Make A Track Bar That Has 5 Lines Do Different Tasks?

Aug 21, 2010

i have a trackbar that has 5 little lines and i want them to do different things

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VBS Script - Delete All Scheduled Tasks Which Start With "My Application Tasks

Mar 19, 2010

Ineed a VBS script that removes all scheduled tasks which start with a specific string.

For example, delete all scheduled tasks which start with "My Application Tasks..."

I wanna use this VBS script in my application uninstaller so all tasks created by my application are removed at the uninstall time, however am not familiar with VBS.

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Make ListView Group Tasks?

Apr 27, 2010

I have a problem with ListView Group Tasks in Visual I've created a derived class from ListView wich have collapsible groups, and other features not included in common listviews. I use the LVN_LINKCLICK to catch the Task clic event, but when

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Make A Menu Item To Execute 3 Tasks?

Dec 11, 2009

Can I make a menu item to execute 3 tasks? For instance when I select a file from a ListBox and I press ToolStripMenuItem1, the program will move the selected file to a directory, execute archive.bat file and the move the archived file to another directory? I tried but I can make only one operation - to move the file.

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Forms :: Make A Menu Item To Execute 3 Tasks?

Dec 11, 2009

Can I make a menu item to execute 3 tasks?For instance when I select a file from a ListBox and I press ToolStripMenuItem1, the program will move the selected file to a directory, execute archive.bat file and the move the archived file to another directory?Hmmm... I tried but I can make only one operation - to move the file. Can someone post a helping code or something?

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How To Make A Track Bar Like Photoshop

May 15, 2012

I've done a trackbar like photoshop by using a panel and a picture box and move it in mousemove event, anyway this track bar was very slow because while the user is scrolling the trackbar it gives an event to change the hue of a picturebox,the track bars should be like the hue, saturation, lightness track bars in photoshop.

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Make A Program That Will Keep Track Of Score?

Jan 2, 2012

I am having an issuse with weither i should make 15 different fourms or just make 15 text boxes three for each round plus creating something that would add the doubles and triples I do not know what to use for a code, I have just started programming. this is what i have tried to do.


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Make A Program Where Can Keep Track Of Progress?

Sep 8, 2009

I'm trying to make a program where you can keep track of your progress through various projects your doing. I'd like to have it so they can add a new project via the text box/button and then when they click on that project from a listbox or something(still trying to figure out the best way) it shows the notes they have typed etc. I know how to make it so its saved when they exit and all that good stuff but I'm not sure how I would do everything else.

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VS 2008 Make A Program That Will Track Do Not Rent (DNR) People

Apr 27, 2009

I want to make a program that will track Do Not Rent (DNR) People.I'm a intremediate vb6 programmer and have not coded in a long time.I do have and wanting to do this on VS2008 professional in VB2008.I did a simular program from a vb6 book about 12 years ago. it was a address book that i changed a little to add some things I needed it to keep track of, and it saved everything in a text file.I want to know what the pros and cons are for using a text file? xml file? or a data base?the data i be keeping track of will be vital statistics as name, state id number, id type, ect. and a picture of the id from a scanner or import from a .png, .jpg, or tiff image.If i use a data base file either Access 2007, MySQL, or SQL 2005/2008 file, do i need to have Office, MySQL, SQL 2005/2008 programs installed on the the computer im doing the programming on? do i need to have the above programs installed on the target computer?i do not think a txt file will work for me because of the picture i want to keep with the data not seperatly. So to make it a little more clear I want to be able to add, append/update, not to be able to delete a record, and be able to search the file for a record.I want to be able to navigate the records or file with first, previous, next, and last. each record will be showed seperatly.I would like to have a STATUS (lol thingy) that only my wife or I can change but let my employees be able to enter the rest of the information on there own. the STATUS Levels will be like 1st warning, 2nd warning, 3rd warning, DNR, and Rentable at our discression. I want it to only allow changes to status if they have the proper password. so i do not know if this also elimates txt files or xml files as an option.and when the wife, my employees or I make an entry I wanted it to add the time and date with the comments we entered in with the initials of the person whom entered the data. so i was thinking i will need to have security levels in my program and give each person a password so the program can fill out most small data itself.

