Why Doesn't Ellipses Display On Load - They Display When Button Clicked

Jun 1, 2011

In trying to test some graphic features, I am trying to get them to display on load so button doesn't have to be pressed. I used the following code as suggested from forum. Message boxes run but ellipses aren't displayed until button is clicked which is what I am trying to avoid!

Private Sub Form3_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Button1_Click(Nothing, Nothing)


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Display An Image When Button Is Clicked?

May 6, 2012

I need to display two images when the button is clicked. First the user will browse for the two images and after clicking the third button it should display the two images. I have this code so far. I'm a complete newbie in vb

Dim dialog As New OpenFileDialog()
If DialogResult.OK = dialog.ShowDialog Then
TextBox2.Text = dialog.FileName
End If

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Picturebox Paint Doesn't Display Correctly When Load From A Catalog

Jul 9, 2010

I am building a form that will load individual items(from individual files) or a catalog of items(from a list of items). I then click the item I want to use to select it. Everything works correctly, when I click an item it selects the correct stitch. The only problem is, it doesn't display correctly when I load from a catalog. I can open individual items and it works fine. When I load a catalog it doesn't display the images correctly.


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Display Label Text Based On Another Form Button Clicked?

Feb 25, 2012

form1 have four buttons, i want to set a label text in form2 according to which of the button on form1 is clicked.below is what i tried so far.on form1 each of the button click event i made it focus

Private Sub Answerbtn3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Answerbtn3.Click

and on form 2 load event i have

Private Sub FinalAnswer_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If Main1.Answerbtn1.Focus Then
Label2.Text = "You choosed option '


the above code displays only the first condition ("You choosed option 'A'"") on the label when any of the button is clicked?

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IDE :: Wirte In LblOutput Label To Display What Happens After 'Calculate Pay' Button Is Being Clicked?

Dec 16, 2011

I created button "Calculate Pay" and under this botton I created a label (lblOutput).How should I wirte in lblOutput label to display what happens after "Calculate Pay" button is being clicked?

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Display A Picture(like A JPG File) Inside A Messagebox Along With Text When A Button Is Clicked?

Jun 6, 2011

I am here by to ask help on enhancing messageboxs. How is the way to Display a picture(like a JPG file) inside a messagebox along with text when a button is clicked?

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Forms :: When Clicked Final Button To Display Results 'as String' It Still Showed Number

Mar 18, 2009

when i clicked the final button to display my results "as string" it still showeed the number?? here is the code i wrote, is relativley simple, but the theory doesnt make scence to me Basicly its a box with 3 lables, (first name, surname and age), 3 text boxes (for the user to input this info) and a button at the bottom called "display in message box" so when i click the button, it displays the users input in the form as a message box. [code] what i dont get is if i said to VB that vaiable "Complete" was STRING then howcome it still displays the AGE which is an Integer (a number) not a string??

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Label Doesn't Update When Button Is Clicked?

Jan 14, 2011

So, I'm working on a simple game in Visual Basic, and I have 2 labels. One named "pointsLbl" and one named "pointsleftLbl":

pointsLbl.Text = "Points: " & points

pointsleftLbl.Text = "Points left: " & pointsleft I also have two integers, one named "points" and one named "pointsleft". The problem I'm having is that when the point boost button is pressed, the labels don't update and also don't show the new points and new points left. Private Sub boostBtn_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles boostBtn.Click


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Way To 'reset' Button So It Doesn't Remember It Has Been Clicked On Before?

Feb 10, 2011

I used to do a lot of programming in GW-Basic and QuickBasic (ah, the good ol' days), but I'm a total newbie at VB2010. I'm trying my first programming sessions and using forums and ebooks to learn. There is one thing that puzzles me and I just can't figure it out.Private Sub btnOK_ Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnOK.Click..When I click btnOK, certain codes are activated and Sub 2 is being called.Sub 2 calls Sub 3 and Sub 3 calls Sub 4.When Sub 4 is done, I want it to call the first form again, with the mentioned 'OK' button and have it wait for the button to be clicked again.My problem is, when Sub 4 calls the starting form with the 'OK' button, the program seems to "remember" that btnOK has been clicked and proceeds to run the code that follows. It does not wait for the button to be clicked again. I can't find out how to tell the program that the button has not been clicked on. What should I do? Is there a way to "reset" this button, so it doesn't remember it has been clicked on before? Or is Call in this case the wrong method to go from Sub to Sub and to the Form again and should I find another way to go through the program?

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Load Program With A Specified URL When A Button Is Clicked?

Jul 31, 2009

Is there a way to load Internet Explorer with a specified URL when a button is clicked?

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Load Form2 When Button Clicked On Form1?

Mar 16, 2009

That's all I want to do but I get errors when I do this:

Form2.show ()
Me.close ()

Using VB2008

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Code Missing In Form1.Load So When The Button Is Clicked

Dec 27, 2009

You have a form with 5 Textboxes and 1 button.

Write the code missing in Form1.Load so when the button is clicked, Textbox5 takes the value Done

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _


View 16 Replies

On Load Event - Display Variables On Screen Load In Rich Text Box

Mar 20, 2011

I want a rich text box to display public variables like (pizza toppings links etc that have been selected in other forms) these variables have declare in a module. But I want the rich text box to display these variables as soon as the screen loads ( a on form load event) if you know what I mean.

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DataGridView / ComboBoxCell - ComboBox Display Nothing Until It Is Clicked On And Selected?

Mar 9, 2011

I am using vb.net 2010 and winforms and DataGridView. The DataGridView has a DataGridViewComboBox column. When I show the form with the DGV it shows this and empty grid but the column that contains the ComboBox shows the first item on the dropdown list. How can I have the ComboBox display nothing until it is clicked on and selected?

