Search For An Employee And Show It Into Textbox?

Jun 11, 2011

i wanted to show the name of an employee once he/she typed the correct id number and password.. and it will show the name into the name textbox... same as the the current time once the user clicked the time in button it will show into the time-in txtbox...same to the time-out how its logic goes..

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Show Up Details Of Employee On Selecting Row In DGV?

Jul 8, 2009

I have a form with a datagridview that show a list of employees. Right next to the datagridview, I have a small set of textbox containing employee information (name, phone, etc) which is my "details section". I have a tableadapter that populate the datagridview, this is working well. Now, what I want is to when I select a row in the datagridview, the details of the employee shows up in the details section.

I tried to bind textboxes to the correct column. It works, but if I specify the datatable a query that will get this employee info, the data of the datagridview change to be the only row in it. I want the list to be showing all results and then the details secion giving only information on the selected employee. Do I need two dataset for this?

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Make Search Function That Pass Textbox Value And Show It At Datagridview

Aug 20, 2009

can some one help me show the code how to pass textbox value and then search it at datagridview.when i write "abc" in text box then datagridview wil show only a record that contain "abc" word.and can it be outomatically show at datagridview.i mean when i just type a at the text box then datagridview will show a record that contain a, and when i add b in text box = ab then datagrid will show record that contain ab word..

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Creating A 'smartform' - Click On A Search Feature In The Top Cell And Input An Employee ID #

May 17, 2010

I created 2 forms in Access 2003 (Form1 & Form2) for the purpose of creating a 'smartform' of sorts for my company. In essence they can click on a search feature in the top cell and input an employee ID # which automatically fills in about 10 to 15 fields.

- There is only 1 table attached to the forms.

- The group I created this for is uncomfortable using Access.

What I would like to do with

- I thought I would create an internal webpage using so they wouldn't need to log into Access [the DB would be stored on a separate server.]

- I would need a clean & simple interface that has 2 buttons, one for each form.

-When the form is called up I would need a search feature "EMPLID _________" which would connect to the Access DB table and retrieve the correct information.

-Id also need to have the form printable & have the ability to search again or return to the front page.

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DataGridView Saving - Set Employee ID In The Related Table In The Grid to The Value From The Employee Record?

Sep 15, 2009

I have a VB project with a form where user adds/modifies the data, data are stored in SQL. On the form there are 2 tables that are linked by employee ID. When I test the process and insert a new employee record and add new comment for this new employee in DataGridView - when I save it I get an error that "Object reference is not set to an instance of an object". During more detailed debug it says that CurrentCell is set to Nothing - even that I do have values in all fields.I do set employee ID in the related table in the Grid to the value from the employee record - so all primary keys do have value and the comment is saved after all but I get an error and saved comment dissapears from the screen right after saving. When I pull the same new record again - everything is saved. What am I missing and how to avoid the error and dissapearing of the saved comment?

Also - I tried to save the new employee data in the first table first and then add comments - it didn't solve the problem. But if I add first part of information in the main table, save and close the form, then go back and add comment - it works fine. The problem is - it's not convenient for the user - they'd like to enter everything at once.

Private Sub TblCommentsBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TblCommentsBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click

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PayRoll Calculator On Vb - Program That Accepts Input Of Employee Name, Employee Type, And Number Of Hours Worked

Sep 30, 2009

You need to design and create a program that accepts input of employee name, employee type, and the number of hours worked each week for two weeks.

You must be able to select an employee type. An employee of type Trainee makes $10 per hour. An employee of type Regular makes $15 per hour. An employee of type Manager makes $20 per hour.

The program should calculate the employee pay for the week. The employee should receive 1 times the regular pay for any hours worked over the prescribed 40 hours in a week. The program should output the following information:

-The employees name without trailing or leading spaces

-Regular hours worked

-Regular pay

-Overtime hours worked

-Overtime pay

-Total pay

The Problem that i am having right now is "Displaying " the overtime hours on my "FORM VIEW" i mean i did the math right its just when i type (lblOverHrs.Text = CDec(CDec(OvrHrsWrkWeek1.Text) + CDec(txtOvrHrsWrkWeek2.Text))

Its says the "OvrHrsWrkWeek1 and 2" are not Declared which not really sure where i went wrong..

Heres my code


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VS 2005 - Windows Application - Load A Textbox With The Name Of The Employee That I Selected In The Combobox

Apr 6, 2010

I'm trying to do a windows application. I have a combobox with this

Dim sql As String = "Select EMPLID from PS_EMPLOYEES Order by EMPLID"
Dim da As New Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(sql, "data source = DATASERVERR;initial catalog = HRSYS83;user id=sa; password=sa")
Dim ds As New DataSet


This works fine, but i want to load a textbox with the name of the employee that i selected in the combobox.

