Open Up A File With Program?

Sep 11, 2009

How can I open up a file with my program? Like the notepad does {right click, open with, notepad}Or swf file opener {right click, open with, swf player}etc...

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Open Specific .pdf File From A Whole Range Of File Located In Program

Oct 8, 2009

im having trouble opening adobe from my coding, also is my file ok or do i need to call from its folder location within the program.i need to be able to open a specific .pdf file from a whole range of file located in the program.what im getting the user to do is press 1 of about 14 buttons to select a brand. then in textbox1,enter the first part of the file name so in this case a274 (adobe runs in .pdf format so the file would be a274.pdf).at the moment i get a win32 error high lighting startinfo as the problem so im thinking its the adobe.exe is the problem. [code]

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Open File With Program?

Apr 26, 2009

i made a program that manage file (picture text etc.), and i want when i right click the file and select open with->myprogram, it do the function that add the file to my program! (similarly WinRAR)

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Can't Open File Using Access 7 Program

Jun 4, 2010

I am trying to write a section of Access VB code that opens the Windows dialog box and allows my user to select and open a file to verify it is the correct one. (Then I use the file path and name to copy, rename and move the file). I have been trying to use the OpenFileName structure and have succeeded in capturing the file path and name my user selected... My main problem in all of this is getting the file to actually open so the user can verify it before I commit the actions noted. This probably can be done as a part of the OpenFileName dialog if I understood it better, but but isn't there also a trivial way to open a file if you have the path and name?

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Need To Make Program Open A File

Jun 3, 2009

I need to make my program open a file, write a length of 142 bytes over an existing 142 bytes and save. Please help. I have gotten no where with it so far...

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Open A File / A Folder Using My Program?

Aug 2, 2009

How can i open a file (like .mp3 , .avi) or a folder (like C:program files ) using my program? I use visual basic

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Open A File In Multithread Program?

Apr 30, 2011

I have a multithread program and in a thread i read a stram from ftp server and write them to a file and close it and in another thread open saved file and read it for process.but sometime when i want to open saved file i receive a error that say : cannot open file , because another user open it .i create 2 filter that surly file saved and closed , but i don't success.

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Open A File With Specific Program?

Jun 9, 2010

I have an embedded EXE file, that my program extracts. I want to open a specific file with this program. How do I do this?

BTW: If you want to extract an embedded resource in one line, here it is: My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllBytes(PathToExtract,ResourceFile, PutFalseIfYouWantToOverwrite)

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Open Any Type Of File Using Program?

Jan 29, 2010

I know shell command but i want to know another solution.

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Open Chm File In Program 2005?

Mar 19, 2009

How can i open chm file in 2005 ?

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Open Excel File In Program?

Apr 24, 2007

I have an excel file,having lot or micros, connecting to database, doing some complex calculation..inshot that excel file is itself an application.

Now I want to open that excel in form, on button click. I prefer to open that excel in form itself having all the excel tool bar etc, If that is not possible then opening in separate window using excel will also solve my purpose (coz when we open in excel it self we will get all the toolbar option etc automatically)

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VS 2008 Get The Program That Will Open A File?

Oct 7, 2009

I want to find the full path of the program that will open a given file type. e.g. '.txt' is opened by c:windowssystem32 otepad.exe

I've done a bit of searching but i keep just finding how to create an association, not read one. I've also tried looking in the registery, but it looks like all that's there is a link to the program ID or something.

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File Doesn't Open But Crashes The Program?

Mar 25, 2011

I am having Beta Testers go through my program. For some reason, the help file doesn't open but crashes the program. But it is in the program folder... I'm not sure why it is having a problem finding it.I created a try catch format because it seemed to have a problem at one point between looking in the 32 bit program folder or the 64 bit even though the program itself is in 64 bit...[code].....

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How To Open A File In Existing Program Instead Of A New Instance

Mar 17, 2009

I have a program that runs some data manipulation on a file when it is double-clicked and then displays this to the user.However, when I double click on the same file type of a different file it opens in a separate instance of my program instead of the same instance already running, i.e. some message that says would you like to reload file, YesNo, and then given the answer perform the action required.I have found some code to stop a second instance from opening, but this is inconvienient for the user to close out of the program everytime they want to view a new file.[code]

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Open A File In Windows Native Program?

Jul 27, 2011

I got this chunk of code off the internet, i think the sample program was called "store images and files on sql server" i added the delete routine, so it is a little better than when i found it, but it opens pictures in big picturebox at the very last line, i was wondering if there's a way to call windows photo editor or something newer instead of the form it's calling

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Open A File That Is In The Resources Folder Of The Program?

Jan 30, 2011

How do I open this .REG file in Visual Basic 2010?

I'm trying to make a program that will launch this registry file that I've put already in the Resources folder of the program.

