Messagebox In Longdate Format Using Formatdatetime Function

May 29, 2012

In my Windows Form I have a textbox for number of days to add and a textbox that has a date in it... On the button click event I need to use the "DateAdd" function to add the number of days in textbox number of days to the date entered in textxbox date? Can someone give me the correct syntax I have tried this and getting a syntax error. DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, txtNumDaysTAdd.Text, txtDate.Text)I than need to display the answer in a messagebox in the Longdate format using the formatdatetime function.

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Yes/No Function In A Messagebox?

Feb 7, 2012

I want to add a yes/no function to a message box (Are you sure you want to exit?) in InfoPath 2007. If the user clicks 'Yes' the InfoPath form closes, if no, then the user is taken back to the form. From what I have read this will not happen in InfoPath. So, I added a new windows form that has the Yes/No buttons.

For the 'No' button, I have (me.close) which closes the windows form and the user is left with the InfoPath form. when the user clicks 'Yes' meaning they want to close the windows form AND the InfoPath form. Below is my code so far.

Imports Microsoft.Office.InfoPath
Imports System
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Xml.XPath


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Format Function Date / When Region New Zealand And Time Format A.m

May 17, 2012

When retrieving rows from an SQL Server table I use the following code select mydate, Customer, Details from sales where mydatetime >= '" & format (somedate, "MMM d, yyyy h:mm:ss tt") & "'"This works fine unless the clients computers windows Region setting is 'English (New Zealand)'The default time format in windows Region and Language for New Zealand is [code]On computers with this region setting I get an SQL Error 'Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string'..If I manually select the other option for AM symbol, PM symbol in Region and Language i.e AM PM the all works fine again..What format string can I use so that above code always works, even if the Region time format is a.m. / p.m.

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Handle Things In Messagebox In If Else Function?

Feb 2, 2010

how can i handle things in messagebox in if else function

for example

MsgBox("Are you sure you want to exit?", MsgBoxStyle.OkCancel)
exit sub

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C# :: Capture Keystrokes (e.g., Function Keys) While A Messagebox Is Up?

Jun 15, 2010

We have a large WinForms app, and there is a built-in bug reporting system that can be activated during testing via the F5 Key. I am capturing the F5 key with .Net's PreFilterMessage system. This works fine on the main forms, modal dialog boxes,etc.Unfortunately, the program also displays windows messageboxes when it needs to. When there is a bug with that, e.g., wrong text in the messagebox or it shouldn't be there, the messagefilter isn't executed at all when the messagebox is up! I realize I could fix it by either rewriting my own messagebox routine, or kicking off a separate thread that polls GetAsyncKeyState and calls the error reporter from there. However I was hoping for a method that was less of a hack. Here's code that manifests the problem:

Public Class Form1
Implements IMessageFilter
Private Sub Form1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles


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Compare Forms Textbox.text Value Formatted As Longdate Into Sql Server Datetime Column?

Apr 6, 2010

Im trying to retrieve some rows from sql server having datetime column that matches the given value of the textbox in a form. The tables datetime column name is "DepDateDepositDate" and the textbox.text was formatted as longdate eg("Tuesday, April 06, 2010") I have this code below but it seems its not retrieving the data that i wanted.

Dim daBnkBok = New SqlDataAdapter("Select * From DepositRef Where Convert(varchar,DepDateDepositDate, 112) = '" & Convert.ToDateTime(clsGlobals.BankBook.bbDepDate.Text).Date & "' ", bbcons)

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MessageBox In Visual Basic Express 2010 Open Form3 From MessageBox?

Mar 28, 2011

From my login form, and when a correct Username and Password has been succesfull and I get a messageBox saying "welcome to your System" (Picture Below) and when I press the OK button in that MessageBox, I want to open I add code to the Underlined code (below Picture), or Do I write a completley different code after the messageBox code.


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Format Function Analog In .NET

Jan 22, 2010

There is String.Format function that is referred to in the documentation as the analog for Format function from VB6. There's also Format function from VisualBasic namespace that is provided for compatibility and basically has same powers as String.Format.Indeed, those two format dates and numbers.But VB6's function was also able to format strings:[code]String.Format is not able to do that, as far as I'm concerned, nor is the new Format. I also couldn't find any mention in the compatibility Format documentation that certain parts of VB6 functionality is lost, seems like the feature was deprecated "silently."Is there anything in the framework that can do this type of formatting?

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Format Function Anomaly ?

Dec 28, 2010

The VB format() function has a bug in it that has existed for nearly 20 years! One would do this if communicating with devices that use fixed length HEX strings.

Ex: Something = Format(Hex(n), 00)

Note that the expected results occur when n = 0 to 255 EXCEPT when n=42 ... "00" is returned not "2A"! Truly an outright bug! VB up to and including .NET 2005 does this.

Testing in .NET 2010, it appears that now when a string is the passed value parameter, just the format string is echoed back.Not really fixed but functionality removed sometime between 2005 and 2010 versions.

Knowing this, I simply use my own wrapper function in all VB versions to do the formatting:

Something = PadLeftZeros( Hex(n), 2 )

Private Function PadLeftZeros(s As String, ByVal length As Integer) As String

' dumb function

To pad leading zeros to number string. Could be done many ways, this is just one primitive one.

