Insert The Variable CDT (datatype : Date) Into The Table

May 6, 2012

Dim cDT as date
strSQL = "Insert Into computetb (period_id, date, staffer_no, day_type, restday, rate_hr, regular_hr, ot_hr, night_diff, basic_pay, ot_pay, nd_pay) Values (" & gPeriodID & ",#" & cDT & "#," & cID & ",'" & cTYP & "'," & cREST & "," & cRATE & "," & cREG & "," & cOT & "," & cND & "," & bp & "," & ot & "," & nd & ")"
dbs.Execute (strSQL)

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SQL Exception On Insert Of Into Date Datatype: (Conversion Failed When Converting Date And/or Time From Character String)

Apr 8, 2010

Title pretty much says it all. How do I format the date of a dateandtimepicker to insert it into the SQL date datatype?

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Insert Date To SQL Table?

Aug 15, 2011

Here is my [code]...

Insert date to SQL Table?

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Insert A Date Into Sql Server Table?

Sep 22, 2010

i m trying to insert a date into sql server table from but its always inserting "01/01/1900 00:00:00". i tried different ways

here is the code

Dim CurrentDate As Date = Date.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yy")
MyCommand = New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Table1 VALUES(" & CurrentDate & ")", MyConnection)

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VS 2005 Date Format - Insert Date In Dd/mm/yy Format In Sql Table From A Textbox

Apr 26, 2010

i am trying to insert date in dd/mm/yy format in sql table from a textbox but everytime the default date 01/01/00 goes in table.

View 19 Replies

Insert Existing Tables Into New Table By Selecting From And To Date?

Oct 22, 2011

I want to insert existing tables in new table stock by selecting from date and to date ..I tried this

cmd = New SqlCommand("INSERT INTO Stock (OpeningStockdate,Productcode,Openingstock,Despatch,Receipt,ClosingStock) (SELECT A.OpeningStockdate as OpeningStockdate, A.PC as Productcode,MAX(A.Openstock) AS Openingstock ,SUM(C.Qty) AS Despatch,SUM(B.Qty)
AS Receipt,MAX(Openstock) + ISNULL(SUM(B.Qty),0) -ISNULL(SUM(C.Qty),0) AS ClosingStock FROM Product A LEFT JOIN Receipt B ON


i got this error" Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'Where' "

View 7 Replies

Date / Time Variable Stored In A Column In An SQLite Table

Jan 26, 2012

I have a date/time variable stored in a column in an SQLite table. I need to select the string with the last 3 digits trimmed off. [code]

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Date Datatype Dislike 12:00 AM?

Oct 20, 2010

I'm using two DateTimePickers to represent 'StartDate' & 'EndDate'. On initialization I set the StartDate control to today's date at 12:00 AM. I do that like this;


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How To Declare DataType Of Variable Dynamically

Jul 6, 2010

How can I define the datatype of an variable dynamically. I read out data from a file. In the file it is specified, if the raw-data is interpreted as single, integer or .... So my idea is: To check, what datatype is in use and then declare an array with this datatype to store the data there.

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How To Maintain Variable Value In Double DataType

Jun 22, 2012

Datatable contain some values like 0.0,10000.00,54678.94. I am getting that values using for loop and store it in a variable in double datatype. I want to add these nos and store it in a variable. Each time variable value changed.

for loop
Dim ds5 As dataset1.pro_dtsumDataTable = TA5.GetData(TextBox1.Text, users)
If (ds5.Rows.Count > 0) Then
Dim y As Double
y = Double.Parse(ds5(0)("sum(fld_primary)").ToString())
Dim y1 As Double
y1 = 0 + y
End If

First time y1=0.0
Next time the value of y1 is not added to previous value.
I want the result y1=64679.34

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.net - Date Tag From Xml As DateTime Datatype Into The Application?

Aug 11, 2011

I have written XML file having a Date <Date>10/11/2011</Date> tag in it as above and trying to read it from VB.NET:

If TypeOf item Is DateTime Then
nextItem = DirectCast(item, DateTime).ToString("MMM-d-yyyy hh:mm:ss.fff", ci)
End If

How to get the date tag in XML in datetime format in the application? (As I am getting the date value as string in the application)

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Create A Column Name With Date As Its Datatype?

