Linq Sum String As Decimal?

Feb 18, 2010

I have the following LINQ :

Dim q = From p In ds_raport.Tables(1) _
Group p By p!Cod_Prj Into g = Group _
Select New With {g, .TotalVal = g.Sum(Function(p) p!Valoare)}

The problem is because column "valoare" is of type string ( i import this from a file that is not always properly formatted) my sum has no decimals.So how can i make the sum to display decimals ?

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.net - String.Format Decimal With Sign Fixed Number Of Decimal Places, No Decimal Separator?

Jun 27, 2012

What is the cleanest, most readable way to String.Format a decimal with the following criteria

start with a sign symbol (+ or -)
a fixed number of fraction digits
no decimal separator
right aligned
pre-padded with "0"'s

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LINQ Query With Sum And Group By Is Adding Decimal Precision

Aug 24, 2009

I am trying to do a simple summary of table data using a LINQ query.a regular SQL Query looks like:[code]This query works fine and returns the correct results.[code]This LINQ query returns the incorrect results some of the time. Off by .01 in most cases.The "value" column is of type Numeric (12,2) in the database.Now when I show the values from the Sum in a msgbox I get extra precision and thus incorrect results as my end result because of rounding.For example I get 835.18 + 54.62 = 889.80960 from the above LINQ query.I am running Visual Studio 2008 9.0.30729.1 SP on Vista 64Bit with .NET 3.5 SP1.

View 3 Replies - Decimal.parse Fails For Currency String Created With String.Format?

Apr 5, 2011

I have a field that I display via: String.Format({0:c},amount) This produces the string "$28.28" However, when I try to convert back to a decimal amount, I get an incorrect format exception: amount = Decimal.Parse(amount.Text, NumberStyles.Currency) I also tried it with NumberStyles.AllowCurrencySymbol with the same results. I verified that the value in amount.Text is "$28.28". Am I missing something? Shouldn't these two operations use the same currency symbol and formats?

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Convert A String Containing A Binary, Octal And Hex Number Into A Decimal String?

Jun 7, 2009

I'd like to convert a string which contains a decimal number into string that contains the binary value, the octal and the hexadecimal value of that decimal number.Afterwards I also like to convert a string containing a binary, octal and hexd. number into a decimal string.Basically I'm looking for the functions:


I'd not prefer to rewrite a function, I'm sure the framework must have these functions already.

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Filter Xml Using Xpath And Linq (price With Decimal Separator And Thousands Separator Spanish)?

Jun 7, 2012

I'm trying to filter the results of a xml file. One of the fields I've been requested to filter is the attribute price of each node. The problem is the xml is from a spanish source and the prices are with decimal separator being , instead of . and thousands separator is , instead of .I'm trying to get an xml file filtered where only nodes withprices lower than one supplied appear.

The xml structure is:

<RoomStay InfoSource="" Price="201,60" Discount="0" MealPlan="Sólo alojamiento" MealPlanId="1" Provider="Marsol" ProviderId="3" HotelName="HOTEL LA ESTACION" Rating="" Latitud="" Longitud="">


I've tried to filter using XPath and Linq2Xml. I've come to the conclussion I have to replace , with . and . with , but I get 0 results.With values below 1000 where there is only , I've got it using:


But when there are prices above 1000 with thousands separator . it doesn't work, so I tried:


But it returns 0 results (I tried to use replace function instead of translate to remove the . characters but I get an exception).

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C# - One Decimal For String Format?

Nov 30, 2010

I have below digits. I want to show one digit after to decimal. How to format it?


I was using ("{0:0.0}". But data showing like

2.9 //It should be 2.8
2.0 //It should be 2
2.0 //It should be 1.9

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Convert String To Decimal?

Oct 7, 2010

How to convert string to decimal ?

input - output
45 - 45.00
45.5 - 45.50
45.51 - 45.51

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Converting String Into A Decimal?

Mar 17, 2009

First: Ok so I'm trying to do a project in my beginning VB .Net class. We are supposed to be taking information from 5 different sections of a form and store them into an array and then call upon them later. We have Name, Address, City,State, and Zip. How would I go about saving the information into an array and then calling upon it later through File IO?

Second: I'm having a problem converting my string into a decimal. Whenever I calculate the price of the order I get 3-4 decimal places. Here is a little snippet of my code for the this:


I have dimmed pricewithout tax as a decimal and stateselect as a string. The stateselect is based off a drop down list.

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How To Convert Decimal To String

Feb 18, 2010

How can i convert decimal to string so that in can be transferred to a Label?

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Include Decimal Point To String ?

Jan 17, 2012

How to add decimal point (with two decimal places) to string, without converting string to decimal? For example (Dim str1 as String), regardless str1 has value: 100 , 100.0 , 100.00, or 100.5 , 100.50..I'd like to get the output: 100.00 or 100.50, with two decimal places.

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Convert A String To Decimal In Program?

May 19, 2011

What will be the easiest way to convert a string to decimal?[code]...

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Convert NULL String To Decimal?

Mar 30, 2010

I tried this

Dim value As
Dim returnValue As


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Convert String To Decimal Array?

