Make Software For A Industry Of Min 200 Employee's?

Sep 22, 2007

want to know how to code in vb for developing a payroll software want 2 make software for a industry of min 200 employee's..

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DataGridView Saving - Set Employee ID In The Related Table In The Grid to The Value From The Employee Record?

Sep 15, 2009

I have a VB project with a form where user adds/modifies the data, data are stored in SQL. On the form there are 2 tables that are linked by employee ID. When I test the process and insert a new employee record and add new comment for this new employee in DataGridView - when I save it I get an error that "Object reference is not set to an instance of an object". During more detailed debug it says that CurrentCell is set to Nothing - even that I do have values in all fields.I do set employee ID in the related table in the Grid to the value from the employee record - so all primary keys do have value and the comment is saved after all but I get an error and saved comment dissapears from the screen right after saving. When I pull the same new record again - everything is saved. What am I missing and how to avoid the error and dissapearing of the saved comment?

Also - I tried to save the new employee data in the first table first and then add comments - it didn't solve the problem. But if I add first part of information in the main table, save and close the form, then go back and add comment - it works fine. The problem is - it's not convenient for the user - they'd like to enter everything at once.

Private Sub TblCommentsBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TblCommentsBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click

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PayRoll Calculator On Vb - Program That Accepts Input Of Employee Name, Employee Type, And Number Of Hours Worked

Sep 30, 2009

You need to design and create a program that accepts input of employee name, employee type, and the number of hours worked each week for two weeks.

You must be able to select an employee type. An employee of type Trainee makes $10 per hour. An employee of type Regular makes $15 per hour. An employee of type Manager makes $20 per hour.

The program should calculate the employee pay for the week. The employee should receive 1 times the regular pay for any hours worked over the prescribed 40 hours in a week. The program should output the following information:

-The employees name without trailing or leading spaces

-Regular hours worked

-Regular pay

-Overtime hours worked

-Overtime pay

-Total pay

The Problem that i am having right now is "Displaying " the overtime hours on my "FORM VIEW" i mean i did the math right its just when i type (lblOverHrs.Text = CDec(CDec(OvrHrsWrkWeek1.Text) + CDec(txtOvrHrsWrkWeek2.Text))

Its says the "OvrHrsWrkWeek1 and 2" are not Declared which not really sure where i went wrong..

Heres my code


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Make Different Databases For Each Employee?

Oct 20, 2010

I am developing an application for employee goals and management. The application has a login screen that when a employee successfuly logs in takes him to main screen that contains a table to enter Items, Accesories, Insurance,ect. and will also allow the employee to see data from previous days. Now my question is how do I make this table that is on the Main Screen present data that belongs to only to the employee that is log in? And also How do I let this employee enter the sales for the day, update
and record into this database? Do I have to make different databases for each employee?

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Make Employee Data Form?

Dec 8, 2011

Employee Data Application
Part 1: Recording employee data
For Gams, create an application that allows a user to enter the following employee


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Best Pratice In Inheritance - Three Classes Employee, Manager And Salesman. Manager And Salesman Classes Inherits Employee Class

Jul 27, 2010

I have three classes Employee, Manager and Salesman. Manager and Salesman classes inherits Employee class.

Employee :

Public MustInherit Class Employee
' Field data.
Protected empName As String
Protected empID As Integer
Protected currPay As Single


Manager :

Public Class Manager
Inherits Employee


Salesman :

Public Class Salesman
Inherits Employee


Now I have created a object of salesman and manager using the following code:

Dim objSalesMan as Employee=new Salesman("xyz",1,2000,5000)
Dim objManager as Employee=new Manager("abx",2,5000,"production")

Is this a good programming pratice or should I use:

Dim objSalesMan as new Salesman("xyz",1,2000,5000)
Dim objManager as new Manager("abx",2,5000,"production")

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Calculate The Productivity For The Employee?

