VS 2008 Target And Development Machines?

Aug 12, 2011

I'm not a daily programmer so these nuances regarding VBnet drive me crazy. I've written my app with a P4, XP, dotnet 3.5 PC using VB express 2008.Does that mean are not NOT compatable with any machine running dotnet 3.5?

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Setup Not Running In Any Target Machines

Aug 24, 2010

my project using vs 2008, crystal report 2008,sql server .

with my set up i added CRRuntime_12_2 .msm,CrystalReportsRedist2005_x86.msm still my setup not running except my developed machine.

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VB With Word - Target Machines Require Word Installed?

Apr 15, 2009

I've created a small app in VB that creates Word documents from data stored in Access, which I plan to distribute for non-commercial purposes. I'm using VB 2005 and Office 2007.

All the target machines are either Windows 2000 or XP.

1) I know that if I use mdb file for Access, I don't need to install Access on these machines. Is it true for accdb files as well ?

2) Is a Word installation required on each of these machines ? Or, can I make VB to create an exe that takes care of this ?

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Connect Client Machines With Sql Server Machines?

Dec 7, 2011

How to connect client machines with sql server machines ?Vb.Net as front end.

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VS 2008 - Running Ambitious App On Different Machines

Apr 25, 2009

Is there any better way of copying an application so I would have included all kind of things like the right references? I need to copy this big and ambitious application in order to work with it on different machines. Because all I got is errors that I cant get rid of, and it does not build the application, so I can't work on it. I was trying to reference the right components, it lessens the errors but still no chance to run the app.
Thats the link where I posted the errors: [URL]

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[2008] Labels Displaying Incorrectly On Other Machines

Feb 25, 2009

I've nearly finished my latest project (VB 2008 Express Edition) I built the project and ran the .exe from inRelease and it appears and works exactly as it did in Visual Basic

When I carry this .exe to any other computer, it displays differently. The biggest difference is the font size in labels (grows on other machines) and the size of the tabcontrol is a bit larger on other machines. see the links below for comparison (coding machine vs other machine) [URL]

note that both machines were set at the same screen resolution, both were using the default Windows XP "Theme" and display fonts appear to be set the same on both machines. I've tried this on about 3 other XP machines with the same result (only looks correct on the machine I coded on)

I've specifically used Microsoft Sans Serif font, size 8 (VB seems to display this as 8.25pt in the properties window) I have also tried making all labels "UseCompatibleTextRendering" both true and false with the same result. Perhaps something on the original (programming) machine is different that is throwing this off? Am I missing a step when building this project? If other encounter this problem often, what steps do you take (when programming) to avoid this and allow the form(s) to display correct regardless of the user's settings?

Edit: One difference can be found in (Right Click on Desktop -> Properties -> Settings Tab -> Advanced Button) the DPI Setting on the coding machine is Normal Size (96 DPI) The DPI on the other computers is Large Size (120 DPI)

The application will be used by roughly 100 folks on various systems (some Windows ME, most XP). How can I prevent things from going crazy with different user settings?

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VS 2008 Exporting Event Logs From Remote Machines?

Nov 17, 2009

Is there an easy way to export remote event logs FROM an XP machine?

I know there is System.Diagnostics.Eventing.Reader.EventLogSession from Vista onwards but I can't seem to find something for XP systems.

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VS 2008 - Error Shown On Customers Machines Is Related To Framework Version?

Jan 12, 2011

I made a program a month ago and i gave it to the customers.recently they report some bugs and i fixed them. when i send the new version installer to them, they have some problems running it.i used vs 2008 to write it, but i removed vs 2008 and installed vs 2010 last week. when i opened my project to start fixing program bugs it asked for convert wizard so i did it.i made changes and build it. i use installshield and i add framework 3.5 Sp1 as prerequisites.
note : i was using inno setup first time. so i changed the installer too.so i tried installing the program on my machine.i just noticed that i have only .net framework 4 installed my own system. so i have no idea how the program runs without any problems on my own system. i have even tried installing it on another machine who had framework 3.5. it it work on that too.the error shown on customers machines is related to framework version. everytime i send them a new version they have some problem installing/running it.

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Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition Application Does Not Work On Windows XP Machines

Jun 23, 2010

I have a Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition application that operates as a front end for iSeries V6r1. The application was developed on a windows 7 machine. Users load the application from a shared folder on a server. Currently, there are 2 Vista, 3 windows 7 and 4 XP users. All had no problem in loading application, all users except 3 of 4 XP users can run the application with no problems. However, 3 of the XP users receive the following error message when they perform any action that tries to connect to the iSeries:

System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.

