Possible To Bind Property LOCATION Of An Object Like Button

Sep 12, 2008

I would like to know if its possible to bind the property LOCATION of an object like button.[code]So that, every time I move either the hscrollbar1 or vscrollbar1 the button1.location will change or moves the object to the location of hscrollbar1.value and vscrollbar1.value. It should happen without setting its value using the SCROLL EVENT.

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WebBrowser - Late Bind Object/property Names?

Aug 13, 2010

There are issue with using WebBrowser late bind calls related to object/property names generation.For example:

WebBrowser1.Document.DomDocument.Forms.Myform.mycontrol.Value = "test"

will fail with more than one instance of the WebBrowser control.what actually happen is that mycontrol object become Mycontrol and compiled vb.net application will fail with error

Member not found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020003 (DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND))
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.LateBinding.LateGet(Object o, Type objType,
String name, Object[] args, String[] paramnames, Boolean[] CopyBack)[code].....

Same code will work with vb6 app with multiple WebBrowser controls

Edit: This code is comipled with: Option Strict Off

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WPF - How To Bind IsEnabled Property Of Button

Nov 19, 2010

With WPF how can I bind the IsEnabled property of a button to the selected row's DataGridCheckBoxColumn value of my grid? So every time the selected row of my grid changes the button will be enabled/disabled depending on the value of one of it's columns.

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Bind Combobox To Datatable And Object Property Causing Duplicate Bindings

Aug 19, 2011

I'm trying to populate the list of a combobox by binding it to a datatable. Also, I want the selected value of the combobox to be bound to an object property so that when the selected value changes, it's automatically updating the object. However it's causing an error at runtime: "This causes two bindings in the collection to bind to the same property.

Parameter name: binding" I thought binding the dropdown list to a datatable and the selected value to an object were different properties but obviously I'm not getting it right.


Private Sub PopulateSiteSelect()
With Me.PlanSiteSelect
If _Plan.PlanID <> Nothing And _User.UserID <> Nothing And _Plan.Category <> Nothing Then


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Asp.net - Data Bind <%# Eval("Object.Property")%> Programtically In .NET?

Jan 7, 2011

I can bind a inner object property to gridview using the following setup at design time in an ASP.NET gridview

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="ObjectName" >
<%# Eval("Object.property")%>

but what I would like to do know is create this programatically at runtime

i.e. define my columns, add them to the gridview and then databind

has anyone done this or have any pointers??

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Bind A Dataview.count Property To A Textbox.text Property?

Aug 3, 2010

I have a dataview an i would like to show the count property in a text box.

i tryied the following

me.textbox1.DataBindings.add(new DataBindind("Text",DataView,"Count"))

But i have a exception.

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Cannot Bind The Property To The Column

Jun 12, 2012

I'm trying to display the serial number of the 'recipient' you selected in a textbox but I get this error:

System.ArgumentException: Cannot bind to the property or column RecipientSNo on the DataSource.

I did this to another textbox with a different query (same codes, just changed the column name from 'recipient' to 'issuer') just to debug and it works! I tried it again to the 'recipient' but it still doesn;t work.My code:

query("SELECT RecipientSNo FROM Recipient WHERE CONCAT(FirstName, ' ', MI, '. ', LastName) = '" & ReceiverName.Text & "';")
adapter = New MySqlDataAdapter(CommandText, ServerString)
table = New DataTable


I just coped this code and changed the textbox and column names and it did not work already.. What seems to be the problem? I double checked my table and column names already.

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.net - Bind To The Enabled Property Of A ToolStripMenuItem

May 31, 2012

I'm trying to do MVP where I have a view specific model that the presenter manipulates and the view binds to. There is no other connection between the presenter and view (the view fires off commands to the domain model via a gateway type pattern).

As you can guess, this makes the ability to bind to any property of any object really important.

I'm having trouble finding the correct way to bind to the Enabled property of a ToolStripMenuItem. Most controls have a .DataBindings property, but this one seems to lack it. I haven't found much info online about how to do this. Is it even possible?

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.net - Why Does This Code Not Bind SelectedItem To A Property

Oct 7, 2010

I'untangle a particularly malodorous collection of spaghetti code. Anyway, I have the following XAML code:

<CollectionViewSource x:Key="XMLObjectGroups" Source="{Binding Path=XMLObjectList}">
<PropertyGroupDescription PropertyName="IsDateType"/>


On the second line XMLObjectList is a readonly property of a ViewModel class, returning a Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyObservableCollection(Of MyOrder).On the final line SelectedOrder is a property of the same ViewModel class, which allows setting and getting of a MyOrder object.

