Modify Code To Insert The Data To MS SQL And Save Changes When Click Save Button For The Second Time?

May 29, 2011

modify code to insert the data to MS SQL and save changes when click save button for the second time?

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Code To Save File Is Not Working - Using The Click Event Of A The Button Save?

Jun 10, 2010

Dim sw
As StreamWriter
Dim flagX


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Insert & Update The Data Grid And Save The Changes When The Save Button Is Clicked?

Dec 27, 2010

how to code for the save button in datagrid view by using insert into sql and update sql statements (it should be able to insert & update the data grid and save the changes) when the save button is clicked .

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Click On The Save Button I Can Still See The Time Format?

Oct 20, 2010

i put a datetimepicker on my form and i wanted it to save the format in a text file...Dim strDate As String = DateTimePicker1.Value

My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:/account/myfile.txt", strdate, false MessageBox.Show("File Saved") i already set its property to "custom" and in "dd/MM/yyyy"the problem is when i click on the save button i can still see the time format? e.g. "10/20/2010 11:54:33"


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Save The Data Of Dynamically Created Textbox On Clicking The Save Button?

Jun 18, 2012

I am working on desktop application. I had created number of dynamic textbox and label and I want to save that data on clicking the save button.

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User Presses The Save Button To Save Data?

Feb 24, 2009

in my form i have 4 textboxes and i want all not to be empty while saving the data.I have put condition in save button,when user presses the save button to save data, to check all the textboxes not to be empty. My question is that, i want to focus to that particular textbox which is empty during saving the data.

For example: i have txt1,txt2,txt3,txt4 as textboxes in the form if txt1 is empty while saving, the focus should switch to txt1 rather user himself have to go there.

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Save Button In Visual Basic - Clear The Controls When Click Button

Jul 15, 2010

I am Sorry but I Can not get my head around Saving data in a Form to my records (DataBase) When I Click Button1. I know how to clear the controlls when i click Button1. How Do i start The code "Do I use a SaveFileDialog1" or "Do I Look in the property settings" how the code starts. is what i have at the moment is below. also Button1 should be able to clear the controls ready for the next user input.


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Save Data Across Three Tables Using One Forms "Save" Button?

Mar 28, 2011

I have three tables under one database. I'm using the built-in Navigator control for now until I get this figured out, but I'm using a button command instead of the built in navigator button. I need the "Save" button to save the data in the text fill boxes to save to the corisponding table. I used the drag and drop option to drop rows from each table to the form. See code:

Sub Button1_Click(ByVal
sender As System.Object,
ByVal e


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Adding Data Into A Database- "Save" Button Code?

May 6, 2010

I am creating a hotel room booking form. In my mainform I have several controls that i can use to select/fill eg room number, date, name of visitor, number of days booking etc.I also have table adapter that binds the data source I have a save button in my form and I need to create an event so that it saves the data that I have entered in the mainform to the underlying dataset- i have to use endEdit(), DataRowView methods/properties but can't manage to write the save button event.

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Update Sql Table On Save Button Click

Nov 16, 2011

This is a very basic question. How do i update a sql table from on save button click. This is my insert to would it be for update?


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VS 2010 MsgBoxStyle - YesNo - Show The "record Has Been Added" And Save/insert Data Even If Chose "no" Button

Jul 6, 2011

My system still show the "record has been added" and save/insert the data even if i chose the "no" button. I think I miss something on our codes. Should I add something?

Here's the scenario: If "Yes" (button) will be clicked, it'll save the data and clear the fields. If "no" (button), it'll clear the fields and shouldn't save anything.

Here are the codes:

Private Sub btnsave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnsave.Click
If newname.Text = "" Or newaddress.Text = "" Then
MsgBox("Please fill-up all the requirements.", vbExclamation, "*** System")


View 12 Replies

Getting An Error Message When Click The Save Button In 2010?

Apr 25, 2011

when in debug mode, the form loads I then fill out the form and when I click the save button I get an error message,

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Visual Basic 2010 When Click The Save Button

Jun 2, 2011

I have yet another Problem with the save button on my form. After filling out all the textbox's, Selecting the date from dateTimePicker Selecting comboBox's Items I get an Error message saying: "Column 'JobID' does not allow nulls". "(I thought this ID column Inserted a number automatically").

View 5 Replies

Save Text File In Folder Where EXE Exists With One Click Of Button?

Mar 15, 2012

I have a simple program that opens up a text file and changes it and then what I want to do is save a text file when you click the "convert" button to the directory that the exe exists in e.g. "C:UsersBeaudeanDesktop--Distro--" etc. so say I have a richtextbox with the text in it I want to save and a button called "convert", when I click convert it will save it in the programs root folder with the name "main.html" and I also want it to overwrite any file with the same name.

