Make High Graphical Application Smooth?

Jun 22, 2010

I have used flash(.swf) animation & high quality graphical image there in my application. But problem is that sometimes when I click on menu it shows small line under it & take time to load it. It shows line under menu when load another forms though there is no line under that menu. I have 25 forms & every form has high quality image(image size is 1280*1024). Is there any way to get rid of this problem? Is there any way to make my application smooth though its high graphical & animated?

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VS 2005 Making A Smooth Application?

Sep 16, 2010

how do i make i VB .net application/tool (any sort of) like a professional one, for eg. if my tool is doing some task when i click a button which takes say 1-2 mins. , then during that phase my app should not look like it's hung (plain white window) if you know what i mean . All i'm asking is the logic for keeping my front end viewable & refreshed (possibly wit ha progressbar) while something carried out in background which takes couple of mins.

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VS 2010 Direct2D - Graphical Simulator Application Using GDI ?

Apr 17, 2012

I've been working on a graphical simulator application using GDI. GDI is terrible for rendering what simple graphics I need, too much flickering and definitely not efficient. From what I have been reading GDI and GDI+ are pretty much out of date and what I should be using is Direct2D. But my problem starts when I cannot find ANY reference material to even begin coding. I found some examples for C++, but my little knowledge of C++ prevents me from implementing and translating it to VB2010. I have found someone on VBForums through a Google search that says he is starting a tutorial for Direct2D for VB2010 but I have yet to see anything happen.

All I am rendering are small circular shapes used for simulating cell growth, I have no problem rendering 10-20 moving shapes at a time with a small amount bearable flickering, but any more the lag worsens exponentially and the application will use a ridiculous amount cpu. Overall I want to be able to display and render over 100 shapes at a time. So my question is... Where can I find some reference material regarding Direct3D for VB2010?

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Launch Legacy GUI Application Without GUI From VB (hide Graphical Interface)

Aug 20, 2010

I have a legacy application that has an interactive graphical user interface, but also periodically checks for files in a directory and reacts to the files. I want to launch the application from a VB program, but not see the GUI (i.e., just let the file interface do it's thing). I really don't want to see the application running on the desktop at all (e.g., no windows, nothing on taskbar), the only evidence would be if I checked task manager I'd see it running.

Obviously this app would be ideally a service, but that's not where we are and I can't change it so I'm trying to simply not see the GUI.

I've seen the ProcessStartInfo.CreateNoWindow and WindowStyle = hidden flags but they don't hide the GUI of the legacy app.

again launch the legacy app (actually an unmanaged C++/MFC app) from a VB managed admin app.

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TCP Client In High Volume Application?

Jan 16, 2012

I have several services that use UDP messages to send out XML status information which is displayed in an application with a UDP listener. This works well. Some of our services are installed at a different site. The UDP messaging does not cross over the routers. Therefore, I wrote a TCP-UDP forwarder service that listens for the UDP messages at the remote site, then forwards them via TCP to a partner service in our local office. That partner service then re-sends the messages via UDP so we may monitor them.

My problem is that the method that sends the messages via TCP appears to be dropping a lot of the XML messages. When the service gets a UDP message, it enqueues it in a queue object for processing. The enqueue statement is enclosed in a synclock object. A separate thread dequeues the message using the same synclock object and sends it via TCP. Originally, I had the code written so that the TCP Send method instantiates the TCPClient, opens it, does a GetSteam, sends the message with a BinaryWriter, closes the writer, closes the stream, closes the client.

Next, I updated the code to declare the TCPClient at the module level. The send method checked to see if the TCPClient variable was nothing and, if it was nothing, instantiated it and connected it. If it was already instantiated, I just tried to re-use it. I close the TCPClient when the service runs the OnStop method. This way did not work. I get "The operation is not allowed on non-connected sockets." errors.

What is the best strategy for implementing a TCP sender that works in a high volume environment. I only have four services sending UDP messages that need to be forwarded at this time. I eventually will have many more.

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When Click The High Or Low Button In Program It Does Not Make Changes To My Token

Dec 28, 2010

I have a couple quick questions with the program that I am doing. This program is a hilo program and here are my remaining issues...

1. When I click the high or low button in my program it does not make changes to my token (I want the default tokens to be 100 and added 100 to the text property of my textbox so want to make sure I did that right)

2. In my program it only shows 13 possibilities but want to have the ability to add more

3. I also would like to change 1 to ace, 11 to jack, 12 to queen, and 13 to king and would like to get some assistance with that as well


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VS 2010 - How To Save High Score In Application Settings

Jan 17, 2011

I am working on a simple game and wanted to save the high score in application settings. Research upon failure has shown that user is read/write but the program doesn't store it between runs.

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Cannot Draw A Smooth Brush?

