List All CustomerID And Corresponding Count Of Orders

Sep 12, 2011

I have the following code for Customers and their orders. I want to list all the customerID and the corresponding count of orders. How do I achieve it using LINQ? [code]

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VS 2008 Select Users And Count Orders?

Aug 21, 2010

I've tried to write a code which will count the orders for each person in my users table. This is what I have but it's not working. What is wrong?
Dim command As New SqlClient.SqlCommand("SELECT *, COUNT(Orders.Username) FROM Users LEFT OUTER JOIN Orders ON Users.Username = Orders.IssuedBy ORDER BY Users.PersonName")

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Design - Company --> Customer --> Orders (ignore The Details Of How The Orders Have Products Etc)

Mar 9, 2009

I have a scenario at hand which has some design discussion going on. To break it down in simple words, think about a hierarchy as such Company -----> Customer ------> Orders (ignore the details of how the orders have products etc) if I was to expose an API to work with this, what would be a better design.

Dim comp As New Company
Dim cust As New Customer
cust.Name= "CustomerName"
comp.Add( cust)

Dim custhand As Customerhandler
Dim cust As New Customer
cust.Name= "CustomerName"
custhand.AddCustomer(cust,123) ''123 is CompanyID

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Creating A List Of Orders

Jun 5, 2011

So I have a program that is supposed to support a small business. I have the work completed and the professor said it was correct but I wanted to go do a little extra. Basically, on the Order screen, you begin to type the name of a customer/supplier/employee into a text box and a list of names that fit the criteria pops up in a list box (lbMatchingAccounts). When you select it, you can hit enter new order and be transported to the Order Details screen to enter the new order.


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Field Is Bound To The Orders Orders Qry 'View'?

Feb 29, 2012

I am working on an invoicing program that based on the Northwind database.I am pulling information from a 'view' for the orders form.How do i program the customer ID field to populate with the corresponding invoiceID (already done through the view) AND when i drop down the customerID box to list all possible customers from the customers table.I have the SQL for the operation I believe the problem is that the field is bound to the orders Orders Qry 'View'.How can i accomplish both of these tasks within the same dropdown?

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List.count While Adding Items To The List Increments Returns 0

Jul 20, 2011

I am attempting to read the results from a SQL query into a List(Of) and I can see the List.count while adding items to the List increments, however in another part of my code when I am attempting to read the List the List.Count returns 0. My List is as follows:


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Transform A Repeating List Into A List With A Count?

Jun 5, 2012

I have a list(Of transaction) :


How can I transform it to a list(Of transactionShortened) :


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Retrieve A CustomerID In A String?

Apr 13, 2010

I'm tring to retrieve a CustomerID in a string e.g. "12, Lucy, MyName" format "CustomerID, Forename, Surname"

So far I have

Dim String1, String2, String3 As String
Dim position As Integer
String1 = cbSurname.ToString


How do I just get te Customer ID from this as String3?

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IDE :: Creating A CustomerID Property On A Form?

Jan 12, 2011

I am using Visual Basic 2010 Professional Edition. I have tried all day to create and add a property to the Windows form frmCard. I need to create a CustomerID which is a system.Guid but it needs to accept a string value from a DataSet and be able to pass it as a system.

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Count Items In A List Box?

Nov 22, 2009

So i have 4 items in a listbox how do i count then up together to show in a label [code]...

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Count Up Bytes In List Box 5?

Jan 9, 2010

I'm using this code to count up bytes in list box 5. It works but when the value of bytes is 0 i get this {Width 100, height = 200,) I think the problem is the ToString So does anyone know how to count numbers in the list box?

Dim total As Integer
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To ListBox5.Items.Count - 1


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Create SQL String To Retrieve A CustomerID And Name Together But It's Not Working?

Jan 11, 2011

I am using VBNET2008 and SQL SERVER 2000.I tried to create this SQL string to retrieve CustomerID and a CustomerID and Name together but it's not working.Here are the SQL String that is not working.

Dim strsql As String = ""
strsql &= "Select CustomerID, "
strsql &= " ( CustomerID & " - " & CompanyName ) as [Companyname]"
strsql &= " From TestCustomers Order by CompanyName"

This is the error message"Conversion from string "Select CustomerID, CustomerID & " to type 'Double' is not valid.

Cause by this SQL String coding:
strsql &= " CustomerID & " - " & CompanyName as [Companyname]"

I am using the NORTHWIND DatacBase in SQL SERVER 2000 and the table is Customers

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VS 2008 - Load CustomerID And CustomerName In A Combo Box?