if i do decide to use a database file to store the data, picture, and employee information can it be done with 1 table, or should i try to seperate the data in seperate tables? should i use one to one or one to many? I do not think one to many would be the best solution? it been like 12 years since I did any database programming in school and it was dBase3. If u think it be best to use multiple tables could u give me an example as to how to seperate the data.The client info would be like a address book with a picture and a comment box that will automatically add a date/timestamp and the users initials with a space between every updated or appended entry., and the employees would have there login in name and password, and initials.I was thinking of making a wizard to enter the data in for both employees and the DNR's as for people changing the date on the computer and entering info so to make it look they entered data on an earlier date I was thinking of having it log onto the internet time server and setting the date/time of the computer in the background as it loads up.

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Make A Progress Bar Track "My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile"?

May 30, 2009

My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile is a built in .NET method, can I make it display the download via a progress bar;It currently hangs my whole application until the download is complete; i would like to make a thread and have a visible view of the download progress;

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Make Vb To Have Lines?

Aug 5, 2009

How to make Textbox1 to have lines:Demo:Like notepad++ have lines..

Open .txt file

1. Hi
2. How are you
3. I'm Ok

1,2,3 are the lines that is autoshowing how much have text if text have 20 words to have 1,2,3,4,5....20 how it will be done?

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Way That You Can Make Lines Thicker In VB

Nov 16, 2011

Palette.DrawLine(Pens.Black, 140, 90, 140, 90)

I was wondering if there is anything you can do to this to make it thicker than it already is.

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ASP.NET Make Number Of Lines Editable?

Apr 14, 2011

I have a number of lines of text on an .aspx page that I want a user to be able to edit, I am not storing this text/information anywhere in the database. I just want it to be information that is displayed to the user but can be editable, so the user can view the text and if there is a mistake or want to make a change they can do this by editing it.

I have seen that if you display data in a label and put a textbox beside it then, the textbox can move into the place of the label - I have done this for other text on the page however that method would not fit for this purpose because I require this edit of text to be for a number of lines.

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Make A Pause Between Code Lines?

Mar 4, 2009

How do I make a pause between code lines? See code below. This just prints the word "Hello", I was hoping to put a delay between the letters to make it look more real. Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click, Button2.Click

SendKeys.Send("%{tab}") SendKeys.Send("H") SendKeys.Send("e") SendKeys.Send("l") SendKeys.Send("l") SendKeys.Send("o")
End Sub

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Make A Text Box Show Bottom Lines?

Feb 5, 2010

How can a text box control be programmatically made to scroll down and show the new lines appended at the bottom?

When data is appended to a multiline text box control, it always displays the first lines at the top, and the user has to scroll to the bottom to see the latest. When more data is appended, the control zooms right back to the top.

The vertical scroll is enabled, and so is multiline.

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Make Lines Or Boxes In Design Time?

Jun 9, 2011

I have to make a lot of retangular boxes to make my program neat but i'm having a problem of adding boxes. I tried using the draw event in the tab page but everytime i scroll it will draw the lines again and messes up everything. Also when making a line greater that the tab page, autoscroll won't work.

Is there a way to make lines or boxes in design time?

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Make A Program That Will Draw 700 Random Lines On It Initially?

Oct 17, 2010

I am currently using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition.I want to make a program that will draw 700 random lines on it initially. I tried my code but the lines only appear in the same way such as straight line and diagonal line. Here's my code:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles MyBase.Paint


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VS 2008 Make Lines In An Image Selectable Or Objects?

Apr 4, 2011

I am trying to find information on code to make the lines of a jpg file that have been loaded into a VB.NET WebBrowser control into selectable objects.

I have no idea what to search for or the correct terminology.

This is very similar to using the line tool in word or excel, after you draw a line you are able to select it.

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VS 2008 - How To Make Graphics Tool Lines Stay On PictureBox

Jul 3, 2009

My picture box is in a panel. How to prevent lines created using graphics tool from getting erase when moving the picture box around? Sometimes when I minimize my form, the lines goes missing also.. How do I make the lines stay on the picture box?
Example shown below in a gif...

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Make A Table At The Right Side Or Draw Lines Without Affecting Details Section?

