Meaning Of The Dollar Sign After A Method Name In .net?

Dec 1, 2011

what is the meaning of the dollar sign after a method name in

like this:

Replace$("EG000000", "0", "")

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Remove The Dollar Sign?

Dec 8, 2011

I would like to know how I would separate the $ from number. I am reading data from a text file. the last column has a contain $12.00. I am able to split the five columns into an array. But also want to be able to remove the dollar sign.

John Kay Lame Welder $20.00

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Formatting A String - Dollar Sign, No Decimals?

Jun 3, 2012

I'm having some difficulty formatting some of my strings, I can't see what's wrong unfortunately. I have various numbers, e.g. 100.023, 13488.323, etc in a datagridview column that I would like to be formatted so it looks like this: $123,456

Here's what I've tried so far (that isn't working):

row.Cells(1).Value = Format(row.Cells(1).Value, "{0:D0}") 'I've also tried using {0:C0}
row.Cells(1).Value = row.Cells(1).Value.ToString("$#,#")

'This one (above) comes up with an error saying it can't put an "##" in an Integer column, something like that anyway.

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How To Format Textbox To Display Dollar Sign

Oct 18, 2009

I'm trying to get the Subtotal, Sales Tax, and Total to be displayed in currency form, (i.e.: $0.00). The form:
Private Sub CalculateButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CalculateButton.Click
Dim PartsCharges As Decimal
Dim LaborHours As Decimal
[Code] .....
Is there some easy line of code I can do to format it? I know how to do it the .ToString("C") way, but that doesn't work in my case, because they are text boxes and don't have any declared variables for the numbers that are inputted inside of them.

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Sign Converted To [] (square Sign) When Importing

Dec 1, 2010

Im importing text from a .txt file using streamreader and when it reads in a � sign it converts it to the square symbol for a unknown character! If i put in a $ sign it imports it correctly!

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Coding A String For Dollar Amounts?

Sep 11, 2010

This is what I am to create: [URL]I am having trouble coding the String for the amounts in the listbox since VB doesn't allow the dollar sign "$".

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Determine When Dollar Amount Has Been Doubled?

Nov 17, 2009

I'm new to this forum so I hope I'm posting in the right spot.

By entering a dollar amount and interest rate. I'm trying to figure out how I would evaluate when the dollar amount has been doubled. I already have a do while loop to determine when the dollar amount reaches a million, which works fine.

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Display Multilines And Dollar Signs In Labels?

Sep 22, 2011

I'm just starting to learn VB and I can't seem to get the label to display 4 separate lines that I wanted it to. It always seems to display Grand Total: (number)[code]...

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Formating Table Results To Currency US Dollar

Sep 2, 2010

I have an access database that is populating a txtbox field on my form..How do I get those results to be currency?do I add code to the form? or do I add code to the function of the tbl? [code]I dont know which side to code or what to code to get the results to be formated as curency

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Display The Number With Two Decimal Places And Dollar Signs?

May 7, 2009

I need to write a program that uses constants to establish the base pay, the quota, and the commission rate. The Pay menu item calculates and displays the commission and the total pay for that person. However, if there is no commission, do not display the commission amount (do not display a zero-commission amount).Write a function procedure to calculate the commission. The function must compare sales to the quota. when the sales are equal to or greater than the quota, calculate the commission by multiplying sales by the commission rate. Format the dollar amounts to two decimal places; do not display a dollar sign.The summary menu item displays a message box that holds total sales,total commission,and total pay for all salesperson. Display the number with two decimal places and dollar signs. the Clear menu item clears the name, sales, and pay for the current employee and then resets the focus.The Color and Font menu items should change the color and font of the information displayed in the total pay text box.Use a message box to display the program name and your name as programmer for the about option on the Help menu.


So the issue is when I push the pay/calculate button everything is calculating correctly the first time, but then when I push clear to input another workers name and weekly sales and push calculate, my label is blank and does not display any info about the second worker. Then when I push summary after inputting the second worker, it's only displaying the total calculations of the first worker. I can't seem to figure out this problem on my own (After countless hours staring at my code I might add!), so I am hoping somebody can pinpoint what I have done wrong? EVerything else is seeming to work just fine.[code]...

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Meaning Of New In Module?

May 18, 2009

What is the meaning of having constructors (sub New) in a module, and why must they have no arguments?

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Don't Get Meaning Of VbCr In Coding

Jun 18, 2009

Im doing a project something to do with getting the output using serial port.However, I still don't get the meaning of vbCr in my coding.

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How To Check Meaning Of Each Words

Apr 20, 2010

for example. like a wikipidea or like apple is to eat or something..

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VS 2005 What Is The Meaning Of This Line

Feb 17, 2011

whenever we go to code by double clicking on some control so we saw a body of two lines:

Private Sub Button11_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button11.Click
end sub

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.net - Get Intellisense To Display The Meaning Of An Enum Value?

