Keep Panel Scroll On Top When Dynamically Adding Controls To It?

Oct 5, 2011

I am adding user controls to a panel that is empty, but when i do that, the scroll of the panel goes down.

I tried to set the panel.verticalscrol.value to 0 but that does not do the trick, so..

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Mousewheel Scroll In Panel With Dynamically Added Picturebox Controls?

Dec 2, 2009

I've dynamically added 20 pictureboxes to a panel and would like to see the panel scroll when I use the mouse wheel. To implement this I have tried to set the autoscroll to true on the panel control. Here is the code.

For i As Integer = 1 To 20:
Dim b As New PictureBox()
b.Image = Nothing


It works for "button" control, but not for the "picturebox" or "label" controls?
How can I implementthe scrolling affect using 'mousewheel'?

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Adding Controls To A Panel Dynamically?

Jun 10, 2011

I am working on a project for a handheld in Visual Studio 2008 where I need to add a group of labels to a panel that correspond to a record on the database. The record is a "Pass/Fail" Record. So, if the record is a "Fail", the failed items will be added below the main group of labels; therefore, many child groups of labels will be added below the main group, which is theoretically the header record. I am using a second panel to add the failed items. My issue is how to dynamically add, name, and position the failed item labels and panels. Below, I have included a sample of what I am trying to accomplish.

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Dynamically Adding Controls To A Panel Within A Data Repeater

Jul 15, 2010

I have a Data Repeater to which I need to add x number of images depending on their existence in the database.I need the images added within hyperlinks for Javascript functionality. In order to dynamically add the hyperlinks and images I have placed them within a panel in the data repeater and am adding them in the ItemDataBound event.The problem is that only the first image is being written to the datarepeater.[code]

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Dynamically Add Controls To A Panel?

Jul 27, 2009

I've successfully been able to add controls (labels, images, buttons, etc) to a panel control (using VB/ASP). This panel control, I refer to it as "insertpanel". Then I add this panel to the main panel on my webpage which I made during design time. The problem I run into is that when I add multiple controls of any type to the panel, they are all added in line with each other. I tried giving my image some css-styling of[code]....

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Dynamically Adding Panel And RadioButtons In Visual Basic

Dec 1, 2011

Guys I'm trying to dynamically create panels which are filled with seven radio buttons each. I get the panels but they are only filled with 1 radio button each. What am I doing wrong here? QuestionQuantity is an Integer and is the variable that determines how many panels I will be creating. The code is in the form load function located.


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Adding Controls To A Panel?

Jan 19, 2009

I am trying to add controls to a Panel in a loop, but for some reason they are being added from the bottom up instead of top down.In a little test program I am running this

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
For i As Integer = 1 To 10[code]....

And this is the result I get ... the controls are added starting at the bottom. I need them to start at the top of the panel, with each new control being added under the previous one. If I remove the Dock statement, then the controls just get added on top of each other.

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Adding Controls To A Panel Programmatically?

Jul 10, 2010

I'm trying to add a group of four radio buttons to a form. There are other radio buttons so I'm grouping them by placing them on a Panel. However using the below I just get the panel added to the form without the radio buttons... Am I doing something wrong here?

Dim arrRButton(3) As RadioButton
arrRButton(0) = New RadioButton
arrRButton(1) = New RadioButton


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Adding Controls To Panel In Runtime?

Jun 21, 2012

Private Sub btnMonSet_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnMonSet.Click
My.Settings.tweetMon = tbMon.Text
If tbddOccurrence.Text = "Just Once" Then
If cbToday1.Checked = True Then
lblPanel.LblScheduledTweet1.whenDate = Date.Today
[Code] .....

The goal of this code is to add a control to a panel in runtime. This MUST be done in runtime for the purpose I intend. The problem is that, when I add a second control, the first one disappears.

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Adding Controls Dynamically - Asp.Net And VB

Apr 29, 2011

I'm trying to add a "panel" with controls dynamicaly. Something like the code below, Clicking "Add" button, displays a "Panel" with the controls(which are within a table), the number of "Education" someone can enter is unlimited. I know how to capture the data, but i can't figure out how to implement/code this,


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Adding Controls And Their Events Dynamically?

Oct 1, 2011

I'm developing a website in visual studio 2008 using ( have to allow registered users to build pages and add controls that are already defined by the same userMy problem is how to build this page dynamically?In other words, I'd like to make like any CMS (e.g. Joomla). CMSs allow us to make new pages and add our controls then save them..

