Javascript - .Net 2010 Installer?

May 29, 2012

I'm currently trying to create a Visual Basic 2010 Installer for an application that I recently created. The idea of the Installer will push the necessary JavaScript Files to the designated location and also create the program for users to use.

Problem: I am trying to incorporate the Javascript files into my Installer so I can push it into the user's files - of course, checking if that file structure is installed or not, but I do not know how.

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VS 2010 Change Version After Install-Visual Studio 2010 Installer

Jun 21, 2010

Well I used the Visual Studio 2010 installer to install my application and I want it to be able to change the version displayed in the in the Add/ Remove Programs (in the Control Panel). How can I do this without going through the install wizard again?

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How To Create Initial Installer And Upgrade Installer?

Aug 12, 2011

I'm currently developing an application for a POS Terminal using Our project is approaching the last stage of development and I've been tasked to create 2 installers. 1 for Initial Installation, and the other for upgrade installation.

The project is composed of several elements. These are:

1. The application executable

2. Common DLLs that we developed

3. some resources (.resx and XML)

The requirement for the upgrade installer is that only those files with modification should be installed. (i.e. if only the xml or resx files are modified those are the only items that will be reinstalled, since the size of the upgrade installer is a consideration so we cannot reinstall everything).

I'm using Visual Studio 2005 for my deployment project but I'm a bit confused about how to set the properties of each file in such a way that during the upgrade, only the files that were modified would be updated and the rest of the files will not be removed since I'm setting RemovePreviousVersion property to True. I have a hunch that I need to do something with the custom action but I haven't been able to figure it out. The upgrade installer setup is almost the same as the initial installer except that all files are excluded.I tried to acquire a copy of Phil Wilson's book (The definitive guide to Windows Installer) but its not available in our local bookstore and it would take too long to order it.

Basically while tinkering with the settings/properties there are instances where the dll was not updated and there are also times when the application exe was removed.

I already verified that the Product code is the same for both installers and that I'm sure that the version number is being incremented for each upgrade.

If I will be redoing both installers from scratch, how should I go about it?

I'm also confused about the Condition property and the transitive property.

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VB2010: Visual Studio Installer Add Other Installer?

Jul 19, 2011

Triying to use the built in Visual Studio 2010 to install a couple of files and after that is done to run another installer package (3rd Party Installation Wizard).

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VS 2010 ClickOnce Installer With Same Name

Nov 29, 2011

Im new to .net and clickOnce publishing. As I make newer builds I have an install file with the same name as previous builds for an application with the same name. If I then install the new build application over the old build application will I run into problems? or is this OK? I am deploying to folks that are non-computery (i.e. expect new features to just work 5 mins after requesting them), and if I can allow them to just run the new install similar to an update, i.e. over an existing install, it would be a lot easier and quicker than having them uninstall and reinstall etc.

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VS 2010 Creating An Installer

Apr 30, 2012

I'm normally an ASP.NET developer but my latest project has me writing a console app. For this console app to function, it needs two executables, two DLLs, an XML file that should be configured with a WinForm I've developed (so another .exe), and a working folder should be created (for when my console app runs). Further, it would be nice to have it automatically set up a Scheduled Task for batch operation.How do I package the various files into a self-extracting package? I'm playing with WinZip's self-extractor creator and it's okay, but I don't see a way for it to launch further processes, such as creating a working folder for the console or launching the WinForm above.Is there a way to create an auto-extractor in VB.NET where zipped contents are part of the "payload" of the .exe? It seems to me this would give me the most flexibility, as I could write a WinForm that does everything.

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VS 2010 Installer Package?

Dec 22, 2011

I have written a program in with mysql database.Now, my question is how can I add the mysql installation along with the query to create the database that my program is using? I wanted to include .net framework also in the installation.

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VS 2010 Programs To Create An Installer?

Jan 19, 2012

I have a finished project and I was wondering what software was available to make this into an exe with a nice profesional looking installer? I am using express.I have already had a look into cyberinstaller suite, it is ok, but generaly it is turning my half mb project into a 4.8mb project.

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Including Linked DLL In Installer Packages - Visual Studio 2010?