May 2, 2011

i want to load customerID and customerName in a combo box. ID will be invisible and name will be visible in column using visual basic 2008 for windows application.

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Fast Count Of Same Object Within List?

Mar 28, 2012

I have an operation that will be performed MANY times and so I need it to be as fast as possible, thus I think keeping validations to a minimum is important here.I'm given an image, an offset and a size; and the idea is to take the color that appears the most within the area determined by the size and offset, so far I have this:

Private Shared Function someFunction(image As Bitmap, offset As Point, sampleSize As Size) As Color
Dim pixelsColors As New List(Of Color)


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VS 2008 Count Items In A List?

Mar 6, 2010

Im trying to count how many items are in a list(of)

I looked it up on google but still cant figure it out.

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C# - Duplicate Mapping To Column 'CustomerID' In Class 'xCustomers'?

Oct 20, 2011

I get the error Duplicate mapping to column 'CustomerID' in class 'xCustomers' in the following class, but i do not know what am i doing terribly wrong.

Public Class xCustomers
Inherits XPBaseObject
Public Sub New(ByVal session As Session)


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Generating Coupon Code - CustomerID - BusinessID - OfferID

Nov 6, 2011

I have five fields

4.Day of Purchase
5.Month Of Purchase

Private Function MakeCouponCode(ByVal sn As Int16) As String
Dim a(16) As Char
Dim chk As Int16
Dim check, tDate, slNo, couponCode As String


I am using the above code to make a CouponCode...but somehow its not very hard to crack...Any idea how can i make a bullet proof coupon code in not more than 16 digits?

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Count Different Objects In A List That All Share The Same Interface?

May 26, 2011

I have an object (MyObj) that itself will hold a List of other objects of various types and I want to count them as they are added to MyObj.That's the simple explanation, anyways...I have an Interface (MyInterface) that all sub-objects agree to. MyObj has a List(Of MyInterface) property that all the sub-objects are added to. MyInterface will expose a property that lets me figure out what subtype each object is (the sub-objects do not inherit from MyObj at all).

But I want to count these sub-objects as they are added to the list, and I'm trying to find a good way to do it. I don't need to worry about decrementing the count, as I am going to mimic the behavior of String and just create a new instance of MyObj if it ever changes, so all my counts will start from 0. This'll hit the garbage collector a bit, but I think this will allow for simpler (and safer) code. The only sane way I can think of to count objects is a very large structure in MyObj that uses bytes to hold the count (I will never have more than 255 of any given sub-object in the list in MyObj). But, even using bytes, this structure will be about 100-200 bytes big in memory (I have that many sub-objects), and I anticipate having a fair amount of MyObj copies running around, too.

I'll also need a large Select Case to know which count property to increment when a new sub-object is added. This seems to be a bit ugly, though I've used this approach several times already.What I am wondering is, instead of counting each object as it is added to the list, is there some way to query the list and count only the objects of a specific type? I wouldn't need to store this anywhere, since it would be dynamic, like querying a database and asking for a count of a specific column or type of record.I suspect Linq can do this, but Linq is also quite slow. Are there other approaches? Perhaps a predicate of some kind?VB (I am not a C# guy):

From i in MyObj.MyList Group i by i.GetType into g Let c as Int32 = g.Count() And that's it so far. I am still googling, but I am getting way too many C# and SQL references.

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Count Items In List(Of Structure) Using Predicate .net 2.0?

Jul 26, 2011

I need to count the items that meet a criteria in a list(of structure) in .net 2.0. eg

Dim listcars as new list(or car)
Structure car
Dim Name as string
Dim year as integer
End structure

Now i need to count all cars with name toyota etc, how do i do it.


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Find Count Each Item In MultiDimensional List

Jul 28, 2010

I have a class having 2 properties (both integers) and storing class into List collection.[code]Here I need return "TRUE". (values in "GroupNo" is not static and not in sort).How can we do that in

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Find Count Each Item In MultiDimensional List?

Jul 28, 2010

have a class having 2 properties (both integers) and storing class into List collection.

Public Class GroupSelect
Public Property RowNo() As Integer


Here I need return "TRUE". (values in "GroupNo" are not static and not in sort).

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Getting Count Of Non-distinct Items In List(of String)?

Feb 7, 2012

On to my question.I have a List(of String) that contains multiple items in each index.

