Odbc - Reading A Large File (>5MB) From A BLOB (container) Field From Filemaker?

May 4, 2011

I'm trying to read a binary file from a FileMaker 11 container field using Filemaker's own ODBC driver. I was able to write files to the database and this works fine. retrieving them manually works fine and the files look OK and are not corupted. However when retreiving them using VB.NET, and if the file size is approx > 5MB, I get the following "uncatchable" error (yes thats right, I cant "Try Catch End Try", it just crashes):

System.AccessViolationException was unhandled
Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.


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How To Insert 9 MB Audio File Into Blob Field

May 14, 2010

Trying to insert a large audio file into an Oracle 10g database and keep getting this error:
ORA-01460: unimplemented or unreasonable conversion requested
The byte array length of the audio file is 2702577. The procedure works with smaller array lengths, but not the larger ones.

Here is my code:
Dim oracleConnection As New OracleClient.OracleConnection
Dim Cmd As New OracleClient.OracleCommand
Dim oracleDataAdapter As New OracleDataAdapter
oracleConnection.ConnectionString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("MasterConnectionODT")
[Code] .....

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Zipping File Stored On SQL Server As Blob Image Field

Jul 14, 2010

I'm trying to zip a file that is stored on SQL Server as a blob image field and when downloading the zip file it says the file is corrupted.. or the file will open but contains some crazy characters. I've tried WinRAR and 7zip and no luck. I checked out [URL] and tried to kind of combine the browser attachment code and the memorystream/byte array code and no luck.

Here is my code snippet:
BinData = DirectCast(dt.Rows(0)("ImageField"), Byte())
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Dim blen As Integer = BinData.Length
[Code] .....

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InvalidCastException When Reading A BLOB Object (PDF File) From An SQL Database?

Nov 3, 2011

I'm having problems with an Invalid Cast Exception when I try and read a PDF from a database as a BLOB. I am able to write the files into the database no problems at all,however, when I try to retrieve them I just get InvalidCastException.Here is the code I'm using:

Protected Sub btnPDF_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnPDF.Click
' Request.QueryString["docid"].ToString();
Dim docuid As String = "b39a443d-ccfd-47f4-b333-f12cd94683d6"


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Retrieving A Large BLOB And Keep Getting An Out Of Memory Exception?

Feb 18, 2010

I am retrieving a large BLOB and keep getting an Out Of Memory Exception. It occurs when I use a SqlDataReader to either check if the column is NULL, or if I try to read it and assign it to a Byte type of parameter, or if I use Response.BinaryWrite.

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How To Declare A Blob Field

Sep 19, 2011

How can I declare a blob field in an access database with SQL?

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Blob Field In Query String

Feb 25, 2010

I had been using this way for while, and it seems it work fine with char and numbers.
Dim MyVar1 as String = "Hello"
Dim MyVar2 as Integer = 1
Dim MySQL = "Select * from table where field1 = '<field1>' and Field2 = <field2>"
MySQL = MySQL.Replace("<field1>",MyVar1).Replace("<field2>",MyVar2)

But, when I have to deal with blob field, where I store "wav file" for example, I had to read it as array of bytes, and the only way I find to insert the array of bytes in my query string is by using the command.AddParameter
Dim myfile As System.IO.FileStream = System.IO.File.OpenRead("full_wav_file_path")
Dim myArray(myfile.Length) As Byte
myfile.Read(myArray, 0, (myfile.Length))
[Code] .....
Is there another way to insert it without addParameter?

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Reading A Very Large Text File?

Jan 30, 2012

My problem is I have very large text files (approx 2GBs+).They have records in them based in one per line.Each line is not the same length and the data can be different lengths all the time.I am currently reading the file line by line, then splitting the data by common characters in the records. To process the full file it currently takes 3hours. This is way too slow for its purpose.

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Reading Large Text File?