Jul 16, 2009

I am trying to draw a brush for my application

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Smooth Borderless Resize ?

Nov 20, 2010

I am working on making a borderless form resize, but every time you move the mouse while resizing, it starts blinking until you are done. Is there a smoother borderless resize?

Here is the code I have right now

Dim CurLocation, AppLocation As New Point(0, 0)

Private Sub Sync()
CurLocation = Cursor.Position
AppLocation = Me.Size


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Smooth Video Transitions For WPF

Jan 29, 2011

I'm using 2010 and WPF 4. I need to have a smooth transition between two videos played on the mediaelement. I absolutely cannot use anything that requires me to use a winhost in the WPF window, as that will make my project impossible (since the video is full screen, and the controls are over the video)Basically, I need for the video to play through, and then smoothly go to another video specified in code behind. I cannot splice the two videos together - they must be separate.How do I have the videos transition smoothly, with no "blink"?

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Tab Alignment At Bottom For Smooth Look

Oct 5, 2011

Looks like the tabs have been plucked and chucked at the bottom. How can I make it look smooth and like they are meant to be there?

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Graphical Representation Of Data?

Aug 15, 2009

I am totally new to the graphical representation of the data. I want to make a progress report of students, based on marks achieved each year.For example, in year 2005 marks were 750. in 2006 780 in 2007 800

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Making Graphical Interface?

Jul 24, 2010

want to make my program look nicer , but i dont exactly know how should i make it's visual for example making a menu or else

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Add Smooth Scrolling Text To My Program?

Jun 11, 2010

I'm not sure if I'm to post it here or in an other forum, but i will give it a try here So, as the title says: i want to add smooth scrolling text to my program. But i want to use java,php,xhtml or what else there is.I fund one example in the source to Mozilla FireFox 3.7 Alpha 5. The example is attached and is the file that contains the credits(.xhtml file in a .zip archive )

I guess i could just change the display-text to what ever i want, but i don't really know how to add it to my program.Well, take a look at the attached file and see what you can come up with(just open the file in your browser and it should start scrolling after a little while) Attached File(s) (6.07K)Number of downloads: 445

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Forms :: Getting Smooth Sliding Animation?

Mar 17, 2009

i have a panel which in runtime would slide to show it.. but the animation seems not visible...

Dim intanimate As Integer
Private Sub btn_delete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_delete.Click
Me.Label7.Text = "Delete Criminal Record"


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Resize A Control With A Smooth Animated Look

Nov 25, 2009

I'm a moderate (self taught) skill level programmer, developing a piece of software to display information on a Large-screen LCD Display using VB.Net 2008 in Visual Studio 2008 Pro, this is a WinForms project targeted for the .NET 3.5 framework.I have a WebBrowser Control (docked into a disabled panel on the form) which is used to playback a powerpoint presentation, on a fullscreen, borderless form.I need this to be resizeable/ movable, depending on the other information I need to display. If I just resize/move the control, but looks horrible, so I would like to animate this resizing.The WebBrowser control will be, by default, in the top right quarter of the screen, resizing to fill the screen as and when needed (so the control will need to scale up in size, and move left at the same time).I've tried to loop through a resize in increments, but the browser resize flickers, although the powerpoint inside it appears to look OK. Is there any way to make this a nice, smooth resize, without the flickering?

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Smooth Scrolling Picturebox Without Jerk?

Oct 12, 2009

I make a project for Cable Television in 2008. So, require a picture box object to move right to left on the above media player for scrolling flash news's.I use timer control for moving picture box right to left.But i have small jerks in to remove that jerk. I want smooth scroll but it is in jerky.

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VS 2008 - Progress Bar Loop Not Smooth

Jun 7, 2009

I am doing a project. I want smooth progress bar that shows progress of EACH loop. Lets say I have a loop, (the amount of steps of loop is dynamically determined according to input of the user) but each loop will perform 4 or 5 steps.

Like collect data into string
Submit form to http using web.UploadData
Get result data
Arrange data using regex
Display output in a multi line text box ( append data for each loop)

Now as I said there are unknown amount of loops that will perform above steps. What I am trying to do is : make a smooth progress bar which will show progress of one loop and then reset to zero and start over again as second loop is started. Like this :
ProgressBar.Maximum = 100
ProgressBar.Step = 25 ( for 4 steps )
For each data in dataArray
[Code] .....

Now I want progress of each step displayed in the progress bar smoothly. Like the one when we copy a big file to another location. Each loop takes about 5 - 10 second time (depending on the internet speed, as it submits a form and gets output.

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Decoding File To Graphical Representation?

Aug 2, 2011

I have a file from the client which is a text file. I have to decode the file to a graphical representation. Is there any way I can do it?

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Graphical Representation Of Array Sorting ?

