Planning For Is A Hangman Game?

Jan 1, 2009

my new game im planning for is a hangman game. I was thinking along the lines of : having a keybaord on the bottom of the form. Then having parts of the "MAN" be invisible and when a wrong letter is incorrectly pressed a peice becaomes visible! Im having trouble with how to set words. (i want more than 1 word so that it can be played multiple times).

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Hangman Game / Automatically Displays Character And Gives A Game Over?

May 8, 2009

I am a student working on the venerable "Hangman" project. We were tasked to create a hangman game that would get a random word from one of three sources either by file, by array, or by database file. I have managed to get a random word to import from all three but I run into a problem once I start to play the game. The program seems to run into an infitinite loop as soon as you enter a letter or it automatically dispays character entered and gives a game over. [code]............

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Add Pictures Into Hangman Game?

Jan 27, 2011

I need directions on which code to use to load picture for each wrong guess.

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How To Make A Hangman Game

Dec 19, 2011

i'm trying to make a hangman game yet i'm getting errors in these parts:

System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.ism...rgx, that it is not part of system .text ( more than

one case of this error) and also the rgx bit is claiming to need a '<' for an xml tag.those errors

and quickly run it on their vb? this is because i do not have vb on my computer.[code...]

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Game Programming :: Got Errors In Hangman

May 14, 2009

got errors in hangman

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Hangman Game In VB Console Application

Dec 15, 2011

I have this progamm and i want to add points when a letter is found 10 points PLZ HELP ME! i also want to make it for two players

Module Module1
Public zoes As Byte
Sub Main ()


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Hangman Game Substring And Dash

Oct 20, 2011

my teacher assigns me to modify the program hangman game that allow a player to enter a word that contains any letters up to 10 letters.That assignment is from my textbook, Programming with MS Visual Basic 2010 by Diane Zak.[code]Now here's the problem I'm having trouble with. I don't know if my substrings is wrong or right, but when I type a word, the problem crashes and gives me the error of this.and another problem I'm having trouble with is how can I have dashes to match with the length of words? For example, if I type "game", it'll display "----" in the exe program. If I type "cat", it'll display "---" in the exe program as well.

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HangMan Game - Project That Has A Graphical Interface ?

Apr 20, 2009

I am working on this hangman project that has a graphical interface where the user has 2 options either guess the entire phrase or use a combo box to guess letters. I have the guess text box working but I can't for the life of me figure out why it is not working correctly with the combo box. The following is my entire code for the project. I have it setup to show me which phrase it randomly selected but when ever I pick a letter in that phrase it doesn't fill it in or anything. I'm thinking it is an issue with my loops.

I highlighted the section where the problem is occurring.

Public Class frmHang
Dim strWord(10) As String 'array of answer cchoices
Dim strAnswer As String 'the correct answer


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VS 2008 Beginner Making Hangman Game?

Mar 31, 2009

Im using Visual Basic 2008.Okay I got all the design, and everything set up, even the hangman body parts coming on the screen and stuff. So my problem is creating the BLANKS, the underscores "_", and replacing them with a letter...

I was thinking creating Lables which i have no idea how to dynamically. Then giving each label name the letters they belong to, and everytime the user gets the rigth letter they get replaced.

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Make A Hangman Game For School Using VB 2008 Express?

Dec 1, 2011

I have to make an hangman game for school using visual basic 2008 express and make it a console application...because i need better mark i want to show an image when a player loses or wins(i think it can be done with windows application)...

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Making A Hangman Style Game In VB 2008 Express?

Jun 1, 2009

I am making a hangman style game in VB 2008 Express. I am a beginner and instead of making any graphic related content (i.e. the hang man), I am using a 3 strike system. So far, I am just about finished. Only problem is whenever I choose a letter that is incorrect, it adds 1 to the strike label. The problem is, the second time I choose an incorrect letter, the "1" does not change to 2! The line is as fallowed:

strikelbl.Text = +1

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Game Programming :: Creating A Hangman Program Using VB 2008 Express Edition?

Nov 30, 2008

Basically i am creating a Hangman program using VB 2008 Express edition and need some help.I would like some help on when a user is entering a letter for the word how can i make it so for example if the target word is "MAX" and they enter "M" i would like the lblstatus to update as "M--" obviously i would want it to be able to do it with all 3 letters.

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Hangman Game - Generate Random Number When User Press Start Button

Jul 29, 2009

i've created a hangman game (Fully working) but since you can only "play" with one phrase (10 letters) it gets boring fast. Basic the current game works by on form load i define the slots (10 string which each hold a letter) and give them there letter. then the user type in a text box and if the textbox = any of the slots then the lbl repasenting that slots changes its text from "_" to the letter.

