Notify Change Across Machines?

May 11, 2011

I have an object with a GUI interface. This has properties and methods. When this object is modified by anyone, on any machine, all other users should reflect the change, without specifically asking for a refresh. How can I achieve this? Imagine that the Object is static across users. I need complete details on going about it

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Forms :: Notify On Property Change?

Aug 27, 2011

This relates to on vs2008 I have a form (in actual fact many forms) in which the fields are bound to the public properties of class I have created. For example let say it is a customer class object oCustomer of type clsCustomer.

In the Set section of property declaration I use the NotifyPropertyChanged("propertyname") command like this


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Notify Applications Of Data Change?

May 7, 2010

I have below codes on how to notify forms of data change.

If I were to convert it to exe, how do i then notify the multiple instances of this application of a data change?

Public Class Form1
' use the WithEvents keyword in that the events of frm2 can be handled using the Handles keyword


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Unauthorized Access Trying To Change Remote Registry On Xp Machines?

May 4, 2011

I'm trying to write a console application that can modify registry subkeys on remote pc's in the same network. I have it working in my own environment but when I install on the customer machines I'm getting unauthorized access when it hits the OpenRemoteBaseKey. The security settings in the application properties is set to full trust application so I'm not sure why it won't work.

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and first I just installed it on the customer machine and when it wouldn't work I ran the source code in Visual Studio 2005 which is on the customer machine but got same results.I can run the app directly on the remote machine and it will change the registry subkeys as directed, I just can't do it remotely. RemoteRegistry service is started. Both machines are logged in as administrators.

Here is the source code:

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Security.Permissions


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Connect Client Machines With Sql Server Machines?

Dec 7, 2011

How to connect client machines with sql server machines ?Vb.Net as front end.

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Notify Changes On An XML File?

Oct 1, 2009

I created this simple textpad program in WPF/VB.NET 200 that automatically saves the content of the forms to an XML file on every keystroke.Now, I'm trying to make the program see the changes on the XML file in realtime.. example, If I open two of my textpads, when I write on the first one, it will automatically reflect on the other textpad.

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How To Notify A User (UI) From BLL And Get Their Response

Jan 15, 2010

Using VB 2008 .NET 3.5..I am working on an N-Layer desktop application.Suppose a method in the BLL runs into an situation where the user needs to be notified and the method needs to wait for the user input (OK, Cancel, etc.) before continuing.Assume that this situation happens fairly often but not all the time, and is expected. It doesn't seem correct to throw an exception. The only solution I have so far is to raise an event with a custom EventArgs, and allow the UI to set some property in the custom EventArgs to reflect the user input.

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Intergrating An Alarm To Notify

Dec 27, 2011

I have a program here which im trying to intergrate a alarm.I would basically just like a alarm to go off at a specified time and a message box come up notifying me.[code]

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Notify A Form Sub From Module?

Nov 21, 2010

I am writing a program in VB2010 Express that handles serial port communication. All subs and functions that handle writing to, and reading from the serial port are in a module. These subs and functions are typically called from a form, e.g. by pressing a button. The command is then sent to a device attached to the serial port, and this device replies with a number of bytes as a result. A 'ReceivedDataHandler' is used to handle the serialport.datareceived event. [code]....

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Notify Icon Doesn't Appear

Nov 4, 2011

I have absolutely no clue why my notify icon will not appear. I use notifyicon1.visible = true on the form's load event, but it seems to not be working. I have tried every single thing possible. Does anyone know what is going on???"When the going gets tough, the tough get Chuck Norris"

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Notify Icon Is Not Visible?

Jun 15, 2009

I made a small app that uses a hidden form and shows a notify icon to do some things with, strange thing is that the notify icon is not visible. I changed the opacity of the form back to 100% to make sure the form is open and it is. I also step through the code to make sure it was executing and it is. I also published the single form app and installed it on another machine and the same problem exist as the debug machine.

I made another test app with only a form and a notify icon and in the load event of the form, I put the same code minus the if statement and still no notify icon.Is this a bug in VS08 Pro?Heres my code

NotifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip(10000000, "Reminders", "No settings have been entered", ToolTipIcon.Warning)

NotifyIcon1.Visible = True

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Display Form With Notify Object

Nov 15, 2011

i'm trying to get the code below working and for the most part it is but when you click the notify icon, the form shows but it doesnt come to the front nor does it get focus

Private Sub frmMAIN_LostFocus(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.LostFocus


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IDE :: Notify Icon Ballons Not Appearing?