Dim n As Integer

n = Len(s)

If n = length Then


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Format Function Not Working?

Jun 8, 2010


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Format Function/Method?

Mar 24, 2009

i am trying to format a numeric variable so that zeros are appended to it in VB .Net.Basically i am trying to achieve the equivalence of format(variable,"00000") in vb6, so that if variable is say 15, it can be displayed as 00015. whats the way to do it in VB .Net.

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Using SQL Function To Format Account Info?

Oct 3, 2011

I have a SQL function that I am calling in my VB.Net code within a display function. The SQL function will format my account data to include the following results form a Table. The table data: "001000011121" (this is the type of structure the data has before formatted)
So the data table data and vb Properties would be called Myaccount, HerAccount, ThisAccount. Once the data is pulled and then formatted in the code it will result into a GridDisplay as as: ""

The way I have my Public Function in my code is:
Public Funcion GetDisplay(_
ByVal dbBass as DataProvider_
,ByVal pps AS TMGDatarequestParms_
,By filter As IFilter_
) As Ilist
Dim strobe As String = CType(parms.OptionalParameters, DataProvider).Database
Dim sql As BiGSqlBuilder(TABLE)
sql.Select = String.Format("ID, [{0}].dbo.GLForamtAcct(Myaccount) AS [Myaccount], [{0}].dbo.GLFormatAccount(HerAccount) AS [HerAccount], [{0}].dbo.GLFormatAccount(ThisAccount) AS [ThisAccount]", strobe)

I left out some of the return code since not necessary. The only thing I'm concerned is how to format the SQL within the Code above.

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Use The Function To Display Gird Data In (0 D 0 Hr) Format?

Aug 24, 2009

<asp:GridView ID="Gridview1" runat="server" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Years" HeaderText="Year" />


I have above Gridview in my aspx page. but I need to format my Hours column from hour to (Day, hour) format for e.g. for 72 hours it should display as 9 d 0 hr.For that I have one function in my .vb page as follow,

Public Function ConvertHoursToDays(ByVal totalHours As Integer) As Object
Dim num As Integer = CInt(Math.Round(Conversion.Int(CDbl((CDbl(totalHours) / 8)))))
If (num < 0) Then


Can I use the function to display gird data in (0 d 0 hr) format?

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What Is Correct Format In Creating An Average Function

Feb 18, 2010

I am working a VB project that requires me to create an "Average" Function. What is the correct format in creating an average function? I tried different ways and gives me an error.

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.net - Function To Match Text In {word1|word2} Format?

Mar 18, 2011

i have a string such as {i|we|my friends} are {just|about} to go {walmart|asda|best buy} i would like to be able to randomly choose any of the words within the {} seperated by the | here is what i have so far and it only works for one {} i need it to work for sentences with multiple {}.

Function UnspinWork(ByVal SpunWords As String) As String
Dim upperBound As Integer
Dim Random As New Random()
Dim ChosenSpunString As String


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Format A Function Code To Returns A 4 Digit Result

Mar 19, 2010

I am trying to format a Function Code so that it returns a 4 digit result no matter the entry by the user (i.e. they enter 540, stores 0540 in the database). While looking online, I've found the format function, but when I use it, it returns 540, regardless if I enter 540 or 0540. [Code]

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Function Which Validates A Masked Exit Box Date Format

Jan 6, 2009

I have wrote a function which validates a masked exit box date format. I have entered into the Mask property 00/00/0000 which on screen translates to __/__/____, great. If I get an invalid date I want to clear the content and reset the focus back giving a message box warning. [code]It all seems to work until I then try to enter a new date. The first number a press seems to push the mask characters to the right and then the rest works. So if I entered 01/01/2009 I end up with _1/01/2009.

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String.Format Function Return Only Left 10 Characters?

May 2, 2011

For years I never had trouble with this String. Format function until today when I got a value longer than 0 characters and the function returned all the characters in the string instead of just ten. Now sometimes I get less than ten characters so I can't use the substring with out getting an error. I can try the left function but I was hoping there was a solution with the Format function.

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VS 2008 - Format / Year And DateTime Function Not Recognized

Dec 3, 2009

I recently moved a webservice project from VS 2005 to VS 2008 and now a conversion I use to create a unique receipt number is no longer working.

The Format() function which is supposedly a Visual basic function gives the error:
'Format' is a type and cannot be used as an expression.

The Year() Function which is also a VB function gives the error:
Name 'Year' is not declared.

The Datetime() Function which is also a VB function gives the error:
'DateTime' is a type and cannot be used as an expression.

The actual code statement remains unchanged between the two web services but VS2005 compiles and VS2008 does not.
Dim julda As Long = CLng(Format(Year(oneRowDon.Item(8)), "0000") _
+ Format(DateTime("d", CDate("01/01/" _
+ Format(Year(oneRowDon.Item(8)), "0000")), oneRowDon.Item(8)) _
+ 1, "000"))

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Unable To Use Format Function In A Converted VB2008 Project In VS 2010?

