Javascript - JS EventListener Equivalent In VB 2010

Jul 18, 2011

I have this problem: I need to be able to catch changed in DOM elements in a page that I am loading in a Visual Basic webBrowser control. Normally in JavaScript in Firefox I would do something like this: element[0].childNodes[1].addEventListener("DOMAttrModified", functionX, true); where element[0] is the element that I need monitored and child[1] is the 2nd child for this element that has its text value changed which I need to catch when it changes, while functionX is the function/sub that I want to trigger everytime there is a change in element[0].childNodes[1].


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C# - Javascript HASH And Equivalent .NET Algorithm?

Jan 31, 2011

Using this code on the javascript side and

Using sha As New SHA256Managed
Using memStream As New MemoryStream(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("Hello World!"))
Dim hash() As Byte = sha.ComputeHash(memStream)
Dim res As String = Encoding.Default.GetString(hash)
End Using
End Using

I have been unable to recreate the same hash for the same values with these two bits of code.

The javascript implementation returns: 7f83b1657ff1fc53b92dc18148a1d65dfc2d4b1fa3d677284addd200126d9069

and the example returns: ƒeñüS-ÁHÖ]ü-KÖw(JÝÒ mi"

What am I missing? I assume it's something to do with the character encoding?

So for anyone interested it was 1 simple change.


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Javascript Equivalent For Session Variables In VB?

May 31, 2011

I have some VB code, which I can no longer use (long story). It goes like this:

Session.Contents("LetterVariables") = Nothing

Is there a javascript equivalent?

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Updating Progress Bar From EventListener Not Working

Jun 3, 2010

This is starting to drive me nuts. I'm executing a DTS package from a worker thread that is calling an EventListener class to update the background worker ProgressChanged sub. As instructed, the ProgressChanged method is trying to update a progress bar to avoid thread issues but it is not working. I know the EventListener is throwing events because if I put a message box in ProgressChanged I get the package progress %. Why can't it update the progress bar?


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VS 2010 .net Direct X Equivalent?

Jan 30, 2011

I Know there are a few things i can use for graphics but I want to start a simple game in GDI is to slow for a game so What is the modern equivalent to Direct X 11. I know Microsoft released a managed version of direct x long ago but It seems Out Dated now. I've heard about XNA but on their website it says it is used for windows phone and the Xbox

Which is currently the best and fastest equivalent to Direct x for ?

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VS 2010 Equivalent Of VB6 'app.path'?

Feb 9, 2011

I've tried several properties of the application object in VB.NET but none seem to give me what the old App.Path did in VB6.Application.ExecutablePath returns "C:UsersPaulDocumentsVisual Studio 2010ProjectsFCL Manager 2011inDebugFCL Manager 2011.EXE"

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VS 2010 Listview Equivalent To VB6 Listindex

Feb 15, 2011

I am trying to get the following VB6 listindex to work within my

setTheR CStr(payReq.ItemData(payReq.ListIndex))

But if i copy and paste that into it wont accept it.

This is what did with the converting of the VB6 to .net

strContract = payReq.Items.Item(payReq.FocusedItem.Index).Text

However, checking that value it returns the name instead of the index. While the VB6 code returns the value of 2311 (which is what it needs to return)

When i add items to the listview i do this:

Item = payReq.Items.Add(rsPayRequests.Fields("userid").Value)
Item.SubItems.Insert(1, New System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem(Nothing,


But that does not work with my listview in .net since that above is a listbox and not a listview. Is there an equivalent in .net for the listbox to have a custom index?

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VS 2010 What Is The Equivalent To Java Properties In VB

Jun 1, 2010

Is there an equivalent to Java Properties in VB. A Properties file in java is a place where you can save propeties for an application. So if an application looks at a file on a server (which could change) you could save to location in a properties file the if the location changes you just change the properties file. You do not have to recompile the program.

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What's The Equivalent Code Of This In VB Express 2010

Jun 13, 2011

got this code from this site: [URL] public static void Send(String from, String to, String subject, String messageText).

SmtpMail.Send("", "", "Subject", "Message body").

what's the equivalent code of this in vb express 2010.

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Javascript - .Net 2010 Installer?

May 29, 2012

I'm currently trying to create a Visual Basic 2010 Installer for an application that I recently created. The idea of the Installer will push the necessary JavaScript Files to the designated location and also create the program for users to use.

Problem: I am trying to incorporate the Javascript files into my Installer so I can push it into the user's files - of course, checking if that file structure is installed or not, but I do not know how.

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VS 2010 WebBrowser And Javascript?

Sep 22, 2010

need it to go to a website, lets say this one.Then I need it to wait 1 second (wich is 1000ms) and then execute thisJavaScript Javascript:alert("Hello!");So the result will be:Open google and then send this popup.

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VS 2010 Clicking Javascript Button?

Apr 21, 2012

I am having a hard time clicking this button, in a webbrowser element!!! here is the

<form name="browseHeader" id="browseHeader" action="/index.cfm/startbrowsing" method="post">


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VS 2010 Disable Javascript Webbrowser?

Jan 1, 2011

Is there a way to disable javascript webbrowser in 2010

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VS 2010 Enabling Javascript In Web Browser?

Nov 29, 2011

I have a problem with my web browser!

I was trying it out and guess what happened!

One of the websites said that I don't have javascript enabled!

I know that webbrowser1 is basically Internet Explorer but is there a code that would enable the javascript in webbrowser1?

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VS 2010 Getting JavaScript Array From WebBrowser?

