Setup Not Running In Any Target Machines

Aug 24, 2010

my project using vs 2008, crystal report 2008,sql server .

with my set up i added CRRuntime_12_2 .msm,CrystalReportsRedist2005_x86.msm still my setup not running except my developed machine.

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VS 2008 Target And Development Machines?

Aug 12, 2011

I'm not a daily programmer so these nuances regarding VBnet drive me crazy. I've written my app with a P4, XP, dotnet 3.5 PC using VB express 2008.Does that mean are not NOT compatable with any machine running dotnet 3.5?

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Running On Other Machines?

Feb 25, 2012

My name is Jack, I developed a program and I wanted to run it on a clients PC. I used deifferent framework and that didn't work but when I used 3.5 client, it said it had stopped working and I know my client has .net framework 4 and when I did it with 4.0 client it didnt say it had stopped working it just didn't show up but the notification icon showed up for 2 seconds.

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VB With Word - Target Machines Require Word Installed?

Apr 15, 2009

I've created a small app in VB that creates Word documents from data stored in Access, which I plan to distribute for non-commercial purposes. I'm using VB 2005 and Office 2007.

All the target machines are either Windows 2000 or XP.

1) I know that if I use mdb file for Access, I don't need to install Access on these machines. Is it true for accdb files as well ?

2) Is a Word installation required on each of these machines ? Or, can I make VB to create an exe that takes care of this ?

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VS 2008 - Running Ambitious App On Different Machines

Apr 25, 2009

Is there any better way of copying an application so I would have included all kind of things like the right references? I need to copy this big and ambitious application in order to work with it on different machines. Because all I got is errors that I cant get rid of, and it does not build the application, so I can't work on it. I was trying to reference the right components, it lessens the errors but still no chance to run the app.
Thats the link where I posted the errors: [URL]

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"Setup And Deployment" Wizard Asks For .NET Framework While Running Setup

Jan 22, 2008

I hv deployed my project using "Setup and Deployment" wizard. I hv installed MS VS.NET 2003 Bootstrapper Plugin -> A plug-in for creating deployment projects in Microsoft� Visual Studio� .NET 2003 that contain the .NET Framework version 1.1 and/or Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) version 2.7. still it is giving the error The setup requires .NET Framework 1.1.4322. Install the .NET Framework and run the setup again. The .NET Framework can be obtained from the web. Would u like to do this now?


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Connect Client Machines With Sql Server Machines?

Dec 7, 2011

How to connect client machines with sql server machines ?Vb.Net as front end.

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Display Message On Target Pc's Screen Without Client Application Running / Actively Listening For Incoming Command?

Sep 29, 2010

I have recently started playing with sockets, so now i have set up an instant messaging app. it works like it's supposed to however, theres a slight problem. short of arranging for both parties to come online via email or something there's no way for the other person to know that someones waiting for them. So i'm basically looking for a way to send a pop-up message to tell the other dude to get his ass online,is there a way to display a message on a target pc's screen without a client application running and actively listening for an incoming command?

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Setup Of 32-bit Application Running In 64-bit Environment

Feb 10, 2010

one general question about 32-bit application running in 64-bit environment Our application is developed in VB.Net depends on .NET Framework 2.0 Service Pack 1 Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable Package All application components are compiled to 32-bit application, such that run in WoW64 of 64-bit Windows Server 2003 without any modification.


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How To Create TXT File When Running Setup Project

May 13, 2009

I'm trying to do a setup project with VS2008 for my VB .NET application. I would need to create a text file into the installation directory based on the answers the user who installs the program gives. Idea is that I need to have the installation path variable in a text file so that I can read it. And also some other directory specifications too.

I could do the following:
Write the wanted information to the window registry and after the installation is ready, create another application that is run at the end of the installation to create these files.

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Running A Setup.exe Program Inside Visual Basic 2008 Express?

Jan 21, 2010

I am in process of writing a setup program that will reside in a USB stick.After inserting the Stick the VB2008E program starts (dont know how) and guides the technician to do certain tasks. As a part of this She/He needs to run a Setup.exe that resides in the same USB stick.

1- How do I define the drive letter of this USB stick.

2- How do I run the x:Setup.exe program without exiting the VB2008? The install process should begin after click of a button.

3- Would Autorun work on USB drives to run the program automaticaly?

4- How do I compile to make a single EXE file at the end?

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Sendkeys & Target - If The Target Of The Sendkeys Has Changed Between Sendings?

Aug 16, 2010

When using Sendkeys with, is it possible to tell if the target of the Sendkeys has changed between sendings?

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Setup Project - Run Only Setup, Not Default Setup

May 10, 2012

I want to create a real setup project for my application so when someone want to download it he can run only setup, not default setup that provide me VB . How can I do that?