May 11, 2010

is there a date datatype in visual studio 2008? cause i want to create a column name with date as its datatype.. but the one that comes out is datetime..

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Get Date From DateTime Datatype MsAccess?

Apr 25, 2010

i m using mdb file i need to get Date from DateTime field and i have to group by the Date?

View 11 Replies

User Order By In .net With Datatype Date

Jun 6, 2012

I try to use "Order by" to order a list of Dates beginning by the earliest in VB.Net.The variables and methods are:

-Dim SetupStart As DateTime
-Dim SetupTimeList As New List(Of Date)

if it doesn't make any sense I would be glad if some one could show me how to order this list ascending by the earlist date.

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Retrieve DataType From SQL Table

Oct 29, 2009

I would like to retrieve the datatype of a specific element from a SQL table. The situation is that I am importing data from a source that does not match column-to-column with my SQL table. The objective is to compare the datatype from my source file to what it MUST be when I write it to my SQL table, and throw an error on a mismatch. I would like to do this without creating a class that contains the layout of my target table if possible.

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How To Make A Date Datatype Accept 13 As A Month And 30 For All Months

Jun 22, 2010

I am in ethiopia and we have 13 monthes. 12 of them with 30 days each and 13th month with 5 or 6 days. I want to sort my data by date using the bindingsource sort method. But to do that I need to set my date field a date data type. When i set the datatype to date, i can't enter some values like 13 for the month value and 30 for day value of 2nd month.

What I want is just to make my application accept 13 as a month and 30 as a day for all monthes, so that i can sort my data by date. Is it possible to do so by setting culture for my application or by some other means?

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Make A Date Datatype Accept 13 As A Month And 30 For All Months?

Feb 3, 2010

I am in ethiopia and we have 13 monthes. 12 of them with 30 days each and 13th month with 5 or 6 days. I want to sort my data by date using the bindingsource sort method. But to do that I need to set my date field a date data type. When i set the datatype to date, i can't enter some values like 13 for the month value and 30 for day value of 2nd month.

What I want is just to make my application accept 13 as a month and 30 as a day for all monthes, so that i can sort my data by date. Is it possible to do so by setting culture for my application or by some other means?

View 6 Replies

Custom Function Return Type + Input As Variable Datatype?

Dec 1, 2010

I'm wondering whether its possible to have a function's return type and input arguments as a variable.

For example this function:Private Function MyFunction(ByVal argument1 As VariableType) As VariableType


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Modify Date After Selection At Calendar Component (datetime Datatype)

Jan 1, 2012

Assuming that i picked a day from a Calendar component on VS 2008, how may i add a specific number of days to the date? (i've to store the final date in datetime datatype to DB after which) Parsing involved possibly?

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Save And Retrieve Date Datatype In Program With Database Access?

Mar 25, 2011

How can I save a date data type from to access that access have date/time in its data type and how can I retrieve it? I also want to use datediff to auto calculate the age to be shown in a textbox.

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Autonumber Datatype For Very First Time when Inserting Anything To Table

Dec 1, 2008

I am using Autonumber datatype for the very first time when inserting anything to the table it does not give any problem but when i am trying to retrive data using the Autonumber field i get the following errorSystem.Data.OleDb.OleDbException was unhandled Error Code=- 21472 17913 Message= "Data type mismatch in criteria expression." Source="Microsoft Office Access Database Engine"below is the code that i have used. [code]

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Sql Server - ADo Dot Net Passing The Table Datatype As Parameter?

May 13, 2011

what are the changes I need to for my DAL to support this.

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2008 Passing In SQL Parameter Where Datatype Is Date Array (SQL Server 2005)?

Jan 28, 2010

I'm attempting to pass in a collection of dates to a T-SQL 'IN' clause via a date array (see below for how data is collated).