Apr 30, 2009

I use VB9 in Visual Studio 2008, and I've written a program that includes a notify icon.

I have both the balloon title and text set up with the text that I want displayed but it doesn't seem to work (on this or another test machine).

When the program first starts, the balloon appears in the system tray, then quickly disappears.

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Notify Clients About New Releases Automatically?

Apr 21, 2011

In our company we have some specific softwares that have several releases during a year and we were wondering to notify the clients about new releases automatically. How can we code this functionality? I mean from where should we begin? we have an ftp which will contain those files. And How is that possible for us just to do the upgrade without uninstall and re-installing the whole package?

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Notify Icon And System Tray?

Oct 21, 2005

I've been successful with this in VB6. The VS2005 notifyicon class is certainly much nicer and much improved.I've implemented a notifyicon and it's working as expected with one exception.

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Notify Icon To Focus Application

May 27, 2011

I have been working with the Notify Icon to make it easier for some who prefer minimizing an application into the notification bar rather than the task bar. I have a drop down item that allows the user to Show in Notification area if checked. If it's not checked, then the form reverts back to default with the task bar. However, when this is checked and I minimize the form, I can not open the form from the notification tray. The problem is when the notify icon is visible and clicked, I need it to run code. If the form is minimized, I want it to show the app when I click the icon.

Here is my code:
Private Sub ShowInTaskbarToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles ShowInTaskbarToolStripMenuItem.Click
If ShowInTaskbarToolStripMenuItem.Checked = True Then
NotifyIcon1.Visible = True
[Code] .....

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Notify Icon/Minimize To Tray?

Jun 13, 2010

recently been working on an application and added a minimize to tray feature. An update to the program made it so I could run multiple instances of the application without them interfering with each other. Which is great and what I had planned. BUT now when more than 1 instance of the application is running I have two notify(tray)icons on the system tray.My question is how, if its even possible, would I make both minimize into the same tray icon and just add a contextmenuitem to the right click menu (listing the name of the windows that are minimized). I hope thats not too confusing.I know how to add the contextmenuitems that won't be an issue once I can figure out how to get the windowstate of the other instance of the application.

instance1\..................................................._open instance1.windowcaption
...............\_______trayicon>contextmenu__/__open instance2.windowcaption
.............../................................................\___close all instances


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Notify Win App When Data Added Through Web Service?

Apr 20, 2009

We have a .NET 2005 windows application that gets its data from a central SQL server. There is a web service that is exposed to other applications that allow the external programs to add data to that exisiting database.

Is it possible to notify a user in the Windows application that a record has been added using the web service?

SCENARIO User A: In windows application viewing all personnel

User B: Adds new personnel record via web service while User A is still browsing in the window forms application.

Is it possible to have User A notified of this change?

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Send Serial String Out RS-232 And Notify

May 9, 2010

My code below works as far as sending the commands to com1 (not sure if this is best method however) but when I try to move 'sending' to Label2 to tell the operator to wait it doesnt do it?? The Label2.Text = "" does work and clears the text that is in the properties for the label after codes sent. Why? The debugger stops on this line like it should... I am brand new to programming so go easy


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Showing A Notify Tool Tip When It's Time?

Jan 30, 2011

Im trying to show a tooltip when it reaches a certain time, or when my Datetimepicker matches the system clock. My program iwll bem inimized and the timer will be running while the application is in the notification area, Then of course when it reaches the time, The ballon pops up saying "Your break is getting close" but everytime I close my application the Notification pops up instantly.

Public Class Form1
Dim UpTimeStr As String
Dim dtpStr(3) As String


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Use A Notify Icon Control To A VB WPF Project?

Sep 10, 2008

I have a little problem trying to port a C++ approach to use a notify icon control to a VB WPF project.

m_notifyIcon.Click += new EventHandler(m_notifyIcon_Click);

VS says that m_notifyIcon.Click is an event and can not be called directly and that I should use RaiseEvent.

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VS 2010 With Streamreader And Notify Icon Tip?