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Add Serial Number Requirement To Setup & Deployment > Setup Wizard For Application?

Apr 2, 2009

add serial number requirement to Setup & deployment > setup wizard for application

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Setup In Win 7 - Using VS 2008 VB And Setup My Application Software In Win XP

Jun 8, 2011

I am using VS 2008 VB and setup my application software in Win XP without any issue. But after installed in Win 7, it doesn't work well (it show one file not found, but I saw the file in the right folder). Could it be the incompatibility of VS 2008 and Win 7? If I upgrade to VS 2010, will the issue be fixed?

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App Not Working On SOME XP Machines

Aug 19, 2011

I have developed an application is VS2010 ( VB app using .NET4 ) ... the application runs fine under Windows 7 and on (3) XP machines we have here. Had one user looking for support on an XP machine ... when he started the app nothing happened. No errors or anything, just nothing happened. Had him install the latest .NET4 framework and everything was fine.

Just had another support issue ... user with the same complaint ... had him install latest .NET4 ... but this time did not fix the issue ... still nothing happens when he clicks to start the app ... no errors ... just nothing happens.

I can't check this because it runs on all our XP machines .... Is the only criteria that .NET4 be installed? I created an install that includes only the EXE from the BINRELEASE folder ... nothing else. Do I need anything else. Strange that it works on all our XP machines.

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Compile - Cannot Run .exe On Some Machines

Jun 21, 2010

I have a small form program that is basically an interface for installing different software packages so that we can distribute a CD with our products that our customers can just pop in the drive, autorun, and click the button to install what they need. The problem that I am running into is unlike when I had built this same program in VB6, the program rewritten in will not run on some machines, and shows me an error: .net Framework initialization error. required version of .net framework v2.0.50727.

I realize that it is asking for that version of .net framework in order to run, but what I would really like to know is if there is a way to make my exe non-dependant on this so that it will run on any machine. Requiring my customers to install .net framework in order to access an interface designed just to idiotproof the installation of some setup files and provide easy access to a few pdf's really would just defeat the purpose.

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How To Switch Machines

May 28, 2012

I have two machines, on the first of which I have developed my application to a point of satisfactory stability. Now I want to move everything to my second machine.Both computers have the same level of XP and NET Framework code, and both have Visual Studio 2010 at the same level.I copied my application's project folder onto the second machine, but the second machine's VS 10 can't load the project because it can't find a couple of Interop files (e.g., AxMSComCtl2). All of files are present in the project folder and also in its.bin subfolder. The only observable difference between the two machines is the presence, on the first machine, of some Assemblies stored under my user name there. Copying the Assemblies to the second machine didn't help (I hadn't thought it would).Is my application permanently "imprinted" on my first computer, or is there a simple way of resusitating its clone?

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Use (.exe) Tool In Other Machines

Oct 13, 2008

i have created a tool written in C# that would parse string (from 3 files) using regular expressions then throw all the matches in a grid. It works fine on my machine.. It returns matches from those 3 input files.. The problem is when i use that tool (.exe) in other machines..there are no errors. The program works fine for the first 2 files.. but doesn't return matches on the 3rd file.I tried copying the codes in one of the machines just to trace the problem, but when i run the program, it suddenly worked fine.. from then, the program is working fine on that machine.


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Use One EXE On Multiple Machines?

Nov 26, 2010

I have one EXE on my server machine (Windows Server 2003) and now i want users on multiple computers (Windows XP) to create one shortcut on there repective machine and access this EXE.

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Deploying Application With Setup.exe And Setup.msi?

Oct 29, 2011

I'm a Visual Basic beginner. There are many things that I didn't know about Windows software development as I've been a Mac user for 20 years and just started developing Windows programs several days ago.

Anyway, using Visual Studio Installer (File > Add > New Project > Visual Studio Installer), I have two files inside the Release folder - setup.exe and Setup.msi. I've got some information about these files. So when you publish your software, what do you do with these two files? According to one web site, you can put them together into one with IExpress, which produces a file with an extension of CAB. Another web site suggests SFX Compiler. In the meantime, I downloaded a dozen applications at earlier. If I click on the download button, the final delivery extension is .exe on most of them. I know that you won't go anywhere by double-clicking on setup.exe from the Release folder without Setup.msi. Meanwhile, Setup.msi is a tand-alone application. But nobody uses this file alone to distribute their product.

