Newly Inserted Data Doesn't Display In The Combobox Control?

Jun 29, 2011

I just inserted data into my sql database. Actually, I want to retrieve it automaticallyinto

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Get The ID For A Newly Inserted SQL Server Row?

Jun 7, 2011

I have a form with multiple tabs that allows the user to insert data into a customer table.The ID is an Identity column. After a row is inserted into the database I would like to retrieve the ID number for that row that was just inserted into the database. Can you tell me the best way to do this?When the user clicks on a Relatives tab the application inserts the customer to the database. If I can get the the newly inserted customer ID then I can use it for the CustomerID column of the Relatives table when inserting a Relative so the 2 tables are properly related. At present the program uses this code to do just that but this code will only be good for a single user system. It's possible that we may sell it as a multi-user system and I think the current way we are doing this will fail because there is not telling whose ID will be returned in that scenario.

Here's the query that we are using:
SqlStatement =
"SELECT Max(ID) " & _


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Obtain The Primary Key Value Of A Newly Inserted Row?

Dec 18, 2010

How to obtain the primary key value of a newly inserted row?

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Databound User Control Doesn't Display Data In Main Form?

Apr 23, 2009

I need to quickly demonstrate a project and decided to create a user control that is connected to an Access database through pure simple data connections (create the dataset and drag it on the control.)When I build the project and add the usercontrol to panel control on the main form, no data is shown in the datagrid.When I add the data components directly on the main form, the data is displayed properly. why I can't get my databound user control to display the data on my main form?

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Add Command To Newly Added Combobox Items

May 19, 2009

on form1 , i have a combobox and a label. on form 2 , i have a checkbox , a textbox , and a label . in the textbox i input the name to be added to form 1 by combobox checked, and the label has a folder directory.

i can add the new item to the combobox on form 1, from the checked box on form 2. what i can't seem to figure out, is how to get the form1.combobox newly added item to show the folder directory label from form 2 on the form1's directory label when i click on the combobox item..

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GridControl Doesn't Display The Data It Contains?

May 27, 2010

I am using DevExpress GridControl to display information from my database through a stored procedure (ie. SELECT * FROM aTable). Unfortunately when I run the program it doesn't display any of the information, columns, etc. It displays an empty table. I know that there is information contained by the GridView though as I have print statements that return the row count. Specifically:Console.WriteLine(GridView2.RowCount) ' returns the number of rows that should be displayedConsole.WriteLine(myTable.Rows.Count) ' returns the number of rows that should be displayedWhat should I do so that the actual data within the table (DataTable) and the DataView is displayed to the user. I know the row count is correct as when I add/remove a record the row count correlates by incrementing/decrementing.

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Display The Newly Hosted Images Information?

Jul 20, 2009

If you can take a look at the received tab [url] It is meant to display the hosted images full properties. It doesnt at the moment because it completly fills the tab with ugly information.Can any of you think of a better way to display the newly hosted images information.?Im thinking of just killing off the tab. But thats not very professioanl in case the user wants the full picture information?

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Display The Data On Terminal B If Inserted From Terminal A?

Dec 8, 2010

my project work on server if inserted data from terminal A i need display the data on terminal B

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DatePicker Doesn't Display Binding Data Correctly?

Nov 23, 2009

I have a VB 2008 application with multiple DataPicker fields. The data is binded to SQL database. On the form load I set the checkBox for each date to false if there is no date in the field. Noticed that if I make changes to some dates for record 1 in the table, save it and scroll to the next record - I see the date that I just changed for record 1 - also on records 2 and 3. Why is it happening? I don't have that problem if I use text fields to display the dates. I had encountered the same problem with different project and just switched to text boxes. With this new project?

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VS 2010 - Silverlight Datagrid - Doesn't Display The New Data

Sep 22, 2010

I have a SQL stored procedure that I bind to a Silverlight Datagrid. That works ok, the problem is when I use the same stored procedure to bind a different dataset to the same grid, it doesn't display the new data, only empty columns from the last dataset that was bound. What is going on here? I tried to set the grid = Nothing and I tried using Datagrid1.columns.clear() but that didn't work.

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VS 2008 Enter The Data In A One Control Then The Related Data Display In Other Control

Mar 17, 2011

I created Dataentry forms. In the form there are so many controls like DropDowns and textboxes. I am using Access database. Now I enterd the few records into the controls, and these records are saved into the Database. But now if i enter the any data which i recently saved in the database to the textbox or any other control then the remaining controls should be display the related data.

For example i have 4 controls in my form one is dropdown and 3 are textboxes. If i select the data in the dropdown then the remaining 3 textboxes shows the related data. How can i dispaly the corresponding data to the other controls?

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VB - Simply Link A Data Grid View To Display Data That Was Selected From A ComboBox?

Oct 14, 2010

I just want to display data in a DataGridView (from SQL - already made the connection) based on what is selected in a ComboBox (data that is also coming from SQL). The 2 are separete on the form. I am using VB 2010.

This doesn't work for me:
objCommand2.CommandText = "SELECT ProductID, Name, Color, Size, ListPrice FROM SalesLT.Product WHERE ProductCategoryID = " & cbCategory.SelectedValue


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Add Command To Newly Created Control?

Apr 26, 2009

this is what i have so far:


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Display Inserted Row To Datagridview

Jun 21, 2010

i want to display the inserted row to my datagridview. how can i accomplish this? [code] NewPlaneModel dialog inserts a new record to the database.what i want to happen is when i click the OK button in the NewPlaneModel dialog, the new record will appear in the gridPlaneModel datagridview.

