Set Header When Printing With Template Extracted From Excel?

Jun 1, 2011

I have a template in an excel worksheet. I can successfully insert data into the worksheet and print it out with backend coding.

The problem I am facing is, the reverse empty space for the header and side is too much.

Is there any possible way to reduce the empty space?

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C# - Ccess The Field Header Name Of A Databound Repeater Within The Header Template?

Sep 24, 2009

Is there a way to access the field header name of a databound repeater within the header template. So insted of this....

<table >
<th ></th>
<th >Forename</th>


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Why Doesn't Graph Seem To Show / Extracted Data From Excel

Jun 13, 2011

Private Sub CreateChart()
Dim time2, tp As String


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Page Header Of An Excel Spreadsheet - Using Header Text As Tab Name

Oct 21, 2009

I'm using the following code to populate a DataGridView with a worksheet. This is working fine, however, I'm unsure how I can get the Text from the page header. (not to be confused with the column header). Later in my code when I am exporting into an existing workbook with a new worksheet, I'm wanting to use the header text as the tab name. The header text being "September 2009" so that when I import/manipulate/export october, the new tab will be "October 2009" etc. [Code]

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C# - Header Printing On Every Page?

Jan 22, 2010

I have a gridview that i want to print its header on every page and i want to print a page header on every page. The problem is that one or the other works for me. I can't get both to work at the same time. Below is sample code to show what i've done.

<body onload="thead('tblheader');">


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Progress Bar For VSTO Based Excel Template In Excel 2007?

Feb 1, 2010

I would like have a progress bar like Outlook 2007. when you click on a link in a message. you can see a progress bar between the ribbon menu and reading pane in outlook 2007.

Is it possible to have the same progress in Excel 2007?

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Remove Header And Footer When Printing

May 28, 2012

I created a program with visual studio 2012. And I used skybound.gecko component that version is I print something everythings okay but i don't want the header and footer infos in the page.I want to remove header and footer when printing. how can i do that?

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Generate Excel Sheet From A Excel Template In ?

Oct 28, 2009

i need to generate an excel sheet from an excel template which contains drop down lists. I need to use the template and populate the with data from datbase and select the appropriate value from the drop down lists and generate the new excel sheet.

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Excel Without A Template?

Apr 18, 2010

I managed to export my data to an excel file, by using a excel template that I created beforehand. But I'd rather have that the excel file will be create when I press the button instead going to my file.

Dim ApExcel As Object
ApExcel = CreateObject("Excel.application")
ApExcel.Visible = True


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Fill An Excel Template Using ASP.NET, VB Or C#?

May 26, 2011

I have a an excel file that has been manually populated, and now needs to be automatically populated using ASP.NET, vb or c#. I've been looking around, and have found examples on how to export a gridview, and data to excel sheet, but not anyway to maintain the format of the original template. I've recently populated a word document using merge fields... does excel have anything similar? Could I break the file down into XML and use that as a template?

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Export Data Into Excel Template?

May 22, 2009

i make my textboxes to export data into an excel works fine but there are few errors too..but i don't know how to fix is my code.

Dim objExcel As Object
Dim objWorkBook As Object
Dim objWorkSheet As Object


for the objworkbook.SaveAs,it will always ask me to replace to file and i would like to use SAVE command...bu it not works..anything happen?sumore everytime i run this process,it will tell me the file is read-only while the setting doesn't shows that the file is read-only...and i have to go to task manager and end the EXCEL process by myself to run the process again

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How To Create Excel File Template

Feb 15, 2012

I have a program that needs to create a downloadable excel template with the following headers on the first row named, name, age, gender. And I also want the template to only have 1 sheet on it. How can I create a sample template using code?

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VBA To Excel Filesave - Won't Save Template

Oct 18, 2011

I need to port a VBA app to VB.NET, there is only one problem excel won't save my template. Excel opens the right file and it shows me the save file dialog, only one problem it won't save any file, however it won't give me an error but won't return me the file path because it doesn't save the file anywhere.


