slow any other method to make it fast?

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Adding The 'Select All' Feature In The Datagridview?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a form(EmailContacts) which contains a datagridview and a button to add the data to a textbox of another form. Everything is working fine and i can display data from the database on the datagridview properly. The problem is how do i add a 'Select All' feature such that when the user clicked once on the 'Select All' checkbox, all the checkboxes of the columns are selected?

These are my codes for the form:-
Public Class EmailContacts
Dim xs As String


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Insert The 'Select All' Feature In The Datagridview?

Nov 18, 2009

I am displaying the data in the datagidview and wanted to select all the data using the checked box. I can only select one by one but not the select all.

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VS 2005 Adding The 'Select All' Feature In The Datagridview?

Nov 23, 2009

I am a student working on a project for my company. I work using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. Language is I also work using windows application.

I have a form(EmailContacts.vb) which contains a datagridview and a button(btnAdd) to add the data to a textbox of another form. My datagridview consist of 3 columns; CustName, Email and Selection. Selection column being the column with all the checkboxes. Everything is working fine and i can display data from the database on the datagridview properly.

The problem is how do i add a 'Select All' feature such that when the user clicked once on the 'Select All' checkbox, all the checkboxes in the 'Selection' column are selected?

These are my codes for the form:-


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Error "The MSDN Collection Does Not Exist - Please Reinstall MSDN" When Try To Access Any Of The Feature Of Visual Basic 6.0

May 26, 2006

I get a message, "The MSDN collection does not exist. reinstall MSDN." When I try to access any of the HELP features of Visual Basic 6.0. I do not have an install disc for this. Is there a download or a place I can get this?

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Me.Controls() Collection - Control Type Can't Be Converted To The "Timer" Type

Dec 16, 2011

I am trying to make it so when I use Me.Controls("Timer1") for example I can access specific commands for a timer such as Stop() Start(), I tried CType() and typed in "Timer" as the type but it says the control type can't be converted to the "Timer" type.

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Datagridview Search - Highlight The Corresponding Row Of The Search Result

May 24, 2009

This is the code I posted before. I have a thread open but it is confusing. I have a search of a datagridview. The search works. Now I would like to highlight the corresponding row of the search result. Scroll down to the highlighted row. If there are multiple results to the search critiria the next one should be highlighted.

Dim foundit As Integer = 0

Dim intResponse As DialogResult

With Me.DS.table


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Search, And Then Select From A Search, In A DataGridView Table?

Mar 22, 2010

I'm a bit of a noob at this and finding that all my research that's led me to wanting to do things right for data integrity are making it a bit more complicated on the front end.

Presently I have a Form in which I have two DataGridViews that I'm populating, each with it's respective stored procedure.

What the form is for is for linking rows from the one DataGridView (I'll call it DGV1) to a different one in the other DataGridView (DGV2).

Now to facilitate the ease of doing this for the user I want to both have the dgvs fully populated so that if the user wants they can just slide on through and manually select the rows in each they want and then there'll be a button to select which I'm planning to then use another stored procedure to then insert this connection between these two items into the database.

Another thing to facilitate this is a search bar. I want them to be able to type in something and have the datagridviews both navigate to where their selection is as well as selecting it so that it's then ready to be bound to the selection in the other.

What I'm wanting to know, and having a hard time figuring out, is how do you get such a search function to work on DataGridViews that I have bound to these read only stored procedures? How do I search and select within the DataGridView? And then how would I go about using the selection from two different datagridviews and putting those as parameters in the stored procedure that I wanted to use to then record the relationship in the database?

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Get Document Type - Using Collection?

May 16, 2012

GetDocumentType() works fine but adding into the collection cause error, it is not adding anything into it.
Imports System
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel
[Code] .....

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Determine Type Of Object In A Collection?

Oct 28, 2009

I can't figure out how to determine the type of an object in a collection. I want to do a For Each ... Next loop over the items in the DropDownItems collection of a ToolStripMenuItem. For those items that are ToolStripMenuItems themselves I want to take some kind of action. (The collection can contain other types of items, such as ToolStripSeparators). So I need to say something like: If Typeof(item) = ToolStripMenuItem Then .