Dec 30, 2009

I want program to do Graphical Representation of array Sorting in with bars/shapes.

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Graphical User Interface (GUI) In VB And Engine In C++?

Oct 8, 2010

What is the best way to write a GUI for C++?

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Graphical User Interface Like JQuery UI?

Sep 17, 2011

i want the user interface to be kinda similar to the jQuery UI. This means themed buttons and windows(preferabely the ones form jQuery UI) Also, i'm looking for nice sliding and morphing windows.

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Sql Command Object In Graphical Mode

Mar 6, 2010

How do I access SqlCommand object graphically. I couldn't find SqlCommand tool in the ToolBox under Data group to drag it into my form

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VS 2005 - How To Remove Graphical Object

Apr 7, 2010

I am writing a app and I have a treeview. This treeview gets populated with parent and children. I also have a panel and a picturebox with a image in the picturebox. On top of the picturebox I and writing some Graphical objects.

See code
Dim theG As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(PictureBox1.Image)
Dim ComputerName As String = ""
Dim UserName As String = ""
Dim NodeIP As String = ""
[Code] .....

When Afterselect on the treeview item this code runs. However when I select another child/node the code runs again whcih is great it write over the top on the previous text. What is the command or how do I clear/delete/remove the theG.drawStrings from the first AfterSelect from the treeview so the new drwstrings are clear.

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Animating Form Resize - It Doesn't Look Very Smooth?

Aug 6, 2009

I have a form positioned slightly above the taskbar/system tray in the bottom right corner of my desktop window.It's sort of like a pop-up notification.The notification itself looks great,but there's a button on it which resizes the form up, animating the sizing in increments of 5px whilst keeping it's position relative to the bottom-right corner of the screen.

The problem with this is that it doesn't look very smooth. Adjusting Me.Width resizes from the left so you have to then move the form to the left with Me.Left to compensate. Me. SetBounds just seems to be a wrapper for setting those properties anyway.Is there anything I can do to have the form smoothly (or at least appear to) resize outwards from the left of the form?

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CellClick Event - Selection From ComboBox Not Smooth

May 28, 2012

I have a DataGridView with two columns. One is DataGridViewComboBoxColumn and other is DataGridViewButtonColumn. To capture the button click from the DataGridViewButtonColumn, i have written the CellClick event and it is working fine. However, this is not making my selection from the DataGridViewComboBoxColumn 'smooth'. What i mean is that i have to click on the combo-box twice for it to show the drop-down list. I have noticed that at every click, CellClick is fired. But only after the second click the drop-down pops out. What is the work-around for this?

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WinForm Background Image - Smooth Edge

Sep 27, 2011

I am creating a windows form background image, but when it use to a form it's look very bad in the edge, it don't smooth. Using VB only. I tried use alphablend but how.

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Converting Voltage Level Into Graphical Display?

Nov 25, 2009

I need some guidance on the codes on how to :

1) convert voltage level into graphical display,and

2) Voltage indication with moving needle .

[ Info : I've already input the codes to display the voltage in numeric, but not in graphical display ] =)

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HangMan Game - Project That Has A Graphical Interface ?

Apr 20, 2009

I am working on this hangman project that has a graphical interface where the user has 2 options either guess the entire phrase or use a combo box to guess letters. I have the guess text box working but I can't for the life of me figure out why it is not working correctly with the combo box. The following is my entire code for the project. I have it setup to show me which phrase it randomly selected but when ever I pick a letter in that phrase it doesn't fill it in or anything. I'm thinking it is an issue with my loops.

I highlighted the section where the problem is occurring.

Public Class frmHang
Dim strWord(10) As String 'array of answer cchoices
Dim strAnswer As String 'the correct answer


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Progress Bar / Updating Form From Another One (Graphical Glitches)

Aug 20, 2009

My form has FOUR comboboxes populated from text files. The text files are loaded into an array into their own background process once completed are added to the combox. Due to the sheer amount of items the loading causes a lag and as the combobox are on the main GUI thread a glitch appear for several seconds. I then had an idea of loading the initial form, showing another form which is made the topmost form with a progress bar (values derived from the count of items in the arrays populated from the text files).

When I added the progress bar any other label or image on the SAME form did not show until the progress bar had completed, how can I resolve this? When I use it in conjunction with the other form i.e. using the form with the progress bar to populate the other in the background graphical glitches appear (mad transparency effect). I have the code from the form with the progress bar below:-

'Load City information
'Set form title
Me.Text = " Application loading city lookup information ...."
'Declare string array to store list of towns
Dim citylookup() As String
[Code] .....

Why I experience the glitch (assume it's because of refreshing the item, some kind of repaint needed)? Any alternative solution to prevent the user from using the form until all the comboboxes are populated?

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