List View Backcolor Resetting To None After Sort?

May 3, 2011

ive added a special color for some items into a listview, that was the only reason i picked up a listview over a listbox btw, anyways when i sort the items into that listview the items backcolor simply does not exist anymore, is there anyway i can still sort the items out and avoid this problem?

The only way i know right now is to add loops and numbers as reference and then setting those numbers as colors reference, then erasing them and add the backcolor, this is not viable to performance at all

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How To Sort Items In List View

Apr 5, 2012

i used the sorting method at msdn but it isnt nice. it sorts in string format like 1,11,12,2,21,23,3,31,32 etc. is there any other sorting method.

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Sort The Data By Columns In A List View?

Jun 22, 2010

how do you sort the data by columns in a list view, for example, clicking the title of the column to sort by ascending order.

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Resetting List Box And Simple Combo Boxes?

Jan 27, 2010

when your resetting a form is it possible to deselect or not keep high lighted the item that was previously selected from the last entry. I know how to clear the text boxes but the items in the list boxes stay highlighted. Is it possible to get back to the initial setting of having nothing selected as when you first start debugging?

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.net - Use List.Sort And Comparision(of T) To Sort Descending/Ascending?

Jul 5, 2011

I have a MyObject; myObjects as List(Of MyObject) and a delegate Comparison(Of MyObject) that uses a lot of comparison functions (ByA, ByB, ByC etc) Ã la:

Shared Function CompareMyObjectsByName(x As MyObject, y As MyObject) As Integer
Return x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name)
End Function


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Change A Backcolor Of Odd And Even Rows In Datagrid View?

Dec 11, 2010

i have 10 rows in datagrid view i use V S 2010 How can i change a backcolor of odd and even rows different.i try my best but i has one error that is Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index

how can i make a single column backcolor after all rows backcolor is set

i write my code on form load code is in form) is as follows:


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List View - Implement List View With Image In SubItem?

Mar 12, 2008

I get some very generik trouble need to implement List View with Image in SubItem. All can be very fine ....But I need to use Virtual Mode. Whatever I search I haven't still found working solution's. I have found some C# code that seem's do that. But I can't convert it in VB.Net. let's explain detaly.

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List(Of T).Sort - Sort The List By Year

Jul 10, 2011

I have a List(Of T) storing a list of Custom classes called Advertisement. Each advertisement contains 3 properties, Year, Make and Model. I need to sort the list By Year, then by Make and then by Model. I have a property in the Advertisement class called Vehicle which returns a formatted string with the Year Make Model like 2007 Toyota Tacoma and ive been sorting on that but its not working how I thought it would. Basically I want to sort the list by Year (decending; lowest year first) then sort by the Make and Model (in alphabetical order) Is that even possible? Here is the code ive been using.


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VS 2005 Sort List Of Objects By Child List Order?

Jul 20, 2011

I'm having a bit of a 'brain doner' moment here

I have a list of Objects. Each of these Objects contains a list of other Objects (pseudo code) :-

Private Structure Object1
dim Name as string
dim ListOfObject2 as List(Of Object2)


I need to sort the list of Object1 by the Value in Object2. I have a comparison class which sorts Object2 by its Value nicely.

View 13 Replies

Convert A Html String Or The Below Sting Into A Tree View Or A List View

Jun 9, 2009

the VB .net experts. I added the following code and I get an error as shown below.


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Develop A Tree View And List View Form By Using Vb6?

Dec 29, 2009

I want to develop a tree view and list view form by using vb6, how to construct a tree view and list view form?

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Sort The Data In A Grid View?

Oct 18, 2009

I want to sort the data in a grid view that i populate using linq then the .tolist property, however when i call the .sort method on the grid i get an error stating that the data source needs to inhret from IBindingList to be sorted .

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VS 2010 Datagrid View Sort By Date?

Feb 7, 2012

I am using vb.net2010. (express)

I am currently writing a bit of software for myself and need guidance.

I have a datagridview on a form with a date column. (column0)

I am trying to sort this by date desending but it will only sort by the day (dd) and not the whole date (dd/mm/yyyy) which leaves the months and years unsorted.

(example of output):
#1 - 01/03/2012
#2 - 02/01/2010
#3 - 03/02/2011


I have been told " Make sure the Date column is a date type and not a string " which i have taken as the access database column type. I have set this as Date but it still won't sort the column in datagrid view by the whole date.

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.net - Sort Generic List Based Upon A Different List?

Oct 29, 2010

What would be the fastest way to sort a list that contains a list of objects, based upon another list? An example follows:Say I have multiple lists of employees. Each individual list has a common property value, say "Department". So I have a list of employees, in one list they all have the department string value of "Sales". In another list all the objects have a department value of "Finance". These lists of employees are then contained in a list which holds them all.

I have a second list, which should drives the sort order of the employee lists. The second list simply contains a list of strings like, "Finance", "Sales", "IT" and so on. I'd like my lists of customers to be sorted in the order of "Finance", "Sales", etc.I'm using VB.NET in .NET 2.0

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View Explorer In List View Control?