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Import Data From Excel With A Custom Template?

Feb 15, 2012

I have attached a printscreen version of my excel template here,

Now I just want to know, using code, on how can I import this data from a specific cell, including the header itself so I can insert it into mysql database.

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Open Excel Template And Save File?

Oct 13, 2011

I want to open a excel template with a browse button, the file needs to open and must be directly saved by the user. after the file is saved the file location needs to be displayed in a textbox.With this i can open excel itself, but i don't know how to open the template and save the document

Dim Xl As Excel.Application
Dim Filepath As String
Dim Workbook As Excel.Workbook


The file opens and i get a save as dialog, but when i want to save the document it doesn;t save at all, However it won't give me a error.

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Print Preview Excel Template With VB 2010

Jun 10, 2011

I can't get this to work. My program fills all the values into an Excel spreadsheet- no problems there. What I'd like to do is a print preview/print function. I can't seem to get my code right, all I get are blank pages in the print preview box.

Dim oExcel As Object = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
PrintPreviewDialog1.Document = PrintDocument1

So as I see it, this should open excel, then navigate to the actual excel file. The print preview dialog should come up, which it does, and the excel sheet1 should be previewing, but it's not? I don't have any errors, just a blank print preview. At least thats how I see it, but obviously I'm wrong because it won't work.

View 1 Replies - Error Attempting To Use NPOI To Fill Excel Template

Jun 7, 2011

Using NPOI and attempting to follow a tutorial here: [URL]..I'm coming across an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error at this line: sheet.GetRow(1).GetCell(1).SetCellValue("some test value")

when trying to use this code:

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Web.Security
Imports NPOI.HSSF.UserModel
Imports NPOI.SS.UserModel
Imports NPOI.SS.Util
Imports NPOI.HSSF.Util


Yet the question is still open...why didn't the code in the first example work? Do you have to declare every new row of data? What happens when you have lots of rows of database data?

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Opening An Excel Template For Editing Via Process.Start()

Jun 3, 2011

I need to open a .xlt for editing, like so:

System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("Template.xlt", "Editable=True")

But I don't know the correct switch in Excel. This is the same as right-clicking on an .xlt and choosing "Open", whereas the default action is "New".

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Trying To Open A Excel Template And Rename Or Save To New Location

Mar 29, 2010

I get the following error message when I try the following:[code]"Excel cannot open the file 'ContactReports.xlsx' because the file format or file extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the file extension matches the format of the file."What I would like to do is Open a excel file that is the XLTemplatePath and the either rename or save the file at the XLSaveReportPath and then use that renamed/saved file to fill the report out.I am using Visual Studio 2008 in VB.NET

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Delete On Column Header In Excel?

Apr 26, 2012

Looking at deleting columns in excel and have found several threads that show how to delete an entire column which I have tested and done successfully. These columns were all identified by "A", "B", "C" and so on...

I was wondering if it was possible to do the same thing using the column headers. When deleting the columns in excel, one has to keep in mind that columns deleted from the left will shift the entire sheet to the left and if one is not careful, the next column[code]...

Let's say a user wants to delete the 'Middle' column (assume as column B in excel) and then delete the 'Suffix' column (assums as column D in excel). If they don't know to work from right to left when deleting columns, they would write code that would delete Column B and then repeat that code for Column D. However, once column B is deleted, all columns will shift left, which will result in the 'Phone' column (formerly column E now column D) being deleted instead of the 'Suffix' column (formerly column D now column C).

If there was a way to delete the columns by their headers (i.e. Middle, Suffix...) this would eliminate the problem; to me it seems a bit more intuitive as well.