Sep 1, 2010

get Intellisense in Visual Studio 2005 to display the meaning of individual enum values for a VB.NET project. This already happens for enums that are a part of the .NET library?

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Meaning Of Arguments In Odbc Connectivity Using 6.0?

Aug 28, 2010

i want to know the meaning of false,false in the following code for odbc connectivity using vb6.0.

set db=opendatabase("dsn",false,false;"odbc;uid;pwd;dsn")

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What's The Meaning Of The Brackets In Property Definition

Apr 16, 2012

What is the meaning of the square brackets around the name of a property in the definition ?

Example :

Public Property [Date] As String

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Define '+' Operator's Meaning For Of Clause Types?

Apr 21, 2010

i have a simple code just have a look End Class


When i add num1 and num2 as above, compiler gave error that -- Operator + is not defined for types "type" and "type".How to define the meaning of '+' or any other operator in such situations?

View 11 Replies

Define The Meaning Of '+' Operator In Generic Methods?

May 20, 2010

I have defined a Sub in, with 'Of' type parameter like this:


I want to just add number1 and number2, But as you can see error has occured where i want to sum number1 and number2 saying that '+' is not defined for type 'VarType'. how to add these variables in Such Methods.

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Javascript - Run In A Contentpage - Meaning Inside A Master

Oct 29, 2008

I have a simple javascript I want to run in a contentpage (meaning inside a master). I test the javascript in a normal .aspx page like this:

HTML Code:


And that works fine. Now, how do i transfer the java code to the content page? I just don't know where to put it, as I am already past the "Head" section of the page. From what i can read this should be right:

HTML Code:


But that just returns an "error on page" message. I also tried putting the script in the head section of the masterpage. The error remains the same, and I do not want it there anyway. Anyone know where to place the script code?

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Meaning Of Placing String After Function Call

Jul 24, 2011

I was just wondering what is the meaning of placing the '$' character after a function call
E.g.: Dim time as string = Format$(Now, "Long Time")
And what is funny is that it is of no use (as far as I can see).

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VS 2005 Set That Value Dynamically In The VB Code (meaning Put A Runtime Value In The Xml To Set It)?

Mar 17, 2010

Here is my xsl:

<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
<xsl:template match="/">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"/>


The problem is the class="pass_section" in the xsl. I need to set that value dynamically in the VB code (meaning put a run-time value in the xml to set it).

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VS 2005 What Is The Exact Meaning Of The Function Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery()

Aug 11, 2009

what is the exact meaning of the function:


Though i used it a lot of times while inserting,updating or deleting the entries of the database but my basic concept about this statement is not clear.......

View 6 Replies

VS 2008 Meaning Of Icon In Solution Explorer

Oct 6, 2010

Some of my students end up with a different icon in the Solution Explorer when they create applications. An example is the attached Exam.vb icon, which includes a little arrow into the normal Form icon (see pic) . I am guessing it means it is linked some how. When the application is zipped and submitted, an error is thrown when I unzip it to grade it which indicates that the file in not part of the project, and it references the absolute address on the original application.Any idea what caused this and how can I instruct the students to avoid it in the future?

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What Is Most Similar Thing To A Pointer Meaning Like C Poinetrs

Apr 17, 2009

What is the most similar thing in to a pointer, meaning like C poinetrs? I have a TreeView within a class. I need to expose some specific nodes (or leaves) that can be modified by external objects.

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What Is Meaning Of A Question Mark Or Ampersand After Object Names

Jan 29, 2012

what is the meaning of the Ampersand after Boolean in "Result as Boolean"? Also I have seen a question mark after Boolean in some 'Dim' statements. What does that mean?

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Strongly-typed Generic Method Invokes Its Argument's Base Class Method Instead Of A Shadowed Method In T?

Oct 19, 2010

Consider a MyForm class that contains a shadowed implementation of Show(). It also contains a CreateForm() method, which accepts an instance of the form and calls the shadowed sub:


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Error: A Local Variable Named 'arow' Cannot Be Declared In This Scope Because It Would Give A Different Meaning To 'arrow'

May 24, 2010

This webservice is almost converted form VB to C#, except I get this error shown below on the DataRow arow object when I use it in the foreach statement below to populate the Results Class with a DataSet Object...

Error: A local variable named 'arow' cannot be declared in this scope because it would give a different meaning to 'arrow', which is already used in a 'parent or current' scope to denote something else

using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Collections;


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What Is The Meaning Of This Code "Dim Login1 As String = Me.TextBoxUsername.Text"

Oct 19, 2009

Dim login1 As String = Me.TextBoxUsername.Text

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Automating RDP Sign-in With VB

Jan 7, 2009

I want to use VB to set an existing RDP connection's credentials.Can I do that with code only?

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