Make Datasets With Wizards Or Programatically

Dec 31, 2010

I want to ask if its better to make datasets with wizards or programatically. Im studing with a teacher that works programatically ... but its a lot of coding. so, retrieving data is faster when you write code or is the same using wizards on datasources?? when you use datasource wizard , it open and close conections automatically?

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How To Programatically Make A Label Font Bold

Mar 8, 2010

Can anyone show me how to programatically make a label font bold?

lblid.Font.Bold = True

I tried the above, but it did not work and gave Read Only Error.

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Create Wizards For Program?

Jan 9, 2007

i was just wondering if I create wizards for my program? like to accept input from user then process them and stuff.

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DB/Reporting :: Wizards Vs Hand Code

Apr 20, 2010

I have been a programmer for almost 14 years and have worked in SQL, VB, VBA and MS Access. I am making the transition to VB 2008 and as you can imagine, it is frustrating. One of the new things to be in VB2008 is working with data. They have made it easy to setup datasets and output data to a form. In VB6, I never used the GUI data tools, I always custom programmed recordsets and wrote loops to output the data. Then, I wrote my own code to update, insert or delete the data. With VB 2008 I dont have to do this anymore, but is it a better practice to hand code than rely on wizards.

I also noticed I don�t have as much control over the data with using the wizards, for example. There is 1 insert statement defined for a table adapter. Lets say I wanted to perform a slightly different insert based on a condition. I can�t do that anymore right?

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Implement Wizards Designed Dataset In MVC Designer Pattern?

Nov 8, 2009

I have written this code implemeting MVC design pattern.... for simplcity... i have create Model with BLL having a two classes Employee and Designation and i have created the DAL using the Dataset designer tool....thus i've implemted all relationship bewteen the two tables Empoyee and Designation connected to each toher using field EmpIndex.

In MVC design pattern i should return objects to the controller (in this case i used only the view- win form) becuase of my Designer created DAL i cannot return objects of Employee and Designation to the View... this is becuase in BLL: the following method

Code: public TestMVCWithDataset.TestDataSet.tblEmployeesDataTable SearchByIndex(int iEmpIndex) { try { empAdapter.Fill(dtEmployees, iEmpIndex); return dtEmployees; } catch { throw new Exception("Employee not found!"); } }


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Data Designers/wizards So Good Now That Rolling Own Is No Longer Worth While?

Apr 9, 2010

Coming form too many years of VB6 I have a natural inclination to write my own data access code, etc. rather than using database wizard, etc. Same goes for using simple databinding to recordset rather than managing object collections and tying those to controls

I am finally moving to VB.NET and find myself on a solo project without any team on which to lean, so I have a couple related questions as I try to get my head around the transition. The project is basically a line of business app with a SQL Server back end.

1. Are the data designers/wizards so good now that rolling your own is no longer worth while?

2. Is the data-binding now fast, flexible, and reliable?

3. Can you recommend a good book or robust on-line tutorial that covers this sort of programming? 2008 or 2010 preferred.

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VS 2008 Build Wizard Style Library To Handle Many Wizards

Oct 6, 2010

I've decided to build wizard style library to handle many wizards and make it more simple to work with. The difficulty is that next step window changes depending on user selection on current form with a lot of controls in each of them. After long time thinking I think best would be to recreate similar to TabControl and TabPage controls and instead tabs would be a in-built command Next, Previous and Finish buttons as default in TabPage control. I've tried something to create similar but with no success yet.


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Make A Database Application That Can Write/retrieve Cells/datasets From/to A Database

Apr 8, 2010

i need to make a database application that can write/retrieve cells/datasets from/to a database i buyed a book in there was an example of how to create a database application while debugging i had the "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error and it highlighted this code

objDataRow = objDataSet.Tables("KlantenTable").NewRow
now the problem is here i declare something later in the code i write to it


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How To Use DataSets

Jul 30, 2009

I'm trying to work with an ODBC driver for Interbase in VS2008 (vb). I succesfully inserted the data tables I want to use in the project datasource. Then I want to add some rows in one of the tables of the datasource. I used myDataSet.addTABLENAMErow(field1, field2, ...).The compiler gives me no error, but when I open the database with InterbaseConsole, the line I've add is not there. Do I do something wrong? Must I open/save the database (how do I do so). I've tried meDataSet.AcceptChanges whitout result.I'm not used to work with Datasets and tables...

