Parsing The Logs Of 2008 Server?

Nov 15, 2011

i have managed to make an application to get print logs from the print server 2003, But now we have changed it to 2008.get print logs from windows 2008 server.i have activated the print loges from service manager -> diagnostics -> application and service logs-> microsoft ->windows ->print service and enabled the logs.using

EvntLog1() As EventLog = EventLog.GetEventLogs(My.Computer.Name)
For dhi


i can get some process but i am not sure how to get the printer logs from windows server 2008?

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Parsing Of Firewall EMail Logs?

Apr 23, 2012

I get EMails from my firewall router for any alerts (when they occur) as well as the complete log (every day at 4:00 AM) - I have been saving the logs manually by copying and pasting the EMail body into a text editor and saving. I started on a VB project and have run into a bit of a snag.

Heres part of the code that 'grabs' each EMail:

For i = 1 To oItems.Count
oMsg = CType(oItems(i), Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MailItem)
If oMsg.Subject <> String.Empty Then


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Activate SSL When Application Logs On To A Ftp Server?

Aug 28, 2010

I need to activate SSL when my application logs on to a ftp server. I'm searching the net and I can't find some piece of code to work, the username and the password are in plaintext, they are visible

I use this for now but it doesn't work:

Dim request As FtpWebRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create(, FtpWebRequest)
request.Credentials = New NetworkCredential("user", "password")
request.EnableSsl = True
request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.ListDirectory
request.KeepAlive = False

View 4 Replies - Use VB To Query Remote Server Event Logs?

Aug 27, 2009

I am working on creating a web app that will query event logs on internal servers for events using a specific ID. Since most of the servers are running Windows Server 2003, I cannot use the preferred System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader method that I was hoping to use.

I've seen the mention of using WMI, but would like to avoid this if possible. I have dabbled with the System.Diagnostics class but cannot seem to get it working when running on a server. It is able, when testing locally, to query my event log, but displays nothing when put on the final server. There is no error that is displayed after the program is ran.

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Code Snippets - Remotely Accessing Server Event Logs?

Dec 2, 2010

I am working on a project that includes having my VB app pull event log data from a Windows 200x server remotely. Does anyone have any code snippets or reference sites that would have information on remotely accessing admin functions/data in a Win2Kx server environment?

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[2005] Make An Application Which Logs On To A Server Using The Telnet Protocol?

May 9, 2008

I am trying to make an application which logs on to a server using the telnet protocol runs a couple of commands and stores the output of these commands in a text file.The problem is that I cant really seem to figure out how to negotiate the telnet commands. I have done a packet capture of a telnet session todifferent servers using a packet capturing program and I dont seem to find any fixed pattern. Every server negotiates the command in its own different way and in a different sequence, moreover the commands exchanged are not the same.

What I want to do is to exchange the bare minimum commands which will allow me to log on to any server via telnet, run my commands, take the output and logout.I have searched the internet for such a set of 'general' telnet commands but I wasnt able to find any.

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Zombie Object - Communicates With OPC Server - Value Of A Certain OPC Item Changes - Logs All OPC Items To A Database

Jul 13, 2010

In my application, I've built an object that communicates with an OPC server and whenever the value of a certain OPC item changes, it logs all the OPC items to a database. This all works beautifully. However, I'm having a problem with disposing of the instances of this class. Whenever I want to remove an instance of this class from the application, I'm dereferencing the object (objDevice = Nothing) and letting GC take care of the rest. I've inserted breakpoints and am monitoring to ensure that the object is dereferenced (it is).

Problem is, even after the object has been dereferenced and is CONFIRMED to be equal to Nothing, the object is still logging data to the database. I'm still trying to get a handle on disposing of objects properly, but most everything I read tells me to dereference and let Garbage Collection take over.

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VS 2008 Reading Event Logs?

Jul 26, 2011

I have created a new VB2008 project and I want to display the newest 5 system errors from the eventlogs.So far I have this but all it retrieves at present is every entry where all I need is the latest 5. I wil eventually need to expand this to show EventID etc

Dim objWMI As Object
Dim objItem As Object


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[2008] Reading From The Event Logs?

Dec 10, 2008

how i can read the audits from security in the event logs in vista.

I just want to get if its successful or unsuccessful and who the user was.