Anyway what I would like the button to do is when the user presses the start button a random number is generated. The program then looks into a textfile and based on which number is generated it takes a certain line (10 characters per line in a phrase) , moves them into the slots and the game starts. Is that possible to code or it too complicated. The textfile will be in the applications folder (words.txt).

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Build Hangman In Hangman & Password Box?

Jan 21, 2011

Building the hangman on hangman and also making a password box. The password box is less important. I can probably figure it out with time.


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Building The Hangman In Hangman & Password Box?

May 10, 2009

building the hangman on hangman and also making a password box. The password box is less important. I can probably figure it out with time. The hangman on the other hand, not so far i have this under cmdA:

For counter = 0 To Len(word) - 1
If word(counter) = "a" Then secret = Mid(secret, 1, counter) + "a" + Mid(secret, counter + 2)


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Planning A Complex Project?

Jul 29, 2009

I suppose this is more of an opinion question, but, when you start a big project, what do you think about before you even start Visual Studio? Do you setup structure and files before actually coding them, or do you code them one-by-one?

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Create A Planning Program By Using Own Controls?

May 12, 2011

I'm trying to create a planning program by using my own controls.I first make a control to create the entire field with a flow panel at the top for the header.Then below that flow panel I put a flowpanel for each row.Each flow panel in a row has four labels and one regular panel.The second control I make is one that creates a bar created from 2 pictureboxes and a panel. The panel is then variable based on the number of days it covers.

This control is then positioned in the regular panel of each row flow panel. (still with me??)I have not counted the amount of bar-controls that are put on the form, but there are a lot.and then I get the error: Error creating window handle.So I must be doing something wrong, but then how can one create a planning like panel with horizontal bars in different sizes depending of the amount of days.

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Planning To Do A Apllication Devlopment Task In VS?

Nov 12, 2010

I am at the moment a novice in using the VS, just started with step by step Visual Basic.I have from earlier a broad backgound in systemdevelopment, and I need some planning tools before i do the "math", taht is the code-creation with the VS tool.What is common to use to sketch and plan the work ahead in your Vs-environment. I need this because of the size of the tasks ahead, thse are on a meduimsize functional range of the applications I suppose I will delop in the future. Is it something of the UML-way, or any case like tools, or how do you take your ideas to the paper and make the design fundament before yoiu do your coding efforts?

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Planning Folder Structure For Thousand Files?

Sep 7, 2011

The question: better a deep folder structure or less subfolder with thousands files?

The problem: I have a VB.NET program that generates around 2500 XML files per year (circa 100 KB per file).I have to store the files on a file server (Windows 7 or NAS).On the network there are around 30 PCs using that program.I am looking for the best way to plan the structure of the folders on the file server with the goal to have a good human-readable folders structure and at the same time a fast access to the file.In the past I made a similar program with the following structure:


in other words a folder for each PC on the LAN
then a subfolder for the years
then a subfolder for the months[code].....

this solution would produce a clearer folder tree, but more files per folder.I do not know if this could be an issue in term of speed by file accessing with programs or other third hand application.

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Planning To Make A Program That Can Download Files From A Website To Put On An SD Card To Soft Mod

May 15, 2011

I am new to Visual Basic. I have Visual Basic 2010 Express. I am planning to make a program that can download files from a website to put on an SD Card to Soft Mod, or hack it. I want it so that the user clicks on a radio button based on what System Menu their Wii is running on. There is currently, System Menu 4.0 or less, System Menu 4.2, and System Menu 4.3.

They also have to choose a region from a List Box. The current options are:

Region U (Americas)
Region K (Korean)
Region J (Japanesse)
Region E (European)

I also want it so that the user can choose where to download the installation files for the Wii soft Mod.

I want to have a button that when the user clicks on it, a pop up asks them where they want to download the files to appear, once they choose a location, i want it to download a file based on what they chose and i also want it so that it tells them what to do with the files and where to put them.

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VS 2008 Hangman Code Not Working?

May 22, 2011

my Hangman Codes aren't working and i'm stuck at the part where it searches the word to see if the letter/word is in the word to guess and then i would like some pointers on how to go about making this D**n thing work.Here's the code i got so far.'I Know that i have some things in here twice and in different ways but that's because one didn't work so i tried another and that didn't work either i had them annotated out for debugging'

Public Class Form1
Dim strLetterGuessed As String = ""
Dim strWordGuessed As String = ""


View the attachment to see what the form looks like. 'The red stuff was added after the screen shot using Paint'

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Hangman - Program Must Select Random Word From Text Files?