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Release Setup Project / Setup

Feb 27, 2009

I've finally got a project compiled and tested and ready to roll out.I have discovered that the "Publish" option is not what it seems, and that we must create a separate "Setup Project" to carry out the task of installing the files.This is not the most intuitive process I've seen, and the online help on that subject is not easy to understand.I was hoping that someone could direct me to a tutorial or guide that would step me through the specific approach I need. Many of the other guides online are vague and address multiple scenarios and do not separate the approaches very well.I have the contents of my project in /bin/release. It runs nicely by iteself with no errors.Here's what I need:

1. To create a setup exe that I can distribute that will install my software, with all of the supporting (resource) files and folders.
2. I need the setup process to force the installer to "agree" to a EULA.
3. I'd would like to provide an image on the installation screen/popup.
4. I would like the software registered in the registry and rely on it being there in the registry.
5. I need it to default to program filesprojectname (it does by default)

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App Runs Slow On Other Machines?

May 24, 2009

Basically i have designed an app that runs smoothly on my desktop PC (3GHz processor, 2GB RAM, Windows XP Media Centre (SP3)).

When i put the app on my laptop(1.4GHz processor, 448MB RAM, Windows XP Home Edition (SP2)) it runs really slow and is unusable.

I have tried deploying the app and also just copy the whole folder to my laptop and run the apps *.exe from the bin/debug folder, but it has the same results.

I have tested it on higher spec machines with 2GB RAM and they also replicate the slowness, so i'm at a loss as to why it behaves 100% on my desktop PC, where i have Visual Studio installed but not on any other machine.

My question is if little differences like operating system, RAM, service packs, VS installation, etc, make apps run differently on different machines.

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Cannot Execute Exe On Machines Other Than The Developer?

Jul 19, 2011

I updated a VB.NET application from Visual Studio 2008 to Visual Studio 2010 and made a few changes to it. Now it works fine on my development workstation but when the user tries to run it, it fails. The error detail is below. I've searched for System.InvalidOperationException and found several suggestions but none of them have helped. There isn't any static initialization code in the application. I changed the compilation to x86 instead of AnyCpu. None of these has helped. The project is compiled for .NET 3.5 and that hasn't changed. Both environments are Windows 7 64-bit.

Does anyone have a suggestion as to how I might determine what is causing this?


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Global Variable Across All Machines?

May 31, 2009

I'm focusing on Networking programming and I had found something that was very interesting to me in Remoting, which is the ability to have some how a "shared global variable accross applications" ... Here's a quick example of what I'm saying (which is stripped and modified from one found example on internet):

In the Remoting class:

Code:Namespace remoteclass Public Class xx Inherits MarshalByRefObject
Public Shared_Var As String 'This is our share variable
End ClassEnd Namespace


I found that I can eaisly use this red-marked variable (Shared_Var) acrross all application clients without any extra line of code to update its value ... without using even what is called "singlecall" and "sigletron".

But I have concerns:

1) This is only applicable for simple types of variables (e.g. string and integer) but an array or DataTable for example are not updated! and I don't know why!!

2) Would that load the communication network (I mean the content of these shared variables (few KBs to 1MB) will always be communicated across machines all the time without any management) ... Actually I don't how this works from inside, Does it update on change or cyclic ...

3) And finally, can I found something like this in WCF?

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How To Run Application On Multiple Machines

Jun 22, 2010

I have created a Office management software in & access, but i m not able to run it multiple machines.

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Notify Change Across Machines?

May 11, 2011

I have an object with a GUI interface. This has properties and methods. When this object is modified by anyone, on any machine, all other users should reflect the change, without specifically asking for a refresh. How can I achieve this? Imagine that the Object is static across users. I need complete details on going about it

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Pinging A List Of Machines?

Feb 1, 2012

I have a list of machines, 1 per line in a file called devices.txt.

What I need to be able to do is to ping each of these machines, and then output each machine that is online to another text file called machines.txt

The files need to just be the machine name and have 1 machine per line.

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RDP Activate On Remote Machines?

Dec 29, 2009

I have a need to activate remote desktop on machines out in the field and have created a VB button that takes a workstation name from a textbox and activates via a WMI call. problem is that it pops back with an "invalid parameter" error.

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C# - Restrict Same User To Login From Different Machines

Jun 8, 2012

I have a ASP.Net Web application hosted on a server. I want to restrict same user to login on different machines over the network connection but with certain conditions to be satisfied. So I thought of adding three new columns to the User table so that we can track if same user is logged in on same or different machines.

Those columns are like :
IsLoggedIn : To check if the particular user is already logged in or not.
SessionID : To check if the same user instance is opened.
IPAddress : To check if the same user is on same or different PCs.

This should satisfy some of the below conditions, but it fails to satisfy some of them. Conditions are as follows :

Both computers are on the same LAN.
Each computer is accessing the application over the internet from different locations.
Each computer is accessing the application over the internet from the same location.
Some of the application hosted which means that IP address alone is not sufficient to distinguish different computers.
Some users just close the browser without logging out. So sessions may not be ended at this situation.

How to accomplish all these conditions to satisfy with my application ?
Mainly 4th and the 5th .

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