Make Flowcharts To Describe Algorithms Used / Test Plans

May 4, 2009

i have a program(i already coded etc).Now i'm asked to make flowcharts to describe the algorithms used + test plans.Regarding flowcharts,how do i implement functions + procedures in them and about test plans--anyone knows or has some good site or notes so i know what i can do??

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Make A List Of Flight Plans Loaded Into Program?

Nov 15, 2009

I'm trying to make a list of flight plans loaded into my program, with each flight plan having a list of waypoints along the route, along with a few other properties associated with the flight plan. Each waypoint has its own associated properties, i.e. waypoint ID, waypoint type, location, etc.

Here's the declarations:


Public Class WPinfo
Public WPType As String
Public WPID As String


How do I implement the List methods to access the list elements, and add, remove, etc? The way I'm doing it now just gets me an 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' error during runtime.

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Connecting Flowcharts To Code?

Dec 30, 2010

I sometimes create visio flowcharts for certain parts of my applications to that I mainly use later when I have trouble finding place where certain functions where used or kept.Problem is that they are complitely detached from actual code. So anytime i change something in program I have to manualy change the flowcharts and vice versa. So I was wondering if there is some way to... well idealy I would like to just create a flowchart and generate application from that.

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Inflate An Array Of Points Which Describe A Polygon?

Jan 31, 2010

how can i inflate an array of points which describe a polygon?

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Parameters Describe An Un-representable DateTime How To Ignore?

May 20, 2011

I am using ODBC to read data from a pervasive PSQL database and in some scenarios, the date column can contain 00/00/0000 date. I don't really care about invalid dates so is there some way I can convert all of these un-representable dates into Null or some specific date instead of the query failing.

EDIT: The following shows the code I am using and where it is failing:

Private _connODBC As OdbcConnection
Dim dt As New DataTable
_connODBC = New OdbcConnection(txtConnectionString.Text)


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Describe Keyboard Hit Event In Visual Basic [Escape_key_was_pressed] Function?

Oct 25, 2010

Maybe my questin was too impossible to unerstand, so I figured out how to ask it in more simple way. I suppose it can be best done in Visual Basic simplified code.


So question is how to describe in Visual Basic [Escape_key_was_pressed] function? When user don't hit Escape key, then program must NOT STOP for asking user keypress[Escape_key_press], it must go on with clicking on desktop to the end of program. SteelAce

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VB - Entity Framework 4.1: Describe Relationship Into The DbContext Definition Using A Fluent Code First Approach?

Dec 5, 2011

I have in my database a table (AccessControl) that describes a sort of users "access control list" for the informations contained in the table Customers and other tables.Example: the entity CUSTOMER is marked by the EntityId #1. If a user belongs to the department #6, he can access the records of customer #16 and #31, but he can't for #14, that can viewed by user in department #3:


How can I describe this relationship into the DbContext definition using a fluent Code First approach?

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Make A Program To Test A Speed Of Mac?

Feb 10, 2012

are there any way we can make a program to test a speed of mac even if you are not using it?

like for instance

how can i test this without using it?

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Way To Optimize My Algorithms

Sep 28, 2009

I had been working on a project that would generate a loan schedule.

But, It needs to factor in specified holidays and weekends.

Now, when running with a small 'term', it seems to work fine.[code]...

View 14 Replies

Make Windows Basic Test For A Color?

Jul 8, 2009

What I mean is have it where you can click on something and it would save that color and then later test if the color under the mouse has changed from what it originally saved it as.

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Encryptor / Decrypter Algorithms Need Checking

Jun 13, 2011

Problem: QuoteNeed to design a program in 2008 that can encrypt and decrypt messages stored in simple text files using a private key stored in a separate file. Software should also be able to allow the users to enter simple messages that either displays the encrypted or decrypted message. The encryption method should use a simple substitution method. It should be set out in the following format:


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Implement Encryption And Decryption Algorithms?

Nov 30, 2010

How to implement encryption and decryption algorithms in Which algorithm is the best suited one?