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Display Data That Select In To Combobox?

Sep 9, 2011

How to display all the data in username in to the combobox?[code]...

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Use ComboBox To Display Data On Gridview?

Mar 11, 2010

I need to use comboBox to store the months then when i select a particular month. I need to display out the data onto a gridview for that selected month.

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Display New Record Inserted At First In Datagrid?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a form with a datagrid, few buttons, and textboxes. I can add the new record in data table and can display in datagrid. The problem is that... the new record which i have inserted in data table is been displayed at the last row of datagrid which i am having trouble finding it out whether the data is been inserted or not.

1. my question is how to display new record / row inserted in datagrid at the first, so that i can see the data is been added.

2. how to display numbers of record which i have seleted in data grid e.g. 1 of 20 when i select first row and 2 of 20 when i select second row. i can display only total number of records of datagrid.

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VS 2008 - Possible To Display Two Fields Of Data In ComboBox

Dec 20, 2011

Can I display two fields of a data in a combo box. E.g. when I have to select a customer, its name and city should be shown.... Like...
M/s Ananad Traders, Mumbai
M/s Anand Traders, Kolkata and so on.

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Datagridview Display Queryed Data In It Using Combobox As Source Of ID Value?

Jan 9, 2012

How to setup a datagridview to display data based on a combobox value, then query the data on that value to display the results in a datagridview. This is what i have so far but i'm sure the is a better way of doing it. the current code doesn't work. [code]...

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Retrieve Data From Sql Server Using Combobox&display It In A Datagridview?

Mar 7, 2010

Note: Combobox contains company name, then when i select one of the company in the list, the information on the table connected to to the company table like purchase order table info will appear on the datagridview.

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Using Combobox To Retrieve Data From The Database And Display It In Texbox?

Jul 26, 2010

I did populate data from db into the combo box and display it into the text field .

Below is my code :

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class MPEJobEntry
'declaration of connection string


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Update Newly Added Data In Datatable?

Apr 20, 2012

I have a Datatable where i added data from textbox when i want to edit selected datatable rows from gridview to eidit these values will be showing in their respected fields but when i click update button the only first row in gridview will be updated either i select first row or any other row in gridview for editing whereas i want to update the selected rows data. NOTE: I was design datatable visually under 2008 designer and the datatable have not any primarykey i am using following code under btnupdate event

Dim i As Integer
StoreDBDataSet.Tables("DataTable1").Rows(i).Item("Code") = txtCode.Text
StoreDBDataSet.Tables("DataTable1").Rows(i).Item("Description") = txtDescription.Text


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ComboBox Index Changed Display In Textbox Using Data Reader

Mar 20, 2011

In using Data Reader while selecting an value in combobox should display an selected value record from the database into textbox.

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Forms :: Choose Data From ComboBox And Display Info To Texboxes

Oct 15, 2010

After display list of data in combo box, next I would like to choose the data from the combo box and display all the information from the chosen data to texboxes , the data from combo box was link from my database (ms access).

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Searching Record Using A Combobox To Display The Data In A Textbox Or Lablelbox

Jun 11, 2011

I have a problem searching my record using a Combobox to display the data in a textbox or lablelbox

txtUsername.text = rs!username
lblAddress.text = rs!Address

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Forms :: Combobox And Textbox - Display Fcorresponding Data In Textbox1 And Textbox2

Dec 21, 2009

I use following codes to diplay data in combobox

str = "SELECT sno,name,city FROM employees"
cmd = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(str, con)


With ComboBox1
.DataSource = dt


Table has three fields as sno,name,city Combobox displays name column and data in table is as


Supose combobox text=a then I want to display following corresponding data in textbox1 and textbox2

(the first row of data)

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C# - Inserting With Index In A ListView In LargeIcon Mode Don't Display Inserted Items In Right Position

Apr 8, 2011

If i try

ListView1.Sorting = SortOrder.None
ListView1.ListViewItemSorter = Nothing
ListView1.Items.Insert(0, "0")
ListView1.Items.Insert(1, "1")
ListView1.Items.Insert(0, "2")
ListView1.Items.Insert(1, "3")

If ListView1.View is SmallIcon , LargeIcon or Tile it dont work (Display 0 1 2 3). If it's in List it works (Display desired 2 3 0 1).

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Sql Server - How To Get Last Inserted Identity In Formview Inserted Event Using .net

Sep 21, 2009

I am using (FormView and ObjectDataSource) and Sql Server 2005.

I want to get last inserted @@identity in table on FormView1_ItemInserted

Protected Sub FormView1_ItemInserted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.FormViewInsertedEventArgs) Handles FormView1.ItemInserted

End Sub My issue is that I want to redirect my FormView to readonly mode after FormView1_ItemInserted but for that I need to show the inserted record in readonly mode and that is only possible if I get my last inserted @@identity.

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Why Doesn't Ellipses Display On Load - They Display When Button Clicked

Jun 1, 2011

In trying to test some graphic features, I am trying to get them to display on load so button doesn't have to be pressed. I used the following code as suggested from forum. Message boxes run but ellipses aren't displayed until button is clicked which is what I am trying to avoid!

Private Sub Form3_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Button1_Click(Nothing, Nothing)


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Retrieve Ms Access Data Using Combobox Control

Jan 14, 2010

Retrive ms accees data in vb form using combobox control. If user select combobox vale 1 then record display in textbox.

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