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In C#, Why Does A Datatable Not Know The Type Collection Of Rows

Jul 8, 2010

I have recently started .NET programming, and looked at both VB.NET and C#. In VB.NET, a strongly typed Datatable cosisted of a collection of strongly types rows. Therefore, for example, this statement would work:

lCustomerTable As CustomerDataSet.CustomerTable
lCustomerRow as CustomerDataSet.CustomerTable.CustomerRow
lCustomerTable = TableAdapter.GetData
lCustomerRow = lCustomerTable.Rows(0)

However in C#, it seems i have to explicitly cast the returned Row to a CustomerRow:

lCustomerRow = (CustomerDataSet.CustomerTable.CustomerRow)lCustomerTable.Rows[0]

Should the dataset not create the object type definitions when creating the table adapters and SQL dataTables?

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Iterate Over A Collection Of Anonymous Type In .NET

Jun 22, 2011

I'm OK with both C# and VB.NET..I have a function GetListOfBook, that returns LINQ to SQL result that has a collection of objects like the following:[code]

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Determine The Type Of Control In The Controls Collection

Oct 9, 2009

I have a small piece of code that iterates through the controls collection on a panel (below) Everything works fine until I want to focus on a control that doesn't support the selectall method i.e. a datetimepicker. Is there any way of determining the type of control and not call the selectall method when the type is datetimepicker. All my other controls support it so that's the only one I need to exclude.


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Possible To Fill A Collection-Type Instead Of A DataTable/DataSet?

Aug 4, 2010

this is more a theoretical question i asked myself.I remembered that BinarySearch of an ordered List(Collection in general) is faster than finding Rows with Datatable.Rows.Find or DataTable.FindByPK with a primary key value.Hence i fill a Datatable from Database in a shared constructor and immediately after that a List(of Int32) that contains all primary keys from that table. Later i will check with BinarySearch if the List contains primary-key values. But because the datatable contains only the PK-Column anyway, i asked myself if there is a way to avoid the huge overhead of filling a Datatable and after that adding all Rows to a List. Is it possible to fill a generic List(or other collection-type) instead of a Datatable/Dataset directly from a Dataadapter?Maybe i'm off the track and there is another way to avoid the Extra-Loop that i'm missing.

The code of filling the DataTable in a strong typed Dataset and the List:
Private Shared w205CorrectSWUpgrades As New List(Of Int32)
Shared Sub New()


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Return Type For Collection From LINQ Query?

Oct 15, 2010

I have a method, that returns a group of accounts

Public Shared Function GetAllNotesByUser(ByVal UserID As Guid) As Account (??)
Using db As New MyEntity
Dim query= (From A In db.Account _


I would then like to pass this to another function to calculate the totals for all the accounts in the collection. Is it best practice to return an Ienumerable, a generic list, I'm just not sure what works best with LINQ and the entity framework.

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VS 2010 Create Some Type Of List Or Collection

May 22, 2010

I want to create some type of list or collection. Each item on this list or collection will need contain A string name and a integer value. Something like


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VS 2010 Determine Type In Collection In DataSource?

Sep 7, 2010

I am customizing a DataGridView control. The DataGridView is supposed to be bound to a collection of some type (be it a List(Of T) or ArrayList or whatever), and the idea is that one can easily determine (at design-time in this case) which properties of the type have to be shown in the grid and which column header name they should get. One can do this using an attribute. For example, if I have a class Person with Name, Age and HairColor and I don't want to show the HairColor property, and want to show the Name property as 'Person', I would use:
Public Class Person
<Grid.GridOptions(displayName:="Person", visible:=True)> _
Public Property Name As String


I do this during run-time by simply looping through the properties of the bound type (in this case Person), retrieving the GridOptions attribute (if any) and checking the values provided. This works just fine except for one thing: I'm not really sure how to determine the type in the databound collection...

At the moment, I cast the DataSource property to an IList and retrieve the type of the first instance in that list (if any). If there isn't a first instance (the list is empty) then I don't know how to get the type... Often I know that it will be impossible to know the type. If someone is binding an ArrayList for example, then it's impossible to know what kind of items he's going to put in that ArrayList. Even the normal DataGridView cannot show any columns when databound to an empty ArrayList. However, the framework's DataGridView does show the columns when bound to, for example, an empty List(Of Person), or a Person array.

I'm pretty sure that casting the DataSource to an IList is not the correct way as all information about the type of items in that list is then lost. But I'm not sure what else to cast it to... ITypedList? IBindingList? I even considered List(Of T) because that's all I am going to be using, but besides the fact that the grid would then obviously only work for a List(Of T) I still don't know how to do this... I don't know 'T' so I can't cast it to a List(Of T)...

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