Feb 25, 2011

im having problem with this code, what i want it to do it go on the site nd if it finds the word online it switches the text so say it directed to google and the word online is somewhere in the html code of the site, the app should then change label 5 to online BUT i get this error

"Could not find file 'C:UsersOwnerDesktopAMi BETAAMi'."everything i want the notifyicon to do is working but i only want it to pop up once but every time the timer ticks it pops up

Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ServerStatus.Tick


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Forms :: How To Close Notify Icon Cleanly

Jun 3, 2010

I noticed that when the app closed the icon remained on the taskbar until the mouse was hovered over it, so added this:-
If Not AlarmClockNotify Is Nothing Then
End If
.. and that did the job.

Then I noticed that if the balloon was showing at the time the app was closed, the icon went - but the balloon stayed, so added this:-
If Not AlarmClockNotify Is Nothing Then
AlarmClockNotify.Visible = False
AlarmClockNotify.Visible = True
End If

and everything worked fine until the app was closed WITHOUT the icon showing (only dislays if an alarm is pending in the next x days) - then it throws and 'object reference not set to an instance of an object' - odd because it passed straight through the 'not is nothing' If statement.

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Notify Icon Does Not Show When The Form Is Minimized?

Jun 9, 2011

I want the form to hide when I click on the minimize button, then the notify icon will show up on the system tray. I have this piece of code:

(ntfLibSMS is the name of my notify icon)
Private Sub LibSMS_Resize(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Resize


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Notify Icon Functionality Not Working In Windows 7?

Aug 16, 2010

I have added a minimize to tray function into my webbrowser and it makes use of the notify icon control. Now I know my code isn't flawed as it works in vista in xp but not in 7 (The icon simply is not in the tray).

NotifyIcon.Text = ("Xtreme Browser, Current User: " + Current_User)
NotifyIcon.Visible = True

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Notify Icon Increasing In System Tray?

Apr 20, 2011

I have a application which is written in background worker. Inside the background worker i am creating the multiple threads . The application has one notify icon. When i creating threads the notify icon gets duplicated for each thread. Suppose if i am running three threads means , there are 4 icons in the system tray.

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Restore App By Double Clicking On Notify Icon?

Aug 22, 2009

i created a notify icon for my application...whenever i minimize my app,it will go to system tray.. how to restore my app BY double clicking on my notify icon?

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Setting Notify Icons And Threads For Form In App?

Jan 2, 2012

I am making an application which has a form that I have set a notify icon for, I load this form at startup and then hide it. Then I have another form that the user can load (from the notify icon) which loads and runs a sub on another thread using the following

Dim d As New MyDeligate(AddressOf ProcessReminders)
d.BeginInvoke(AddressOf RemindersComplete, Nothing)

When this is executed another notifyicon appears, and then when the form closes it stays. I also notice that the memory usage remains higher than when the form loads. How do I prevent this, I am not sure but I believe that by creating the new thread it recreates the initial form and then it is not destroyed.

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Sql Server - How Can SQLServer Notify A .net Application Of An Event

Jul 7, 2011

Is there a relatively simple way that my VB.NET application can be notified of the fact that a new value has been written to a table in SQL Server Express 2008? Polling is not an option since I'd need to do that every 10 seconds nonstop.

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Wpf - Inserting Data To XML File Notify ObservableCollection

Feb 4, 2011

I have a parent window which has a ListView that is bound to an ObservableCollection that gets it's data from an XML file. On the parent window, I have an add button that opens a opens a Modal Window (form2.ShowDialog(), I think this is a Modal window).

In the child window I have a few text fields and an add button, the user enters data for a new record and clicks the Add button and the XML file is updated with the new record.

What I am seeking to do is when the child window is closed that the ListView in the parent window is refreshed to show the new record.

When I am updating the XML file from the child window, I am doing this directly to the XML file, should I be adding the data to the file in some other manner which would raise an event on the ObservableCollection?

I was heading down the path of adding an event handler to the add button on the parent window and attempt to force a re-read of the XML file, but I cannot figure out how to achieve this, below is what I have done so far.


Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim frm As New newEmergencyContact


I cannot workout what should go into the refresh_EmContacts sub, do I need to call some kind of ObservableCollection event handler to notify it that it has been updated and to do the re-read?

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