Dec 23, 2011

i want to calculate the Productivity for the employee when he saled it will add to his account by his ID so i want to calculated by ID from log in ?

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Mask Employee ID NUMBER?

Jun 20, 2009

I am trying to Mask Employee ID, so the user doesn't have to type the entire employee ID number CCETA01. I want them to type only two digit numbers. e.g. 01 to 99...

Here what I did but its not working:I draged from toolbox a Maskedtextbox on the Form and in the textbox progerties I put cce a. The entire number show up on my textbox pretty good but it does not allow me to change the two digit numeric number?

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Search For An Employee And Show It Into Textbox?

Jun 11, 2011

i wanted to show the name of an employee once he/she typed the correct id number and password.. and it will show the name into the name textbox... same as the the current time once the user clicked the time in button it will show into the time-in txtbox...same to the time-out how its logic goes..

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Show Up Details Of Employee On Selecting Row In DGV?

Jul 8, 2009

I have a form with a datagridview that show a list of employees. Right next to the datagridview, I have a small set of textbox containing employee information (name, phone, etc) which is my "details section". I have a tableadapter that populate the datagridview, this is working well. Now, what I want is to when I select a row in the datagridview, the details of the employee shows up in the details section.

I tried to bind textboxes to the correct column. It works, but if I specify the datatable a query that will get this employee info, the data of the datagridview change to be the only row in it. I want the list to be showing all results and then the details secion giving only information on the selected employee. Do I need two dataset for this?

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Why To Get An Error Saying Type 'Employee' Is Not Defined

Sep 28, 2009

I have created a class using the code below. Why do I get an error saying Type 'Employee' is not defined..[code]

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Check The New Employee Candidate Knowledge From Vb/C# .net Technology?

Jul 13, 2011

I have to make an interviews with programmers. Do you have any ideas how I can test their knowledge from the field of

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DateTimePicker - Calculating Working Days For Employee

Mar 24, 2012

I have a problem how DateTimePicker to calculate if how many days of an employees work and the DateTimePicker1 will get the Days from another Table time in and time out and will display it in a listview the Day Time IN and TIme out.

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Determine The New Registered Member Is An Admin Or Employee?

Feb 15, 2012

i am having a lot of difficulty in giving privileges to login user. i am using and sql server 2008. What i want to do is i want to create an admin account . Admin will have all access on windows form. Than i want to register employees but employees going to have some privileges on viewing forms and option. i just dont know where to set these privilege. Is it going to be in sql server. Or how am i going to determine the new registered member is an admin or employee.Please reply any 1 i m in big need to this answer. i will be gratefull if you can answer step by step.

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Display Data Fro Employee Table To DataGridView?

Jan 6, 2010

I'm want to display data fro employee table to DataGridView and i intiate DataGridView and make column BloodType as code bellow


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Employee Class Single Error Identification

Feb 15, 2011

I'm currently taking a newbie VB course (online) and in this program that I am writing, I am getting one error (red) that when double clicked in the Error List, takes me to the Application.Designer window and states that "Employee is a type in 'WindowsApplication1' and cannot be used as an expression." The only solution it gives me is to generate the Employee Class (in the designer). When I select that, it gives me 3 more errors (all yellow). The Employee class has been made, so I don't really know where else to go from here.[code]...

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Employee Class Single Error Identification?

Feb 15, 2011

I'm currently taking a newbie VB course (online) and in this program that I am writing, I am getting one error (red) that when double clicked in the Error List, takes me to the Application.Designer window and states that "Employee is a type in 'WindowsApplication1' and cannot be used as an expression." The only solution it gives me is to generate the Employee Class (in the designer). When I select that, it gives me 3 more errors (all yellow).