Dec 13, 2011

I am not able to use Format function in a converted VB2008 project in VS 2010.

MSDN Documentation about Format function in not available for VS 2010.

Has that function been deprecated? If so, what is the alternative?

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VS 2005 - IsDate Function - Check A String For Convert Able To Valid Date Format

Aug 15, 2010

with a system of regional date configuration as dd/MM/yy

isdate("13/08/10 10:00") ' returns true, but with a system of regional date configuration as MM/dd/yy

isdate("13/08/10 10:00") ' returns false

how to handle this situation, all i need is i want to check a string for convert able to valid date format & then convert the same.

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How To Pass A Function To A Function Is Functors/function Objects Avaiable In VB2010

Oct 12, 2011

I want to make an numerical integration method with takes in an analytic function and integrate it over a specific interval. For the numerical integration procedure I want to use some procedures in The problem is that these are programmed in C++ and they uses functors to pass a function to the integration method. How can I do this in VB 2010?

I want to initialize the function (i.e. set a=1,b=0 for function y(x)=a*x+b) and then pass the function to the integration method. Then when the integration method call the function it only calls the function with one parameter (i.e. x since a,b is already set)

What is the best way to do this in VB2010?I want to make a general integration method where I can pass any single valued function and integration limits.

I have just started using VB, and from what I have found so far it seems like the tools you have is

- to us a delegate for the function
- to use a lambda expression for the function
- send a pointer/adressOf
- to create a function class/structure and submit this to the function

As for now I am most inclined to create a function-class. But I am not really sure how.F.ex. I make different classes for each "uniqe function" I want to integrate, but how can I pass them to the integration function when I need to specify the argument type in the integration-function-call?This seems like a basic problem which applies to many Math operations, so I think it would be very useful to clarify this.

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ChartAreas(0).AxisX.LabelStyle.Format Is Changing Axis Label Text Instead Of Format?

Feb 1, 2011

I'm returning a database query into a List object and using that list object to fill the X and Y axes of my chart as seen below. (_runData is a "List(of DatabaseTableName)" style Object filled with the results of my query.

Primary_Chart.Series(0).Points.DataBindXY(_runData, "DateTime", _runData, "UPPER_PRESSURE")
My Datetime field is returning as a Serial Number (i.e. 40116.76111) so I want to format the X Axis to display the field more readably. Enter my problem code.


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Convert A Black And White Image In JPEG Format To A Grayscale TIFF Format?

Jun 5, 2011

Im looking for a class or code in VB.NET that can convert a black and white image in JPEG format to a grayscale TIFF format.

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Converting JD Edwards Date (6-digit Julian Format) To MMDDYY Format In UltraGrid

Jun 7, 2011

I'm creating a VB app that uses the Infragistics UltraGrid to display data from 2 JD Edwards files. Before the data is displayed, first I need to convert 2 date fields that are in JD Edwards Julian date format (i.e., 111158 for 6/07/11....the 158th day of this year) to mmddyy format.

MCTS: Web Apps, MCTS: Windows Apps, MCTS: SQL Server 2005, MCP: Windows XP Professional, A+, Network+, Linux+, Security+, Master CIW Designer, SCJP

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Format The DataGridView DefaultCellStyle Format Property (Zip Code And Phone Number)?

Jan 5, 2010

I am using VS 2005 pro and VB.NET. How do you format the DataGridView.DefaultCellStyle.format property for zip codes and phone numbers. I have a zip code and phone number column(s) that I want to be formatted. I have tried a lot of different things:

Zip code: "99999-0000" or "Phone Number: "(999)000-0000" or "(000)000-0000" and the like So far nothing has worked. I can get my date columns formatted correctly, but not these. Can any one give me some examples that work?

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Date Format - Take A String Formatted Like '010711' (DDMMYY) And Put It Into Format '01-Jul-11'?

Jul 1, 2011

I need to take a string formatted like '010711' (DDMMYY) and put it into format '01-Jul-11'. Ive thought about doing something like string.toArray and then having some conditionals that format from there but am looking for an easier way.

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Format Gridview Unbound Column In 12hr Time Format

Jan 31, 2011

format Gridview's unbound column in 12hr format? i tried the following code, it didnt work.


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How To Format A Date Column In A Datgridview Where Data Is Double Format

Aug 3, 2009

I have a DGV that is getting data from a sql db. The dates in this db are stored as doubles ie 40025.708681

How do I format this column as Date/Time?

I tried but this doesn't seem to work.

how to do this? DGV1.Columns("HostDate").DefaultCellStyle.Format = "d"

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Function Syntax - Call A Function With 2 Arguments When The Function Is Only Defined For One

Apr 1, 2010

I'm trying to undersatnd the syntax of calling a funciton and it seem confusing when I'm using a web service in Maybe this question should be in an ASP forum, but it is a VB question. This simple web service allows you to type in your name and it response with an alert box with you name.

My question is, How can you call a function with 2 arguments when the function is only defined for one. I understand that the second argument is actually a method that handling the respons, but how can you interchange function arguments for methods and how do you know that there are methods for

Here's my call:

<script type="text/javascript">

function HelloWorld()

var yourName = $get('txtYourName').value;


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