'Workout weeks difference between start and enddate
Dim wksDifference As Integer = CType(DateDiff(DateInterval.WeekOfYear, bookingStartDate, bookingEndDate), Integer)


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.net - Does Dataset.ReadXml() Set All Columns Datatype In Its Table As String

Aug 12, 2011

Following is the code which gets xml data from web service and then dataset reads using ReadXml method. This Xml has ID and MyDate tags for each table row (so table(0) will have ID and MyDate columns) and this Xml data does not have schema associated with it. When page is loaded first time, it sorts by ID in asc order. It was working until ID was 999. When next ID came as 1000, even in ID asc, 1000 is showing before 999 in datagrid.

I wanted to confirm that when dataset is loaded using ReadXml, all the columns in its table are treated as string even they are numbers or dates and that's why in ID asc order 1000 is coming before 999.

Also, MyDate tag has date in format "01/31/2011" (mm/dd/yyyy) and it seems that sorting is wroking fine for date. Would sorting by date always work even when dataset table MyDate column is of type string (assuming that my above statement is correct)? Are my two above assumptions correct?

stream = New System.IO.StringReader(XML data returned from web service)
With dataset
dvView = .Tables(0).DefaultView


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Filling The Datatable From Three Variable Or Putting The Three Table's Data Into One Variable And Then Producing The Data Table?

Jan 20, 2011

I have three table and I want to put the three table's data in one variable and from that variable i will produce the datatable and then want to write the data in CSV file.I am Following this step..



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Replicating Table Rows In A Datatable Causes The Datatype In An Excel Output Report To Be Different?

Nov 3, 2010

I pull a report from SQL Server being not a fan of cursors I process that table server side in my code behind file. So I pull this report that is an address label report and my client wants there to be X number of labels per person. So I coded this function:

Private Function ProcessX(ByVal dt As DataTable, ByVal X As Integer) As DataTable
Dim dtProcessed As DataTable = dt.Copy


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Using Datatype Object And Determine Datatype In Class Property - Several Integers Columns That Are Null In The Db?

Mar 8, 2010

anything wrong with using datatype object and determine datatype in class property? I have a typed dataset and it has several integers columns that are null in the db. and when I make a call it throws there anythign wrong with setting it as object in my dataset.. changing the throw exception property to Nothing and passing it to my property as integer?

for each row in myDS.DataTable
cRate.CustID = row.CustID
next row

and in my class

Public Property CustID() As Integer
Return _custID[code].............

View 3 Replies - Parse A Date From A Textbox And Store It In A Date Variable?

Jan 3, 2012

I am trying to parse a date from a textbox and store it in a date variable

Dim enddt_2 As Date = Date.ParseExact(txtenddt.Text, "dd/MM/yyyy", System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) 'txtenddt.Text
expenddt_1 = enddt_2.AddDays(-1)
enddt = enddt_2.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")

enddt is a Date variable and when i convert enddt_2 to a string i get the error as

Conversion from string "17/01/2012" to type 'Date' is not valid.

Let me clarify, if a value in textbox is 17/01/2012 than after parsing the value is changed to 01/17/2012 (my systems Region and Language are dd/MM/yyyy) in enddt_2 and when i try to convert to dd/MM/yyyy format and store into a date variable i get the above error. This error comes only for the dates after 12. i.e a date variable accepts a date in MM/dd/yyyy format.The dates before 12 work fine, i.e for all dates from 1 to 12 there is no error.How can i make enddt store the date in dd/MM/yyyy format.

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Sql - Finding Start And End Dates From Date Numbers Table (Date Durations)?

Jun 19, 2009

I have two tables: a schedule table that contains information about how an employee is scheduled and a numbers table in which each number corresponds to a date.


I can do this on the SQL side or the code side. I have Linq at my disposal if I need it. The table doesn't need to be compiled by SQL. This will happen dynamically on a website and should be as efficient as possible.I don't want to have to iterate through each and look for breaks in contiguous days if I don't have to.

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Convert A TimeSpan Datatype To A DateTime Datatype?

Apr 30, 2002

I'm using a 3rd party chart COM object (National Instruments CW graph) to plot data versus elapsed time.The x value needs to be a VB6 equivalent Date type which is a .NET DateTime datatype.What I need is a way to convert a TimeSpan datatype to a DateTime datatype.

Dim testTime as System.DateTime 'date
Dim plotTime as System.DateTime 'date
Dim elapsedTime as System.TimeSpan[code].....

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