Made Called "ProdDet" And Jumps Out Of The Whole Method?

Jun 3, 2010

I am trying to learn how to create relations I got a sample from a web site and it works great, but when I tried to make one; it is not working. Can some one tell me what I am doing wrong. It gets down to the last relation that I made called "ProdDet" and jumps out of the whole method. The error message says the following:

System.ArgumentException: These columns don't currently have unique values.
at System.Data.ConstraintCollection.AddUniqueConstraint(UniqueConstraint constraint)
at System.Data.ConstraintCollection.Add(Constraint constraint, Boolean addUniqueWhenAddingForeign)
at System.Data.ConstraintCollection.Add(Constraint constraint, Boolean addUniqueWhenAddingForeign)


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Inheritance - Create A Method Called StartWorking() And Want FrmChild To Inherit - Method

Nov 25, 2011

I have a large problem with inheritance in The problem is the following:

I have 2 forms => frmBase and frmChild

In frmBase i want to create a method Called StartWorking() and i want frmChild to inherit this method.

But here is the tricky thing: when frmChild.StartWorking is called i would like the following => without calling MyBase.StartWorking()

I want frmBase.StartWorking() to be executed first and after a test in frmBase.StartWorking if blnValue is true then frmChild.StartWorking has to be activated. if blnValue is false that frmChild.StartWorking cannot be activated.

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Forms :: Dynamic Buttons Made With Array And Called By Addhandler

Sep 2, 2009

I am fairly new to VisualBasic .NET (2008). I'm creating an application that, when a number is entered into the textbox, a new form window is created and populated with buttons. Each button starts the same command, but with a different parameter (the parameter being the pertinent record number found by the search).'The records are asset tag numbers.The procedure works fine if there is only one result.But the search allows for partial numbers and that's where the trouble begins.If two or more results are found, each button is configured with the last number found. The button being clicked doesn't tally with the proper ID number.[code]

What I didn't count on was that the event is only called when a button is clicked. When buttons are made, they are not assigned at that time.I've had problems trying to carry over the (current value) for pcArray(i), hence having it populate that form3_text field. When trying to add in a second object to be passed, I get the following error:"Method prtivate sub DynamicClick(sender as object, pcNameInfo as object, e as system.eventargs) does not have a signature compatible with delegate sub event handler with delegate 'delegate sub eventhandler(sender as object e as system.eventargs)."I tried manually entering a "Delegate sub eventhander" with the pcNameInfo object and VB 2008 ignores it.What can I do to get each newly made button to be told to run the RemoteIn(pcArray(i)) process properly?

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Made A Listbox, And Also A Custom Class Called "Enemies"

Mar 26, 2010

So I made a Listbox, and also a custom class called "Enemies". I used a Bindingsource to Bind "Enemies" to the Listbox. "Enemies has three properties which are: "Name as String, Health as String, and Dead as Boolean".The thing I need is when I add a Enemy to the listbox, I want the BackColor of the item to either be Red or Green, depending on if the Item.Dead property is false or true.

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.net - When The Property Get And Set Method Has Been Called

Mar 26, 2010

i have the following property declaration


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Add One Row When Method AddRow() Called?

Apr 4, 2011

i have problem when addnew row at keyup event for datagridview control. i want to add one row when method addRow() called.

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Javascript - Web Method Not Being Called

Dec 14, 2011

I'm working with a VB.Net page which calls a web method from JavaScript, this was working upto a week ago and now for some reason is not working.

Firstly my page generates a list of items that can be clicked, The line that does this is:

TicketHTML = TicketHTML + "<td><img src='../images/delete.png' Class='imgTicketClose' alt='Delete Task' onclick='DeleteTicket(" + row("id").ToString() + ")' /></td></tr>"

I know this is working as when the item is clicked I get a javascript popup so I would assume the problem is not here.

Now my Javascript:

function DeleteTicket(ticketID)
var answer = confirm("Do you really want to delete this task?")


EDIT: Could anything in the web.config file be preventing page methods from executing? I have just noticed this happening with a completely seperate web method and have checked the integers being passed into the javascript with an alert() and they are all valid

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Shadowed Method Is Not Called

Dec 30, 2010

I have a class which i realized will not always correctly instantiate and as a quick fix, i figured i'd subclass it and shadow a few methods so that the program can continue to run without exploding. When i run the software, calls to the methods resolve to the base's implementations and not the subclass. I'm using VB.NET with .NET 2.0. Here is an example of what i'm trying to do[code]....