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Display User Names In A Listbox And When Clicked Go To Their Profile?

Apr 4, 2009

How would you go toBrowse Forums Users , collect all the users by NAME, display them in a listbox and when clicked go to their profile.

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GridControl Doesn't Display The Data It Contains?

May 27, 2010

I am using DevExpress GridControl to display information from my database through a stored procedure (ie. SELECT * FROM aTable). Unfortunately when I run the program it doesn't display any of the information, columns, etc. It displays an empty table. I know that there is information contained by the GridView though as I have print statements that return the row count. Specifically:Console.WriteLine(GridView2.RowCount) ' returns the number of rows that should be displayedConsole.WriteLine(myTable.Rows.Count) ' returns the number of rows that should be displayedWhat should I do so that the actual data within the table (DataTable) and the DataView is displayed to the user. I know the row count is correct as when I add/remove a record the row count correlates by incrementing/decrementing.

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Form Doesn't Display Until File Is Done Converting?

Aug 1, 2011

I am writing a VB.Net program. In my Main form, I ask the user if he has an old file that he wants me to convert first. If he says "yes", I start converting the file, loading the records into an Access database. I want to update a line on the form, showing my progress. But the form doesn't display until AFTER the entire file is converted (and loaded into the database). That means the user has to look at a form for 2-3 minutes without knowing if the program is actually processing, or is hanging up (looping).

I don't understand what is going on, and so I don't know what to do about it. I'm sure SOMEONE with experience has come across this situation before.

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DatePicker Doesn't Display Binding Data Correctly?

Nov 23, 2009

I have a VB 2008 application with multiple DataPicker fields. The data is binded to SQL database. On the form load I set the checkBox for each date to false if there is no date in the field. Noticed that if I make changes to some dates for record 1 in the table, save it and scroll to the next record - I see the date that I just changed for record 1 - also on records 2 and 3. Why is it happening? I don't have that problem if I use text fields to display the dates. I had encountered the same problem with different project and just switched to text boxes. With this new project?

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Display A Message Box If The User Doesn't Select Anything From Combo Box?

Apr 25, 2010

How can I check for my combo box to have a selected item? I want to display a message box if the user doesn't select anything from my combo box.

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VS 2010 - Silverlight Datagrid - Doesn't Display The New Data

Sep 22, 2010

I have a SQL stored procedure that I bind to a Silverlight Datagrid. That works ok, the problem is when I use the same stored procedure to bind a different dataset to the same grid, it doesn't display the new data, only empty columns from the last dataset that was bound. What is going on here? I tried to set the grid = Nothing and I tried using Datagrid1.columns.clear() but that didn't work.

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WinForms ListView Doesn't Display Column Headers?

Nov 29, 2011

I have below code in my Form Load event handler but the ListView doesn't show any column headers. I want the column headers to be displayed.


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Newly Inserted Data Doesn't Display In The Combobox Control?

Jun 29, 2011

I just inserted data into my sql database. Actually, I want to retrieve it automaticallyinto

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Databound User Control Doesn't Display Data In Main Form?

Apr 23, 2009

I need to quickly demonstrate a project and decided to create a user control that is connected to an Access database through pure simple data connections (create the dataset and drag it on the control.)When I build the project and add the usercontrol to panel control on the main form, no data is shown in the datagrid.When I add the data components directly on the main form, the data is displayed properly. why I can't get my databound user control to display the data on my main form?

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Load The Data From The Db And Display In The Dgv?

Aug 13, 2010

This is the first time i am using an DGV and also an DB.I have written some code,but i am not sure whether it is the correct way of doing.Basically i want to load the data from the db and display in the dgv. I only want to display the data , manipulation of this data is done using other form.I am setting the columns manually because i want to use the same dgv for multiple purpose


Private Sub LoadDivisions() Using conn As New SqlConnection(My.Settings.IDSConnectionString) Using cmd As New SqlCommand("select * from divisions order by divname", conn) [code]......

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Display - Load A Text File

Feb 28, 2009

I want to program a multi-media cd-rom. Need to be able to load a text file into a VB formand have user move through pages with 'forward' and 'backward' buttons.

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Save / Load / Display VB08E

Aug 9, 2010

I am making a basic program for a school assignment. It needs to use entered data to calculate an average and connect names to results etc. etc. It then has to store the data to an array. After all the data has been entered, the array must be stored to a batch file.


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VS 2010 Load Form But Don't Display It

Jun 12, 2012

I have an app where there's an edit form and it loads a bunch of stuff into comboboxes which takes half a minute to load the first time. Once it's loaded I keep the instance of the form and just hide it instead of disposing it until the app exits. What I would like to do is in the Sub Main of the app (there is no startup form) I would like to launch a new thread and load that form into memory, but I don't want the form to be displayed at that time, what's the best way to do this?

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Display Load Advance Form - Delay Is Not Always The Same

Jun 12, 2012

I have some forms that are slow to open, I want to do is to show you something the user is loading, the time delay is not always the same, as is done

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During Form Load Event I Want To Display The Parentgroup Name?

Nov 7, 2011

open & read my attachment:

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class form1
Dim myconnection As OleDbConnection[code]...

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How To Read/load And Display Text Correctly

Jan 23, 2012

How do i read and display the next text correctly in vb2010.


En God het gesê .


(the bold letters, i made them bold jyst for attention)

All these words come out of the Afrikaans Bybel. i have download a text file

with the hole bible in one text file. the name of my text file is : bybel.txt

i want to read/load the file and display it in a textbox, but when i do all these letter that is in bold comes out completly wrong.

this is the code that i use:

fileReader As
fileReader =


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