Jun 15, 2010

I'm trying to figure out how to convert a string to a decimal array (ASCII). The string can be any length and is discovered at runtime.

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Convert String To Decimal For Use In Formulas?

Nov 27, 2010

I extracted text from a third party software application. All the text is now in string and correct in my Form Labels.

Text look like


But I can't convert the labels from string to double or Decimal.

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Converting A Decimal To An Empty String

Oct 31, 2011

I'm sure this is simple to do but I'm struggling to get this work, I've tried using convert.tostring, decimal.tostring, ctype(object, type) and cstr(object) but without success. I guess I'm trying to change the decial object to a string object and then assign it a value of empty string but always get type mismatch error.[code]

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Error In Conversion From String To Decimal?

May 17, 2012

in simple application, when i am trying to convert string "$2432.23" to decimal (i have taken reference from a book, that cDec can handle $ and , ), it gives error InvalidCastexception

Dim amt As Decimal = CDec(txtSubtotal.Text)
i entered "$2432.23"

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Formatting - How To Convert Decimal To String

Apr 14, 2009

I have an app that deals with currency. For display purposes I use the nifty VB FormatCurrency function which will format based on the OS's region setting. So, if in France you might get 123,45 where in the US you would get 123.45. To perform calculation on these amounts I use CDec() to convert to decimal.

My problem is that when I convert the Decimal to a String using toString() it formats according to the currently set region. I need to be able to always convert the decimal into a String representation for the US, i.e. with decimal points. I thought I would be able to do something similar to this:

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Parse String Into Decimal Variable?

Feb 7, 2011

dim a as decimal dim b as string = "169.65"

How do i get b into a, without removing the dot ?

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Stuck Trying To Convert A String To Decimal?

Aug 1, 2009

i'm a little stuck with a personal project, i'm interfacing a MiniBee usb output card to my pc and having a few code problems, i am trying to control outputs 1 to 8 which requires a decimal number that relates to the binary pattern of the ouputs if that makes sense i.e

1 = output 1 on
2 = output 2 on
3= output 1 and 2 on
etc etc

So, i figured the easiest way to individually control outputs was to use public boolean vars Out1 to Out8 so i can use those anywhere in the code and use a form timer to trigger the updating of the output

So the bit im stuck on is i've done a test using 8 checkboxes to set Out 1-8 as true/false


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VS 2008 Conversion From String To Decimal On XP And 7?

Jan 3, 2012

VS 2008 Conversion from string to decimal problem on XP and 7

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C# - Format Decimal Value To String With Leading Spaces?

Nov 28, 2011

format a decimal value to a string with a single digit after the comma/dot and leading spaces for values less than 100?For example, a decimal value of 12.3456 should be output as " 12.3" with single leading space. 10.011 would be " 10.0". 123.123 is "123.1" I'm looking for a solution, that works with standard/custom string formatting, i.e.

decimal value = 12.345456;
Console.Write("{0:magic}", value); // 'magic' would be a fancy pattern.

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Convert Decimal To String (& Vice-versa)

Oct 31, 2008

How can I convert,Decimal -> StringString -> DecimalString -> HEXAny/

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Convert String To Decimal In Finish Culture (fi-FI)?

Jun 4, 2010

How can I convert String to Decimal in finish culture (fi-FI)? The following works well in (sv-SE) but does not in (fi-FI)

dim sValue as string = "15.00000"
dim dValue as decimal = CDec(sValue)

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Failed To Convert Parameter Value From A String To Decimal

Jun 22, 2010

When i hit the save button it gives me error"failed to convert parameter value from a string to decimal". [code]...

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Format A Decimal Result To String Without 0.00 Suffix?

Jul 22, 2010

How can i format a decimal result to a string without the .00 suffix?

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Make Hexa Decimal String From Own Text?

Mar 8, 2012

how can i make hexa decimal string from my own text? [code] then it will generate hexa string (below is only sample, not true generated) it some algorithm or function in VB NET to generate HEXA?

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Using String.Format To Remove Decimal Places?

Feb 2, 2009

I have a program reporting 6.0054434322 gb Free on my machine.

Dim gigabytesC As String = (GetHDDFreeSpace(letterC) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) & " gb"

I use string.format to try to chop off unwanted floating point numbers

Dim s As String
s = String.Format("{0:n3}", gigabytesC)

But.. The above line does not work.

Desired Result: s = 6.005 gb

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VS 2008 Conversion From String To Decimal Problem On XP And 7?

Sep 18, 2009

I have a problem converting decimal number from label's string to decimal... (for example Label1.Text = "0.5"). It works fine on Vista, where I made my application, but it doesn't work on XP and 7. It converts from 0.5 to 5

Dim dec1 As Decimal
dec1 = CDec(word1) * CDec(u1.Text)
'word1' is an integer. For example, if word1 is 100, on XP I get result 500.

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Calculation Error Output - Conversions Between Decimal,string ?

Mar 29, 2010

I am struggling to get this to output calculations correctly. Have I properly made my conversions between decimal,string and so forth. Is that the only reason that a calculation would not produce the right result or is there another reason? I have negative total results for output when they should be positive.

Dim decAmount As Decimal
Dim decInterestRate As Decimal
Dim mdecFutureValue As Decimal


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