Make Function - To Check Of Each Row And Extracted Items With Same Storage Or Stock

Nov 20, 2011

If i have datagridview to have 4 columns

First col: Item Id

Second : Stock Id hint: Storage of items which we will enter it

Third : Item Qty hint: Quantity of product Or Item

Fourth : Item Cost hint: Cost of the product

I need function to check of each row and extracted items with the same storage or stock and save it on another table or datatable or dataset any >>>

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How To Check If Item Is In Stock

Feb 15, 2012

I am looking to make a program to check if an item is in stock on a website, but I am not too sure about how to go about it.

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Make A Check Proxy Function?

Feb 16, 2010

How to make a check proxy function? ive made a change proxy function but i dunno how to check it.

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Way To Check Comboxbox To Make Sure Of Selected Items Has Been Selected?

Sep 1, 2011

In my Windows Form I have a ComboBox that is filled by a Stored Procedure with a list of names. I have the Combobox set for AutoComplete to "Suggest" and From "ListItems". When a user starts to type in and the AutoComplete does not find any matches in the listitems the user can tab out of the ComboBox and leave what they typed in the combobox even though it is not one of the Valid Items. Is there a way to check the Comboxbox to make sure of of the selected Items has been selected?

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Search Data From Database With Some Check Box And Text Box When User Select Check Box Specific Function

Dec 15, 2011

My application is like this : i have to search my data from database with some check box and text box when user select check box specific function go on and then when user enters some range of value in textbox then the result will shown in data grid view after that i can print it by selecting data
my code is as follow:

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Public Class XtraForm1


I m also pasting the demo picture.

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.net - Check/DeCheck All Items In Check-list Box?

Jul 11, 2011

A couple of questions about check list boxes:

How to check/decheck all the item in the list How do you copy or delete all checked items in the list

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VS 2005 Check Grid Items If Checked ListBox Items Checked?

Aug 21, 2009

Why is this code having the opposite effect? If It's checked in the checkedlistbox it's not check in my view, if it's not check in my checkedlistbox it is checked in the grid.

EDIT: More specifically. The CheckState.Checked is always the opposite. .Checked means it's not checked.

Private Sub CheckedListBox1_ItemCheck(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ItemCheckEventArgs) Handles CheckedListBox1.ItemCheck


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How To Get Name Of File That Was Extracted So Can Use It In Program

Mar 24, 2012

i am using this code to uzip a file: [code] i am trying to figure out how to get the name of the file that was extracted so i can use it in my program. Can I do that using .FastZip?

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Update For Statement To Get Value Extracted From Filename

Apr 4, 2012

I have the following code which works fine;
For Each myFile As String In IO.Directory.GetFiles(Label1.Text, "*.zip")
Dim fi As New System.IO.FileInfo(myFile)
sFilename = fi.Name
Col_Prac_no = sFilename.Substring(1, sFilename.IndexOf("_") - 1)

For example: I have filename as:
The col_prac_no = 00018

Now, I want to update the for statement to have another value extracted from the filename.
The first letter of the filename. In the example:
The first letter of the filename in above example is I.

So if we have:
the value will be - S.

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Make Picturebox1(function Already Assigned) Perform The Same Function As Picturebox2(no Function Assigned)

Aug 1, 2009

i wanted to ask how to make picturebox1 ,to which functions are already assigned, perform the same function as picturebox2 ,to which no functions are assigned.For example:I have already made picturebox1 and have assigned it alot of function like when play button is pressed then picturebox1.visible = true and when we press pause button picturebox1.visible = false. So now i decided to make a theme and have to remove the picturebox1 and want to allow the picturebox2 to havefunction of picturebox1.But when i disable the theme the function of picturebox1 should go back to picturebox1.

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Cast An Object To A Type Extracted At Runtime?

Jan 25, 2012

I am using reflection to get an object's type, or for this issue an object that has instance properties type, at runtime and then I need to change an existing variable's type into that newly found type. Is this possible? For example, the following code does not work in the line indicated within:

Public Sub DoSomething(x As T, y As T, exp As String)
'This is a instance property on the object of a different type
'i.e. 'T.AnotherType' We need to reflect to find out what type of object


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Compare Extracted Information From Multiple Files?