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Unable To Write In A TextBox And Hit A Search Button To Search The Batch_Number Column And Filter?

Dec 15, 2009

I have a datagridview with 2 columns, 1 is Batch_Number and another is Existing_Stock, there is about 6000 rows.My question is, I want to be able to write in a TextBox and hit a Search Button to search the Batch_Number column and filter out or highlight the row with the matching number to see the Existing_Stock

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Use The Search Engine And When Mouse Cursor Move In Textbox Search

Aug 3, 2011

when you want to use the search engine and when mouse cursor move in textbox search you'll see a small word ("Search") or ("Enter your Search term")


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Use A Textbox As A Search Box To Search Through The Data On The Datagrid?

Jul 18, 2012

i have a project and i want to use a textbox as a search box to search through the data on the datagrid view on my form.

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Best Pratice In Inheritance - Three Classes Employee, Manager And Salesman. Manager And Salesman Classes Inherits Employee Class

Jul 27, 2010

I have three classes Employee, Manager and Salesman. Manager and Salesman classes inherits Employee class.

Employee :

Public MustInherit Class Employee
' Field data.
Protected empName As String
Protected empID As Integer
Protected currPay As Single


Manager :

Public Class Manager
Inherits Employee


Salesman :

Public Class Salesman
Inherits Employee


Now I have created a object of salesman and manager using the following code:

Dim objSalesMan as Employee=new Salesman("xyz",1,2000,5000)
Dim objManager as Employee=new Manager("abx",2,5000,"production")

Is this a good programming pratice or should I use:

Dim objSalesMan as new Salesman("xyz",1,2000,5000)
Dim objManager as new Manager("abx",2,5000,"production")

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Added Record Always Show On Search Results?

Mar 18, 2011

I have written a code which adds some information to a database. No problem with that since the records get inside the database. My problem is that the record I added always shows up on my Search. I tried changing the variables so that none will have the same names between the two forms but it still shows.Example:

1. I added a record of a book which has an id of 1, name of Cisco, and total of 50. I added it thru the debug function.

2. I added a record of a book which has an id of 2, name of Link, and total of 30. This time, I added it directly on the database file itself.

2. I created a search button which will show records depending on the input of the user.If I type "1" for the ID, the first record will appear on the datagrid. If I type "2" for the ID, both records will appear. If I type "3" which I doesn't have any record with, the FIRST record will still appear. To summarize it, the record that I added through the program itself will always show up on the query results, no matter what I type into.

Dim command As New OleDb.OleDbCommand
Dim adapter2 As New OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter
Dim bkId, bkTtl As Integer


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Binary Search Array - Show Entered Value

Aug 4, 2009

We need to show the value entered and the number that it is compared to in the textbox and concatenated to the binary array. This is the code that I have so far:
Public Class Tester
Shared array1 As Integer() = New Integer(14) {}
Dim count As Integer
Public Sub Main()
Dim i As Integer
[Code] .....

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Select - Show All Entries Containing Search Item

Jul 28, 2009

My application stands at the minute where the user can fill in a textbox, hit search and gets the results. The problem is that the user only get the exact name i.e. if he types in golf he only gets golf, what I need it to be able to do is when he types 'go' and hits search it shows all of the entries that contain 'go'.
My Current syntax is
"Select * from Software WHERE STitle = '" + TxtSearch.Text + "'"

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Show Message Box If There Are No Result Of Database Search

Feb 10, 2010

How do i code so my program will give me a message box if there are no result of my database search?
there is the code for the search. [Code]

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Show Search Item In A Data Grid

Mar 11, 2010

I need to know how to show my search item in a data grid? There is error in grid display part. [Code]

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VB Help Doesn't Show Contents Or Search Results

Aug 17, 2010

When I launch VB Help and do a search it shows under "Local Help", "Exception from HRESULT:0x8004032E". It lists three results under "MSDN Online", but the large field to the left of it is entirely blank. If I double-click blindly in that blank area it brings up various topics as if they were listed there but invisible. Further, the region under "Contents" is also blank, as is the "Filter by:" field. If I click the down arrow by the "Filter by:" field it brings up an entirely blank menu. If I then click outside the menu box it brings up a message saying "The selected filter contains an error that prevents it from being applied.". What's wrong and how can I fix it?

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VS 2005 How To Show Search Icon Before Form Loading

Dec 18, 2009

i'm doing Advance search in my applications(,MS-Access) ,the results display form is quite heavy so i thought before loding the form i want to show some search icon

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Search Using Keywords From TextBox To Another TextBox?

