Output This To A Specific Xml Format?

Oct 14, 2009

I am using the following function to return the twitter ID and ScreenName. I need to output this data in the following XML format and then save it to a .xml file.


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C# - XMLElement - Override Output Format?

Feb 12, 2012

what method would i need to override with a custom XmlElement to format the body in a certain order?Currently, when the class is instantiated, i have it auto-fill the Default Value from the DefaultValueAttribute and create the initial child elements through the constructor.What i want to do is make sure that the Elements child nodes are in a certain order. This is not a webservices Xml Transformation but a simple file output for a User Interface.

I tried overriding InnerXml but that was a bust. If i dont create the initial child elements from the constructor then they never show up.


Actual output would not be in a XSLT format but this should get the format i am looking for. Currently, what ever is edited last is at the bottom, and i want to have the various object properties to be outputed in a certain order in the ChildNodes of the parent. I want to have the iteration overload to a minimum. I would rather handle the childnode creation be handled on the output of the class into XML format.

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Save Textbox Output In PDF Format?

Aug 14, 2009

i would like to ask some question regarding saving textbox output into PDF format...i used StreamWriter.. but i dun think so it can work with in PDF.

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Format Date Output In Text File?

Sep 30, 2010

I want to have an output like this in my text file


This is my code

oWrite.WriteLine("{0,10:ddMMyy_hhmm}{0,10:yyyy/MM/dd}", """" + Now())

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Format Printer Output When I Have Multiple Pages?

Jul 24, 2010

My app outputs to printer and after much effort (and assistance from this forum) I got the print output formated to an acceptable output, except when certain user choices make for a multi-page document. The document prints one page and then cuts off. We formatted the output using a defined rectangle (the code for which I do not fully understand) to format the page. Can experienced users give me some help on getting a multi page output?

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Convert Integer To Currency Format To Output In Textbox?

Feb 11, 2011

I have a textbox that is filled by the method [code]...

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How To Reconfigure Code To Output Specific Values Rather Than Collection

Aug 26, 2011

How to reconfigure code to output specific values rather than collection

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Reconfigure Code To Output Specific Values Rather Than Collection?

Jan 16, 2012

I currently this code on my app that works great to loop through a page and grab the label of an input value of a form and then print the value to a rich text box.I am now trying to revamp the code to give me the ID the value if the label contains a specific name.For instance if the label before the input field contains the word Username then I want the application to output the ID of the input field rather than just everything that has a label.

Here is my current code:

Dim web As HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlWeb = New HtmlWeb()
Dim doc As HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument = web.Load("http://shaggybevo.com/board/register.php")
Dim nodes As HtmlNodeCollection


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Format Text Output To A Textbox So It Adheres To A Predefined Width?

Sep 21, 2010

I found a code snippet online[code]...

But the problem is that the text it outputs isn't properly formatted. It must adhere to a predefined width.

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Output A Graph Drawn In Program And Plotted With Data To Pdf File Format?

Mar 31, 2010

Is it possible to output a graph drawn in vb.net and plotted with data to a pdf file format? or any microsoft office format?

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Save Application Data (input+output) In A New File Format In Program?

May 16, 2011

I work in an engineering design house and programming is not my actual profession. And I am relatively new to VB .net (previous i had worked in vb 6)

I am working on an in house application. I am coding a simple application in vb .net. This applications takes a few inputs from user and calculates a result. Now I want to implement a simple functionality that user should be able to save the input and results just like most of the windows programs can in a new file format. And user should be able to open the save file when desired.

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VS 2008 HTML Table Parsing, Need Output In Comma Separated Format?

Apr 4, 2010

I need to extract a html table and show the data in comma separated format. Below is a similar html table from which I need to parse data.

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Specific Format For DateTime

May 10, 2010

I need to have my DateTime format match this type: 2010-04-10T10:00:03. When the user clicks the 'Update Modification Time' button, I need the exact Date and Time, in that format, to be saved in an .INI file.

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.net - Searching For A Specific Format In A String?

Aug 10, 2011

I need to accum some data based on whether or not an SSN number appears in the data. I have it in a string, what I need to do is search for a numeric pattern within the string such as:I looked into regex a bit, but I don't have much time to read deep into it (my company needs the program this week) and it seems too complex to grasp in such a short time. What I've came across so far is:

If (rec.address1 Like "###-##-####")

but I don't know if this will filter it out of the string (it can appear with an address attached to it).

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Converting A Datetime Of A Specific Format?

May 8, 2011

i have a problem converting a datetime of a specific format , you may notice a colon in between the date and time.

Dim time As DateTime
Dim str As String = "26/02/2009:18:37:58"
time = DateTime.Parse(str, "dd/MM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss")

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Validate Text And Take It In A Specific Format?

Aug 17, 2011

I want to validate text taken from a textbox and want it in a specific format. I have tried masked text box but when the textbox is empty it shows something like a blank line in the text box....How can i avoid that and show the masked textbox just like a simple empty (still masked) textbox?Secondly I want data like csc-(somenumber).....Can I add some random number automatically after 'csc-' characters?

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VS 2008 Printing With A Specific Format?

Mar 18, 2009

I have 7 TextBox, 1 ListView and 1 MaskedTextBox. What i would like to do is print their content. I would like it to print like this..


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.Net Regex To Parse Specific JSON Format

Feb 20, 2010

I'm writing a little web service which generates SO/SF/SU/MSO user flair in the form of an image with various "themes". I find this preferable to using the HTML/JS solutions offered by SO as it's more flexible and also works better in forum signatures.