All 4 XP users are on same service pack

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VS 2008 - Add Db To Project While Db Is Under Development

Jun 13, 2009

Initially I added an Access database to my project and handled ommunication/manipulation with the Db this way. When I made changes to the Db they did not reflect in the Database in my project so I began manually writing code to get to my Db. The original Db remains in my project, along with all the objects it created (tableAdapters, etc.) only they are not used at all. As I stated, I communicate manually.

Now, almost a year later, I figure there has to be a way to add the Db to a project and it reflect the Db as it evolves. Essentially, I want to use the objects I've created in my Db (Reports, Queries, etc.) in my project. Maybe there are classes/methods/objects available to get to these Access Db objects manually as well? I've searched, but nothing definitive.

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VS 2008 Game Development?

Jun 17, 2009

I've started to develop a small rpg style game, I've got all the movement of the character and map and the collision detection done but now I'm actually writing the GAME.So I start off with a message displaying saying "hello blah blah blah"My problem is how do I link from that message to the next one, started when the player moves.

Here is all my code, as you can see I start a Next_Event sub but I'm just poking around in the dark if someone could give me some pointers, that would be excellent!


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VS 2008 Sharing Development?

Mar 5, 2010

I have been assigned to a project where an existing developer has been working on a web app on VS 2008 storing all files on his local workstation.I need to assist and eventually take over deveolpment of the web app development. My workstation only has VS 2005 but I will be installing VS 2008 in the coming days.

My question is: what is the best way to access all of his work, and make it so that it is acessible to other developers as neccesary.

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VS 2008 Can't Change Target CPU?

Mar 14, 2010

when I go to the advanced compile options the dropdown box (and label with info) to change the target cpu missing.Do I need to change a setting, or is there an other way to change the target cpu?

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VS 2008 Changing The Target Framework?

Jan 26, 2011

I developed an app using the .net framework 3.5 sp1. I have now been told that the published version must not require sp1 but just the 3.5 framework.

So I uninstalled sp1 from my pc but not cannot publish the app. The app code will run without error but when I build it for publishing I get the error The "RequiresFramework35SP1Assembly" task was not found. Check the following: 1.) The name of the task in the project file is the same as the name of the task class. 2.) The task class is "public" and implements the Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask interface. 3.) The task is correctly declared with <UsingTask> in the project file, or in the *.tasks files located in the "C:WINDOWSMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv3.5" directory.

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VS 2008 Excel Not On Target Machine?

Oct 25, 2011

I am developing an application that can export a DGV to excel file, so i have some references to MS Office and excel. How can I develope the program to be deployed on a machine that doesnt have Excel.. When I ran it on a new Win7 machine I have without office I couldnt even run debug because office isnt on the computer.I am not asking to be able to create an excel export on a machine without excel, just be able to run the program? Or do I need tow version of the program one for and one without excel

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VS 2008 Find Target Of DoDragDrop?

Mar 25, 2009

While I can do DoDragDrop() to initiate a FileDrop from a listview to Windows Explorer, how can I tell anything about the target of the drop? For instance if I wanted to find the path where my files were dropped to?


1) User clicks and drags listviewitem which turns into a FileDrop with a file's path.

2) DoDragDrop completes and the file is moved.

3) ?? How do I tell where it was moved to ??

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VS 2008 Base Application For Future Development?

Jan 19, 2010

I am at the stage of planning the application which will conect to a Ms SQl database, and process some data to Excel files.The problem is, that i would like to make a base pure application, without any functionality, and then add functionalities by adding some external files with code to program folder.I`not sure if what i just wrote is clear. To simplify:I would like to have an application which connects to a database, but let`s say when after 1 year, i will be in need of some more functionality, i woun`t have to change the code of whole application, but can just add a new file, and when I run the application there will be one more function to be chosen from the list.

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VS 2010 Crystal Reports 2008 DLL Development?

Nov 17, 2011

does anyone knows how to develop dlls for crystal reports 2008?My OS is Windows7 x64 but i would like to develop dlls for x64 and x86, i won't mind to compile them separately.

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VS 2008 : Error : Expression Is A Value And Therefore Cannot Be The Target Of An Assignment

Jul 20, 2009

When I have the following code, I get an "Expression is a value and therefore cannot be the target of an assignment." error as shown:

Public Class Form1
'Test Project
Public Structure Blah
Public ID As String


But when I change the structure to a class, this works fine:

Public Class Form1
'Test Project
Public Class Blah
Public ID As String


What connection am I missing between the two? I don't understand why the first example doesn't work, but the second does. Everything I know says they should both work just fine.

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VS 2008 Error - Expression Is A Value And Therefore Cannot Be The Target Of An Assignment

Jan 12, 2011

Public Sub MoveMouseCursor(ByVal NewMousePoint As Point)
Cursor.Position.X = NewMousePoint
End Sub

Expression is a value and therefore cannot be the target of an assignment.