Dec 12, 2010

I've written a program that works perfectly well when installed on my development PC, but when I use the wizard in "Build-> Publish" and install the software on another computer it complains it can't find the DLL that I've linked to.The DLL comes from a programmable board that I'm linking to, so I don't have access to the source code, and I've included it in my project using the following lines:

Declare Function InitMbee Lib "C:UsersMartin & CelinaDesktopVBminimb.dll" () As Boolean
Declare Function SetOutputs Lib "C:UsersMartin & CelinaDesktopVBminimb.dll" (ByVal outputs As Integer) As Boolean

However I've not included the DLL in any other way, so I'm wondering if I have to add it to a list of items that need to be included with the installer, or if I've declared it in such as way that it needs to be in the same place for all installations.

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Visual Studio 2010 Setup Installer Files Modified Date?

Jun 18, 2012

I have created installer from Visual Studio Package and Deployment, but after successful installation, the installer files (like dlls, images and all supporting files) modified date or even creation date has been changed and all have the same date depends on the date of installation. Is there a way I can preserve or maintain it's original creation/modified date?

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Creating A Windows Installer CD - Initiate The Windows Installer And Have Failed?

May 29, 2011

I have written a program in Visual Basic 10 and all is well. I have published it and have been burning the result to a cd and installed it on various computers, however it is the click once app, which has been fine till now. What I need to do now is to have the program install the .exe file and associated files (non click once app) to a specific drive on a computer or network computer. I have searched the net for instructions on how to initiate the windows installer and have failed. is there a program that you can select the source files then point to the installation folder tell it to go and an installation package gets made that I can burn to disk.

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.NET Framework 3.5 Offline Installer Is 200 MBs Larger Than The .NET 4 Offline Installer?

Jan 13, 2011

I have code/support an application built on .NET framework that has always run on .NET 2. This year we are upgrading the application to use .NET 3.5 (or 4?). In preparing for this change we noticed that that Offline Installer (required for our customer base) for .NET 3.5 is 200+ MBs bigger than the .NET 4 offline installer.

Here are my questions.Why is the dotnet 3.5 installer so much bigger than the 4 offline installer?

Can we TARGET .NET 3.5 but distribute .NET 4. In other words, is .NET 4 backwards compatible? Assuming that .NET 4 was the only installed .NET could application still target earlier frameworks?

IF our application is compiled for x86 CPU (rather than Any CPU) do you still have to distribute the x64/x86 Client Profile or can we just distribute the x86 Client Profile? In other words, can we distribute the x86 Client Profile even though it will be installed on x64 machines if our app is compiled for x86 target CPU? Any risks or gotchas for doing this?

The issue is that if we upgrade our app to target .NET 4 there are a lot of application servers that we also have to upgrade which effects a number of other applications.

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VS 2010 WebBrowser And Javascript?

Sep 22, 2010

need it to go to a website, lets say this one.Then I need it to wait 1 second (wich is 1000ms) and then execute thisJavaScript Javascript:alert("Hello!");So the result will be:Open google and then send this popup.

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Javascript - JS EventListener Equivalent In VB 2010

Jul 18, 2011

I have this problem: I need to be able to catch changed in DOM elements in a page that I am loading in a Visual Basic webBrowser control. Normally in JavaScript in Firefox I would do something like this: element[0].childNodes[1].addEventListener("DOMAttrModified", functionX, true); where element[0] is the element that I need monitored and child[1] is the 2nd child for this element that has its text value changed which I need to catch when it changes, while functionX is the function/sub that I want to trigger everytime there is a change in element[0].childNodes[1].


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VS 2010 Clicking Javascript Button?

Apr 21, 2012

I am having a hard time clicking this button, in a webbrowser element!!! here is the

<form name="browseHeader" id="browseHeader" action="/index.cfm/startbrowsing" method="post">


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VS 2010 Disable Javascript Webbrowser?

Jan 1, 2011

Is there a way to disable javascript webbrowser in 2010

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VS 2010 Enabling Javascript In Web Browser?

Nov 29, 2011

I have a problem with my web browser!

I was trying it out and guess what happened!

One of the websites said that I don't have javascript enabled!