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Breakpoint Not Hit When Method Called In Lambda

Aug 2, 2011

When I put a breakpoint in a method I'm calling from a lambda expression, the breakpoint is never hit. When I move the method call outside the lambda, the breakpoint hits.

For example:

Function IncrementAll(ByVal items As IEnumerable(Of Integer)) As IEnumerable(Of Integer)
Return items.Select(Function(i) Increment(i))
End Function


If I call IncrementAll, the breakpoint in Increment does not get hit. Is there a way to make VS 2008 stop on these breakpoints? I hate the thought of rewriting all my LINQ into loops just for debugging.

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Verify A Method Was Called Exactly Once Using AAA Syntax

Sep 26, 2010

I am trying to use the AAA syntax in Rhino Mocks with VB.Net to validate that a method was called only one time. I can't seem to get it right. With this code, if the repository is called twice, it returns nothing on the second call, and the test passes. I would have expected the test to fail when VerifyAllExpectations was called.

Public Sub GetDataCallsRepositoryOneTime()
Dim repository As IDataRepository = MockRepository.GenerateMock(Of IDataRepository)()


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Wpf - DependencyProperty Callback-Method Not Called

Nov 29, 2009

I create a UserControl (TableWithFilter.xaml) with a dependency property (source). The UserControl is a Table with a source property for the different items. I created the XAML and set the source property via the XAML Binding. So far so good.

But if the value of the dependency property is changed, the defined callback method is not called. Therefore I cannot update the entries in my table. Has anyone an idea why the callback method is not called?

Here is the definition of my property in the class "TableWithFilter":

Public Shared ReadOnly SourceProperty As DependencyProperty = _
DependencyProperty.Register("Source", GetType(List(Of TableViewItem)), GetType(TableWithFilter), _


If the attribute "ContentList" is changed I expet that the "ChangeSource" method in the TableWithFilder class is called. But this is not the case. After I changed the ContentList attribute, I Raise the following Event:

RaiseEvent PropertyChanged(Me, New PropertyChangedEventArgs("ContentList"))

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Add BindingNavigator At Run Time To Which Made A Public Method In Module.vb?

Mar 27, 2010

i want to add BindingNavigator at run time to which i made a public method in module.vb, and want to run buttons withEvnets on it

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Using The Replace Method To Get A Count Of How Many Actual Replacements Were Made?

Aug 5, 2009

1. In the old VBScript, there was a compareMethod (binary or text, which with text, I could compare case) but I don't find anything like that in the new .Net Replace method. I know I can use the old way, but I'd like to use the new Replace method. I just need a choice of comparing case or not?

2. Let's say I have a long string, and I am using the Replace method - - it would be nice to get the count of instances replaced, and I'm sure that if I read line by line, I could actually get that count, but it would take to long.Is there a way, using the Replace method, to get a count of how many actual replacements were made?

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Dispose Method - Why Class Destructor Not Being Called

Jun 22, 2011

I have a class that has a destructor and a Dispose method (I also inherit IDisposable). Why is it that the only time my destructor gets called is when I call GC.Collect()?

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Method To Be Called In Child Class Constructor

Nov 11, 2009

How do I force the Visual Studio compiler to generate an error when a required method is not being called in the constructor of a child class? Like when you edit the form designer code, the compiler complains when InitializeComponent()isn't the first call in the constructor of a form. Is this even possible in VB.NET?

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Programatically Retrieve The Class That Called A Method?

Sep 11, 2010

I'm wondering if there's a way to programatically reference the class that called a method in another class. Let me give you an example:

Public Class OriginalClass
Private Sub Main()


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Write A Method That Is Called From A Variety Of Forms At Load?

Nov 29, 2010

I'm trying to write a method that is called from a variety of forms at load. So with a Form1 load event I would call the following:

Dim testpoint As New Point(10, 20)
DrawVerticalStringFromBottomUp("Hello", testpoint, Me)
The DrawVerticalSTringFromBottomUp Method is as follows:


When I call the code at a form's load event, nothing happens. When I call it from a button click after the form has loaded it works! I know this should be called from the paint method, but that doesn't suit my purposes.

way to make this work from the form load event?