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Dynamically Adding User Controls

Jun 23, 2012

I have been set a project from school to design snake in VB.Net but i am struggling to dynamically add the user control which acts as one of the dots in the body of the snake. Every time i add a dot on to the snake the previous vanishes. I assume this is due to me overwriting the previous one by creating a new instance of the object but i cannot find a way of adding a new one in.[code]I have tried using body(i) and other ways of adding a new instance of the object but am stuck.The subroutine will be called up when a new control is needed.

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Adding Custom Controls To A Panel Doesn't Work

Jan 27, 2010

I am fooling around with VB for a while now and it is not the first time I created custom controls to use in an application. The situation: I have a database application (FormView / not GridView). The form is designed the following way: At the left I have a Panel1 with TextBoxes and other controls to view / edit dataset records. At the right I have a Panel2 which contains on default a custom control (a number of PictureBoxes mainly) to view / add / delete pictures associated with the currently viewed data record.

On a ButtonClick at a special button on the ToolStrip, I would like to replace that custom control in Panel2 with another custom control (which contains a search with different search possibilities), so, I basically throw out the PictureControl and load a SearchControl instead. This is the first time where I actually designed the custom controls within the actual project. In past, I always developed the custom controls seperately in a new project and later imported the dll. However, my first attempt just does not work and I don't even know where I should start troubleshooting since I don't get any errors.


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Dynamically Adding Controls To Tabpage At Runtime?

Jun 6, 2011

I'm having a lot of trouble trying to add a new control to a dynamically created TabPage at run time, I have viewed many threads with similar help requests and cant seem to make the codes work!

Here's what I've got:

Dim albumscount As Xml.XmlNodeList
albumscount = config_doc.SelectNodes("component/config/menu/album")
i = albumscount.Count - 1
Dim albumtitle As Xml.XmlNode


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Dynamically Adding Multiple User Controls?

Feb 27, 2012

I have a User Control which returns a table of data, which in some cases needs to be looped, displaying one on top of another. I am able to dynamically add a single instance of this by placing a fixed placeholder in the page. I am now trying to work out how to add more than one, given that I don't know how many might be needed I don't want to hard code the Placeholders. I've tried the following, but I am just getting one instance, presumably the first is being overwritten by the second

<div id="showHere" runt="server"/>
Dim thisPh As New PlaceHolder
Dim anotherPh As New PlaceHolder
anotherPh .Controls.Add(showTable)
How do I make it add repeated tables within the showHere div?

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Forms :: Adding Controls Dynamically Below Existing One

Jul 21, 2010

I'm trying to add a DataGridView to a Split Container Panel. I am able to add the control, but it just places it on top of the old one. What I want is to add it below the existing one. How to do it.

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WinForms - Dynamically Adding Controls At Runtime

Oct 21, 2009

I have a WinForms application that I need to dynamically add controls to at runtime. I searched for this and I was initially led to the TableLayoutPanel (TLP).

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VS 2010 Panel Auto-scroll Will Not Show Vertical Scroll Bar?

Jun 12, 2011

I am loading several command buttons into it (one in each grid box). I have the panel set to autoscroll. When TableLayoutPanel is set to AddColumns, all works well. However, I dont want horizontal scroll, I want vertical. When I set TableLayoutPanel to AddRows, a vertical scrollbar will not appear.

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VS 2008 Dynamically Creating And Adding Dropdown Controls To DevExpress XtraGrid?

May 6, 2011

I am dynamically creating and adding dropdown controls to DevExpress XtraGrid.That works fine and I can add a dropdown control to any column I wish.My main problem is that I need to have the first element in the dropdown control displayed. But after I dynamically add 3 dropdown controls to the grid, only the last one has the element displayed. The previous two do not.Although, I add the elements

this is what the code looks like:
Dim column as DevExpress.XtraGrid.RepositoryItem.GridLookupEdit
For i as Integer = 0 to dsSometing.Tables(0).Rows.Count - 1
column = New DevExpress.XtraGrid.RepositoryItem.GridLookUp


The code will go tru and add lets say 3 dropdown controls, set their .DataSource to datasets I need, but it will only show .NullText of the last added control.

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Scroll Bars Not Long Enough To Scroll Panel Far Enough?

Aug 19, 2009

i have 2 controls on a form. Panel1 and picturebox. I am using the following code to zoom in.