Feb 16, 2009

Ok, stay with me on this one.I have a bunch of css files with classes defined in them.They are like this:.toolbar{......}.addpage{......}

I have managed to extract the just the classnames with a bit of help from a fellow i have another bunch of .vb, .aspx files which use these css classes in them. they in the form:<id=23441:cssClass="toolbar">Now I have to extract the classnames after the 'cssClass' key word and then compare all the classnames with the previously extracted ones and determine which Classes are not being used.

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Set Header When Printing With Template Extracted From Excel?

Jun 1, 2011

I have a template in an excel worksheet. I can successfully insert data into the worksheet and print it out with backend coding.

The problem I am facing is, the reverse empty space for the header and side is too much.

Is there any possible way to reduce the empty space?

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Images Extracted From Pdf File Is Inverted/negative Image.(C#)?

Feb 1, 2011

i am working on pdf to xhtml conversion pdf clown library(C#).I am extracting the pdf content,the images which i extracted is inverted image.I want the real images,The code is pasted below,

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;[code]......

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Checking File Exists Using Data Extracted From Spreadsheet

Sep 8, 2009

I have been on MSDN about this and searched but it's not quite telling me what I'm after. I've extracted a list of file names from an Excel spreadsheet and want to check whether they all exist in a directory which a user can select in a text box. It feels like I'm nearly there with it but currently my listbox is displaying everything, I want it to just show the files that are missing. I'm a beginner so I'm not exactly sure if I'm even telling it to compare the two things properly, I've tried a couple of ways of checking if a file exists but neither seem to work.[code]

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Why Doesn't Graph Seem To Show / Extracted Data From Excel

Jun 13, 2011

Private Sub CreateChart()
Dim time2, tp As String


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Unable To Use Values Extracted From Database As Variables In File Creation

May 22, 2009

I have written a web page which connects to a database and then display 3 values from a management reporting system using the database.

I am accessing a database using the following code:

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlToVersion" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:WebImportOnServer %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [VerNo], [PeriodName], [PeriodNo] FROM [atblVersion]"


but it is how to replace the question marks with valid code that takes the values from the bound fields that I am stuck with.

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C# - Check If All Items Are The Same In A List?

Mar 15, 2011

I have a List(Of DateTime) items. How can I check if all the items are the same with a LINQ query? there could be 1, 2, 20, 50 or 100 items in the list.

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Check When There Are 2 Same Items In A Listbox?

Nov 27, 2010

I don't want that my webbrowser go in the same website two times.[code]...

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Make A Certian Function That Will Fade Out [make A Black Screen That Fades Out For 2 Seconds] Then Come Back?

Oct 12, 2010

Can I make a certian function that will fade out [make a black screen that fades out for 2 seconds], then come back? Is that possible? ON A FORM.

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.net - Quick Check Of All Sub Items In A List?

Jul 19, 2010

I have a list with a boolean value as one of the properties. I need to check if every one of these is true. Now normally LINQ would give a nice clean answer here, but as I am using .NET 2.0 I can't use that.If there a nicer way to do this or am I going to have to do a for each loop and break out on finding a false?

Edit:Seems I could have been a bit clearer. I have an object in a list (eg List (Of MyObject)). There is a boolean property on this object called Processed.I need to check that all objects in the list are processed.So in LINQ I'd do:if (from o in list where o.processed = false select o).count = 0 then....

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Check All Checkboxes Of Items In A Listview?

Mar 29, 2010

How can you check all the checkboxes of all the items in a listview?

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Check If Any Items Are Highlighted In A Listbox?

Mar 19, 2009

I have code that i wish to run every time an item is highlighted in a listbox, or that highlighted item changs to a different item in the same list.

Atm, i am using 'Handles lbDiscoveredDevices2.SelectedIndexChanged' where lbDiscoveredDevices2 is my listbox. I dont think this is right as if i click any blank area in the runs the code, and trys to refer to highlighted items, that arnt highlighted = error.