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C# - Download Pdf Programatically?

May 26, 2010

How can I download a pdf and store to disk using or c#? The url (of the pdf) has some rediection going on before the final pdf is reached. I tried the below but the pdf seems corrupted when I attempt to open locally,

Dim PdfFile As FileStream = File.OpenWrite(saveTo)
Dim PdfStream As MemoryStream = GetFileStream(pdfURL)


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Register A C# VB COM Dll Programatically

Mar 4, 2010

I have a .NET dll which I use from a C++ program. Now I have to register the dll programmatically on a deployment computer. How do i do that (programmatically! not using regasm)? I remember, when I once called a VB6 dll from a C++ dll, I had to use DllRegisterServer and DllUnregisterServer. Is that still so with a .NET dll? It seems I have to somehow add the dllregisterserver function to the .NET dll.

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Debugging And DataSets?

Jan 29, 2010

Anyway to view the content of a dataset or datatable in debug? I don't mean looking up a specific element of the dataset but to view the hole thing.

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Difference Between Two Datasets?

Mar 14, 2009

difference between the two statements given below

1. Dim ds as new DataSet

2.Dim ds as DataSet = New DataSet

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How To Combine Two DataSets

Oct 8, 2010

I'm trying to combine two datasets, each with 1 datatable and each having the same schemas. Datatable 1 would have a list of records. Datatable two may, or may no, have some or all of the records from table 1 plus more records. I would like to remove all the records from table 2 that are present in table 1.

This is what I got so far:
For Each table1 As DataTable In ds.Tables
For Each row1 As DataRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
ds.Tables(0).PrimaryKey = New DataColumn() {ds.Tables(0).Columns(0)} 'Where 0 is the index of the column that's your key
row2 = ds2.Tables(0).Rows.Find(row1("ID"))
'if its found, delete it

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How To Join Two Datasets Together

Aug 2, 2011

how to join two datasets together.

First Dataset
Dim sql As String
sql = "SELECT payment.Debtor, SUM(Value_invoice) AS before_this_month,debtor.nama FROM Payment INNER JOIN dbo.debtor ON Payment.Debtor = debtor.debtor" & _


Now i just want to either inner join or left join PaymentBeforeThisMonth and PaymentThisMonth into another dataset?

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How To Loop With Datasets

Feb 10, 2011

I have a dataset that contains only employee ID's. I need to loop through that dataset and for each employee ID I need to loop through several other datasets and pull data. I need help with this looping syntax. Here is a sample of some code that I am receiving an error with:

Dim EMPID as Integer
Dim CommandEmpid As New OleDb.OleDbCommand
Dim EmpidDS As New DataSet


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How To Save Datasets

Mar 2, 2011

I have a form that needs to load data for 20 different combo boxes - the data is always the same. To get the combo boxes to function properly i need to create a separate dataset for each combo box. Doing this when the form loads takes it about 7 seconds each time a search result is double clicked and the form pops up displaying the correct data. The form is bound to the main table. Is there a way to store these data sets in memory somewhere so the user can close the form but still have them loaded? I can put this code behind the login form and it works until the form is closed, then the combo's no longer load.[code]

View 8 Replies

Two Datasets In If Operator

Jan 8, 2010

i want to check if datasets have changes and after that use msgbox (vbYesNoCancel) when program closes ,when i wrote this code it had error "Operator 'Or' is not defined for types 'System.Data.dataset' and Boolean"..[code]

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Use Datasets In Other Forms?

May 17, 2009

I want to use my main dataset (dbds) on a second form. It's simple, on my main form, the user clicks a button, opens a new form, they enter an item number and I want to find that row, and change a value in another column of that same row, and have that be in effect onthe main dataset to send back to the database.[code]...

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C# - Convert XLS To XLSB Programatically?