I know that webbrowser1 is basically Internet Explorer but is there a code that would enable the javascript in webbrowser1?

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VS 2010 Getting JavaScript Array From WebBrowser?

Feb 23, 2011

I am trying to extract data stored in javascript array inside WebBrowser window. Basically I need to wait for scripts to execute (got that one covered) and then somehow get the array.

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VS 2010 Javascript (WebBrowser1) Clicking To Other Button

Sep 29, 2011


I need that will click a specified button and filling data then clicking sumbit to log into. I've tried many tricks but still doens't help. (I used google too.)


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VS 2010 Covert Text To JavaScript Escape Sequences

Mar 24, 2011

How to I convert text to JavaScript escape sequences in VS 2010 ? Let's say my text in textbox is: "ab…". This contains two diacritic characters : and(not English characters).


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VS 2010 WebBrowser Control - Responding To JavaScript Alerts

Nov 27, 2010

An action that I'm trying to automatically complete on a web page requires me to click "Yes" on a JavaScript alert box. Obviously the entire process cannot be automated unless the program clicks "Yes" or "No" for the user. Is there any way that I can capture this alert box and click "Yes" programmatically?

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C# - Show Hide Using Javascript On A Control Inside A ASCX Control In A Gridview (ASP.NET + Javascript)

Oct 8, 2010

I have written a web usercontrol (ascx). Inside, there is a Panel that I want to show/hide on click of a hyperlink inside the usercontrol. Normally, this is easy just by doing something like this (the onclick attribute is added to the hyperlink on prerender):


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Call DLL From Installer?

Mar 10, 2010

Does anyone know of an example where I can call a DLL from the .NET Installer?

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How To Create An Installer

Sep 6, 2009

I have a program, and i need the user to be able to install it. How would i create an installer? I have my set up and everything i just need to figure out how to pack all my files into one program, then a code for my install button.

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How To Make An Installer

Oct 21, 2010

How do you make an advanced MSI custom installer in Like InstallShield, ect...

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Installer Is Getting Flagged By Some AVs?

May 1, 2011

I have made my own installer over the last 6-9 months.Let me explain how it works.It's designed for monetization.We have a hook product and 3 to 4 additional pieces of software that we offer the user.When an offer is accepted our installer pings a website(PHP) that is linked to a mysql database. It makes a value increase by one when pinged.This represents how many accepts for offer A we have.For some reason we are getting flagged by some AVs and it is because of the http web requests to these reporting urls.

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Possible To Create A GUI Installer

Dec 5, 2010

I need to develop an application which installs applications by accepting user inputs for example; there are 5 applications (exe files ) in my hand.say

1 . msoffice package,
2. mozilla firefox,
3. acrobat reader ,


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VS 2008 Best Installer To Use?

Mar 20, 2009

In the past I used VB6 to create my apps and used Wise Installer (v9) to create the install package. It was easy because it would read my VB app and automatically setup the file for me. All I had to do was add the numerous other associated files and I was done. Obviously that program is a bit outdated and does not (to my knowledge) have the same capability with a .NET project. Is there any installer out there that does have that capability and does not cost an arm and a leg?

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.NET Installer To Check If WSE Is Installed

Jul 17, 2009

I have created one setup package using VS 2005 deployment. I need to check wheather Microsoft Webservice 2 is installed or not condition before installing. I have used "Launch Condition" which need Component Id. But i am not able to find to where i can get component id for "Web Services Enhancements 2.0 SP2 for Microsoft .NET".

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Building An Installer Of A VB App Using SqlServerCE

Jan 2, 2012

I have a VB app that uses a sqlServerCE database. Everything works quite fine on my computer.

When I try to install it on other computers I run into problems. The message "Unable to load the native components of SQL Server Compact corresponding to the provider of version 8080"

I am testing on a Win XP virtual machine.

My first attempt was to use InstallShield LE to create the installer. I defined ServerCE as a prerequisite and when I check in add/remove programs it exists, but I still get the error.

Then I tried building the installer with the Microsoft installer. This adds the dll to the program directory automatically, but I still get the error.

I read the KB article referenced (874247) and recompiled the app as an x86 application only, and rebuilding the installer, but have the same problem.

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