May 30, 2012

how to view explorer in list view control?

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Images Into An Image List Then Using That To Fill A List View?

Jul 24, 2009

I am loading a series of JPG images into an image list then using that to fill a list view. My program is using ALOT of memory by doing this. What would be the easiest way to add the images but take up less memory/time?

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LIST VIEW - Display The Data About In The List Box

Aug 4, 2010

I have added a list box and now i need help to display the data about my employees in the list box. How am i supposed to do that, do we have to put in codes or need to use that small arrow near the list box.

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How To Sort List Of Datarow

Aug 5, 2011

i have a list of datarows. each row is having mutiple columns like userid,date,flag,etc.i want to sort the based on date. how can i do that ?

my code is:

listOfRows As
New List(Of


i want to sort the listOfRows in ascending order of date which is a column in a row?

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Sort A List Of Word?

Sep 30, 2011

i wrote the following code to sort a list of word:

Public Class Sort_DT
Public Sub Words(ByVal index As Short, ByVal Incoming(,,) As String, ByVal Level As Integer)


when words sorted, application used over 300 MB of memory;

View 14 Replies

Sort An Array List?

May 27, 2009

I'm trying to sort an arraylist the code is below.

the value.sort() is returning the following error - Failed to compare two elements in the array. At least one object must implement IComparable."[code]...

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Sort Items In A List Box?

Apr 6, 2010

I am trying to sort items in a list box. It sorts all the numbers but one and i can't figure out why. I will post my code below. The last number is on the bottom when it is entered into the list box every time regardless of its size.

Dim sortformat As String = "{0,-10}{1,12}"
Dim w As String
Dim y As String
For x = 0 To 7


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.net - Sort Generic List On Two Or More Values?

May 15, 2009

We have a generic List(Of Product) that must be sorted on two or more properties of the Product class.

The product class has the properties "Popular" numeric (asc), "Clicked" numeric (desc), "Name" string (asc). In order of naming the properties we want the list to sort.

How can it be sort with an lamba statement? If have found to sort the list based on one property.

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.net - Sort List Where Object IsNot Nothing?

Mar 2, 2011

I am trying to sort a list of classes, and I need the classes with a subclass that isnot nothing first in the list. I thought the following would work but it doesnt.ListOfClasses.Sort(Function(x, y) If(x.SubClass IsNot Nothing, 1, 0)

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How To Sort Just Part Of A Huge List Using .NET

Mar 8, 2010

In .NET, the Generics Lists have a sort function that accepts IComparer or Comparison. I'd like to sort just part of a list. Hopefully I can specify the start index, count of elements to sort, and a lambda function. It looks like you can only use lambda functions to do this if you're sorting the entire list. Is that right or did I miss something?

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How To Sort Multiple Column Of A List

Apr 15, 2009

I have a class for example:

Public Class Employee
Private mName As String
Private mSalary As Double


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List.Sort Not Quite Working With Strings?

Feb 13, 2011

This is my first time posting here although I have been lurking for quite some time. I'm stuck with a problem I have seen before and never solved: I have a long list (~23,000) of alphanumeric strings that I'm reading into a List(of String) from a text file, and then sorting. When I iterate through the list after sorting, it appears to be correctly sorted EXCEPT that the element that was originally at the beginning of the list is now at the end (and it should be somewhere in the middle after the sort)Here is a sample input:



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Sort A List (Of String) Alphanumerically?

Apr 26, 2012

I have looked, unsuccessfully, for how to sort a list of strings alpha numerically. The .Sort() method sorts it like so:


I don't want it sorted that way, I want it sorted like so:


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Sort A List Based On Numeric Value?

Mar 13, 2009

sort a list based on numeric value of a list struct element:- For example... private structure myparamsdim level as integerdim otherend structure...level_list as new list(of myparams)..dim mydata as myparamsmydata.level=5level_list.add(mydata)mydata.level=9level_list.add(mydata)mydata.level=2level_list.add(mydata)'how do I get a list sorted by myparams.level?additionally, do I have to resort every time I add an entry or can I add in a way that it add's by .level?

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Sort A List Like IRC Chat Rooms Do With The @'s And +'s?

May 31, 2009

I'M currently working on a custom listview class, but I never have been able to figure out how to use the Icomparer for what I need to do.Basically I'M trying to sort a list like IRC chat rooms do, with the @'s and +'s.So say this is how I want the list to look.



Each item has a Rank property, and if rank is 1 it's @, 2 it's +, other it's just normal.

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Sort An Object In A List On A Non-unique Value?

Dec 17, 2011

I'm trying to categorize articles by stored keywords. I have a list of keywords for a category, and I want an article to get assigned a category that has the most keyword count.

For Each keyword As String In category.Keywords
category.tempCount += Regex.Matches(article.Item("title").InnerXml, Regex.Escape(keyword)).Count


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