I have confirmed that XMLObjectList is being correctly referenced by renaming the property, mistyping the string, breakpoints, etc. XMLObjectList definitely references the XMLObjectList property of this particular ViewModel class.The SelectedOrder property, however, is never accessed at runtime, meaning that it isn't properly hooked up to the SelectedItem of this ListView.

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Bind More That One Table With Datasource Property In Dgv?

Feb 29, 2012

but now i have another problem in datasource property that is i want to binding more than one table so that all table's data rows can be displayed in datagridveiw control. suppose i have two table as per order no..


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Closing Error Cannot Bind Property?

Apr 24, 2009

how could i trap the error during i'm closing the form.. it's always give me "Cannot bind property" when closing.The program has a databound combobox, datagridview..how could i trap those error..

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Wpf - Bind The SelectedValue Of A ComboBox To A Property?

Sep 27, 2010

I've got a ComboBox with an ItemsSource which I've bound to a List(Of String).What I'd like to do is have the XAML update a String property when the SelectedValue of the ComboBox changes. I've seen a whole bunch of examples for TextBoxes which use

Text="{Binding Path=MyString}"sort of stuff, but I don't really think that'll be the way to go if, in future, I need to change the ItemsSource to a List(Of ObscureObject)...

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Cannot Bind To The Property Or Column Product_name Error

Apr 14, 2012

i have two forms. first one is main form, and 2nd is product form. there's a button in the main form which, when clicked, product form should appear. the code is as follows


then this error come:

" Cannot Bind to the property or column product_name on the DataSource. Parameter name: dataMember "

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Data Bind To A Property That Contains Parameter In Silverlight?

Apr 14, 2010

In silverlight, can you bind to a property that contains parameter? For example, the following doesnt seem to work. Am I missing something or is this not possible?

private System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string> ValuesField = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>();


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Got Error Can Not Bind Property When Closing The Form

Apr 23, 2009

how to get this error becauser during i'm closing the form it will always appear.. can not bind property witht field name... i guess it's because i'm closing the form.I'm having long time to solve this problem... i can't solve because it didn't give line or part of the code has an error.. it just appear the error "Can not bind property"

anybody please help me what kind of exception do i apply that can accomodate this error... or give me the codes that will work on this error...

View 14 Replies

.net - Winforms, BindingList, BindingSource - Cannot Bind To Property/column Id

Feb 28, 2011

I have the following code on a form:

Public Sub Init(ByVal SelectedItems As List(Of Cheque))
Items = New BindingList(Of Cheque)(SelectedItems )
BindingSource1.DataSource = Items


This code gets called like so:


All variables are populated etc, it seems to go through the DataBindings.Add ok but when the form appears I get the error about unable to bind to a property or column called Id. I tried replacing the DataBindings.Add code to use the BindingSource1 instead of Items but I get a similar error.The names of the properties in the class match that of the name in the Databindings.Add code.

UPDATE: Here is my class:

Public Class Cheque
Public Id As String
Public Status As Byte


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Bind A Class Property That Returns A List To A DataGridViewComboBoxColumn

Mar 12, 2011

I have a file name that is found at multiple paths. I want to present this data to the user in the format of a DGV. I have a DGV with one text box column for the name, and another combobox column for the paths. I am having trouble getting the combobox column to bind to the property of the class that returns the paths.


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Cannot Bind To The Property Or Column 'xyz' On The DataSource.Parameter Name: DataMember

Jun 4, 2011

I'm currently using a combo box to select one of many alternatives. From 5 alternatives only 1 works, when i click on any other it gives me the following error:"Cannot bind to the property or column 'xyz' on the DataSource.Parameter name: dataMember" Why is this error caused? What are the possible solutions to this error?

View 5 Replies

Error - Cannot Bind To The Property Or Column ALERT_NAME_NEW On The DataSource

Jan 14, 2012

I created a master - detail form . I changed the name of one datacolumn in the dataset (not the source) from "alert_name" to "alert_name_new" and i saved all files.I checked the file <dataset>.xsd in the directory and i found the change was made... as expected.When i try to run the application the following error message appears: "Cannot bind to the property or column ALERT_NAME_NEW on the DataSource."

Note: I use vb 2010 express edition

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Reflection - Find From A Property Info Object If That Property Has A Non Public (Private / Protected) Setter?

Aug 27, 2009

I searched on the forum / Internet for the solution how a PropetryInfo object (of a Public property) can reveal if it has a Private Protected Setter ... it was all in vain .... all help I found was about how to "Set" value of a public property having a Private Setter.I would like to know if I have a PropertyInfo object of a public property, how would I know if its Setter is Non Public?