PicBox.Width = PicBox.Width + 100
PicBox.Height = PicBox.Height + 75
'PicBox.Left = PicBox.Left - 50
'PicBox1st.Top = PicBox.Top - 20

i am also using the following code to try and scroll whilst zoomed in

Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form
Private m_PanStartPoint As New Point
Private Sub picbox_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles PicBox.MouseDown
'Capture the initial point


I have set the panel to autoscroll and added scroll bars but they do not scroll far enough... They only scroll about 2cm.

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Autoscroll X.panel According To T.panel's Scroll Position

Mar 19, 2009

This is for a mapping/plotting program.

t.panel is the main panel and it has too much content to fit in one screen so there are scroll bars. x.panel contains the horizontal scale for the data points in t.panel. I drew the scale using a bitmap and set it as x.panel's background.

Setting x.panel's horizontalscroll.value = t.panel's horizontalscroll.maximum doesn't seem to work. I think this is because x.panel's doesn't have any content that causes it to need scroll bars.

View 5 Replies - Controls (buttons) Be Set In A ModalPopup Extender Panel That Do Not Close The Panel?

Apr 21, 2009

When a user is editing a given piece of data, they're allowed to add messages/comments. These are stored as child records in a SQL database. Clicking on the Add Message button brings up a panel (pnlMessage) courtesy of the AJAX ModalPopup Extender. This takes some input and, when the "Send Message" button in the panel is clicked (I learned the hard way to NOT make that the 'OkButton' property), the message is stored in the database and an email is sent to the intended recipients. No problem there.

However, I need to be able to allow the user to add new email addresses (so long as they are registered in our database). I have another ModalPopup / panel combo (pnlSearch) that's tied to a button on the previous panel (pnlMessage).

The user is supposed to be able to add an email or click on a search button to populate a list to choose from.

The pop-up panel (pnlSearch) comes up just fine, but clicking the "Lookup" button (which instigates the search and returns a collection of records that the user is supposed to pick from) closes the panel.

Previously, I ran into the problem of having the Button.Click event never firing when I put the Button into the "OkControlID" property (the CancelControlID works fine since I don't want to do anything). Removing the "OkControlID=Button" line allowed it to work perfectly with the Button.Click event firing as expected.

So now I have the Search panel with a button for "OK" and a button for "Search" - but the panel should stay up and visible after the Search.Click does it's thing. Am I missing some property that basically says "don't close the panel when this button is clicked"? Of course, if I bring up the panel again in the same session, the results from the previous effort are there (the search results).

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Get Scroll The Panel But Not Using The Scrollbars?

Feb 10, 2011

I am using a flowpanellayout. I want to scroll the panel, but not using the scrollbars. (We are going to use a touch screen). I am going to use button to scroll up and down. How can I control that?

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Scroll A Panel With Mousewheel?

Apr 9, 2011

How do I code to scroll the panel using the mouse wheel when the mouse pointer is over the panel using the actual scrollbar?

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Scroll Images In Panel?

Apr 16, 2009

I wantt o scroll images up & down,I found the foll code that uses APi to scrool.[code]....

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Scroll Panel Using A Button?

Feb 16, 2010

I am currently working on a web browser using visual basic and i think i am stuck at this point where i have a panel and i need to scroll it when mouse hovers a button .. actually if i can find how to scroll the panel without using the scroll bar , i think i can modify it for using it with mouse hover. [code]...

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Control The Horizontal Scroll Of A Panel Box?

Nov 1, 2011

I am trying to control the horizontal scroll of a panel box in The problem is that I can only seem to move it just a little bit using the following code:

Private Sub HScrollBar1_Scroll(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ScrollEventArgs) Handles HScrollBar1.Scroll
panSS.HorizontalScroll.Value = HScrollBar1.Value
End Sub


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Controlling The Contents Of A Panel With A Scroll Bar?

Jun 21, 2010

I am having a tough time in to make the scrollbars to work of the contents of a panel.... here is my code

Private Sub HScrollBar1_Scroll(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ScrollEventArgs) Handles HScrollBar1.Scroll
Panel122.Left = HScrollBar1.Value

now, i want to change .Left to .Right, but it won't let me?

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Forms :: Scroll Bar On A Winform Panel?

Nov 19, 2010

Is there a way to hide the scroll bars on a VB.Net panel? We have written code to allow the user to scroll using a touch screen and do not need to see the scroll bar. I know it has to be there for the scrolling to work, but would like to hide it from view.

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Get And Set The Location Of The Scroll Bars In A Panel?

Dec 19, 2009

Is there a way to get and set the location of the scroll bars in a panel?

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