Log4net Saving Errors To Db, Getting Nulls In Parameters?

Dec 14, 2011

I am getting null values in Environment, ApplicationName, ApplicationPath, ExceptionData when inserting rows in a SQL Server 2005 DB. My log4net configuration is as follows :

<appender name="ADONetAppender_SqlServer" type="log4net.Appender.AdoNetAppender">
<bufferSize value="1" />


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MySQL Parameters / AddWithValue - How To Avoid To Check For Nulls

Sep 15, 2010

Let's say I have a MySql stored procedure that inserts a record with some nullable CHAR fields. In VB.NET if I don't check for Nothing (or Null in other languages), I get an exception from the db driver, so I write:
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("_name", if(name Is Nothing, "", name)).Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;

And this is the first thing I don't like; I'd like to pass Nothing and the driver knows it has to put NULL in the Db. But then, in the stored procedure, I have to check back the field if it is empty:
(name, -- other 200 char fields)
(NULLIF(_name, ''),
-- other 200 char fields

I have to check for nothingness/emptiness twice. Is there a better, more direct, way? Even worse, for non reference types (i.e: Integers) the check for nothingness makes no sense, since a primitive type can't be nothing (yes, I could set an Integer to a non meaningful value, say -1 for a positive id, but...).

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How To Handle Db Nulls

Oct 11, 2010

I am retrieving a database object and trying to set the values of the object's fields to various textboxes in my vb.net page

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Allow Nulls When I Programmatically Bind A Textbox?

Jul 28, 2011

I was thinking I should just change the value to "" when a null value has been read from the datasoure. But then I thought maybe there is a property that allows this. is there?

txtComments.DataBindings.Add("Text", rowEquipItem, "Comment")

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Inserting Datetimepicker Value Into Database, 'does Not Allow Nulls'

Apr 24, 2007

Here's a bit of code

Private Sub QhBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles QhBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click


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Search A String Buffer With Nulls (chr(0))?

Sep 25, 2009

I need to search a buffer for a string of characters.The buffer is essentially a binary file (it's an image) and contains lots of chr(0) characters.The string I need to locate also contains chr(0) characters. In fact it is the following string:

chr(100) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(163)

This is a marker in the image file for items I need to process.So I though I would do the following:

Dim sFileBuffer as String = system.io.file.readalltext("myimagefile")
Dim sLookFor as String = chr(100) & chr(0) & chr(0) & chr(163)
Dim iLocation as Integer = sFileBuffer.IndexOf(sLookFor)

The problem is that, although the characters in sLookFor definitely exist inside of sFileBuffer - IndexOf will always return -1 (not found).I tried the following:

Dim Marker() as Byte = {100, 0, 0 , 163}
Dim sLookFor as String = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Marker)
Dim sFileBuffer as String = system.io.file.readalltext("myimagefile", Encoding.UTF8)
Dim iLocation as Integer = sFileBuffer.IndexOf(sLookFor)

But this appears to only find occurrences of Chr(100) & Chr(0) - not the full 4 character sequence I desire. It appears to see the second Chr(0) as a termination of the search string.I think the sticking point here is the null. Yes - I can string.replace(chr(0), Chr(255)) in both the sLookFor and the sFileBuffer and adjust my search accordingly - but that seems like a mess to me.Is there not a way to search a buffer of binary data? I've tried working with byte arrays - but there appears to be no way to easily search for a sequence of byte values - just individual elements in the array.

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Simplifying ElseIf Statement Nulls And Strings Involved?

Feb 1, 2010

Is there an easier way to do this?

The .ColorReportedDate, .ColorTypeKey, .IsColorKeyNull, etc are from my strongly typed dataset row.
If .IsColorKeyNull Then
.ColorReportedDate = Now()
ElseIf cboColorType.SelectedValue <> .ColorTypeKey Then
.ColorReportedDate = Now()
End If

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Error "No Value Given For One Or More Required Parameters" Saving And Updating Database

Apr 13, 2012

When I run the following code I get two errors. The first is when I try to save a new set of data it tells me there is a "Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement". The second is when I try to save an update in tells me "No value given for one or more required parameters". I'm not sure why this is happening as before I added in Contact Deatails it saved fine.


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C# - Why Isn't There A Trace Level In Log4Net

Sep 8, 2009

I was just wondering why there isn't a trace level in log4Net. This level seems to be missing and I sometimes feel the need to use it, for example to output what events are being executed in an application. This feature is a part of log4J. I know I can create a custom level like is talked about here but I don't want to put time and effort in something I feel should be part of the library itself. Do you know about a log4net extension library which implements this or why this wasn't a part of the port to .net ?

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Create A Folder Using Log4net

Jun 21, 2010

I will using Log4net in my application, Log file is created fine. Now i need to create folder based on the month and year I mean This month is July i need to create a folder name is Jul2010 then start next month automatlly create a folder for Aug2010 inside of every folder to create log file based on that current month using log4net...