Option Strict On
Public Class Employee
Private firstName As String ' employee first name


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Employee Deletion Confirmation - Dialog Result

May 30, 2012

Here's my
Dim result As New DialogResult
result = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete " & LoadedEmployee.EmployeeFull_name & "?", "Employee deletion confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)
If result = DialogResult.Yes Then
**code here**
End If
I'm getting the following error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

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Employee Schedule - Use Dayoff (fixed Or Flexible)

Jun 21, 2010

I am working in paytime software using 2005, i have a problem employee schedule creation. how to use dayoff(fixed or flexible).

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See The Callingform (employee Form) When The Panel Is Docked?

May 9, 2012

i have form1 which has panels docked in its parent. the panel contains some graphics, texts and images for the mainform.So i would like to invoke/call another form which undergoes to form1. in form1, i set properties "ISmdiConainer=true"...and i have a button to call another form..under the button, i have put a code.

Dim MDIForm As New employee
MDIForm.MdiParent = Me

therefore, while the panel is docked to entire form, i can' able to see the employee form whenever i call it. unless i undock the panel, thats when its coming but when its docked, unable to see the calling form.I would like to see the callingform(employee form)when the panel is docked.

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Transfer Login Value To Other Page But Want To Display The Employee Name?

Nov 23, 2011

I am creating login pages using with code behind in, I am newbie:D. My problem is how to pass the login name to another page. First, whenever I login it will identify if it is an administrator shown in a msgbox. The user requirement is that the employee name is displayed as login not the username. Here is my code..

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim cmd1 As New SqlCommand


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Why Can't A Government Employee Be A Microsoft Community Contributor

Jul 14, 2011

On Tuesday, 28th June 2011, I received an email from Nestor Portillo, Director Community and Online Support, Microsoft informing me that I have been awarded the Microsoft Community Contributor (MCC) Award for 2011. It was a cheering news for me in more ways than one. I am a Chartered Accountant (or CPA) with no formal training in IT. I am a government employee in Nigeria where most people are barely IT literate. I am into programming out of personnal interest and because I see a great potential for future benefits in that field.

But my joy was cut short because as I followed the steps towards printing my Certificate and redeeming my token, I was informed that government employees are not eligible for MCC award! For once, I regretted the honesty of admitting that I'm a government employee in the radiobutton provided for that. I find it too hard to understand why I am being denied this award just because I'm a government employee. If being a government employee does not disqualify one from participating in this forum, why should it disqualify one from benefitting from the token recognition of being here and sharing ideas and knowledge with others? Shouldn't Microsoft be encouraging government employees to take part in this forum knowing that public servants are the least interested in IT? For those of us in Africa, shouldn't my recognition serve as an incentive for others in government to show interest in IT? Or is Microsoft not interested in IT education and development of government employees especially in Africa?

I forwarded a protest letter to Portillo on the 30th of June 2011 but have not received any reply two weeks later. I am using this medium to appeal to Microsoft to kindly reconsider the exclussion of government employees from its awards. I am not in any way involed with any activity that may create conflict of interest if that is the issue. I am also appealling to other forum members to join this debate with a view to reversing this patently discriminatory and obnoxious rule.

Sylva Okolieaboh
14th July, 2011.

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Write An Application That Evaluates Weekly Pay For An Employee

Oct 28, 2011

I needed to make an application that calculates weekly pay of employees at an hourly rate. The overtime schema is that: hours less than or equal to cutoff1 are paid regular rate. hours over cutoff1 but not exceeding cutoff2 are paid 1.5 times regular rate. hours over cutoff2 are paid double time or 2 times regular rate. [Code] The employee must choose Category A, B or C depending on the amount they have worked. I am completly new to visual basic, I am not sure how to continue with my if and then statements. I must also create the application with 3 radio buttons, where the user clicks either Category a b or c and then buttons which say calculate and clear. [Code]

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VS 2010 Employee Class Single Error Identification?

