Make A Clone Of A Selected Row In A DataGridView?

Jul 30, 2011

I want to make a clone of a selected row in a DataGridView, while searching I saw that a 'Clone' method exists but I can't use it too well I don't know if it is due to have a Binding Source to it. Are someone familiarized with this method ?

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How To Make Listview Clone

May 13, 2010

I ve google addrange method and came to msdn but there they showed this:



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Make Datagridview Selected Cell?

Aug 16, 2011

how do i get with a double click on a selected cell in datagridview2 that selected value in datagridview1.row(currentposition).cells(0)

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[2008] Make Copies Of The Pixture Box But Not Like Clone

Mar 5, 2009

I have 1 picturebox load with the form, it is possible to make copies of the pixture box, but not like clone so its mirroring the same thing?

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Determine That An Object (button) Make Collusion With Clone Of Itself

Jul 10, 2011

Let's say we have object A and object B (Picturbox for e.g) Iwant to move A from its position to B's position straightly .what is the mathmatical equalation to get the X,Y coordinator that A must move from its position straightly to B's positionI have another thing ,I would like to know how can I determine that an object (button for e.g) make collusion with a clone of itself.

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ICloneable - Make A Deep Copy By Adding A Clone Property To Class?

Feb 6, 2012

I am trying to make a deep copy by adding a clone property to my class.


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Way To Check Comboxbox To Make Sure Of Selected Items Has Been Selected?

Sep 1, 2011

In my Windows Form I have a ComboBox that is filled by a Stored Procedure with a list of names. I have the Combobox set for AutoComplete to "Suggest" and From "ListItems". When a user starts to type in and the AutoComplete does not find any matches in the listitems the user can tab out of the ComboBox and leave what they typed in the combobox even though it is not one of the Valid Items. Is there a way to check the Comboxbox to make sure of of the selected Items has been selected?

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Control Datagridview Selected Row Color And Selected Cell Color?

Jan 16, 2010

I want to have my current row stand out as the current row by virtue of the background color.I also want my current cell stand out from the row color.

in other words i want to controll the background of the current cell as well as the current row, and have these colors different from each other as wel as the background from the non current cells.

I am getting confused with the notion of the current row vs the selected row.I have tried messing with the default row style.selectedbackgroungcolor as well as the same for the default cell style, but cant get it to work the way i want.

i can almost get it if i set the selection mode to full row, but then cannot get the current cell to have a different background color.

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Get If The Datagridview Has A Row Selected

Feb 4, 2011

How to get if the datagridview has a seleted row or current row? Ex. If datagridview1.HasCurrentRow = False then"Please select a row first prior to click "change" button.") end if

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Get Selected Row In Datagridview?

Jun 22, 2010

This post is continuation to the post which was posted by StatiX on Oct 23rd, 2007 regarding "Get The Selected row in DatagridView". [code]...

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Clone And MemberwiseClone ?

Aug 31, 2009

There is something that I do not understand the point of, and it has to do with ICloneable.

Take the simple example below:

Public Class MyClass2
Implements ICloneable

Private p_List As New List(Of String)
Private p_Number As Double


No... For the life of me I cannot understand why anyone would want a Shallow copy of anything.... And... I do not understand why the Me.MemberwiseClone would not work with list and arrays....

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How To Clone Listviewitem

May 3, 2012

on cloning a selected listviewitem from listview1 when a button is clicked to listview2. How do I achieve this? Here is the code I have but does not work exactly how I want it, it just makes a clone of all the listviewitems in listview1.

foreach (ListViewItem item in this.listView1.Items)

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DataGridView No One Cell Is Selected

Jan 30, 2012

How to do that no one cell is selected in DataGridView at first moment? (There are some controls in my form before the DataGridView and I don't want that any element of DataGridView is selected when the form is loaded).

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Color Selected Row In A Datagridview?

Dec 16, 2009

I build an agenda in access on the left you have column year and then the month an then you have columns from monday to satrday

what i would like to see is when i select a year in the combox all the rows in datagrid of the selected year to have the same color also i would like to do that with the selected month

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Datagridview Selected Row Update

Feb 24, 2009

iam new to windows application.iam working with datagridview in .how to update the selected row in datagridview.any one help me with this.

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Delete Selected Row From Datagridview?

Jul 28, 2009

I have a data which is saved in textfile. when form load the data in text file will be load in datagridview. i want delete the selected row from the datagridview. I used this coding to delete.