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Looking For Log4net.dll - Download Will Not Unzip?

Jun 5, 2009

Looking for log4net.dll - download will not unzip I have been to [URL].. and downloaded both files: incubating-log4net-1.2.10.zip incubating-log4net-1.2.9-beta.zip. Neither one will unzip. I have tried downloading twice and have used WinZip 12 and whatever comes with XP.

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C# - Filepath With System.IO.FileInfo When Used With Log4net In A Wpf App?

Mar 19, 2012

I have used log4net in winforms before. First time using with a wpf console app. The console shows up and the console appender works exactly as in the winforms app. However in winforms I never had to give the full path to the log4net xml file. It is located in the same place where all the cs files are. (the default place where VS 2010 puts all its source files. So

XmlConfigurator.ConfigureAndWatch(new System.IO.FileInfo("log4config.xml"));

works in a winforms app's Program.cs->main() but for the wpf version where I have my own Startup class with my own Main() (instead of the autogenerated and hidden main()) I have to change the line to look like this

XmlConfigurator.ConfigureAndWatch(new System.IO.FileInfo(@"c:fullpathlog4config.xml"));

This took me quite a while to nail down so I thought it may be worthwhile to figure why this is so. Anyone know ? I am using log4net ver The log4net dll and xml both have copy to local = true in winforms and wpf.

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Filename In Log4net - Create The Logfiles With Same Name?

Nov 25, 2009

i am doing a VB.NET windows application. In that i am using Log4Net for logging details. I am new to using Log4Net. The problem i am facing is i want to create the logfiles with same name each day. means today if a log file is created with name debug.log, tomorrow also it should create a new log file with same name with out any change in the previous file name.

<appender name="RSLogFileAppenderDebug" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender">
<file value="C:Log4NetExamplesdebug.log" />
<appendToFile value="true" />[code]....

How can i do this ?? do i need to make any change in the appender config ?

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Missing With Log4net - No Log File Created?

Apr 12, 2010

I am trying to use log4net in a VB.NET app for some unknown reason it's not creating the log file.Here is my app.config

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>


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C# - Multiple Smtphost Addresses Using SmtpAppender In Log4net?

Jun 7, 2012

I want to be able to specify multiple smtp server host addresses and implement a logic whereby if email using one smtp server fails, it tries to send using the next smtp server address. Is it possible using log4net. Can we override some functions of log4net and implement our own logic in it to send emails?


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.net - Register Custom Log4Net Object Renderer In Configuration File

Nov 11, 2010

I'm trying to log an object in log4net using a custom renderer. My configuration file has the following line:

<renderer renderingClass="LogLibrary.Log4NetObjRenderers.PdaLogObjRenderer" renderedClass="LogLibrary.TranferObjects.PdaLogObj" />

But I get a TypeLoadException when loading the configuration file, and log4net internal debugging gives this detail:

log4net:ERROR OptionConverter: Could not instantiate class [LogLibrary.Log4NetObjRenderers.PdaLogObjRenderer].
System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type


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Visual Studio - 2003 Copy Log4net.config To Bin Folder

Dec 22, 2009

I'm using VS.NET 2003 and VB.NET. I have placed my log4net.config file in the same folder as the source code and I want to automatically copy the log4net.config file to the bin folder just as the app.config file is copied to bin. Is there an automatic way to do this?

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ASP.NET UpdatePanel Timeout And 500 Errors With Custom Errors?

Sep 23, 2011

I have a .net application that uses customerrors web.config module to display meaningful messages for errors. It works without any issues for 500 errors/exceptions caused by non-ajax and ajax components (updatepanel). However, in a scenario where updatepanel's asynchronous request times out, there is no error raised at all. I was able to see the timeout in firebug and come up with a solution that would at least display the error message as an alert and then redirect the user to the 500 error page using javascript but it's not quite doing what the rest of the application does in case of an unhandled errors like these. I basically just want everything to go through "LogEvent" mechanism so based on the severity of the error, it does the necessary work.This 500 error page doesn't have anything in the Server.GetLastError() for these timeout scenarios. Is this an expected behaviour? Can it be changed so I do have access to these timeouts in Server.GetLastError() OR maybe just run this error through "LogEvent" mechanism? Is there a better/more graceful way to handle this issue?

Below is my code to give you an idea, not exactly what I have in my application but pretty close.

<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="~/Errors/ErrorUnknown.aspx" redirectMode="ResponseRewrite">
<error statusCode="500" redirect="~/Errors/Error500.aspx" />


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Visual Studio 2008 Log4net Multiple Modules, Same App.config Different Loggers, Dont Work?

Aug 20, 2009

I have 2 console apps projects in the same directory but different projects. There is some common code in the App_Code directory and a common app.config which gets build into seperate .exe.config files.One module (VScanDemonStarter) starts up and writes to one logger with its own appender going to a seperate file. It uses an process.start() to execute the other module (VScanDemon) in another command prompt hidden window.When I run VScanDemon by itself it puts entries into its log file. When I run VScanDemonStarter it puts entries into its (different) log file, the VScanDemon log file gets created, but no entries. I can see it is executing because some files get moved from one directory to another. Just no Log entries.