Feb 15, 2011

I'm currently taking a newbie VB course (online) and in this program that I am writing, I am getting one error (red) that when double clicked in the Error List, takes me to the Application.Designer window and states that "Employee is a type in 'WindowsApplication1' and cannot be used as an expression." The only solution it gives me is to generate the Employee Class (in the designer). When I select that, it gives me 3 more errors (all yellow). The Employee class has been made, so I don't really know where else to go from here. Could anyone point me in the right direction?


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Load Up A Text File Which Has Employee Info Separated With Commas?

Apr 13, 2009

I'm new to Comma Delimited values. What I'm trying to do is load up a text file which has employee info separated with commas

like 1/1/09, John Smith, (555) 555-5555, 101 S 1st Street and has numerous rows of info like this

so what I want it to do is just write this info to 4 different textboxes

like txtdate would just have all the dates of employees listed in rows or multilines

then another text box for names and so on.. Right now I just have it all being written to one text box.

I'm not sure how to separate all the information accordingly.


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Class Collection Property - Method - Allow For An Employee To Be Assigned More Than One Work Location

Jun 17, 2011

I am experimenting with a transition from my application built in VB6 to I know, about time. At the same time, i am making changes and improving upon the original. One area that I am working on is within my employee class. very standard class, nothing fancy. One change I want to make though is allow for an employee to be assigned more than one work location. Employee has (is assigned) Stores. In reading about collections, it appears they are different in .net (as they should be), but I don't know what the sytax changes will be to implement my changes.

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Creating A 'smartform' - Click On A Search Feature In The Top Cell And Input An Employee ID #

May 17, 2010

I created 2 forms in Access 2003 (Form1 & Form2) for the purpose of creating a 'smartform' of sorts for my company. In essence they can click on a search feature in the top cell and input an employee ID # which automatically fills in about 10 to 15 fields.

- There is only 1 table attached to the forms.

- The group I created this for is uncomfortable using Access.

What I would like to do with

- I thought I would create an internal webpage using so they wouldn't need to log into Access [the DB would be stored on a separate server.]

- I would need a clean & simple interface that has 2 buttons, one for each form.

-When the form is called up I would need a search feature "EMPLID _________" which would connect to the Access DB table and retrieve the correct information.

-Id also need to have the form printable & have the ability to search again or return to the front page.

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Using A Collection : Store 3 Pieces Of Information For Each Employee In The Company On A Daily Basis?

Feb 27, 2006

I am trying to come up with a way to store 3 pieces of information for each employee in the company on a daily basis. So for instance

Day 1: Joe, 8, 80
Day 2: Sam, 10, 90
Day 3: Bill, 5, 40
Day 4: Bob, 8, 40
Day 5: Sue, 2, 50

most of the applications that I build are Create, Read, Update and Delete type applications that don't really need arrays so I have almost no experience with either.

Dim iDays As Integer = NumberDaysPerMonth(Date.Now)
Dim DayNumber(iDays) As Integer


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VS 2005 - Windows Application - Load A Textbox With The Name Of The Employee That I Selected In The Combobox

Apr 6, 2010

I'm trying to do a windows application. I have a combobox with this

Dim sql As String = "Select EMPLID from PS_EMPLOYEES Order by EMPLID"
Dim da As New Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(sql, "data source = DATASERVERR;initial catalog = HRSYS83;user id=sa; password=sa")
Dim ds As New DataSet


This works fine, but i want to load a textbox with the name of the employee that i selected in the combobox.

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User To Be Able To Add/remove An Employee Record And Update The Input File Before The Program Is Closed?

Apr 25, 2011

I'm trying to create a program, that upon opening, will read an input file containing a delimited employee record. The record will contain the name of the employee, their salary and the number of years they have been employed.I'm looking to display only the name of the employees in sorted order(alphabetically) and then when the user of the program selects a particular employee, I want to display the salary and number of years for that employee.I would like the user to be able to edit the recors for the employee and I would also like to have a way for the user to be able to add/remove an employee record and update the input file before the program is closed.

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