May 2, 2009

i have to write a simple Hangman game with sum extra features for bonus points.... the funny thing is i can write the code for the extra features such as "adding additional word, help menu...etc",but i cant write the main program,The program must select random word from text files, it have three difficulities, the codes should be the same for all three, just read from different files...(well thats what i think)... i think i hav to use array... but how do i read the contain of the text file into an array n randomly select a word?


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VS 2008 Hangman Project Part 1 - Display Form1.vb In Design View

Apr 3, 2011

2. Display Form1.vb in design view.

3. List the controls by the Name property and the control names, if any, that are not descriptive.

4. Change the Text property of the form to "Hangman."

5. Change the FormBorderStyle property to Fixed3D.

6. Explain why the form should not be resizable.

7. Change the Font of lblWord to Size 12 Bold.

8. Reposition lblWord so that its left edge is aligned with the left edge of the PictureBox picBody (the box in the center of the form).

9. Add code to the btnExit_Click event procedure to close the form, and exit the application by calling the form's Close method.

10. Add code to the btnNew_Click event procedure to:


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Coding Hangman Program So That When Enter A Wrong Letter A Picturebox Image Would Appear Eachtime?

Jan 15, 2011

I have most of the coding done, but i don't know how to code my hangman program so that when you enter a wrong letter, a picturebox image would appear eachtime. Also i want to put a limit on the amout of guesses you can have. If possible, i would also like a listbox with the letters that you have guessed wrong stored in it.

Here is my code so far:

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Game Programming :: Make A Game In VB In Which Character Can Move Around, Jump, And Kill Things?

Apr 2, 2008

im trying to make a game in visual basic in which your character can move around, jump, and kill things. I can get the picture box with the character to move and everything is fine. but i did run into one problem. when the character moves over a tree (or something) you can see the gray backround of the character as i made in paint. how do i make the backround of the picturebox transparent?

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VS 2010 Game Multi-Client - Program That Enables A Game To Have More Than One Instance Running

Nov 18, 2011

I want to make a program that enables a game to have more than one instance running, where it would otherwise be unable to be done. How should I go about this? A sandbox? Hack?

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Game Programming :: Adding Score To Rock Paper Scissor Game?

Oct 3, 2011

Im new to VB. how do I get to add the code is


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Repeat Cards Showing Up In Game And Win Evaluating Code For Poker Game?

Jul 2, 2009

I am working on a poker game and I have the game setup the way I want it in terms of graphics and I have the code programed to deal the cards out exactly how I want them. Granted, the code is very simplistic, but functional for a new programmer like myself. I'm sure there are other more efficient ways to code my game, but I like mine so far because I can at least understand the majority of it. With that being said, here are a few problems and questions that I have.

1. How come when all 12 cards are dealt out I have some cards repeating in the game? For example, I get queen of diamonds in more than one picture box when I only want the card to be dealt once and then removed until the next game.

2. I was hoping to have a button 3 to clear all the boxes, basically resetting the game to the next game. When I hit button 3 it only clears the contents of picturebox 10 and 12.Other notes: I have the deal down the way I want it. It deals the first 10 picture boxes and a second button deals the 11 and 12 picture boxes.

3. I know this is my next step so I want to post it with the code I currently have. I want to start taking my project one step further by evalutating each of the three rows of cards (3 rows of 3 cards each - I'm not worried about the dealers hand (picture box 10, 11, 12 yet). So I want to evaluate a row of pictureboxes against a "pay scale" and display the win in a text box or label next to the 3 card hand. For example, Q of diamonds, Q of Clubs, Q of spades would win 15, etc. ( have a weird feeling I may have to change the names of the cards (I have them named card1, card2, etc. right now) to something that identifies them in order to evaluate the hands.

Here is the code that I currently have. I'm using visual basic.

Public Class Form1
Dim Rndm As New Random
Dim myPB(11) As PictureBox
Dim HiddenCards As New List(Of String)


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Game Programming :: Prevent Users Typing In Random Letters In A Text Box-Scrabble Game?

May 4, 2011

I have created a scrabble game that generates random letters. For the user to type in a word using the random letters they have to type it in a text box.

I want my program to prevent users from typing in letters that are not provided in the text box and to allow them to type in the random letters that are provided.

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Game Programming :: Spinning Reel - Fruit Machine Game For Windows Mobile Device

Feb 16, 2011

I'm trying to make a simple fruit machine game for windows mobile device.

I can create the game easily enough and flip through pictures in a picture box to display the correct symbol.. but what I'd like to do is do a proper spinning reel, but have no idea where to even start.

What I have is a list of images in an imagelist (or individual files) - what I'd like is them attached to each other and moving downwards, preferably as though it were going around a drum but just them moving would be a start.

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