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InkPicture Jumps To Different Position?

Apr 2, 2010

I have an InkPicture larger than can fit on screen and so am using Panel with AutoScroll. When I scroll down and start inking the picture it is fine. But if the InkPicture loses focus and I attempt to ink the picture again, the InkPicture position will change, it resets to original position. I have been stuck on this for some time now.

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IDE :: Debugging - Breakpoint Jumps To Another Line?

Sep 21, 2011

Using VS 2010 Pro SP1 - XP Pro SP3 I set a breakpoint with F9 and the line turns Red. When I press F5 to start debugging, the Red Breakpoint jumps to another line a few lines away.

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Tab From Combobox1 It Jumps Directly To The Button?

Feb 11, 2010

I have a weird behavior with tabs on a VB.NET form.On a form I have several comboboxes, text boxes, and 2 buttons.I have made sure my tabindex are in the order I desire, meaning combobox1 has tabindex 1, combobox2 tabindex 2, button1 tabindex5,etc..Here is the behavior, when I first open the form, if I tab from combobox1 it jumps directly to the button, instead of combobox2, however once I help things with the mouse, it will tab in the appropriate order.

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Have A Column In The Datatable Called Amount And A Textbox Acting As The Filter Called Say Maxamount To Set It?

Feb 9, 2011

i was wondering if it possible to have a condition where lets say you have a column in the datatable called amount and a textbox acting as the filter called say maxamount to set it so the rowfilter when filtering the table will sum the number in the amount column until the number in maxamount is met, then stop and only return the rows where the total sum of the amount column is equal or less than the maxamount value, so i guess if the next row takes us over the maxamount it discards this row and returns the rows previous to it. is this possible using datagridview rowfilter or should i be loooking elsewhere to achieve this?

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Combo - Sql Table Called Stock With Two Fields Called StockID And StockCode

Jun 5, 2011

I have an sql table called Stock with two fields called StockID and StockCode. I want the user to select the stockcode from a combo which in turn populates the stockid for that item into a lable on my form. I have already populated the stockcode into the combo but dont know how to compelte the rest.

Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Public Class cbo2
Private Sub cbo2_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Form Called FrmPracDetails Which Is Built Up With A List View Called LvwColProc

Aug 11, 2009

I have a form called FrmPracDetails which is built up with a List view called LvwColProc. Therefore when you click a field on the LvwColProc it takes you to another form called FrmColProcessing, here you can make changes to certain fields which are also present on FrmPracDetails. What I want to do is when you make changes on FrmColProcesing and Click the Save Button (which calls the Save function)the changes appear instantly on FrmPracDetails. Please note, FrmColProcessing will always be open next to FrmPracDetails. I have tried to put this code in the Save function present in FrmCol Processing as shown below, but it doesnt Refresh FrmPracDetails form. [code]

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ASP.NET Textbox: OnTextChange Jumps To Top Of Page Because Of Autopostback

Feb 15, 2012

I'm using the OnTextChange event on a textbox on an ASP.NET page. To have this working I have to put 'AutoPostBack=true'.

The problem is that the textbox is on the bottom of the page, and when the text changes it has to fill another textbox. This is working fine but when the event triggers the page refreshes and jumps to the top of the page, so I always have to scroll down again to see it. (Due to the autopostback)

Is there anything I can do to prevent it to jump to the top of the page?

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Properties - Default Property Set Being Called Mysteriously Called?

Apr 2, 2012

I have the following line of code in my program:


This JCL_History object is basically a Generic.List encapsulated in a wrapper and has the following method:

Public Sub Enqueue(ByRef value As String)
If Members.Contains(value) Then


In my testing I have 2 items in this JCL_History list. When I call that first line of code I posted (the one that invokes Enqueue) with I = 1 I expect the first item to be shuffled to the bottom and the second item to be shuffled to the top.

After the thread returns from Enqueue I notice that this is exactly what happens to my list, HOWEVER if I hit the "step_in" button after the execution of Enqueue I go into the Default Property's set method where Index = 1 and value = and it screws everything up, because the item that got shuffled to the end (index 1) gets overwritten by the item value shuffled to the top.

So basically the set method on the default property is getting called at what I think to be a completely ridiculous time. What gives? By the way I'm running VS2005 on XP.