Apr 24, 2009

i am newbie in constructing layouts in crystal report.i have details section in left side of the page

Subject A |_______|________|________ | Subject B |_______|_________________| Subject C |_______|________|________ | Subject D |_______|_________________| Subject E |_______|____Total__|________ |

there can be different number of rows at the left side,meaning it depends on output of the query.And heres the problem, i need to make another table at the right side. how to make a table at the right side or draw lines without affecting details section? this is just purely table without fields on it.

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Drawing With VB - User Must Make A Series Of Figures Such As Rectangles, Text Boxes And Lines

Oct 19, 2011

I'm doing a web application in which the user must make a series of figures such as rectangles, text boxes and lines, Is something like like google docs draw

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2008 Count Lines In Textbox With Multiple Lines Using Label To Display The Numbers?

Sep 3, 2009

how to count the lines in textbox1.text (with multiplelines). I don't need to count each character. I only need to count each line from top to bottom in textbox1.text (multiplelines) and I will use Label1 to display the numbers.



Obviously this is 5 lines and that's what I need to count.

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Get A Bunch Of Lines From A Text File (they Will Be Filenames Eventually) Which Are Split By New Lines And Puts Each One Into An Array?

Jun 22, 2010

I have written a simple script to get a bunch of lines from a text file (they will be filenames eventually) which are split by new lines and puts each one into an array..

Dim ary() As String
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists("C:MenuFiles.txt") Then


The only thing I can do for now is either use the substring function to remove the first character from all array values after 0 but I don't like that because it's messy and what if the split "works" as I want it to one one of the lines and knocks of the first character when I don't want it to.

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Save Log Of Tasks?

Jan 24, 2012

My program performs a bunch of task in a loop. After each task completed it saves log/status of task in a text file. The program runs fast but if there is more than 10,000 tasks it becomes slower and it takes a lot of CPU because of frequent I/O operation.

Is there a better way to save the log/status of task without making the program slower? At first i used a textbox control to store the log but the problem is textbox control can not hold a lot of text.

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Threading Tasks In .net?

Sep 23, 2010

how the threading within vb actually works. am i of the understanding that every time you create an event, through a button control for instance, that this infact creates a seperate process which will run independantly to another. say for instance you had two buttons on a form and each contained code which took 5 seconds to execute. if i were to click one button into action and then the other with a second, would the two processes run alongside one another or would i have to wait for the first code to execute before the second button could be executed?

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Creating Scheduled Tasks ?

Sep 1, 2011

I am trying to create a vb application that will create sscheduled tasks .Created a windows service and set it to start manually for now.Just as a test, when the timer expires I have set it to start 'Notepad' as a process which I can see listed under processes in the Task Manager, but cannot see it as a scheduled task.What I am unsure whether this is the right way to create a scheduled task and if it why can't I see Notepad in scheduled tasks.

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Delete Scheduled Tasks?

Feb 2, 2011

Ineed a VBS script that removes all scheduled tasks which start with a specific string.For example, delete all scheduled tasks which start with "My Application Tasks..."I wanna use this VBS script in my application uninstaller so all tasks created by my application are removed at the uninstall time, however am not familiar with VBS.

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Too Many Excel.exe Tasks Are Opened?

Jan 14, 2011

I have the code below:

Dim i As Integer
Dim objExcel As New Excel.Application
Dim objWorkbook As Excel.Workbook


At the end of this routine, eventhough the data was correctly saved to my Data.xlsx file, this routine also opened 15 EXCEL.EXE tasks in task manager.I thought that I had cleaned up before quitting. By the way, whether I write to 1 or 5 or 10 cells in Data.xlsx, 15 EXCEL.EXE tasks would be opened regardless.Is there a way to (easily and) completely close all EXCEL.EXE in task manager before leaving my application?

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Attaching A Progress Bar To The Tasks Of A Button?

Apr 25, 2009

simple way of attaching a progress bar to the tasks of a button.When I press a button, several tasks will commence and I want a progress bar to show it's... well... progress.

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Auto-Accept Tasks In Outlook?

Jan 25, 2010

I am writing a VB.NET application that creates a new task item for another user. Is there a way of having this task go straight to their task list without having to open the acceptance email ? ( Would help if such an email is not sent in the first place to avoid cluttering)I found a similar post on experts-exchange forum, though no one was able to answer that till date.I assume that can be achieved using shared Task folder but could not get good examples on msdn to work with.

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