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VS 2008 Webbrowser Target (new Window, _blank?

Jul 19, 2009

I've intrested how make webbrowser know the targets and know what to do when the link has got the target. I don't know how to make new window form too because there are functions with targets (sizeable, Adressbar, width,

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VS 2008 No Connection Could Be Made Because Target Machine Actively Refused It

Mar 25, 2009

I want to refactor my existing application to work with as a client/server app, and was looking at introductions to Remoting.I got a simple system up and running 2 days ago, and haven't touched it since until just now, but now I'm getting an error message when trying to instantiate a class from the remoted DLL : "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it".The server and client are both actually running on the same machine for simplicity at the moment. I have three "applications" involved - a class library containing the server functionality, a listener application sitting with the server, and then a client applicaition.Most of the articles I can find online referring to this error seem to apply primarily to asp.net but I'm just using traditional vb.net (2008)I initially suspected the cause may be firewall related (as when I first got it running I was prompted to allow access) but I've turned off my McAfee firewall and also my Windows firewall with no joy, and besides - the error message seems to imply that communication with the server has been established but that it doesn't want to play ball.

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VS 2008 No Connection Could Be Made Because The Target Machine Actively Refused It

Dec 8, 2010 ( My external IP:Port that I've configures the task ) I'm kinda stuck in it, whilst my Chat application is ready, it seems it can't connect to the Internet now. The error is happening on the line :


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VS 2008 WebBrowser Error: Trying To Revoke A Drop Target That Has Not Been Registered

Aug 20, 2010

Error: Trying to revoke a drop target that has not been registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040100 (DRAGDROP_E_NOTREGISTERED))

I am trying to dynamically zoom inout of a pdf document that i'm viewing in a WebBrowser 2.0 control in VB NET 2008. If I navigate to a web URL the following code works fine but if I try the same code while viewing a pdf file the above exception is thrown.

Dim MyWeb As Object
MyWeb = Me.WebBrowserPDF.ActiveXInstance


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VS 2008 Is Excel Import And Export Format Supported In Windos Mobile Development

Jun 12, 2012

is excel Import and export format supported in windos mobile development? because i cannot find it in add reference..

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Sendkeys & Target - If The Target Of The Sendkeys Has Changed Between Sendings?

Aug 16, 2010

When using Sendkeys with vb.net, is it possible to tell if the target of the Sendkeys has changed between sendings?

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VS 2008 Referencing New Office 2007 Components To Use On Office 2003 Machines?

Nov 10, 2009

We have currently upgraded our development machines to Windows 7 and Office 2007. We have a vb 2008 app that references 2003 Office components to use for mail-merging to word.We loaded up our app in the vb environment today and were instantly greeted with missing components/functions which are related to the 2003 Office components. We can update these to use the Office 2007 components/functions instead, however we are unsure whether after doing this our vb app will work with machines only with Office 2003 on. can machines with Office 2003 on work with our vb app that references Office 2007 components?

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VS 2008 Visual Studio Cannot Start Debugging Because The Debug Target (path) Is Missing

Nov 21, 2009

I get this error every time I try to debug.But, I do not know how to fix it or why it started occurring.

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VS 2008 - Creating A Shortcut With My Application But "Target" Line Is Being Cut Off?

Dec 10, 2009

I'm creating a shortcut with my application, and its working successfully, except that the "Target" line is being cut off. Not all the arguments are listed. When I run the target application of this shortcut using process.start and these arguments, it runs fine. Is this simply a limitation of the "Target" textbox? Is it simply not displaying all the arguments, or is it functionally limited in this way?EDIT: I have determined that it is simply not displaying the full string, but seems to work correctly. I would still like to fix this somehow, but if not, not a big deal.There are 259 characters in the textbox, including spaces. Doesn't seem like a significant number to me.Here is the code, but it doesn't really matter, it is working fine:


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App Not Working On SOME XP Machines

Aug 19, 2011

I have developed an application is VS2010 ( VB app using .NET4 ) ... the application runs fine under Windows 7 and on (3) XP machines we have here. Had one user looking for support on an XP machine ... when he started the app nothing happened. No errors or anything, just nothing happened. Had him install the latest .NET4 framework and everything was fine.

Just had another support issue ... user with the same complaint ... had him install latest .NET4 ... but this time did not fix the issue ... still nothing happens when he clicks to start the app ... no errors ... just nothing happens.

I can't check this because it runs on all our XP machines .... Is the only criteria that .NET4 be installed? I created an install that includes only the EXE from the BINRELEASE folder ... nothing else. Do I need anything else. Strange that it works on all our XP machines.

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