I tried, in a exception handling block, where I did a GetValue of the PropertyInfo object and then called SetValue by setting the same value back... but to my surprise it worked well and didn error out.


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C# - Cannot Bind To The Property Or Column Site On The DataSource.{10}Parameter Name: DataMember

Sep 18, 2010

When I try to use the following line of code:

cboSite.DataBindings.Add("Text", _dtSite.Select("Site <> 'ALL'"), "Site")

I get the following exception:

EXCEPTION : Cannot bind to the property or column Site on the DataSource.{10}Parameter name: dataMember

details I am connecting to an Access database and using .net 3.5 and writing the code in VB. In this database I have a table named Sites with a column named Site and when I try to use the line of code above I get the exception noted. I was under the impression that I could explicitly name the column that I need to use in my control (combo box).

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Error : Cannot Bind To The Property Or Column 'xyz' On The DataSource.Parameter Name: DataMember

Feb 5, 2011

I'm currently using a combo box in vb.net to select one of many alternatives. From 5 alternatives only 1 works, when i click on any other it gives me the following error:"Cannot bind to the property or column 'xyz' on the DataSource.Parameter name: dataMember" Why is this error caused?

View 14 Replies

Error: This Causes Two Bindings In The Collection To Bind To The Same Property - Parameter Name: Binding

Aug 15, 2010

error in binding

Dadapter = New SqlDataAdapter(dat, conn)
bs.DataSource = Me.Table
DgvTire.DataSource = bs
txtserial.DataBindings.Add("text", Table, "serialn")

error: This causes two bindings in the collection to bind to the same property. Parameter name: binding

what should i do with this error?

View 7 Replies

WPF - Bind The Color Property Of A Gradientstop That Is Located In A ControlTemplate In Vb Code?

Aug 5, 2009

I need to do this in order to create a dynamic background brush for a custom control (inherits ContentControl). My custom control has two dependency properties: StartColor and EndColor. In the control template for the custom control, the control is wrapped in a border that's background is a RadialGradientBrush with gradient stops. one gradient stop's color is bound to StartColor and the other's is bound to EndColor. I have this WORKING in XAML, but I need to convert it to VB code. The border element of the control template in XAML is done with the following code:


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Databinding An Object Property And Modifying Another Property In Code?

Jan 15, 2010

on a Windows Form, an object myObject is bound to myObjectDataBindingSource like this:myObjectDataBindingSource .DatSource = myObject on the form, i have a check box bound to the property: chkProp1 for example of the object: myObjectDataBindingSource In the code when the checkbox is clicked, I need to go in code and change another text property of the object txtProper2 for example like this:

Private Sub chkProp1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles chkProp1.CheckedChanged


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Change Location Of A Ovalshape Using Button And 2 Textboxes In A Button Click Event

Sep 25, 2008

How can you chnge the location of a ovalshape using button and 2 textboxes in a button click event

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Get All The General Property Like Size, Location By Crl.size Or Crl.location?

Jan 19, 2011

I have the following code inside my MDI parent form:For Each crl As Control In me.Controls


The code mainly used for getting some info from all child forms.I can get all the general property like size, location by crl.size or crl.location. But if all the forms have an own variable like myTxt. How could I get this own variable by this For Each method?

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Asp.net - Bind A GridView To A Custom Object?

Apr 1, 2011

If I have the following ASP.NET code (it's not complete - obviously there's a lot missing, but none of it matters):



How can I bind the GridView so that one row is equivalent to one item in my MyListOfObjects list, and so that the data will populate and persist across page loads or postbacks? I've never done custom databinding like this before, so a full explanation would be very helpful. All the tutorials I've come across so far only talk about using GridViews directly with Database query results, and that's not what I need.

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Bind A Runtime Object To Control?

Aug 12, 2010

I am developing a fairly large database in VB 2010 as a record keeping. There are 37 tables with some many-to-many relationships in there and some collections too but it all gets loaded into a List of Person object.It is a record keeping database for a youth charity including Personal data, lists of events attended, Medical data, Duke of Edinburgh (UK award scheme) etc The main form is a tabbed form with the linked data from other tables and collection on various tabs

Is it possible to bind a runtime object to a control? if it is possible my life becomes very simple.I can get basic data working with DataSet binding and navigation but the ralationships may prove too fiddly to link as datasets.

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Compare An Object Property To Another Object Property?

Jul 4, 2011

I have a listbox of a object called Account, which has 2 fields, password, and username. How can I compare a New Account to all the accounts in the list and see if the password matches?

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