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Sorting Algorithms Preferably Fastest

Jan 19, 2012

I am quite new at VB.NET and just need helo on sorting algorithms, prferbly the fastest (quick sort) but bubble would so. It is for sorting and array for 12 numbers, which are being enter by the user via a input box. These are then transfered onto a listbox for visual aid. so the steps involved would be: (already done)1) Enter then inputs into array via inputbox2) Input to sppear in listbox (not done)3) Sort the array ascending/decending4) print results into the listbox again.In my code there is also a total and a average, but that doesnt need any help on it. [code]

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VS 2008 - How To Implement New Encryption Algorithms

May 28, 2009

I want to try and use the new encryption algorithms provided with .NET 3.5. Any links or examples for how to use one of them to encrypt xml content?

As written on msdn site is:
The following algorithms are included:
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) with key sizes of 128 and 256 bits for encryption.
Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA-256 and SHA-384) for hashing.

Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) using curves of 256-bit and 384-bit prime moduli for signing. This algorithm is provided by the ECDsaCng class. It allows you to sign with a private key and verify with a public key.

Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) using curves of 256 and 384-bit prime moduli for key exchange/secret agreement. This algorithm is provided by the ECDiffieHellmanCng class.

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VS 2005 - Make Mysql Connection For A Test Before Releasing The Project?

May 28, 2010

I have some questions about mysql database; I have set up columns and rows on mysql database and I would like to make mysql connection for a test before I would release the project in the near future, but my doubts is that how would I be able to keep mysql admin username and password details secure in the project without anyone could find out??Secondly, I don't want anyone to crack my project to get the details, which it will put me and other clients at risks.

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Find Virus Scanning/detection Algorithms?

Feb 2, 2010

Where I can find virus scanning/detection algorithms?

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Secure(ish) Encryption/decryption Algorithms Using A String As A Key?

Aug 25, 2009

Is there a way to encrypt/decrypt text (string form) in using another string as a key? Meaning, if one user encrypts using this key, the other user needs to decrypt using the same key?I do NOT mean public and private key encryption or anything of the sort.If not, what is the second best way to encrypt/decrypt data without public/private keys?I want to make a simple way to send messages securely.

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Write A Pseudocode For 2008 Programs / Algorithms?

Feb 9, 2010

How to write a pseudocode for 2008 programs/algorithms? is there any defined way?

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Argument Not Specified For Parameter 'test' Of 'Public Shared Function TestThis(test As String)'?

Sep 25, 2010

I don't understand the error, Argument not specified for parameter 'test' of 'Public Shared Function TestThis(test As String)'.

Partial Public Class Form1
Shared Sub ReceiveCallback(ByVal ar As IAsyncResult)
Form1.Invoke(TestThis, New Object(){"test"}) 'error


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DB/Reporting :: Move Data (400 GB) Into Database Then Be Able To Run Various Algorithms Determining Correlations Of Time Series

Mar 12, 2012

I'm faced with a (fun, actually) data mining problem; I have raw ASCII files from instruments, and I want to move that data (~400 GB) into a database, then be able to run various algorithms determining correlations of time series, etc. I would like to write the mining algorithms in Visual Basic (.net, VS 2010 right now), and be able to do visualizations with VB code I have in hand.On the nature of the data: think of a set of several thousand devices, each recording a measurement at a given interval - so I'm talking time-series vectors. It's not more complex than that - though I may have vectors with holes, etc. - not sure what problems of that sort lurk in the data.I spent today re-acquainting myself with VB.NET's interface to (in one case) a Microsoft Access database. What used to be fairly simple - DAO I think it was - involved tables, recordsets, etc (and that would likely be fine). Now I seem to be required to have a weird variety of generally useless objects, e.g. 'adapters', 'datasets', etc. The problem is that I know exactly what I need, and all this extraneous stuff just gets in the way (certainly in coding complexity and opaqueness, and likely in efficiency as well). If any of these mechanisms gave me a kind of virtual access to the entire dataset, and let me control caching parameters, might be great, but I found nothing along those lines. It seems like useless bloat, though I suppose it must be useful to someone.Anyway, I tried a number of different approaches, and none seemed at all aimed at what I need to do: efficiently do math on a large dataset. I can't believe I'm the first to have this problem, but I can find no useful wisdom out there. I'd be comfortable with pretty much any underlying database mechanism: MySQL, SQL Server, MS Access, but ideally something generally SQL based (I may eventually have to transition this entire system to draw from a client's SQL database, though that's not an overriding concern now). Other than that I want simplicity and efficiency. I thought my old ODBC techniques would work, and to some extent they do, though modifying tables seemed to have bizarre problems (no errors, but not modifications either).