Jun 22, 2011

I have a customer that needs to convert XLS files to XLSB. Has anyone done this programatically, (with or without an add-on --- doesn't matter --- just need to be able to automate it)? I'm looking for a way to automate this.

As a side note, the customer is asking about this because they use Sharepoint, and it seems it has a way to analyze XLSB files quicker and easier than XLS??? I'm working to improve my Sharepoint knowledge, but in the meantime, I'm trying to find an answer to this XLSB issue.

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How To Bind TextBox Programatically

Dec 26, 2011

Me.StuDetComboBox.DataSource = StudentsDet.BindingSource
Me.StuDetComboBox.DisplayMember = "StuName"
ComboBox Bind Programatically Like Above Right ?

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How To Change Key Bindings Programatically

Dec 11, 2010

I'll try to make this simple, using VB.Net on Windows Vista:How do you change key bindings programatically?I'm thinking it has to do with the registry so if it does just give me the registry key names(i know how to change the registry already)If it helps, the reason I want to do this is to change the Windows media center button so that it opens my program rather than WMC.

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How To Programatically Open Combobox

Oct 25, 2011

I have a window form and a ComboBox is placed on that form. I want to open combobox programatically on keypress event.

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Need To Programatically Import Table Into Db

Dec 14, 2009

I'm working on a script in windows application and I need to import a table from one access database into another access database. I wanted to know if this was possible to do w/ out having to create the table and then loop through all the records to insert them into the table? In other words, is there some method that will allow me to import the table dirrectly as it is?

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PDF Opens In Acrobat X But Not Programatically?

Jun 18, 2012

I've written an interface with a 3rd party web service in VB.NET. The final step in that interface involves the 3rd party delivering to us (as a stream) a PDF document. After streaming is complete I save a copy of the PDF on our servers, so that our users can view the PDF by clicking on a link in our system. The PDF opens fine in Acrobat X, but when I try to open it programatically I an error saying that "the file is damaged and could not be repaired". I can also open the file in IE just fine, with no issues, and the same code that displays this PDF works just fine on lots of other existing PDFs that predate the 3rd party interface.

I have emptied out temporary internet files as suggested in some posts I saw online. I also opened the PDF in Notepad++ and the %PDF tag is first, and the %%EOF tag is last, so there's certainly no corruption visible in the document source that I can see. Below is the (very standard) code we use to open PDFs into a separate browser instance on our site:

PDFFile = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory & Request.QueryString("LetterPath") & Request.QueryString("Letter")
Response.BufferOutput = True


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Programatically Check A Checkbox?

May 16, 2012

I am reading values from a database (boolean) and if true, I want it to check a checkbox,and if false, keep the checkbox unchecked. The lines look like this: blEnergy.Items.FindByValue(1).Selected = track_usageIn this case, track_usage is a boolean value.This way does not actually create the check mark in the checkbox like I wanted it to. What is the best way to do this?

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Properly End The Whole Application Programatically?

Oct 28, 2011

im trying to find a better way to end the application im working on right now programatically, sometimes a user simple wants to end it all and since in the properties of my project the program is set to only end after all forms have been closed, (oddly enough i close all forms and it still is executing so i use dispose method and then end) what would be the best way to end the application and free pc memory for everything attached to it? i use:


as ive readed online, end simply stops the app and nothing else, which makes me think, does its data still persists in the ram? i want to clear everything and not leave useless resources anywhere.

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Searching The GAC Programatically Using .NET For A Specific Dll?

Oct 9, 2009

I am trying to write a small app that searches the GAC for a dll. I have been trying to get this done but can't seem to find any resources online. I am using VS.Net 2008.

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Set LaserJet To Duplex Programatically?

Oct 7, 2011

I'm trying to find a good example of setting a LaserJet to Duplex.

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Use The TIFF IFILTER Programatically?

Feb 1, 2012

how to use the TIFF IFILTER programatically.

I just want to call it from the command line like this and get the OCR'd text back.

myprog filename.tiff

The windows 7 SDK has FILTDUMP which isn't source supplied, and anyway, when I use that I get


even when running as admin -

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