Mar 22, 2009

I am trying to make a simple program that will have three texbox controls and it will have like a paragraph in textbox2 and I want to have key words that I type in TextBox1 and it will match the words from textbox1 and will find a line with the matching words. It will then show that sentence from TextBox2 in TextBox3.

This is what I have so far but cant seen to get it to work:

Dim search As String = txtSearch.Text
If txtMain.Contains(search As System.Windows.Forms.Control) Then
MessageBox.Show("Connection Activated")
End If

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Using A TextBox To Search In A ListBox?

Sep 13, 2011

I am using a TextBox to search in a ListBox.My requirement is to search the list box for the string entered in the TextBox and if the string is found select that row (this work fine) and then look for a second occurrence of the string and if none is found set the TextBox text to the value in the ListBox selected item.


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DataGridView - Cannot Search In Textbox

Feb 4, 2012

Private Sub txtsearch_KeyUp(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles txtsearch.TextChanged
Dim sqlsearch As String
Dim com As New SqlCeCommand
sqlsearch = "select * from tbl_philhealth where tmc like '" & txtsearch.Text & "%';"
[Code] .....
In datagridview if I search in the textbox I want to see the thing that I put in the textbox..

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How To Search A Database With Textbox

Oct 19, 2010

I am trying to search a database with a textbox control and I want the search results to display in a datagrid.The table I want to search is called Movies. I have a BindingSource attached to the form a long with a dataset (dsMovies) containing the Movies table and a table adapter (MoviesTableAdapter). My textbox that I want to use is called txtTitle and the datagrid is called dgMovies. This is the code I am currently using, and I am getting no results at all.

Dim strTitle As String
strTitle = txtTitle.Text
Dim con As OleDb.OleDbConnection = New


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Search And Read Textbox?

Nov 12, 2009

I am working on a new application that retrieves webpage source info and displays data based on that data. Currently i have it read it from a textbox. What i want the application to do is read this textbox or textfile and seach for <name= and then read the rest of the line that its on. The source of the specific page i'm talking about will sorta look like:

<name=ASDF, Rank=2, Gender=0><blahblah234981723948> <name=A, Rank=3, Gender=1> <name=F, Rank=6, Gender=0>

and after each thing that contains <name= and all the way to the next > it saves the data to a string then adds to listbox

Since this might be confusing to you heres my pseudo

dim Users as integer 'counter
for each line in textbox1.text that .contains <name=
listbox1.items.add(whatever is after name= and before , in source)

and then after that i want to retrieve the gender and rank and ext but you get the point..

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Search Database Using Textbox?

Jul 7, 2011

I want to search my database using textbox hers my code: I did not get error with this code but it didnt search anything on my databse..

Private cs As New SqlConnection("Data Source=DANN-D3CCEAB190\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=StudentGradeCompilation;Integrated Security=True")
Private da As New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT Studentname, Studentnocode, [Print] FROM Table_1 WHERE Studentnocode LIKE '%Maintext.text' ", cs)


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Search To Datagrid By Use Of Textbox Value?

May 21, 2011

I have this problem. how can i search to the datagrid by use of textbox value? when the user input code in the textbox and press the enterkey i want to get focus to the datagridview of what value that are in textbox.

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Search To The Datagrid By Use Of Textbox Value?

May 21, 2011

I have this problem. how can i search to the datagrid by use of textbox value? when the user input code in the textbox and press the enterkey i want to get focus to the datagrid of what value that are in textbox.

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Search Using Databinded Textbox

Jan 15, 2012

just want to ask if a textbox with databinding can be used to search or filter data and display it to other textboxes with databinding on the same form?

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Search XML From TextBox For Particular Items?

Oct 12, 2011

I am building a tool for my team at work to search a XML file for a particular item and return back the nodes associated with it. I have searched the web to no abounds and was wondering if someone would mind letting me know what I am missing.

Here is my XML:

Visual Basic 4 / 5 / 6 Syntax (Toggle Plain Text)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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Use A Textbox To Search A File?

Mar 19, 2012

A user will use a textbox to search a file. If what they are looking for is found it is displayed in a list box (works upto this stage)What i would like to happen is for the user to be able to click on the record in the list box and then be able to add or deduct points from it (a rewards scheme type programme)

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Forms :: Search For A Text In The Textbox?

Jun 16, 2010

1. I have a multiline texbox and want to know if there is a way to search for a text in the textbox... The user should be able to input a search string and click a button to search all the entries of the string in it, just like ctrl+f

2. Is there anyway to make the textbox 'read only'? The textbox is populated by application itself, with some logs.. The only reason I chose textbox was because, I can't select an item and copy it from label..

Also, can a textbox include formatting, such as making some text bold, underlined etc?..

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