I know the logs are kept here : %SystemRoot%System32WinevtLogsSecurity.evtx

View 7 Replies

VS 2008 Made A System That Logs In On A Web Page

Jun 18, 2010

I have made a system that logs in on a web page.And it also fills in some information but now I need it the check a radiobutton. [code] But the problem is, there are three radion buttons on the same page, with the same name: [code] Now if I wan't to make the third box "checked" how do I do?

View 3 Replies

VS 2008 Exporting Event Logs From Remote Machines?

Nov 17, 2009

Is there an easy way to export remote event logs FROM an XP machine?

I know there is System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogSession from Vista onwards but I can't seem to find something for XP systems.

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C# - .Net String Parsing Library Or Regex For Parsing .Net Code Files

Mar 5, 2009

I would like to be able to parse code files, so I can examine the collection of Subs, Functions (and their contents, including comments), private variables, etc. I can be open the actual source code files. So for example, if I have:


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Parsing String Each Iteration, Or Parsing Once And Storing?

Mar 16, 2011

I'm creating a winforms application that will take in user given strings, parse them, and print out labels with variable information. The given string will be used in all the labels, but the variable part of the string will change with each label.

My question is: is it better to parse the strings one time, then store those values in arrays, or to parse the string each time a label is printed? Which will perform better? Which is better practice? What is the proper way to test something like this?

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2008 Parsing HTML

Jan 26, 2009

I successfully wrote a code to retrieve a version number from a HTML page which is this:

<div class="header">Latest Version: <span class="version">6.59</span></div>

So the following code will return the version number which currently is 6.59 which is what I'm after. [Code] But then i remembered that releases are done as following: 6.59, 6.59b, 6.59c, 6.60, 6.60b etc. So when the b version of 6.59 is released the parser will still return 6.59. So how can i make this code better?

View 8 Replies

VS 2008 - Parsing A String ?

Nov 15, 2009

After countless hours of searching I have been unable to get this code to work. If anyone can provide we with an alternative. I know the easiest way is to use the Split() function but im trying to do an alternative method by identifying the spaces within the string and splitting them up.

I tried the search function, but to no avail.

Attached is the code.


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VS 2008 Parsing A JSON From A URL

Feb 18, 2011

parsing a JSON from a URL... Using the Nascar JSON file I am trying to place it into a listview or treeview. Displaying the drivers name, number and current position.


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VS 2008 Parsing A String?

Oct 19, 2011

I'm trying to find a way to parse a string which looks like this:


So that it only reads the first two digits, then delete everything after that till it reads a "/", read the first two digits and delete everything up to the "/" again.This would result in this:


I don't know how to remove every character after the last of the first two digits up to the first / it reads, can anyone help me with that?How can I parse this code easily?

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VS 2008 Parsing XML Into Listview?

Feb 6, 2010

I have a large XML database of song files. I basically want to parse this into a listview with two columns. "Artist" and then a subitem of "Song"

And example of one <song></song> section of the database is:


<Song FilePath="C:UsersAdamDownloadsSusan Boyle - I Dreamed A Dream CDRip 2009 [Cov+CD][Bubanee]�7. Up To The Mountain - Susan Boyle.mp3" FileSize="5900603">
<Display Author="Susan Boyle" Title="Up To The Mountain" Album="I Dreamed A Dream"


Then put Author in the Item and Title as a subitem. How would I go about doing this on startup to a database that has thousands of songs?

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VS 2008 : Parsing Piece Of Text?

Feb 13, 2011

i am getting a piece of text from a webpage, but i would like to only let the text after a $ to show up?

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VS 2008 Parsing A String Into A TimeSpan?

Jul 14, 2010

I need to convert a string such as "01h45m" into a TimeSpan. I know I can split the string apart to get the numbers, just looking for something more elegant...

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VS 2008 Parsing Html Using Regex

Apr 3, 2011

i need help parsing html using regex..i am hardly find the exact expression to use.


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VS 2008 Parsing String To Data Row?

Jul 27, 2011

I am reading from an IO.port and returning the data to a string. I need to parse this to data rows that each represent a data record which I will add to a datagridview.

The data basically looks like this. I have inserted <SOH>,<US>, etc. for readability.


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VS 2008 Parsing Strings With The Constant At The End?

Feb 15, 2010

I have the html of a page loaded into a string.