Jul 6, 2011

I've a problem reading text file using StreamReader. The file have between 500 000 and 1 000 000 lines.When I try to read it in a cycle, I get an error. That's why I've tried the StreamReader.ReadToEnd method. It worked fine. I've get the entire contents of the file in one string. So far everything is okay, but I've a small problem searching this huge string. I have to reformat the string to my desired format. I'll try to be more specific: The format of the input file is as follows:

50471100 8 2 6 5 0<LF><CR>
00000016 365442 12231<LF><CR>
00000026 112166 31133<LF><CR>


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[2008] Reading A Very Large Text File

Feb 1, 2009

The following code suppose to:

1. Read line-by-line a txt file with more than 500,000 lines, (each line 521 characters long)

2. extract an ID No from the line

3. query from a database for LCCIStatus

4. concatenate the value of LCCIStatus to the line

5. write the line to sample.txt

My problem is, this code works perfectly with the test file of 8000 lines but fail with the actual files which have over 500,000 lines. FYI, the test file contains data which I cut and paste from the actual file.


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Get Value Of BLOB Field And Show / Hide A Label Based On It?

Nov 2, 2011

I'm calling some data from my Oracle table and I have a field which is called 'image1' which is a BLOB field.

Sometimes an image is input into the field and others it's not. I need a way to read the BLOB field to see if its a blank and then show/hide my label based on its contents.[code]...

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Regex - Reading File Large File Very Slow?

Aug 26, 2011

this code takes about 30 mins and high cpu usage, what is the problem

strLine = objReader.ReadLine()
If strLine Is Nothing Then


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File I/O And Registry :: Reading Files From A Large Directory?

Jul 15, 2009

I wrote a cleanup program to go through some directories and delete files based on if the creation date is older than say 6 months. It works fine with some of the directories I have that contain around a few thousand small files. However, there is one directory (that contains small backup files from another program) that is loaded with over 300,000 files and it locks up on me as soon as I read in the first file in that directory.I am convinced it is the directory has too many files in it to open it. The server that the directory is on is slow. It takes a half hour to open the directory while on the server itself. I know it will take forever to delete the amount of files I want to delete, but I don't understand why it gets stuck and hangs there with no error message.Here is where I get stuck. Listbox1 is the directory I'm attempting to access

For Each selectFile In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(ListBox1.Items.Item(Count), FileIO.SearchOption.SearchTopLevelOnly, "*.*")
compFile = Path.GetFileName(selectFile)


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Reading Large File Stream In .net (How Can I Increase Buffer Size)?

Mar 3, 2009

i need to read a large file stream binary my code is Dim sr As New IO.FileStream(srcFile,


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Reading File Large File Very Slow

Aug 26, 2011

this code takes about 60 mins and high cpu usage for a text file of 90,000 lines, what is the problem..[code]

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Reading A CSV File With Commas In Field

Dec 21, 2009

What is the best way to read a CSV file that contains quotes within fields?I was doing something like this but it is too hard coded it would seem.[code]

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OleDb Reading Text File Handle Quotes In Field

Sep 6, 2011

Is there a way to handle quotes with a field in text tab delimited file example:"This program works "really" nicely and is helpful" my reading and understand thus far is that while the file is tab delimited fields can also begin and end with quotes. Therefore is a field contains a quote it gets interpreted as end of field.[code]

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SQL Odbc Reader Not Reading Next Value

Jul 8, 2011

I am trying to get a whole column from a table in sql DB. I used the code below, but in my OdbcReader, i only have 1 fieldcount.[code]....

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Reading A Large File Line By Line?

Aug 15, 2011

I have a data file which I am de-compressing and then reading line by line.This includes data which is then read by my function which is split into sperate bits then inserted into a database.My reader is currently taking ages. (largest file being 1.8GB)I am using:

' File exists, read file.
Dim objReader As New System.IO.StreamReader(fileName)[code]....

Is there a quicker way to do this? And possibly a progress bar to show how far it is through the file?

View 14 Replies

Reading Large Csv Files

Sep 17, 2010

Which is the most performant way to read a large csv file in .NET? Using FileStream? or another class

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Reading Large Files Efficiently

Sep 12, 2010

I am writing a small tool that identifies digital scielence in non compressed PCM WAV files. Its purpose will be to scan files approximately 1 hour long, containing mostly scilence and spltting the periods of non scilence into files and discarding any digital silence which is encoded as null bytes.I am wondering what the most efficient way of scanning the files is. I am able to derive the number of bytes for each second from the file header (in my case 16000) so am considering reading into a buffer of this size then scanning byte for byte, if I identify a non-null byte I will start siphoning the data off to another file.My issue is with scanning large expanses of digital silence which could be many megabytes of data which would require examining each byte to determine wether or not its digital silence. Surely there is a more efficient way of skipping them as I am not interested in them.