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How To Freeze Header Row In Excel Spreadsheet Exported

Feb 25, 2010

I'm exporting an ASP.NET gridview to Excel using the following function. The formatting is working really well, except I need to freeze the header row in Excel on the export. I'm really trying to avoid using a 3rd party Excel plugin for this, but unless there's some archaic excel markup in my AddExcelStyling function.[code]

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How To Validate Imported Excel Data Header

Feb 15, 2012

I have this code that will import the excel sheet to the datatable then inserts it in the database, but I have this problem.I have set the HDR to yes so that the first row will be considered as its header, but the problem now is that if the first row is null, the datatable will automatically named it's header as f1,f2 and so on. how can I set the header as null if the first row is null? so I can validate it afterwards

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Adding A Header/Footer To An Excel Sheet Using VB2008?

Apr 4, 2011

I have an application which exports data from an Access 2007 database to an Excel 2007 worksheet automatically draws some graphs. I don't have any problems with generating the excel sheet and the graph, but i would like to also add the Date as a footer and a user name which will depend on a Login Form used to login to the application.

View 1 Replies - Export Gridview Data To Excel - Change The Header Name

Sep 1, 2011

is there a chance that I change the header name of the exported data from gridview. Below is my code and its working fine. my only problem is I can't change the header name

My code

Dim strFilename As String = Now.Date.Month.ToString + Now.Date.Day.ToString + Now.Hour.ToString + Now.Minute.ToString + Now.Second.ToString
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" & strFilename & ".xls")


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Remove Image In Excel Header After Exporting Gidview?

Sep 2, 2011

How to remove image in my excel header. I generate the excel using export command using gridview as source data[code]...

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VS 2008 : Create Template At Runtime And Save It The Template With Name?

Aug 20, 2011

In VB.NET,I want to create template at runtime and save it the template with name. for ex : Administrator design a page with 5 fields like using firstname, lastname, dob,nationality and job. He want to assign this page to the user with some restriction like user1 need to enter the all the fields and save it the forms as user1profile, but user2 need to enter only firstname and lastname and save it as user2profile.(in features, he can remove the fields from the form).

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Excel Printing More Than Once Fails

Nov 23, 2010

My problem is that when trying to print out a excel worksheet, after it has just beeen printed out onces. It gives me this error: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object", when trying to open the existing worksheet(the template)

I've really tryed to fix it, I think that the problem is that after the first print, i need to clear the worksheet and the excelapp.[code]...

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Reading A Blank String From Excel When Trying To Read The Header Of A Data Column?

Aug 25, 2011

I use an OLEDB connection to read from an excel database, and this loop to read in all of the data from each of the columns

While reader.Read()
For i As Integer = 0 To reader.FieldCount - 1
temp = reader(i).ToString + ControlChars.Tab


Some of the columns contain date information, which are read in fine (usually as a string "2/20/2011" or so), but the headers of those columns are read in as a blank "". The headers for all the other columns read in fine, but not for the date containing columns.

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C# - Using Types In A T4 Template That Exist In The Same Project As The Template?

Aug 4, 2010

I'm working on my first T4 code generation tool to add some Stored Procedure helper code to my project. I've created custom types (e.g. StoredProcedure and StoredProcedureParameter to help with my code generation and have included the assembly and namespace references in my code:

<#@ template debug="false" hostspecific="false" language="VB" #>
<#@ output extension=".generated.vb" #>
<#@ assembly name="$(TargetPath)" #>
<#@ import namespace="StoredProcCodeGenerator" #>

This allows me to use my custom types in my T4 template code. However, because my custom types exist in the same project as the T4 template code, I can't recompile my project once I run the template code without restarting Visual Studio. This isn't very much fun.

I read a great article that addresses this exact issue by using the T4 Toolbox, but it's not working. Either I'm implementing the VolatileAssembly directive wrong or the T4 toolbox simply didn't get installed. I'm not sure that the toolbox got installed correctly (I'm using VS 2010 on Win XP).

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Printing All Excel Files In A Particular Folder?

Jul 26, 2010

I want a program where the user can browse to a particular folder, select it, then the program will print all .xls files within that folder. More specifically I want it print on the sheet named Turn-In within the .xls file. Is this even possible, seems like it should be.

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