Octal Binary Hexadecimal Decimal For Calculator

Jun 4, 2009

Im looking for the correct solution for the 4 radiobuttons for my scientifc calculator also to calculate within it.

i have something like this: but i dont think its good enough

Private Sub rbHex_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles rbHex.CheckedChanged


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Write A Program That Displays In A Textbox A Table Of The Binary, Octal, And Hexadecimal Equivalents Of The Decimal Numbers?

Jun 13, 2011

i m trying to write a program that displays in a textbox a table of the binary, octal, and hexadecimal equivalents of the decimal numbers in range 1-222.

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Decimal, Octal, Hexdecimal And Binary Breakdown?

Sep 30, 2011

alright iam having an issue with this my code is working however i cant figure out 1 oftwo things 1. how do i get the numbers to align under their proper title like binary numbers under the word binary and 2. what can i add to ensure that no one can type in the txtbox or anything else to make sure the code cant be broken ?? HELP PLZZZZ =] here is my code:


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Display Numbers From 1 To 17 As Hex, Decimal, Octal, And Binary

Apr 28, 2011

I have a hw assignment and it asks this: program Description: Write a program that has four sub procedures that will calculate and print out a table of numbers 0 to 17 in decimal, hex, octal, and binary notation. Statements Required: output, loop control, subprogram

Sample Output: (you will design your own output but 4 adjacent label boxes would be suitable) [Code] What I want to know is how do I display my numbers from 1 to 17 as either Hex, Decimal, Octal or Binary. Also how would I display that on my form?

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Write A Hex / Octal / Binary / Decimal Converter In Visual Basic 2010 Express

Jan 26, 2011

I was going to try to write a hex/octal/binary/decimal converter in Visual Basic 2010 express and was wondering how I would start to do this.

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Convert A String Containing A Binary, Octal And Hex Number Into A Decimal String?

Jun 7, 2009

I'd like to convert a string which contains a decimal number into string that contains the binary value, the octal and the hexadecimal value of that decimal number.Afterwards I also like to convert a string containing a binary, octal and hexd. number into a decimal string.Basically I'm looking for the functions:


I'd not prefer to rewrite a function, I'm sure the framework must have these functions already.

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Decimal To Binary Conversion In A Calculator

Jan 6, 2010

I have this code for a decimal to binary conversion in a calculator. It is working, but when I entered numbers with decimal, the conversion didn't work.[code...]

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How To Convert Decimal Octal To Ascii

Jun 15, 2009

How Convert Decimal , Octal to Ascii ?

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Hexadecimal To Decimal?

Aug 11, 2011

im using vb 2010 and currently working on a program that senses and displays values in hexadecimal, i have already done this part, but now im required to convert the value that is in the textbox, for example 006d to 109.

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[2008] Binary To Hexadecimal (String)?

May 25, 2009

So the server I am running has a database of players equipment, I am trying to write a program to see if they are hacking by comparing the item requirement with the stats the player has, to do this I need to convert the varbinary(512) column from the SQL Database too a Hexadecimal string, then from that string remove certain parts of it.

Example:This is the hexadecimal code for an item:


the part I need is "4400" numbers (Position 3,4,5,6 from start) I then need to flip these backwards so it reads "0044". I then will compare this itemIDX with a list of items I have set aside that people mainly use this hack for.

So the main things I need help with, are converting varbinary(512) to hexadecimal and then making my program bring a list of accountID's up who are using the hack, here is how the databases are set out:

Contains account data ONLY
Contains the Character and Equipment DB

i need to compare the equipmentDB, then return the CharacterID from the equipmentID, compare that ID with the CharacterID in CharacterDB, then extract the accountID then return the account name from the accountDB I don't know how the binary is split up from item too item, although I would imagine, it isn't, i would have thought it just goes onto the next item when the item ends.Although, all the items start with hex string "0x" so this may be the separator!

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Decimal To Hexadecimal Conversion?

Nov 25, 2009

I'm writing a small program that will convert a negative number (e.g. -200) to a hexadecimal number (e.g. FF38). And back to a decimal number. FF38 back to -200. (I can only use two bytes when converting back and forth.)

Question: is there a function in VB that will help?

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How To Convert Hexadecimal To Decimal

Jun 18, 2009

I currently doing a project..Using VB2005 To convert hexadecimal to decimal. Something to do with serial port..

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Convert Numbers Between Hexadecimal And Decimal In C#?

Jun 21, 2012

Possible Duplicate: How to convert numbers between hexadecimal and decimal in C#? In C, you can do something like int x = 255; printf("x is: %d and in HEX, x is: %x", x, x); How can I do that in C# or VB.net? print the variable's hex equivalent

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VS 2008 Converting Hexadecimal To Decimal

Jul 7, 2009

This program, it reads in a file, and displays it in hexadecimal, like using a hex editor. It then goes to compare the strings and whatnot, and display certain values. During the program, there is a time where I need to display a set of offsets as decimal because that is the way that it is shown regularly.

Taking the two specific offsets and displaying them in hex ends up giving me something like "3039" or "000A", which should respectively convert to 12345 or 00010. This "ID" that I am converting, can be 00000 to 65535, which in hex is 0000 to FFFF. The current method I was given only works if the value is less than 512 or something like that.


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Append A DWORDs Decimal Value Apposed To Hexadecimal?

Jun 10, 2011

I need to write a new value to the registry. I have come stuck at the following code because what i can add is a standard key and i need to place a new decimal value to a DWORD key (aposed to a hexadecimal value)

{Dim wsh
wsh = CreateObject("WScript.shell")
wsh.regwrite("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionpoliciesExplorerNoDrivesdword", "789")}

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DataGridView Cell Editing With Decimal/hexadecimal Formatting?