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Check Items In CheckListBox In .net Using For Loop?

Aug 15, 2011

My application is in VS2008 coded in have a form with a datagridview which loads data from databaase.there is one column where data is stored separated by comma's.Like Name,Surname,LastName name this column as Testing.I have a checklistbox on another of my form.When the user selects a particular row from datagridview another form open and the row selected records are populated in the control of my other form.My issue is i want to check those items of my checkbox that are present in my Testing Column.I have used and array im able to fetch the records just im not able to check the items in my checklistbox that are present in the column

Below is my code

chkList is my checklistbox controls
FORM1 is my form that has datagridview

Below is the code of my second form that has checklistbox

Dim classesChecked As String() = FORM1.DATAGRIDVIEW.Item(10,FORM1.DATAGRIDVIEW.CurrentCell.RowIndex).Value.ToString.Split(",")
For i As Integer = 0 To classesChecked.Length - 1

how can i check the items of my checklistbox.

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Check Number Of Items In Listbox?

Jan 17, 2009

I have a listbox, textbox, and a button. every time I push the button, an item from the listbox is put into the textbox. when the button is pushed again, it grabs the next item in order and puts it into the textbox. so on and so on until it gets to the last item. once I get to the last item it keeps repeating the last item over and over again. SO what I was wondering is how do I get a messagebox or some sort of checker to tell me when it has moved the last item from my listbox to the textbox?? PS textbox2.text=0 and every time the button is pushed another number is added to the value of textbox2.text. so basically if I could figure out how to grab the value of lines at any given time in listbox I could call a msgbox up!! here is the code I am currently using[code]...

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Get All The Id (hidden Column) Of All Check Items?

Jun 18, 2012

I have this issue right now. I have a listview with checkbox. Now what I want to achieve is get all the id (hidden column) of all check items and pass it to arraylist so that I can pass it to SQL like this:

dim intProductID as new arraylist
For i = 0 To lv_list_products.Items.Count - 1
If lv_list_products.Items(i).Checked = True Then


"DELETE * from t_products WHERE f_product_id in(" & intProductID & ")" The reason I do this is to have only one time open of database connection, One of the member suggested it is not good to open and close database specially if it is within the loop. One more issue is the command within the array I need to separate all id with commas so I will not have error on SQL.

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VS 2008 Check All Items In A Listview

May 7, 2012

ok in vb6 i would use this to check all items in a listview.


Now Here's my confusion. And i spotted at least one other person on here who was asking the same thing about this.But got no real clear answer that i could see. as a test to compare i tried his suggestion and loaded the same listview up in both a vb6 app and a app..The list i used was quit large so the comparison would be very list was in the 80,000 lines range tho..yeah talk about overkill The vb6 app checked/unchecked the items within a matter of milliseconds..the took an extremely long time tho..well not extreme but was very noticeably slower about doing the loops.


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IDE :: VS2005ImageLibrary Can Be Extracted From The Trial Version Of Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition

May 26, 2008

I finally figure out where I could get the imagelibrary.I downloaded the 90 trial version of Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition: [URL] opened the .img file with winRAR, did a search of the img file for *imagelibrary*.I was able to extract the imageLibrary from this without installing the trial version.Not sure where it was supose to extract to so I put it in:C:Program FilesMicrosoft Visual Studio 9.0Common7VS2005ImageLibraryI can find this folder in the form design and so far, it's working with my version of C# Express.

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Returning 2 Items From Function

Oct 26, 2011

I have stored procedure which I will execute its result and pass it into a Dataset and return it but at the same time I have a Output parameter in my stored procedure which I also want to return, how can I return both the dataset and the integer output value with my function, or is there a more 'appropriate way' to handle such situation?[code]

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Make A Function Called "checkLogon" That Checks The Username/password Text To A Variable In That Function?

Oct 22, 2009

I've got a basic logon form where if you enter the right password/username, it redirects you to the "MainMenu" Form How can I make a function called "checkLogon" that checks the username/password text to a variable in that function?

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