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Debug Jumps To Bottom Of Page And Repeats Same Line

Sep 4, 2009

I'm wondering if anyone else has encountered this in visual studio 2008. I'm writing an app and when I run through debug it's jumping all over the place. It skips certain lines, at least it appears to, then it jumps to the bottom of the page and repeats the same line a few times then jumps to a separate sub I have in there. The weird thing, besides its behavior, is that it's not grabbing a piece of information that exists in one column but is grabbing another one. So anyone else encountered this? What's the fix.

To give a more detailed example it did this on the last debug. I started the breakpoint at line 40. It went to 43 with no problem then jumps to line 66, an end sub line, it then proceeds to go on to the private sub directly below it. That includes it going over the blank lines that would normally be skipped. It goes through the entire private sub line by line including a catch ex line but it displays no error. After hitting that line it immediately returns to line 46 of the sub that it already passed by the end sub line. It then goes down 2 more lines jumps back to the private sub it just left and repeats the end sub line 3 times, only the b at the end is highlighted when doing this not the whole line.

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[RESOLVED][2008] DataGridView Refresh / Jumps To First Entry

Feb 10, 2009

I'm successfully refreshing my DataGridView/Access DB by using the following.[cod]My only problem is after the refreshes the DGV rolls back to the first entry.Is there anyway to have it refresh but stay on the same line?

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Hscrollbar Freezes And Control Jumps To Front After Clic And Enabling/disabling?

Jan 14, 2010

I have successfully ported a VB6 application to VB.NET (VS2008, .NET 2.0). Much optimization and rewriting has been done, but there is one possible BUG i cannot overcome. I have a standard HSCROLLBAR control used for accepting a numeric input. The control needs to be disabled during complex computational routines to prevent additional user input. I am setting the enabled property to false and reenabling the control at the end of the calculation cycle. The control is enabled and disabled a few times, because some code has been placed in the onpaint event of a drawing area, and separating the calculation part from the drawing part will be a huge task.

Large changes are handled correctly. Small changes aren't. The problem is that the control freezes in a unknown state after clicking on the arrows. A second click makes the control (and its parent control box) jump up and over everything else in their container.The scrollbar remains functional only via the contextual menu. This happens both in debug and release builds. There are no overrides. Coding/Test platform XP SP3 (more than 1 machine).

There is no code whatsoever that handles neither the parent control nor the scrollbar repositioning and resizing. The only code takes the value of the scrollbar and passes to the calculation section. If I omit disabling and reenabling the control, everything works fine.i tried rebuilding the control from scratch. forcing enabling the control after it has gone haywire does not make changes, disabling the groupbox instead of the single control doesn't make any difference, debugging step by step confirms that things go wrong when drawing the controls within the private system form classes.

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VB Memory Usage - Open The Form That Is Linked To Multiple Tables - It Jumps To 157 Mb?

Aug 1, 2011

I have an VB application that I developed in Visual Studio 2008. The back end is SQL. Application stores quite a bit of information and gets updated daily by users. It also connects to AD to get u/p, adds new accounts in AD and adds mailboxes. Users connect to it through Citrix. We noticed big spikes in memory usage. The executable itself is less than 5Mb; if I run it and it opens main form - memory usage jumps to about 19Mb, open a report - it jumps to 80 Mb. If I open the form that is linked to multiple tables - it jumps to 157 Mb. Once users start pulling new information in, update it and connect to AD or Exchange - it could jump to 250 Mb. Also noticed that if user with read only rights has application opened and idle - memory usage constantly changes with a pattern
like 17Mb - 19 Mb - 15 Mb - 17 Mb and so on. This user wasn't even using computer at the time. In general - what could cause such jumps in memory usage? What is the best way to prevent it? On the server we have Windows Server 2003 SE

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.net - SSRS Report Called From ReportViewer Control Displays No Data In The Report When Called With A Parameter

Apr 11, 2012

Can you look at my coding and let me know what I'm missing or doing wrong?I have a SSRS report that is called from a ReportViewer control and the ProcessingMode for this control is Remote. The report also has 1 parameter in it's DataSet.In the code I placed a MsgBox to make sure the code is finding the parameter and returning the parameter name. I am trying to stick the value of 10 into the parameter for playerID 10. Data for this player does exist.

I believe I need to add some more code to make this work but I'm not sure what else to add.

When the code executes the report is displayed but no data is shown in the report.


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