A list declared as:

Dim NewStrings As New List(Of String)
May contain the following:
item (0) - (1 MKNO ABC 2.45 STND 3.3)
item (1) - (1 MKGO ABC 1.34 STND 2.5)
item (2) - (1 MKNO ABC 2.45 STND 3.3)
item (3) - (1 MKNO ABC 2.45 STND 3.3)


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Linq To Find List With Largest Count

Aug 9, 2010

I am learning Linq, so bear with me. I have a class object that holds 4 other class objects with each holding a List(Of T) of the next. Think tiered classes. As these lists as built I need to search all the Group2 for all Group3 to see which Group3.units.count is the largest. "units" being a List(Of T). [code]

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A Class For Generating Unique Numbers For Invoices / Empid's / Customerid

Mar 12, 2012

generating unique ids for invoices,customerids and employee ids, etc. and thought it would be great to share this as i will use it within my aps all the time now.[code]

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Automatically Print Out Orders?

Mar 7, 2010

I am wanting to create a VB.Net app that checks a database and then prints out the latest orders, the database is mysql and i need it to periodatically check and only print new orders i.e. not print ones it has already printed out.

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Display Customer Orders That Have Been Placed?

Jun 28, 2009

It's a basic Access database driven e-commerce site. I have a home page, a products page, an orders page, an order confirm page, a shopping cart page and a view current orders page. The site uses an Access database with three tables. A Customer table, with all of the customer details, (FirstName, LastName, EmailAdd, CardNo, CardEx, SortCode, DeliveryAdd, Postcode)A Products table, with all the product information, (ProductID, ProductName, Price, ProductType, Images, ProductDescription). And an Orders table which contains CustomerID and ProductID.I've managed to get the orders page to work, this leads to the order confirmation page which displays the details the customer just placed.Here is what I have in the order confirmation page load event so far. Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


This returns this error "Syntax error in FROM clause." I'm guessing my SQL code is wrong. I noticed when I placed the order in the order page it added an entry in the Access database where the generated CustomerID was 12 on the customers table and 4 in the orders table. Shouldn't these numbers be the same when they are generated?

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How To Calculate Orders (Seven Different Items)

Jun 8, 2011

I need to make an application that can calculate the items the user chooses from. There is 7 different items the user can choose from.

Small Coffee ..... $4.95
Medium Coffee .... $6.87
Large Coffee ..... $8.52
Bagel ............ $2.99
Cream ............ $0.71
Sugar ............ $0.50
Lid .............. $0.99

Total the coffee order (subtotal + tax at 6% = grand total). Allow the user to delete items from the customer order and to allow the user to start the order for a new customer (clear all). Create a button that gives a 10% discount for coffee only and adjusts the subtotal, tax, and total. Make certain the user can not click the button more than once per customer and if an item is removed from the customer order, make sure the discounted price is removed rather than the list price of the coffee. The button can only be clicked after the coffee is ordered, not before the coffee is selected.

This is what I got so far
Public Class Form1
Private myCoolCheckBoxPrices() As Double = {4.95, 6.87, 8.52, 2.99, 0.71, 0.5, 0.99}
Private myTax As Double = 0.06 'Tax used to add to Total Price
Private Sub lstItems_DoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lstItems.DoubleClick
[Code] .....

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How To Display Customer Orders That Have Been Placed

May 4, 2012

I have a home page, a products page, an orders page, an order confirm page, a shopping cart page and a view current orders page. The site uses an Access database with three tables. A Customer table, with all of the customer details, (FirstName, LastName, EmailAdd, CardNo, CardEx, SortCode, DeliveryAdd, Postcode)A Products table, with all the product information, (ProductID, ProductName, Price, ProductType, Images, ProductDescription).And an Orders table which contains CustomerID and ProductID.I've managed to get the orders page to work, this leads to the order confirmation page which displays the details the customer just placed.[code]This returns this error "Syntax error in FROM clause." I'm guessing my SQL code is wrong.I noticed when I placed the order in the order page it added an entry in the Access database where the generated CustomerID was 12 on the customers table and 4 in the orders table.

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No Orders In The Last X Days - SQL Access ASP

Mar 11, 2009

My table holds the following information:- ID- custID- ordered- amount- dateAddedFrom my ASP (VBScript) page I am trying to show all the rows where someone has not ordered, say in the last 30 days, 2 months, 1 year, etc. I am struggling to put the SQL statement together.

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Counting Orders And Grouping Them, Linq To Sql?

Aug 15, 2011

I have a table called Ordersthe table has many rows but im only interested in two in particular.I want to query the table so it returns the average ordered count of each producti want to know what is the average count of the ordered products, but now in total but per productID instead.

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