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Textbox Validation Check When Save Or Update Button Click

Oct 11, 2010

I use VB 2008. I want to check that text boxes have correct data but not at key pressed key down event. I want to check when user fill the form if all have correct data then insert into database otherwise get focus of specifiq textbox which have wrong data. I see many examples but all is applied on keydown keypress etc events. I just need a class i send Textbox as object in that which return true or false. I need one method in that class which check only numbers with decimal point and limit decimal places to 4 digit.e.g 12345.9876 and other method check A to Z and a to z with some special charecters like @ # $ % & ! ;

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How To Code To Save Value Of Dtpicker As String Not In Date / Time Value

Aug 18, 2010

i'm having a problem how to code to save the value of my dtpicker as string not in date/time value. i formatted my dtpicker as mm/dd/yyyy. i want it to save in my database as string format. my datafield in my database is in text format not date/time. is it possible to save the value of dtpicker as string format?

View 9 Replies

Click Twice / More To Save Data

Feb 19, 2009

I have button with addnew() code, to save data to database.but i have to click twice or more to save data. if i click once, data will not saved.

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Click The Import Button, Open Multiple Files (done) Then Save Them As A Settings

Apr 27, 2012

I want it to do the following: When they click the import button, open multiple files (done) then save them as a settings. Then on form load, open those files so I do not have to re-import them!

I have tried this


on form load and settings.txt included 2 file names and locations. It is only opening the 2nd file NOT the first. How can I make it open ALL files in that settings file? I also tied ReadLines

View 1 Replies

VS 2010 Type Text Into Textbox1 - Click A Button To Add It And Save It In Textbox 2?

Oct 27, 2009

i want to do is type text into textbox1, click a button to add it and save it in textbox 2? I aslo want the user to have this option.

View 39 Replies - Why Button Click Insert Data Twice

Feb 1, 2012

i have this button which i add in row of data however, i only add two row of the date, when click this button it give me 4 data, each date is being inserted twice meaning date A den date B den date A and den date B, what the problem

Protected Sub Button2_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim rowIndex As Integer = 0


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Insert And Save Data To Access Using Textbox And Buttons?

Aug 15, 2011

i am creating a game and i would like to record the score and name ounce the player is game over.. you can also view the records

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Save Data Into Access - Getting Syntax Error In INSERT INTO

Jun 11, 2010

i have a form with some text boxes on, for now im just testing with one of these boxes 'Customer Name' So i made a database and made a two column table with ID and Customer Name. then in my pogram i put this code:

Dim inc As Integer
Dim maxrows As Integer
Dim con As New OleDbConnection


into my save button, however i get a 'oledb exeption was unhandled' ''Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement. on the line da.Update(ds, "Customers")

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Loop The Datagrid And Find The Selected Row Columns Value When The User Click The Save Button?

May 18, 2011

I am using datagridview to show the data when the form load.Datagridview have a template checkbox column also where the user will select the class to attend.I want to loop the datagrid and find the selected row ro columns value when the user click the save button How i do this am using 2008?

View 8 Replies

Split Function And Save Once Press The Save Button?

May 13, 2009

I am writing a program that involves the split Function. The user will enter A, B, C. I wrote a splic fuction code (below). I am not quite sure if it is right, I would also like to know how to write the code for that split function when the user preses the save button after entering there input.

Dim strInput As String 'input string
Dim strOutput() As Sting 'output string array
strInput = "A, B, C," 'user input
strOutput = Split(strInput, ",") 'splits the input string

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VS 2008 Make A Save Button To Save To A New Text Fil?

Nov 4, 2010

I want to make a save button to save to a new text file with the data in the text box if modified. Currently the program just opens Data.txt and displays a sentence in the text box.

Public Class frmAddress
Private Sub btnDisplay_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDisplay.Click


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IDE :: Can't Save Data In Two Tables At The Same Time?

Feb 24, 2009

I have two tables < student > and <class> . In vb2008 i make the connection to the database, display the data in both tables, edit existing data. The problem is that when i try to insert new rows to both tables there is a problem when i try to save both tables at the same time. The save button is in the studentBindingNavigator. I connect to the db through the Add New Data Source. The message i get is Can not insert or change a record beause it requires a relevant record in table student. Does anyone know anything about it?The two tables are related to each other.

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Save Data To Both Tables At The Same Time?

Apr 29, 2010

I dragged 2 tables onto a form, the nav bar at the top showed up, but it only saves data for one table for some reason - how can I make it save data to both tables at the same time? I looked up the properties, but I can only select one dataadapter

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Save Button, Save Webpage As Mht File (.net 4 Vb)

Oct 25, 2011

I have a website written in .net 4. I'd like to include a save button on one the pages that will save the webpage as a mht file. This way the user can save the page as a mht file type on his/her desktop without have to use the browser toolbar.

I'm currently working with the following code but I need to modify it so it to capture the url of the current page the user is viewing verses hard coding the url into the button click event.

Partial Class Form1
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
End Class


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Save Button, Save Webpage As Mht File (.net 4 VB)?

Oct 21, 2009

I have a website written in .net 4. I'd like to include a save button on one the pages that will save the webpage as a mht file. This way the user can save the page as a mht file type on his/her desktop without have to use the browser toolbar. I'm currently working with the following code but I need to modify it so it to capture the url of the current page the user is viewing verses hard coding the url into the button click event.

Partial Class Form1
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
End Class

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VS 2008 Get Save Button To Save As .rcp By Default?

Apr 11, 2011

I am working on a form that save contents of a TextBox as a txt file, but I want to make my own file type, with the extension .rcp. How do I get my save Button to save as .rcp by default? [code]

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