<appender name="LogFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender" >


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C# - Search For Names In The Database That Matches Whole Parameters Or Any Part Of Parameters

May 13, 2011

I'm writing a query to select all records that has any part of parameter. I have one table called Employees. Some people have name like this: John David Clark If the parameter is


I should be able to get result back as long as there's a match in the parameters. If I use Function Contains (q.FirstName & " " & q.LastName).Contains(employeeName), I will not get any result back if employeeName is "John Clark" Function Contains looks only for next words from left to right. It doesn't match a single word at a time. So that's why I used this in the Linq to SQL:


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Error [07002] The # Binded Parameters < The # Of Parameters Makers

Aug 30, 2010

I am getting error [07002] the # binded parameters < the # of parameters makers, i checked both parameters were perfect even though i am getting this error here is my code


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C# - Log4net Pattern To Get The Equivalent Of Trace.indent And Trace.unindent?

Aug 30, 2011

I need indent and unindent handling like the native trace class. Any ideas how this can done with log4net file and console appender ?

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Publish Build Errors (But No Errors In Debug Or Build) VB 2010

Jan 4, 2012

So when i build or click debug on my program. No errors come up and its smooth. So i decide to publish my programme. However. I come up with a bunch of errors during the publishing.

Here they are:Error 1 Cannot publish because a project failed to build. 1 1 Simple CALC

Error 2 Unable to copy file "binReleaseSimple CALC.exe.manifest" to "binReleaseapp.publishApplication FilesSimple CALC_1_0_0_0Simple CALC.exe.manifest". The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.

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C# - Difference With Parameters.Add And Parameters.AddWithValue?

Feb 6, 2012

Basically Commands has Parameters and parameters has functions like Add, AddWithValue, and etc. In all tutorials i've seen, i usually noticed that they are using Add instead of AddWithValue.


since it saves my coding time. So which is better to use? Which is safe to use? Does it improves performance?

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Get The GET Parameters And POST Parameters In Just One Function?

Aug 6, 2011

is there a way to get the GET parameters and POST parameters in just one function or Collection in ASP.NET? Like using $_REQUEST in PHP? I'm using VB.NET.

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Catch Log4net Exceptions / Use Try / Catch Approach

Jan 23, 2012

I need to catch log4net exceptions (its own exceptions not app exceptions logged by it). I wish there's a way of doing it this way: [code] I have this code implemented and there's no errors in compilation but i force log4net to have an error (pointing to a non existing database in the config file) and nothing is threw.I've tried the listener aproach: [code] and it's writing the errors to log4net.txt, the forced ones i mean.This last aproach has a couple of drawbacks: it won't append every error to the file, if the error is the same it doesn't write it, i can't get the listener to write every error to that file, only one (I don't know how to fully configure the trace listener, it might be that). Thus it won't append the date and hour to every line wich is a necesity for me. Finally i can't give structure to it (xml). Even if the listener work i need to use the try/catch aproach, since i'm using ExceptionHandling from Enterprise library to log the errors in my app.

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DataGridView - Convert Nulls To Empty Strings And Display It In The Grid As Empty Strings

May 14, 2009

I have a DataGridView that has some columns with dates. It binds to an in-memory Datatable which gets loaded from an string array of data passed back from the backend Some of the rows returned have nulls for the date columns. Solution 1: If I define the Date column in the DataTable as "string" I can easily convert those nulls to empty strings and display it in the grid as empty strings (desired results). However, if the user clicks on the date column header to sort by date, it doesn't order the rows as you want. You get a purely string sort order. Not acceptable


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VS 2010 Saving Data From Applications By Saving A Text File Via A Stream Reader As A String

Feb 12, 2012

Currently I am saving data from my applications by saving a text file via a stream reader as a string. I have come to a problem. In my current application, I have an array of the following structure:


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Advanced WebBrowser Favorites Saving Saving A DropDownList?

Apr 16, 2011

I have a problem. I'm working on this advanced web browser with my friend, and we made a favorites feature. So, it works and all that, but, after I close the executable file, it doesn't save anything!

Ex:Starting Up, adding Google as new favorites, then closing the browser. Starting up again, 1 hour later, but there's no Google Here's what I put for saving the favorites (please do not steal the code Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click


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[2008] Rewrite Class (Saving TreeView Data) For Saving Listview Data

Mar 9, 2009

rewriting a class I use for saving Treeview data to a XML file for use of saving ListView data I can't really figure out the rewrite, I'm stucked, unfortunately Listviews seems to be a big problem for me in general.

Option Strict On

''' <summary>
''' The TreeViewDataAccess class allows the nodes within a TreeView to be
''' persisted to xml for later retrevial.
''' </summary>


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