VS 2008 Exporting Event Logs From Remote Machines?

Nov 17, 2009

Is there an easy way to export remote event logs FROM an XP machine?

I know there is System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogSession from Vista onwards but I can't seem to find something for XP systems.

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Asp.net - Use VB To Query Remote Server Event Logs?

Aug 27, 2009

I am working on creating a web app that will query event logs on internal servers for events using a specific ID. Since most of the servers are running Windows Server 2003, I cannot use the preferred System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader method that I was hoping to use.

I've seen the mention of using WMI, but would like to avoid this if possible. I have dabbled with the System.Diagnostics class but cannot seem to get it working when running on a server. It is able, when testing locally, to query my event log, but displays nothing when put on the final server. There is no error that is displayed after the program is ran.

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VS 2008 Reading Event Logs?

Jul 26, 2011

I have created a new VB2008 project and I want to display the newest 5 system errors from the eventlogs.So far I have this but all it retrieves at present is every entry where all I need is the latest 5. I wil eventually need to expand this to show EventID etc

Dim objWMI As Object
Dim objItem As Object


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[2008] Reading From The Event Logs?

Dec 10, 2008

how i can read the audits from security in the event logs in vista.

I just want to get if its successful or unsuccessful and who the user was.

I know the logs are kept here : %SystemRoot%System32WinevtLogsSecurity.evtx

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Backup And Clear Logs On Remote Servers?

Aug 3, 2009

Here's the code

'set the date'
Function FmtDigits(ByVal intValue, ByVal intDigits)
FmtDigits = Right(String(intDigits - 1, "0") & CStr(intValue), intDigits)
End Function


It fails around line 18. I have the script working without the remote piece so the failure is actually in the connections to the remote. If I change the authentication information I get an access denied so I know it making a connection.

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RDP Activate On Remote Machines?

Dec 29, 2009

I have a need to activate remote desktop on machines out in the field and have created a VB button that takes a workstation name from a textbox and activates via a WMI call. problem is that it pops back with an "invalid parameter" error.

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Check Multiple Services On Remote Machines?

Jun 20, 2011

Im trying to check multiple services on different remote servers. i need to check lets say, RPC, Themes and Print Spooler services.

how can i list the services i need to make sure they're running and if they're not to start them in VB.net without using WMI?[code]...

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Set Environment Variable On Several Remote Machines From One Application?

Sep 22, 2010

I think my title covers the high level, but for indepth; i need to be able to connect to a machine through and ip and set a enviroment variable, i have over 60 machines in different states all on one network that i need to do this for as well as someother things for the machine. currently this is being done through a PCEXEC command in a batch file they want more control on how this operates. I just really have no idea where to even start looking for the enviroment variable change(setting one on a machine that the app is running is simple we all know that. but on a external machine im lost) on a remote machine.

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Unauthorized Access Trying To Change Remote Registry On Xp Machines?

May 4, 2011

I'm trying to write a console application that can modify registry subkeys on remote pc's in the same network. I have it working in my own environment but when I install on the customer machines I'm getting unauthorized access when it hits the OpenRemoteBaseKey. The security settings in the application properties is set to full trust application so I'm not sure why it won't work.

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and first I just installed it on the customer machine and when it wouldn't work I ran the source code in Visual Studio 2005 which is on the customer machine but got same results.I can run the app directly on the remote machine and it will change the registry subkeys as directed, I just can't do it remotely. RemoteRegistry service is started. Both machines are logged in as administrators.

Here is the source code:

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Security.Permissions


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Read The Event Logs Using .net?

Mar 9, 2010

I need to read the event log of Time Change (event id 520) , Is it possible by vb.net?I am working with windows 2003 server and Visual Studio 2005.

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Reading Event Logs With VB Net?

Nov 19, 2009

I'm working on a program to read event log entries from several remote servers...its basically to automate some daily checks we doMy code works but is very slow as the event logs can have up to 60,000 entries in them.I only need to check the logs from the specified date but when i run this it appears to check from the oldest entry to the newest. does anyone know how to reverse the order it looks in? or to save the index it checked from yesterday to a file and only check newer entries next time it's run (obviously i know how to save a number to a file and read it back.. i just mean in terms of the eventlog API stuff!!!)