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Reading Large Text Files

Jan 30, 2012

My problem is I have very large text files (approx 2GBs+).They have records in them based in one per line.Each line is not the same length and the data can be different lengths all the time.I am currently reading the file line by line, then splitting the data by common characters in the records. To process the full file it currently takes 3hours. This is way too slow for its purpose.

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Does DB2 OS / 390 BLOB Support .docx File

May 13, 2010

ASP.net app inserts Microsoft Windows 2007 .docx file into a row on DB2 OS/390 Blob table. A different VB.net app gets the DB2 OS/390 Blob data. VB.net app kicks off Microsoft Word to open the .docx file but then Microsoft Word pops up a message that the data is corrupted. Word will allow you to fix the data so the file can be viewed but it is extra steps and users complain.I've seen some examples where .docx can be converted to .doc but they only talk about stripping out the text. Some of our .docx have pictures in them.

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Write A Blob File To MySQL?

Mar 17, 2009

I am recieving an error when I am trying to write a blob file to MySQL. figure out what I am doing wrong. Here is my code:


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Reading Large Excel Files Or Sheets?

Feb 10, 2010

I'm tryng to read an excel sheet that has more than 255 cell. I'm using the following code:

Dim MyConnection As System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim MyDataSet As New System.Data.DataSet
Dim connectionString As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("PCOConnectionString2").ConnectionString


this code throws me an error that indicates me that there are too many rows to read. I found, seaching through forums, that it can't be more that 255 cells on the sheet i'm reading.

How can i read this sheet that has over 500 cells?

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Reading And Parsing Large Delimited Text Files?

Nov 23, 2011

I'm busy with an applicaton which reads space delimited log files ranging from 5mb to 1gb+ in size, then stores this information to a MySQL database for later use when printing reports based upon the information contained in the files. The methods I've tried / found work but are very slow.

or is there a better way to handle very large text files?

I've tried using textfieldparser as follows:

Using parser As New TextFieldParser("C:logfiles estfile.txt")
parser.TextFieldType = FieldType.Delimited
parser.CommentTokens = New String() {"#"}


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Can Itext Generate Pdf File And Insert Into Database As Blob

Jan 12, 2011

I just wondering can Itext done the following function before i dive into it.I want to develop a window application, and schedule this application in my server. This application should query the data from (oracle) and with itext help (i hope it help), generate pdf report. Then insert back to oracle as blob.

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Retrieve MySQL Blob - Save The File To Disk

Aug 29, 2010

I have a mySQL table(IMP_SCANS) holding the file, it's name and size for every document:

scan_1 blob
description varchar
filesize int
doc_no varchar
doc_date date

I managed to insert a file to the table. Now I need to save the file to disk.

So I have the code:

Dim conn As New MySqlConnection
Dim cmd As New MySqlCommand
Dim myData As MySqlDataReader
Dim SQL As String
Dim FileSize As UInt32
Dim fs As FileStream


I all works fine up to the line: myData.GetBytes(myData.GetOrdinal("scan_1"), 0, rawData, 0, filesize) Where it says "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". I cannot figure out why I receive this error.

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Serial Port Timing - Reading Large Flash Contents

Feb 10, 2011

I am having an issue with serial port timing when using it to read large flash content. If I slowly step through the code the program works as expected. If I let it runs by itself it only shows part of the result. The problem is not related to displaying the data on the form but mainly the "Serialport.BytesToRead".

Here is the code
Private Sub MemoryReport_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MemoryReport.Click
[Code] .....

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Using ODBC Works Fine On 32-bit But Unable To Locate ODBC On 64-bit

Oct 24, 2011

I have a small vb.net application that fires a crystal report through crystal viewer.

The report uses an ODBC connection provided by 32-bit software accounts package, which is installed in the ODBC 32-bit This all works fine on 32-bit XP and 32-bit Win7 with no problems, When run on a win7 64-bit machine the application launches ok, but when it comes to running the report, it prompts for a database logon box for the odbc connection.

When the report is run seperate on its own, on the exact same pc through crystal reports desginer it runs fine, Its almost like the application is not picking the 32-bit ODBC set up is it the case that the connection needs to be coded rather than using the report connection,

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