Jun 16, 2010

I have a DataGridView bound to a DataTable that has 1+16 columns defined as Integer.The default cell style is hexadecimal 2 digits (.Format="X2").When entering in cell editing I would like to provide to the user, the possibility to write the value in decimal or hexdacimal.Hexadecimal could be written like, for example, 0x00, 0X01, x02, XFF
Decimal like 0, 1, 2, 15For this reason in EditingControlShowing I add "0x" to the TextBox value

Private Sub BankGrid_EditingControlShowing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DataGridViewEditingControlShowingEventArgs)
Dim grid As DataGridView = DirectCast(sender, DataGridView)


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Decimal Point In Vb Calculator?

Dec 11, 2009

what is the code for decimal point in vb calculator?

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Intercepting The 0 Key And Decimal Point Validation In A Calculator?

Feb 27, 2010

I create a calculator in visual basic and I put button from 0 to 9 ... and event click textbox1.text = textbox1 + "1" (to 9) ..it work good .. but if i press key 0 from keybord nothing is hapens ..

and the secoun problem .. if I put for example 3.25.89 not 3.2589 how can write in code a "if" for example if textbox1.text -alredy contain a point (.) 3.25 then I click again on button point .. it remain 3.25 but not 3.25.

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Hexadecimal Calculation - Make All The Text Boxes And Label Only Except Hexadecimal Inputs,when Press Button1?

Oct 27, 2009

I have a Form with 4 Text Boxes, 1 label and one button. What I need to do is: Make all the text boxes and label only except Hexadecimal inputs.when I press Button1

Label1 = TextBox1 AND TextBox2 ^ TextBox3 MOD TextBox4

Once again every all the numbers are in Hexadecimal format.

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Better Decimal To Binary Formula?

Apr 25, 2012

I need a code that will convert decimal to binary. My current code doesn't work and just crashes, any suggestions on what I should do

For i = 1 To 17


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Converting Decimal To Binary?

Dec 2, 2011

I need to convert a decimal value(Float Decimal value) to Binary(Float), How can I convert


Dim a as Double = 2.2

How can I convert this to Binary,

If we use Convert.toString(a,2), It'll return "10",

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Decimal To Binary And Hex Then Back?

Feb 24, 2010

im doing this problem that has A.decimal B.hexidecimal C.binary and its a user pick, i also have to convert it to A.decimal B.hexidecimal C.binary. i dont know how to go around with this. this is the code i have

dim remainder as int16
n= txtfrom.text
do while n > 0


this is only for the decimal to binary part though. it keeps not wanting to work.

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Decimal To Binary Conversion?

Mar 6, 2010

I write a program to convert Decimal numbers to Binary numbers. It is working well. But I want to control the bits. i.e - We can write 31 as a) 11111 or b) 011111. When I run my program it displays 11111. I want to take input bit from a text box and display it like 0011111 or 011111 or what ever bit I input. How can I do that ?

Private Sub DecToBin()
Dim i As Integer = txtDec.Text
Dim binary As String = Convert.ToString(i, 2)
txtBin.Text = binary
End Sub

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Display A Decimal As A Binary?

Apr 24, 2009

I have a decimal I want to be able to display as a binary or a hex. I keep seeing code that says Convert.ToString(decimal, 2) to display as binary string, but in 3.5 that is invalid.

Is there no built in formating for binary in 3.5?

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Calculator Application - Use Datatype - Variables Be Single Double Decimal ?

Mar 11, 2009

I am writing an calculator application and i dont know what datatype to use. i mean should the variables be single, double, decimal...?

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Convert A Hexadecimal Number To A Decimal Number

May 3, 2011

im having trouble understanding this question for a homework assignment. I need to write the PSEUDOCODE for the following scenario, but i got no idea about how to convert a hexadecimal number to a decimal number..You are required to input a two digit hexadecimal number eg. 3f (digits can be entered separately) and calculate the equivalent decimal number. (note the decimal number will be between 0 and 255) . output the decimal number

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Converting From Binary To Decimal System

Apr 8, 2012

I was given a school project in which I have to make a program that converts numbers between binary,decimal,octal and hexadecimal systems. I have figured out how to make a function to convert binary number to decimal number [code]With this code,a user can enter a number that isn't binary,and program will calculate it. How can I make that program doesn't calculate those numbers or doesn't accept anything else than 0 or 1? This is needed for other cases like octal and hexadecimal system.

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Decimal To Binary Code For Program?

May 27, 2012

Decimal to binary code for program?[code]...

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Decimal To Binary Using Colour Boxes?

Feb 2, 2010

I'm doing a uni assignment regarding changing decimals to binary. However this assingment seems to be different to most of its kind from what I can see.Our assignment asks us to have a text box in which we'll enter the decimal, then we'll use a menuscript to and highlight the button 'dec-to-bin' which will then change the colour of 8 image boxes (located in a row above the text box) from black to red based on whether the binary is '1' (Red) or '0' (Black) for that bit.I've struggling to find a starting point as I need to ensure I link the text boxes to the outcome of the decimal and binary but not sure how.

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Decimal To Binary Conversion And Display In Textbox?

Mar 7, 2010

I want to take more than one number separated by one space from txtDec textbox and display their binary form again separated by one space in txtBin textbox.

My code below ---
Private Sub DecToBin()
Dim i As Integer = txtDec.Text
Dim binary As String = Convert.ToString(i, 2).PadLeft(8, "0"c)
txtBin.Text = binary
End Sub

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