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim row As Integer


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Delete Selected Row From Datagridview?

Jul 26, 2009

I have a data which is saved in textfile. when form load the data in text file will be load in datagridview. i want delete the selected row from the datagridview. I used this coding to delete.

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim row As Integer


"Rows cannot be programmatically removed unless the datagridview is data-bound to an IBindingList that support change notification and allows deletion."

I dont understand what is this error and how to solve this?

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Delete The Selected Row From Datagridview?

Jul 26, 2009

I have a data which is saved in textfile. when form load the data in text file will be load in datagridview. i want delete the selected row from the datagridview. I used this coding to delete.Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click

Dim row As Integer Public selRow As New DataGridViewRow Dim index As Integer
index = DataGridView1.SelectedRows.Item(0).Index
selRow = DataGridView1.Rows.Item(index)
row = row - 1
End Sub

When i exucute this code it shows me error "Rows cannot be programmatically removed unless the datagridview is data-bound to an IBindingList that support change notification and allows deletion."I dont understand what is this error and how to solve this?

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Eliminate Datagridview Row From Being Selected?

May 26, 2012

Is it possible to prevent any row in a grid from being highlighted? I'm familiar with the "SelectionMode" property. I manually add rows to a DGV and the 1st row is always highlighted. I'm trying to prevent this from happening.

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Get Data From Selected Row In Datagridview?

Mar 5, 2010

I've problem about visual studio. I've 2 form in my project. lets say frmMain and frmLookUP. in frmLookup I put a datagridview to bind data that user search. I want show data that user selected in frmLookUp datagridview to frmMain.

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Get Text From Selected Row In Datagridview?

Sep 19, 2010

I have a data grid view that displays data from a SQL table.

I need to get the text from a specific column in the selected row on a mouseclick to use it in a new SQL query.

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Get The Selected Value Of Datagridview In Textbox?

May 30, 2010

I'm using Visual Studio 2005 and Mysql as my Database. Just wanted code to load data from datagrid to textbox.

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Getting Selected DataGridView Value From One Form To Another?

Jan 26, 2012

I have a form, FORM1, that asks the user to input a person's name. If the user wants to they can double click a text box which opens another form dialog.Here they can search a DataGridView for a name in the DB. If the user double clicks the cell I want the selected name from the cell to be put into the text box back at FORM1.

Here is what I have, but it does not work. Any ideas on what I need to change?

Private Sub DataGridView1_CellDoubleClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellDoubleClick
Dim i As Integer


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Getting The Selected Values In Datagridview Row

Dec 6, 2011

I have a DataGridView. When the user selects a single row from the grid and clicks a button a different form opens and displays the fields from the selected row in textBoxes.

1. How do I retrieve a row?

2. How do I send the row to the second form?

3. How do I make this happen with a click?

in the second form I want create an option to update the row therefore I want to be able to return the data from the second form to the first or to the table.

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Remember Selected Row In DataGridView?

Jul 22, 2009

I'm trying to get my datagridview control to remember the selected row after data refresh.The DGV is databound to a list of business objects:

Dim FXs As SortableBindingList(Of FX) = FX.LoadAllForBinding(FXStatus)
Dim bs As New BindingSource
bs.DataSource = FXs


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Renmove Selected Row From DataGridView

Nov 9, 2008

I tried this code to remove the selected row in DataGridView but didn't succeed?


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Scroll To The First Selected Row In DataGridView?

Jul 26, 2010

I want to scroll to the first selected row in my DataGridView. You know I programmatically select a number of rows, and then want to scroll to the 1st selected row. I heard about FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex property but can't figure it. how to find the 1st selected row? and then scroll to it?

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Selected Column In Datagridview

Jan 25, 2010

how do you find out which COLUMN has the control or is sected in a datagridview in vb .net.

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VS 2008 DatagridView Selected Row?

Mar 10, 2010

THis code open my database Access and put the records into datagridview:[code]....I live(close) this form with datagridview,and when i return again the line marked in red don't make any affect in datagridview...The select jump to the first item in datagridview...

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Pass The Selected Rows Of A Datagridview Of Form2 To The Datagridview Of The Form2?

Feb 15, 2012

In my scenario when i press the "Get Book Details " of the Form1 , it will redirect to the Form2 , in the form load of Form2 a datagridview is filled with values along with the checkbox column and the desired rows of all the columns are selected and when OK button(form2) is pressed the selected rows should get populated to the datagridview of the form1.But i m not getting the selected rows to the form1t.

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