I want to extract the number that the ?'s represent however confirmUse is used in other parts of the page. The only constant is the 'Eat' which is unique to this specific number.

I usually use Mid and Instr to find what I need but when I try to back track it gives me an error because the index number is below 0.

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VS 2008 - Parsing Large XML File Using LINQ

Dec 27, 2010

I have one large XML file from one of our vendor and I am trying to pars it using Linq but it looks some wrong logic I am using.

This is xml file:
<Psw xmlns="http://localhost">
<ghder> .....

The code I am trying:
Dim doc As XDocument
doc = XDocument.Load(TextBox1.Text)
Dim qList = (From xe In doc.Descendants.Elements("ghder") _
Select New With { _
.mid = xe.Element("MId").Value, _
.cdate = xe.Element("cD").Value _
' As well I need to get the value for pn child attribute }).FirstOrDefault

Error for DBNull ' Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

View 6 Replies

VS 2008 : Parsing And Getting Data From Webbrowser TABLE?

Nov 6, 2009

Is it possible to collect data in this page with table. link here Is t possible to collect and view the data from tables into a ListView control in winForm?Instead of viewing page in webbrowser. i just want to use listview.I found klienma's thread in codebank but i could find a way how to parse table data form the web page.

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VS 2008 XML Parsing (LINQ) - Remove Artifacts From Xml

Dec 3, 2009

My issue is i have some non standard XML and i need to tidy it before it can be parsed with an XElement.Parse(text) function the problem is that the source is as follows (just a sample, the entire file contains many items)


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VB 2008 Parsing Text File Only Show New Data

Jun 3, 2009

Im trying to parse a log file and display the data in a textbox.The log is forever changing so it will have to be some kind of a loop.I only want the new data to be added to the textbox after the application is running, not the contents already in the log file.

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VB 2008 Parsing Text File, Only Show New Data?

Aug 3, 2011

Im trying to parse a log file and display the data in a textbox..The log is forever changing so it will have to be some kind of a loop.I only want the new data to be added to the textbox after the application is running, not the contents already in the log

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VS 2008 Extracting / Parsing Text From HTML Source

Jun 1, 2011

[code]The two parts I've coloured red change, I need to grab the first part which is the link but I'm not sure how to do this. I've used regex before and it doesn't look possible to use it on this on this, there's about 25 of these in the source.

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VS 2008 Parsing C-style (curly Brace) Text

Apr 17, 2009

I need my application to do some fairly simple C-style curly brace text parsing. The text style is similar to C or C# in that it uses curly braces to define blocks of code.[code]As you can see it also uses C-style comments (//) and can (actually always will) use nested blocks, but only up to one level of nesting is allowed. As you can also see, the code does not have to be formatted neatly. There can be spaces before any opening or closing brace and it will still be valid.The text however is not similar to C or C# in a few ways:

- it does not need a semicolon ; after each 'statement' (abc, def)
- the block names will always consists of one single word except for the possibility of comments behind that word.
- the event names may contain more words
- the block and event names do not end in parentheses ()

I am telling you this because I have a C and C# parser which I can use (it came with the text editor control I am using) but it does not recognize the language I need as valid C or C#, because the block names do not end in parentheses, and the commands are not ended by semicolons. Therefore it keeps doing things wrong (it should automatically outline the text, auto indent it, smart format it etc) because it is expecting C syntax exactly, and it sees my language as loads of syntax errors (missing semicolons etc).So, I need a way to parse the language manually, and it needs to be pretty fast too. Some of the things I need include:

- Getting an entire block (including nested blocks) just from the block name (identifier?).
- Getting all block names (nearly had this working with the help you guys gave me but not completely there yet).
- Getting all event names in a specified block.
- Getting an entire block (or just the block name) just from the current cursor position (if the cursor position is somewhere in block2 I should be able to identify that and return 'block2').
- Probably more...

Then I thought, wait a minute, this C-style language is probably the most used language style, so there should be LOADS of examples online... So I started googling but did not find many relevant things.Is there anyone who has any knowledge about simple language parsers? Anyone who can help me do the things I wrote above..? I realize I am asking for a lot, but the language is pretty easy and I cannot imagine that it is extremely hard to parse it quickly. I also don't require any syntax error checking; all I need are the few things above (mainly retrieving the block names and event names).

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