I'm retrieving the data using the apparently unofficial API (More info here). I can have the data in HTML or JSON. I assumed the JSON would be easier to parse.

Unfortunately, I'm not great at regexes. and the best I can come up with is some very hacky sub-stringing. I believe a regex should be the most elegant solution

regex that matches ID, GravatarURL, ProfileURL, DisplayName, Reputation and Badge Counts (Bronze/Silver/Gold).

FWIW This is to be used in a VB.Net project (in case that affects the syntax at all)


In case any of you are interested, some screenshots of the flair as a work in progress are available here: Me, Jeff Atwood, Joel Spolsky

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Easiest Way To Validate Specific Date Format?

Apr 24, 2010

I would like to easily validate dates in this format, e.g., 31-JUL-2010 and only this format. Any other format should be considered invalid.

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How To Generate Custom Report In Specific Format

Dec 14, 2011

I am working on a simple window application (VS2010,VB.NET). It's an HR management App - Employees records.I need simply insert/edit Employee Info, reports in Excel (with out crystal reports) & Show in Grid.So I am thinking of using Telerik RAD WinForms (2011) only because it looks cool. But I also know that Telerik could be a real pain when you need more flexibility.Although my application is quite basic still I want to determine whether I should go with Telerik or just use standard Windows Forms functionality? How can I generate custom report in specific format.Also It would be nice if some one point me to some sample application or VB.NET windows Tutorials?

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Parsing Date Without Specific Month Format?

Apr 4, 2011

Is there a way to do so? Say sometimes I see March 2nd, 1921

Latter I see 2 March 2010.Is there a function GetDate(SomeString as string) as Date?That will sort of recoqnize all those different format and "try" parsing.

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VS 2008 Double To A Specific Format String

Oct 2, 2010

I am making a program that shows a data of azimuth and elevation of a radar. Example:

Azimuth = 203.40
Elevation = 3.52

I need that the data will always be two number after the point. Even when the number ends with zero (203.40).But the Double by default removes the zero from the end of the number.

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How To Format String To Represent Date In Specific Layout

Apr 28, 2009

I'm trying to format a string to represent a date in a specific format using the Format function but it's return odd results.
Here's an example:
Dim s as String = "01/01/2000"
Dim result as String = ""
result = Format(s, "dd-mmm-yyyy")
result equals "dd-mmm-yyyy" (the format string) very strange.

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Specific Nokia Phone AT Command Support SMS Text Format?

Nov 14, 2009

Does anybody know what specific Nokia mobile phone should i use for my project development to send SMS through my PC using a GSM phone... I have my own mobile phone but it doesnt support SMS Text Format on AT COMMANDS. It shows error 303 when i use AT+CMGF=1. meaning my phone does not support Text format. It only support PDU code. I dont have any idea using PDU codes.

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VS 2008 Save A Text In Visual Basic In A Word File With Specific Format

Jan 31, 2012

How I can save a text in visual basic in a word file with specific format like font size or color or other format??

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No Output In Asynchronous Program - Retrieve Output After The Events Are Invoked?

Mar 1, 2012

What I am trying to do: There are three powershell scripts with different time delays as shown below.I am trying to run them asynchronously in .NET and I followed this article to implement Asyncrhonous programming. Where I am stuck:The I am not able to retrieve output after the events are invoked.The scripts are being called but then the program ends and it shows "Press any key to continue" in console windows.I don't what I am missing here.

Info: JobRequest is a class that I use to pass around information keep track of jobs.

Sub Main()
OurAsyncFunctionCalling("psDelayScript2.ps1", "-arg1 4 -arg2 5", 1)
OurAsyncFunctionCalling("psDelayScript1.ps1", "-arg1 2 -arg2 3", 2)[code]......

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Unable To See In Output Window Number 5 As Output?

Sep 25, 2011

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(3 + 2)
End Sub

Why I don't see in Output window number 5 as output?

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.net - Why Only Getting One Output Value (and No Debug Output) From This Code?

Jun 14, 2012

I'm just going to throw all my code in here in case there's something wrong with a piece of the code not in the "SelectName()" sub.

Module Module1
Dim selectednames As String = ""
Dim index As Short = 0
Dim inarray As Boolean = False


Here's an image of what it does (I suppose you can see what went wrong)13 inputs, 3 outputs expected, only 1 output given.As from what I've figured out so far, it's doing the correct amount of loops etc. It's just as soon as it starts generating the "winner" for the 2nd game key it doesn't get a string value from namesarray.Also, why is

For x = 0 To totalnames - 1
Debug.Print("namesarray(" & x & ") = " & namesarray(x))

not giving me a debug output?

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ChartAreas(0).AxisX.LabelStyle.Format Is Changing Axis Label Text Instead Of Format?

Feb 1, 2011

I'm returning a database query into a List object and using that list object to fill the X and Y axes of my chart as seen below. (_runData is a "List(of DatabaseTableName)" style Object filled with the results of my query.

Primary_Chart.Series(0).Points.DataBindXY(_runData, "DateTime", _runData, "UPPER_PRESSURE")
My Datetime field is returning as a Serial Number (i.e. 40116.76111) so I want to format the X Axis to display the field more readably. Enter my problem code.


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Convert A Black And White Image In JPEG Format To A Grayscale TIFF Format?

Jun 5, 2011

Im looking for a class or code in VB.NET that can convert a black and white image in JPEG format to a grayscale TIFF format.

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