Feb 23, 2011

I am trying to extract data stored in javascript array inside WebBrowser window. Basically I need to wait for scripts to execute (got that one covered) and then somehow get the array.

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VS 2010 Javascript (WebBrowser1) Clicking To Other Button

Sep 29, 2011


I need that will click a specified button and filling data then clicking sumbit to log into. I've tried many tricks but still doens't help. (I used google too.)


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VS 2010 Covert Text To JavaScript Escape Sequences

Mar 24, 2011

How to I convert text to JavaScript escape sequences in VS 2010 ? Let's say my text in textbox is: "ab". This contains two diacritic characters : and(not English characters).


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VS 2010 WebBrowser Control - Responding To JavaScript Alerts

Nov 27, 2010

An action that I'm trying to automatically complete on a web page requires me to click "Yes" on a JavaScript alert box. Obviously the entire process cannot be automated unless the program clicks "Yes" or "No" for the user. Is there any way that I can capture this alert box and click "Yes" programmatically?

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VS 2010 What's Equivalent Method In .NET Of Picture1.Scale Method In 6.0

Jun 12, 2011

What's the equivalent method in .NET of the Picture1.Scale (0,0)-(10,10) method in 6.0?

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C# - Show Hide Using Javascript On A Control Inside A ASCX Control In A Gridview (ASP.NET + Javascript)

Oct 8, 2010

I have written a web usercontrol (ascx). Inside, there is a Panel that I want to show/hide on click of a hyperlink inside the usercontrol. Normally, this is easy just by doing something like this (the onclick attribute is added to the hyperlink on prerender):


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.net - Equivalent Of VB And And Or In C#?

Oct 14, 2010

I know that AndAlso is equivalent to && and OrElse is equivalent to ||. But what is the cleanest way to achieve the equivalent of Visual Basic's And and Or in C#?For example, consider the following VB.NET code.The ValidateForControl method performs some validation and returns whether the state of the specified control is valid. The entire input form is valid if all controls are valid. However, each control must be individually validated even if one is invalid (which requires the operator not to short-circuit). Visual Basic's And operator is perfect for this situation, but unfortunately there's no equivalent operator in C# as far as I know (&& short-circuits).


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.Net Equivalent In C#?

May 24, 2012

I am Validating a TextBox on it's KeyPress Event in VB.

If InStr("0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz`~!@#$%^&*()_+|[]{};:<>/?,.'" & """" & Chr(8), Chr(KeyAscii)) = 0 Then KeyAscii = 0

What will be it's equivalent in C# ?

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C# Equivalent Of Err In VB?

May 18, 2012

Let me know how can i use this Err in c#.This is VB Code:

If Len(sPart1) <> PART1_LENGTH Then
Err.Raise(vbObjectError, , "Part 1 must be " & PART1_LENGTH)


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Equivalent Of SQL IN In VB

Jul 14, 2011

What I am trying to do is to check if a value matches one of two numbers (and easily be able to add to the numbers to compare to). Rather than doing a longer-winded way such as: [Code] I have found that this only works when SectionID is 2 or PageID is 8. If SectionID is 3 or PageID is 12 then it doesn't work. Why is this and what can I do to try to get around the problem?

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What Is The Equivalent For OLE In .net

Sep 1, 2010

what is the equivalent for OLE in .net

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.net - Equivalent Of C#'s `default` In .Net?

Jan 20, 2011

I'm normally at home in C#, and I'm looking at a performance issue in some VB.Net code -- I want to be able to compare something to the default value for a type (kind like C#'s default keyword).


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.net - Equivalent To Log4j In VB?

Mar 20, 2012

I am relatively new to Visual Basic. When it comes to logging, in Java I use log4j for logging.What is the equivalent in Visual Basic and can you please guide me to a good tutorial?

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.net Equivalent For The Code?

Jul 28, 2009

private bool txtRegExStringIsValid(string textToValidate)
Regex TheRegExpression;
string TheTextToValidate;


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.Net Equivalent Of A C++ Stub Lib?

Jul 17, 2011

I've got a large codebase which I'd like to expose to plugin authors to allow them to use VB.Net Express to code plugins for a server app, which is not available to them. My problem is that even with obfuscation, I'd rather not distribute the complete app and/or dlls, as even with obfuscation peeling apart a .NET assembly and puzzling out code is relatively easy to do. I'm interested in this because the licensor I obtain the code from requires me to protect IP and assets and while distributing .NET apps opens up the app to disassembly, keeping the server app private and allowing users to utilize a skeleton dll to code against is a happy medium.

What I'm looking for is some way or a utility to go through my server app source code and create a codeless version of the app which only contains method and property signatures.The intent is to provide a stub .NET dll for them to add as a reference and code against as if they were directly interacting with the server, without actually providing the server code to them, compiled or not. I can of course do this by hand but there are over 90 classes and hundreds of thousands of lines of code I'd rather not spend a week hand tweaking. Also, this presents a problem whenever new methods or code are added to the project. Finally, two separate projects is an even worse scenario.Because people will post suggestions that have little or nothing to do with the question, here's a short, clear example. I want to turn this class:

Public Class MyServer
Public ReadOnly Property Name() As String
Return "Whatever"


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.net Equivalent Of C# Expression?

Jan 10, 2012

What is the expression of this c# expression ?

Frame.GetController<ShowNavigationItemController>().CustomShowNavigationItem += new EventHandler<CustomShowNavigationItemEventArgs>(WindowController1_CustomShowNavigationItem);

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