BTW if you're curious it's not a harmful program I'm making.

So all I've done so far is put the file in the resources folder of the program, but I don't know how to actually launch it.

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Open A Pdf File With User Password In Program?

Nov 6, 2009

Open a pdf file with user password in vb 2008

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Open And Edit An MS Word File With Program?

Apr 25, 2011

I have a need to do some extensive editing on some SGML files. SGML is, of course, just tagged ASCII files. But, I need to convert that SGML to nice, neat MS Word files, with paragraph styles. I need to do extensive searching and replacing. VBA does not have the necesary regular expression support, so, I need to use VB.Net. But, I'm at a loss to do the most basic thing. I just need to know how I can open a Word file in VB.Net.

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Read From An Excel File In Program When It Is Not Open?

May 4, 2012

I have a vb program that reads data from an excel sheet and displays it in a datagridview. The problem with this program is that it is able to read the data and display it only when the excel file is opened but when the excel file is not opened, it gives an error report that[code]...

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Right-click To Open A File In A Running Program?

Oct 25, 2010

I've used Visual Basic on and off for years, but for some reason this has never crossed my path, though it's probably relatively simple.

I have a program which runs in the background, in the System Tray. (Which is to say it has a NotifyIcon and is Hiding.) Using the Registy, I've added a new item to the right-click menu for certain files (for example PDF) which reads "Accept".

The goal is to have this open the file in my program and have it run the script. The script itself works flawlessly with an Open Dialog box - all it does is change the "comments" on the file. But I can't for the life of me figure out how to do it without the dialog box.

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Open A File Or Program When The User Clicks On The Balloon?

Apr 23, 2010

I have a notify icon that uses balloons t notify the user of certain events. In some circumstances I would like to open a file or program when the user clicks on the balloon. The default behavior is to close when the user clicks the balloon. How can change this?

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Get Path Of A Text File When Open It Then Place It On Textbox In Program?

Aug 2, 2011

Just want to know how to get the path of a text file when i open it then put it on a textbox in

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VS 2008 - Open File On Double Click With Desired Program

Jan 12, 2012

I designed a advanced music player, everything is ok, I create the setup, install my computer. Here is my problem, there is a mp3 file at my desktop, right click, Open with, Select my program. But, I realise that I didn't write any code for that. Shortly, I want to when double click on mp3 file. And it should be opened with my program..

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VS 2008 Place A PDF File In The Resources And Open It In Program Using 'AxAcroPDF1.src'?

Oct 30, 2010

1. Place a PDF file in the resources and open it in my program using 'AxAcroPDF1.src'

2. Place a txt file in the resources, open and change it.

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[2005] Write A Program That Will Open A Solidworks File In EDrawings?

Jan 17, 2009

I'm trying to write a program that will open a solidworks file in EDrawings and print it and so far the only way I can find to do that with an edrawings ActiveX Control displayed on my form.Does anyone know if it's possible to print drawings via EDrawings 2009 without the ActiveX Control having to be displayed on the form as that is drastically slowing down my program?

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Make 'Button1' Open A External Program Of There Choice Using The File Browser

Feb 26, 2011

Question 1: How to make 'Button1' open a external program of there choice using the File Browser.

Question 2: How to send 'TextBox1.Text' to an external process

Question 3: How to save data in a .dll file made from Visual Basic

If anyone has source codes that I code edit for Visual Basic 10/08,And If you could sort of walk me through what I would need to edit to make it work for my programs

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Designing A Program - Click On Something In The List It Will Automatically Open A .dat File Pull The Information

Jan 28, 2011

Im using visual basic 2010 and im building a program that will basically, you click on something in the list it will automatically open a .dat file pull the information that it needs, and then proceed to enter it into a box on the right. Well heres my issue i know how to do everything else but i cant seem to imitate this image, i need to know how i can make a list like this where the whole row is selectable, and the items/subitems are divided.

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"Windows Does Not Know What Program To Use To Open This File"?

Aug 26, 2010

I have published an application. On some computers it is working very well but on others when we run setup files, windows throws error "Windows does not know what program to use to open this file"

This error comes for application.manifest. Also I checked the icon for this manifest was like the icons that are given when no associated program is installed for a certain file.

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Why Would A .sln File Open As Empty In VB2010Express When It Should Open Referring To Projects Etc

Mar 6, 2012

Why would a .sln solution file open and appear empty in Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express - i.e. no windows showing projects and code files etc.When I inspect the file in a text editor, it contains references to vbproj files (which are present) which indicate that it should not appear as empty.No error messages are reported when the file is opened.

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[2005] Can't Open Excel File By Using XlApp.Workbooks.Open?

Feb 11, 2009

I would like to open the excel file after create the excel file. The creating file function is done, but the system unable to open the excel file. My coding as below:

Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim misValue As Object = System.Reflection.Missing.Value


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