Dim elevent As New System.Diagnostics.EventLog("Application", currentserver)
Dim elEventEntry As System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntry
For Each elEventEntry In elevent.Entries


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Reading From Event Logs?

Jun 15, 2011

I am using VB 2008 Express. How can I read from the Windows System event log? I've seen many examples writing to an event log, but none about reading the log.

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Reading Event Logs Via Network?

Mar 16, 2009

I would like to search event logs on my network for a certain EventID. I havent worked with Event Logs before and was wondering how difficult this task would be.

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Application Just Stops Running - No Flags In Event Logs

Oct 18, 2011

I have a vb.net app that crashes after runnung for 6 hours. There is no error message. Application just stops running. No error noted in log. No flags in event logs. Is there a feature in vb.net that may cause this. Application uses excel 2003

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Error - The Source Was Not Found, But Some Or All Event Logs Could Not Be Searched

Apr 5, 2012

I used to run the following code on WIN XP PRO and it used to work. But why not running anymore on WIN 7:

Dim Log As New System.Diagnostics.EventLog()
Log.Source = "Demo Log"
Log.WriteEntry("Hello World", EventLogEntryType.Warning)

It gives the following error message: The source was not found, but some or all event logs could not be searched. Inaccessible logs: Security.Luai Alrantisi, BSc in Computer Engineering, University of Ottawa 2007, Canada. IT Manager of MTN Mobile Telecom.

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Write Disk Errors To The System Event Logs?

Sep 8, 2010

I am trying to write disk errors to the system event logs.I have a list of errors reported to the event logs if disk issues occur.So i just want to write dummie errors to the logs so I can do testing.I am able to write to the logs but the description comes up as follows:


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Code Snippets - Remotely Accessing Server Event Logs?

Dec 2, 2010

I am working on a project that includes having my VB app pull event log data from a Windows 200x server remotely. Does anyone have any code snippets or reference sites that would have information on remotely accessing admin functions/data in a Win2Kx server environment?

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VS 02/03 Grab A File Version Of An Specific File From Multiple Remote Machines

Mar 4, 2012

able to give me a script that i will be able to grab a file version of an specific file from multiple remote machines. I have a list of machines in Txt file ... i want the script to read the list.. and generate a new file that have the Machine names with File version.

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Connect Client Machines With Sql Server Machines?

Dec 7, 2011

How to connect client machines with sql server machines ?Vb.Net as front end.

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Error When Trying To Install A Windows Service " The Source Was Not Found, But Some Or All Event Logs Could Not Be Searched"?

Nov 17, 2011

Im trying to create a windows service with vb.net but when I run: InstallUtil.exe myservice.exe

I'm getting the following error in the MyService.InstallLog file: Restoring event log to previous state for source DebtorInvoiceMailingService.An exception occurred during the Rollback phase of the System.Diagnostics.EventLogInstaller installer. System. Security. SecurityException: The source was not found, but some or all event logs could not be searched.Inaccessible logs: Security.An exception occurred during the Rollback phase of the installation. This exception will be ignored and the rollback will continue. However,the machine might not fully

Imports System.ServiceProcess
Imports System.Timers[code].....

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Parsing The Logs Of 2008 Server?

Nov 15, 2011

i have managed to make an application to get print logs from the print server 2003, But now we have changed it to 2008.get print logs from windows 2008 server.i have activated the print loges from service manager -> diagnostics -> application and service logs-> microsoft ->windows ->print service and enabled the logs.using

EvntLog1() As EventLog = EventLog.GetEventLogs(My.Computer.Name)
For dhi


i can get some process but i am not sure how to get the printer logs from windows server 2008?

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VS 2008 Made A System That Logs In On A Web Page

Jun 18, 2010

I have made a system that logs in on a web page.And it also fills in some information but now I need it the check a radiobutton. [code] But the problem is, there are three radion buttons on the same page, with the same name: [code] Now if I wan't to make the third box "checked" how do I do?

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VS 2008 - Running Ambitious App On Different Machines

Apr 25, 2009

Is there any better way of copying an application so I would have included all kind of things like the right references? I need to copy this big and ambitious application in order to work with it on different machines. Because all I got is errors that I cant get rid of, and it does not build the application, so I can't work on it. I was trying to reference the right components, it lessens the errors but still no chance to run the app.
Thats the link where I posted the errors: [URL]

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VS 2008 Target And Development Machines?