I do have a fairly aggressive deadline to show some algorithm results, so my focus in the short term is to get something reasonable working *in* the short term - in other words, it's less important to me to pick the 'fastest' relational database than it is to pick a database that lets me focus on coding the algorithms, not working through tedious data access coding. If this db could be any smaller, I'd have tried to do it all 'in memory' at least for proving concepts; I don't want to have to learn an entire jargon and approach just to be able to retrieve data points.Perhaps I'll need to bite the bullet and just write something myself, a .dll perhaps just to save and restore large time series vectors. It seems a bit frightening to me that one would have to do this in this age, what with all the database systems out there, but I don't have much time to work through arcane interface logic.

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Timing Code - Measure The Performance Of Seven Sorting Algorithms In A Single VB 2008 Program

Sep 15, 2010

I'm trying to measure the performance of seven sorting algorithms in a single VB 2008 program. I've tried using a Timer componend, the Stopwatch, and DateTime.Ticks but nothing works. The following simple code produces a result of about 500 (milliseconds), which is correct, but when I change 500 to 1000, I get a ridiculous result like 0 or 8.


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Reference To Test.dll But An Error Messege Was Appear A Reference To Test.dll File Could Not Be Added?

May 25, 2009


and from VB6 project I reference to Test.dll but an error messege was appear A reference to Test.dll file could not be added (If I create VB NET project and reference to file Test.dll it OK )

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Write A Unit Test Assembly In C# To Test Against An Assembly Written In VB?

Sep 20, 2011

Probably a dumb question, but can you write a unit test project in one language to test against another project in a different language?I'd like to translate one of our VB assemblies into C#, but want to build unit tests to verify the results. I've tried to set a unit test project up to do this, but I can't seem to access the VB code within a unit test... I can't figure out if I'm just missing/doing something stupid, or it really isn't allowed.

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Web App To Test OS?

Jan 12, 2010

I am playing with the virtual machine version of the Google Chrome OS. I need a web app that I KNOW is made in visual basic to test to see if it will work with it or not. This will help determine if it's possible to make web apps for this Google OS in VB.

View 4 Replies - Test QueryString?

Apr 29, 2009

I have a query string called propID and I wanna check if the passed value in it is a legal integer or not to avoid throwing an error that might reveal info about my database, how can I do it? In other words, I want something like -but in : IF QueryString("propID").Content.Type = "int32" Then Proceed

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Self Grading Test App?

Apr 24, 2012

Create an app for the DMV that grades the written portion of the driver license exam.Theexam has 20 multiple choice questions. Here are the correct answers to the questions:1=A 2=C 3=D 4=A 5= B 6=D 7= B 8=C 9=A 10=A 11=B 12=B 13=C 14=D 15=C16=A 17=C 18=B 19=D 0=DStore the correct answers in an array. The user interface form should allow the user to enter an answer for each question.When the user clicks the Score Exam button, the application should display a message showing whether each question was answered correctly or incorrectly, and whether the student passed or failed the exam.A student must orrectly answer at least 15 of the 20 questions to pass.Input validation: Only accept letters A, B, C, and D

here is what i have so far:
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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Sql - VB -- How To Test For Value Not In Dropdown

May 11, 2011

I have a large VB/SQL application that I have created a problem in. I have a table of procedures that have an active flag on them. This flag can be toggled through a user screen. Other screens access this same table to populate dropdowns. The values are stored in the table as the ID field (PK). The problem I have is that I am selecting the dropdown values based on the Active flag. If I select a record that has a procedure stored in it that has been made inactive, I get the old Object Not Set to an Instance.... error.

What I want to be able to do is check for the value in the record when populating the dropdown and allow the record to be displayed by bypassing the SQL error and just showing the dropdown value as blank while not altering the record itself. I hope I'm making sense. Code is below.but I'm back in app programming after being a SysAdmin for 20 years and I'm still rusty.[code...]

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Test File To Sql?

Jun 12, 2011

If the condition = true How do i select all records stored in .txt (temporary text file) to be updated in sql table How do i do that.

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Test On Mac And Vista?

Jul 3, 2009

Can someone tell me if it works on windows Vista and Mac? And any other OS.

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Test To See If Usb Device Is On?

Sep 17, 2009

How would a person test to see if a usb device is on? I have a program with a usb reader attached to it and would like to throw an exception if it is not on.

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