Aug 12, 2011

I'm not a daily programmer so these nuances regarding VBnet drive me crazy. I've written my app with a P4, XP, dotnet 3.5 PC using VB express 2008.Does that mean are not NOT compatable with any machine running dotnet 3.5?

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[2008] Labels Displaying Incorrectly On Other Machines

Feb 25, 2009

I've nearly finished my latest project (VB 2008 Express Edition) I built the project and ran the .exe from inRelease and it appears and works exactly as it did in Visual Basic

When I carry this .exe to any other computer, it displays differently. The biggest difference is the font size in labels (grows on other machines) and the size of the tabcontrol is a bit larger on other machines. see the links below for comparison (coding machine vs other machine) [URL]

note that both machines were set at the same screen resolution, both were using the default Windows XP "Theme" and display fonts appear to be set the same on both machines. I've tried this on about 3 other XP machines with the same result (only looks correct on the machine I coded on)

I've specifically used Microsoft Sans Serif font, size 8 (VB seems to display this as 8.25pt in the properties window) I have also tried making all labels "UseCompatibleTextRendering" both true and false with the same result. Perhaps something on the original (programming) machine is different that is throwing this off? Am I missing a step when building this project? If other encounter this problem often, what steps do you take (when programming) to avoid this and allow the form(s) to display correct regardless of the user's settings?

Edit: One difference can be found in (Right Click on Desktop -> Properties -> Settings Tab -> Advanced Button) the DPI Setting on the coding machine is Normal Size (96 DPI) The DPI on the other computers is Large Size (120 DPI)

The application will be used by roughly 100 folks on various systems (some Windows ME, most XP). How can I prevent things from going crazy with different user settings?

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Saving A Remote PC's Event Log?

Mar 11, 2010

i am trying to create a program to save all the event logs (Application,Security,System) and diagnostic files (No problems with this) from all the PC on my network .If possible i am trying to save as a csv or text file .

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VS 2008 - Error Shown On Customers Machines Is Related To Framework Version?

Jan 12, 2011

I made a program a month ago and i gave it to the customers.recently they report some bugs and i fixed them. when i send the new version installer to them, they have some problems running it.i used vs 2008 to write it, but i removed vs 2008 and installed vs 2010 last week. when i opened my project to start fixing program bugs it asked for convert wizard so i did it.i made changes and build it. i use installshield and i add framework 3.5 Sp1 as prerequisites.
note : i was using inno setup first time. so i changed the installer too.so i tried installing the program on my machine.i just noticed that i have only .net framework 4 installed my own system. so i have no idea how the program runs without any problems on my own system. i have even tried installing it on another machine who had framework 3.5. it it work on that too.the error shown on customers machines is related to framework version. everytime i send them a new version they have some problem installing/running it.

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Simulate The Double Click Event On The Remote Machine?

Apr 29, 2010

I m writing a code for Telnet application. I want to simulate the double click event on the remote machine. I think mouse_event api will be used but i m unable to implement it..

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Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition Application Does Not Work On Windows XP Machines

Jun 23, 2010

I have a Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition application that operates as a front end for iSeries V6r1. The application was developed on a windows 7 machine. Users load the application from a shared folder on a server. Currently, there are 2 Vista, 3 windows 7 and 4 XP users. All had no problem in loading application, all users except 3 of 4 XP users can run the application with no problems. However, 3 of the XP users receive the following error message when they perform any action that tries to connect to the iSeries:

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.

All 4 XP users are on same service pack

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Remote File Data Access - Event Not Fired On Button Click

Feb 24, 2012

I am writing a program to access the remote file data using FTP on button click event. Set breakpoint in the fist line of button click event. That program is using windows application vb.net 2008. If I run the application, when I click the button, it does not fire a click event of the button.

Here's my code:
Dim reqFTP As FtpWebRequest
Dim filepath As String
Dim filename As String
Dim filename1 As String
Dim ftpserverip As String
[Code] .....
During run time when I click the button the control not entered to an click event.

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